Gentlemen, how can we fix MtG?
Gentlemen, how can we fix MtG?
Dissolve the Gatewatch.
Make all the cards a free DL to print.
also, give MaRo a nice retirement package and push him gently out the door.
Nah, just promote him to something more managerial. He has good concept-level ideas and is a good, friendly face for the game.
You already tried a thread very similar to this one.
the game is fine it's the story that has gone to shit.
Print the entire restricted list.
This fine sir is correct gentlemen. The Gatewatch needs to be destroyed.
Remove land as a card type, players get one mana source per turn without having to luck into drawing them. Boom, now the game actually requires skill and you can legally call it a game. It's amazing how many other card games have done EXACTLY THIS and yet magic still hasn't caught on. Maybe the game will be functional one day. In the mean time keep whining about the gatewatch like anybody cares about the quality of the storytelling. Protip: this isn't LotR, there doesn't need to be a story.
MtG is and always has been perfect just the way it is.
I like having mana. It makes it so that you actually have to build decks off of a curve, and you can't just pack it full of 7 cost cards and call it a late game deck. It's a part of the game that takes skill, 50% of limited decks I see on Fridays fail because they don't curve nicely.
What they need to do is reprint fetches and shocklands until they're basically bulk rares. This way the entry price for EDH and modern would be a lot lower.
Any yet those games are dead and magic is more popular than ever.
We have to go back in tiiiime.
Warn them about the color pie.
Warn them about Kicker
Warn them about the power 9.
All to screw it all up anyway, of course.
permanent/non-permanent looks really stupid.
>sword and shield for power/toughness
It's been done before and it turns out it isn't necessary. The permanent/non-permanent looks stupid and is unnecessary. What does "normal" indicate on Jace and those two creatures?
The way those mana costs are written is sexy though. Fuck off Future Sight style you failed to solve the too many symbols problem.
this is so hard to read
>It makes it so that you actually have to build decks off of a curve, and you can't just pack it full of 7 cost cards and call it a late game deck.
name a contemporary game where you can get away with this without some kind of mana ramp cards
The purpose of land is to add variance to the game and let faggots like you blame something when they lose so they don't have the feel bads
hearthstone isnt dead though i do disagree with their mana system
The correct answer
If your going to allow the current staple mana sources, and fetches, and tutors at all, they need to be common as shit.
Ban them outright, or print the hell out of them in every set, like basic lands.
>Remove the luck of drawing mana.
This could work, quite easily, actually.
>Custom format
>Deck of lands
>Deck of non lands
>Can choose which deck you draw from
>You start with 3 land 4 non land
>Land deck has to be at least half the size of the non land deck.
>Non land deck has to be 40 (standard) or 62 (edh) cards
you could make it so that you have a "second deck" but only lands can go in it, but you can have lands in your first deck. so that things like gsz for arbor or fetchlands work and its like a cost of running those cards in your deck since you added another layer of consistency to the game?
I play balustrade spy, targeting your non land deck. Do I win?
Such cards would natch be banned is such an alternate format, as they're either worthless or win buttons.
If you're fetching a land, you'd just fetch it from the land deck.
At that point just play another game. Like hearthstone
But yeah.
With a bit of thought, it wouldn't be too tricky to write up a custom format variant like this in a page or two, including banning any cards that break the format, and issuing a ban on any cards that don't work/break the format when you split the lands off.
Or play another game
Maybe I don't like hearthstone for some other reason. Or maybe I want physical cards.
People have been making custom magic formats for decades now.
4-of, 60 card constructed is the main MTG format I never play anymore - I just don't find it fun. I don't mind the unreliable mana though. That was a suggestion for the other user.
But I play draft/Cube/duel commander/edh/sealed, as well as some custom formats to mix things up, typically in combination with one of above.
If play the hell out of a rebalanced Gwent though.
>How do we fix what is consistently the best-selling and most popular TCG on the planet and has been since its creation
Protip: the wheel has already been made. There is no need to invent it again.
