I'm curious;

How much REAL MONEY have you put into crypto currency so far?

pic related

Roughly 10K EUR, starting in 2013.

I am very comfy, although I hate to think about the upcoming pop.

>10K EUR, starting in 2013.
how many millions user

I'm hovering over just over $1,000 now.

I started small because I wanted to honestly just get the hang of things and every other day I kept telling myself "you're competent at this now, deposit more", yet I still haven't. Sigh.


if i were you, i'd at least cash out 20k so you have your investment x 2 back. if shit goes haywire, you'll always have that, y'know

put little bit 2k€ in June into ANS and have about 15k € now. Im a massive faggot though cause at one point in time I had about 4 BTC when BTC was around 4k USD and I fucked around with shitty ICO's....

>got in with 150€
>am at 500€ atm

put in $1,700 in september
40% LINK
40% ETH
20% BTC

5k eur


$400, 270 this week.
Wish i saved up my btc from 2 years ago instead of buying drugs, but whatever

Literally started a few days ago. Put in 600 EUR.

Split equally among BTC, ETH, LTC, XMR, XLM, FUN, SALT.

How am I doing?


£3k in April '13

3.5k USD. I have ~1BTC.

shit, make that 700 EUR actually.

Top tier
Ok tier
Meme tier

8/8 m8

About 3k
1k NEO
500 LINX (not link)
500 XVG

I've been lurking for a while now but I've never made any investment into anything in my life. Is it better to find someone knowledgeable to invest for me or is it possible to do some extensive reading on relevant t literature and try it out myself? Do you invest yourself or have someone else manage it for you?

$2000 last month in BTC, doubled it. I think I got da bug, bois

About 5.5k€, started in 2016.
It's currently worth around 80k€.
If I did not buy some high end speakers in 2015, I could have 10 more Bitcoin right now though.

This is atrocious holy shit
t. wagerr ico buyer ( i bought 60,000 during ICO)
t. IOTA shill (Held 12,000 IOTA) through pump

80 EUR and withdrew 80 EUR one week later after I doubled my money
I'm at 3k now

27 000 EUR... Quite much. I have now about 37k.

>XMR, SALT yet mssing the vital coin
I think you're going to get REQed

Interesting, what's your portfolio like?

$550 about 1.5 months ago
i'm at $1300 now

I bought Wagerr recently, it went up 80% retard

I put 22500 in August
I'm currently at 23000.
Going down fast though.

About 2000 dollar in Bitbay. All in.
I wish I was joking. But I'm really confident in this one

mined monero and zec

Is it too late? I'm at my limit but another coin wouldn't hurt if I can get hold of some cash.

About 1300 since September - early November, can't put anymore into it till I move to my new job. Gotta make sure I have steady income. I'm planning on putting in another 2k when the job is a sure thing.

20% ARK
7.5% RDN
17% POWR
24% LTC
12.5% RCN
16% SALT

Rough percentages of shitfolio. I'm probably too diversified, and kept buying and selling shitcoins early on, if I had just kept it all in BTC, LTC, and ETH I'd have made more.

Only made about 1000 since I started, which is better than loosing I guess. When I put the 2k in I'm looking at XMR and maybe LINK if theres ever any real news for it.

I'd like to put in about 10k fiat before the end of 2018 and hope to make it by 2020... I don't know what the fuck I'm doing though and drunk most of the time I trade.

You suck at this

I was given .05btc years ago and held onto it.



8k in August, opened credit card, deposited 8k, tore credit card up. Currently at 4.13 BTC , winning

started 2 weeks ago

11k AUD

now have 13.5k AUD

About 4k USD. I invested about 2k around november of last year, and another this February.
My portfolio is worth around 65k now.

2k, few weeks ago. At 7k now.

About $6k AUD, currently at $60k after cashing out $13k, which is not great considering I had 18BTC at peak.

ausfag here

what exchange do you use to cash out?

0, I hacked a bunch of people in 2013 and 2014 out of their btc, and amassed couple hundreds

>couple hundreds

how many btc

Sold my flat at the start of 2015 and put it all into bitcoin, one of my friends let me move in and I stayed there until bitcoin started to moon and cashed out at 100. I give 10k to my friend for letting me stay with him basically rent free for a year and bought back in at 1k for 100 coins, I'm now perma hodling with 100 bitcoin.

I bought 0.7 BTC with $300 a few years ago and recently discovered a small amount (0.006 BTC) that I didnt spend for weed. Put it all in on IOTA and hope to get rich in a few years

got 20k.

will start buying as soon as my transfer is completer.

Will split ETH/BTC/IOTA

5shitcoins each 500.

60 CAD yesterday so I can play around and enjoy the memes, made 20 bucks yesterday from IOTA

as shitcoins maybe i'll buy ark, neo, monero and random 2 that i will draft from a tophat.

Put in 8k, made back 16k so far. I'm not sure what to do about the upcoming futures trading, though. I think that this huge pump is due to rich people buying up BTC and getting ready to dump it when futures trading opens. Then they can buy back in for even less money. It might get up to 25k by the 10th though.

It will definitely double in price, but not that fast. Will probably take a month.

$800 until September.
Sitting on a comfy $26k portfolio, mostly thanks to someone fat-fingering on EtherDelta and handing me 40 ETH for free, basically.

end of the year btc will be at 20k mark my words.

by mid next year it will easy rise to 50k

it feels ridiculous to type out
but i completely believe this

would've had 5 btc, 0.03 instead, feels ok tbqhwufmalam

I bought a bitcoin when it was $200 just for shits. It's all in altcoins now but pretty cool to see it grow

Put in around $10k USD back in early 2016 and another $40k this spring.

look we are still at the start. The real normies haven't started to invest yet.

All rich 50+ old people haven't bought any yet.

As soon as i goes mainstream some will dump millions as Investment.

It will rise.

I should be actually totally fine with my

Put in 5k Eur two months ago

>got in with $2500 a week ago
>now at $3500

1k im a poorfag, half in bitcoin and half in the jew startup bitcoen banking on some jewish tricks. (which could just as easily hose me)

14k in 2016

Isn't the whole point of crypto to get away from the jew banks/reserve.

>$900 in march
>$1800 now

Yeah, my coin was pretty slow, but whatever, still on green

>Implying anything money related is safe from jewish tricks
there is only one way to stop jewish tricks . . .

$45k tax free monies in april I got from a settlement from a guy that ran over me driving drunk. made enough to buy a used car and pay for college and not work for a couple months. lifes good


In since late May, first bought ETH at 84 and btc at 2600

Made a lot of really bad trades, that's why I'm barely 2x after all this time.

Should've just held btc

about $2700

$5,000 real money in 2013
Currently just above $600,000

do it yourself, otherwise the person who helps you is gonna charge a huge fee and probably take all the profit you would otherwise keep yourself

If I were him I'd cash out everything now and just become a dividend rock star.

ark isnt a shit coin, its the real deal

started with 20k - have about 300k now