>it wouldn't be too tricky to write up a custom format
Magic has been around for two decades and in all that time, how many formats have been invented that lasted more than a month and were played by more than a handful of people? Vintage, Legacy, Modern, Extended, Standard, Sealed, Draft, Cube Draft, Commander, Pauper... Tiny Leaders? Some of those formats are already dead too. Inventing formats that are playable and fun isn't easy.
Dear God those cards look awful.
That's easy.
All of you here on Veeky Forums?
Never fucking play it again.
Problem solved.
>Singleton, vanguard, plane chase, conspiracy, block, two headed giant, casual, peasant, archenemy, duel commander, star, assassin, emperor.
And for some less common formats, danger room and chassis magic, as well.
You don't need to find a ton of players, just enough players willing to play the format you're interested in playing.
What the fuck is this template. Good damn it looks bad.
Chaos magic*
The game is fine. Story has gone from mediocre to terrible though. The major complaints have more to do with the cost of cards than the structure of the game itself and even then wizards is slowly doing things that increase the amount of good cards available.
>Deck of lands
>Deck of non lands
What is Force of Will? Not that it doesn't have a bajillion problems of it's own, but they at least have that.
Reasonable costed mana bases would be nice.
In legacy? Never. Modern, maybe. God damn reserved list
Eh. If you've already got cards for magic, and you like magic, and unreliable mana is your only gripe, it's an easy thing to fix. Get a couple of friends willing to try it out, and if they like it, start up a grip that routinely plays it. Not like it's difficult, unless you don't have any friends.
I wanted a group to play edh with both ban lists in place, as well as capping the maximum value of decks, and allowing high quality proxied decks. Took me a day or two to organize, and we've been playing that way for a year and a half.
Sometimes we mix in plane chase or vanguard or star, as well.
Yes, Wizard need to make an equivalent of the Gold Pack in Yugioh
For those that don't know, each year, Konami reprint staples and power house cards in a gold pack
There is less cards than normal sets but they are all (over)used in competitive format
There's nothing to fix. The game is fine, the rules are fine, and even if I'd like Modern to be slightly more high-powered, it's WotC's calls. Plus, it's not like I actually pay money to play it, or would.
>giving a shit about the story
It's always going to be shit as a whole. It was then, it is now, it will be thereafter. About the only thing to lament is the loss of the glimmers of good writing the flavor text sometimes had, but heh, whatever.
Make a format based on M15 card frame.
Or basically move pre M15 into legacy and post M15 new modern.
Could wait 2 blocks.
Every set is legal in legacy, not just old ones
>lore wise
Dissolve gatewatch, or at least don't put them in every arc
>game wise
more stuff like EM where Wotc just reprint old over-costed cards to reduce their aftermarket value
>What is Force of Will?
A game nobody in the Netherlands plays and that, last I checked, does not have a digital version.
>play Charbelcher
Or, do you really want every single deck to be 5 colour control?
1. move Maro from design to marketing
2. get rid of Gatewatch
3. actually reprint card, abolish restricted list
3. reinstall core set. This time call them "legacy/modern core set" and reprint legacy/modern staples (so core sets are actually CORE). Update core set every few years as the meta changes.
here you go.
kill yourself senpai
>found the hearthstone player
I like how recently people been doing experiements by buying out completely worthless, shitty cards on Reserved List and seeing both the price impacts and also how OTHERS will start buying these cards out when they see alot of movement.
You see 10-50 cent cards now costing 10+ dollars. Keep inmind that these cards would never be even played in EDH nor casual format unless they were there as some ironic joke involved.
On top of this, realize complexity isn't a bad thing at any rarity.
I love reading these threads. They remind me that even with their fuck ups the people that make MTG are still better than most.
Remove mythic rares, the ultimate jew move of WotC.
Get rid of everyone who currently plays it. The community is the biggest issue. They are the social dregs.
Get rid of reserve list so all those faggots with thousands of dollars invested in cardboard get btfo'ed then reprint vintage cards so newer people can get into and start allowing proxy decks in tournaments
>and allow proxies
This is really a "pick one" scenario. Neither is necessary with the other.
Thats true although some people still might not want to play with proxy cards
>3. reinstall core set. This time call them "legacy/modern core set" and reprint legacy/modern staples (so core sets are actually CORE). Update core set every few years as the meta changes.
thats really all I want. And make the core sets actually worth something, throw in rare as shit cards that are worth money. I think the most expensive card from the 2015 core set is like $8.
Give artists more creative freedom to draw in any style they want. I prefer Rebecca Guay over the hyper realistic stuff any day.
Kill off Chandra and Jayce
Kill off yourself
I'm positive people with your mindset are below the age of 15
Now obviously Time Spiral was the best block but recent blocks have been pretty fuckin' solid in terms of gameplay.
The story though...
literally tumblr-tier fanfiction
>Kill an Neo-Walkers and return to old walker types AKA no more walker cards. Or At least kill all the neo Walkers and replace them with less shit.
>Fire and flay MARO publicly
> Remove the NWO, and realize having strong instants and sorcery's is good for the game, and having every creature be a sorcery and a creature is crap and shitty.
>Fire and flay MARO publicly
>Allows artists freedom instead of this generic, modernized, stale, all-the-same-fake shit.
>Fire and flay MARO publicly
>Remove reserve list
>Fire and flay MARO publicly
>Mass reprints, I MEAN MASS REPRINTS.
>Fire and flay MARO publicly
Done game saved and made better than ever before.
I keep wanting to swipe to unlock those mana symbols...
>hating on MaRo this much
Welp, someone's caught hook line and sinker by WotC's publicity strategy.
It looks like the "normal" is for the casting speed of the card with normal being sorcery speed
Then they'll play with the real ones, or not at all. If people are given the option to use proxies and don't take it, they can't complain about prices.
Its just more interesting when cards can vary in style and not just subject
Also dump the gatewatch and make a phyrexia vs shadowmoor block
They also need to get rid of their contracts so that they can get royalties if Wotc decides they are going to make tons of merchandise with your art on it also they need to let the artists monetize the art they made for wotc so they can make their own merchandise
Next set after Kaladesh... Equestria
I don't even care anymore.
Isn't that just a lore thing? What does it shave t do with the gameplay?
What's wrong with ut?
Basically, just give the artists their rights back.
I mean the modern card art is sometimes really good and all, but I cant help but feel that some of the "magic" of magic the gathering is missing with all of this realistic stuff.
Yeah it is but would the normies complain?
Game is fine.
Lore and story are what's weighing it down right now.
Also I'd love fetch reprints once duals rotate out of standard.
they probably dont pay attention to the art anyway
What's the current story? Is Innistrad a good cosmic horror show now or is it just gay?
This. Having more variety in style makes the game more visually interesting.
>reinstall core set. This time call them "legacy/modern core set" and reprint legacy/modern staples (so core sets are actually CORE). Update core set every few years as the meta changes.
And don't charge $10 a pack for it.
Let's put for suggestions that might actually happen.
In that case, let's just double down on an accelerationist approach to the Gatewatch. Put them in fucking everything. Have every pack come with an insert that has Jace's face on it telling you how cool he is. Reprint all five of them every block. Never let them leave any format. Openly call any set from before the existence of the Gatewatch a 'mistake'. Shill, shill, shill to media conglomerates, food companies and clickbait sites. Get that movie deal. Have a superbowl ad.
Just drive this into the fucking ground and see what happens. Hopefully they'll shut down WotC and someone good will pick up the license, but if that doesn't happen, they just need to push it long enough that a generation grows up LIKING the Gatewatch and they'll have a dripfeed for a long time.
>dissolve gatewatch and stop making the story revolve around Jace and the scooby doo gang
>stop being such pussies about power level. If you are too afraid to reprint lightning strike you have problems
>remove mythics
>fire Maro
>remove reserved list
>treat playerbase like they have at least 4 braincells
>be more creative and experiment more with fun mechanics. Stuff like delirium is kind of fun. The recent 1 million mechanics that give things a +1/+1 counter are not.
>stop focusing on Eldrazi. They are not that interesting
>hire better and more unique artists
>create fun new worlds and stop making so many return sets if you aren't gonna do anything interesting
No, just don't bother posting stuff about getting cards for free or using proxies or them lowering prices because it'll never fucking happen.
>Have every pack come with an insert that has Jace's face on it telling you how cool he is
Gave me a chuckle
Sadly I could see it happen
>remove reserved list
Put aside the question of 'would they do this,' CAN they actually just say 'nah, not a thing anymore'?
>Jace ascends beyond planeswalker to a planeswalker 2. Future Jace cards start as a planeswalker but can flip to ascended planeswalker form so you can draw more cards and make 2/2 creature tokens because those are fun
>Make every planeswalker a boring value generating token machine
>give green all the card advantage and powerful creatures
>give blue uh
>give red a 5 mana lightning bolt. During testing we noticed a 4 mana lightning bolt saw play once
>make every block fighting the Eldrazi
>make the Legion of Doom AKA the Hatewatch of Garruk, Nicol Bolas, Tezzeret, Nahiri, Ob Nix and Tibalt. Then make every set focus on the Gatewatch stopping their nasty schemes
>remove instant spells. They are too anti-fun and burden of knowledge
>remove anything that can combo with anything. Combos aren't fun and ruin the magic of midrange v midrange
>no reprints ever
>keep the reserved list around forever
>when you decide to do SOME reprints, make them all bad reprints and charge 60$ for a pack because why not
>make ultra mythic rares where it's a 1/6 chance to replace a mythic. Make them all standard staples just cause
>pander every set to EDH fags even harder
>make standard rotate even faster. Make a set only last a year
>make every card with a realistic style.No fun allowed
>make a Jace action figure that you have to buy and show to the TO's to register for a magic tournament. You must have the Jace action figure on display during the match or you are disqualified. Once you win the match you have to push the button on the back of your Jace figure that makes him say "I'm the best. Gatewatch assemble!" and then his eyes glow. Failure to do so would be a disqualification
Is this realistic enough for you?
I can see something like an Ascended Planeswalker happening in the future and it's a nightmare.
You're not paying attention.
>What are the two most important resources in this game?
>Hmm... I guess they would have to be cards and mana.
>What if
>We made it so one of those things was EXCLUSIVE to one color, and nearly exclusive to another color?
>One, Jace needs to be louder, angrier, and have access to a time machine
>Two, whenever Jace not onscreen, all the other characters should be asking "Where's Jace"?
Give Jace more cool shit
Jace would be way more awesome with a lightsaber. Just call it like a mindsaber or something. That way he can get in cool sword fights with Nicol Bolas
Things that I want to happen but probably never will:
1. Reserved List is scrapped entirely, WotC prints a set every two years (rotating in the summer with my #2 suggestion) to put Legacy and Vintage-era cards into circulation with modern card frame, text, and art, along with other Legacy and Vintage staples. A booster costs $6, and they do multiple print runs.
2. During the year that there isn't a re-release/update of the "Vintage Masters" set from #1, they continue putting out Modern Masters, lowering price of boosters to $6 a pop, and actually doing multiple print runs of the set. Also, making sure that every Modern Masters print run has at least two of the following for things: ZED fetches, KTK fetches, Shocklands, Filterlands, Manlands, Urza Lands.
Now, things that will actually probably happen:
3. WotC takes some risks with B&R cards for Modern, Legacy, and/or Vintage, continues to experiment with unbanning certain cards and seeing how the meta shakes out, saying loud and clear and often that if the meta starts to get too degenerate they will re-ban those cards until new cards/answers are made.
4. Modern Masters gets released every year and has multiple print runs, making it easier and more affordable to get players into Modern.
5. Stop revisiting old planes a few years down the road. Create new planes for us to visit and see how the Gatewatch fuck it up every time and then maybe 4-6 years later, THEN we go back to that plane and see how things have changed. The time between original Ravnica block and RTR block was perfect, and while DGM was a shit set, RTR and Gatecrash were solid sets for both Limited and Standard.