Tall is anything above average height, which is about 6 foot tall. So 6'2 is a little tall, and 6'4 and us would be really tall. Humans tend to measure their weight in cubits though, so humans average at 4 cubits.
Probably some edgy druid/wizard that's been around since the stone age. There are probably several wee folk that much older then him though.
It's the same as our world; wars and hard labor are generally seen as masculine, veils and housework is seen as womanly, etc. I fail to see why this needs to be asked.
>Everyone believes
That lizardfolk are related to dragons. They are not.
>Fastest form of travel
Once again, probably magical. Or actually divine, a God scooping you up and putting you back down where you need to go is fastest of all, but obviously doesn't happen unless a God needs you to do it. Probably sail boat otherwise.
>Mud farmer know about magic
This is actually a really good question, because they know quite a bit about magic. The exception is they don't cast traditional spells, but they still have folk magick.
Essentially only a few rare and select people (genetic) can cast Wizard spells. However pretty much anyone can cast folk magick, which is mostly based around luck and fate. For example a poor farmer is down on his luck, so he takes a bit of clay and draws a few symbols on it; probably the symbol for money and wealth, a symbol for a man, his family name, or maybe just a little doodle of himself, maybe he draws a sunrise for hope, and so on. Later, he casts this into a fire and buries it at the foot of his house, or attaches it to the bottom of his wagon, or carries it is in his coin purse.
Now the next time the farmer goes to make some money, mechanically speaking he gets his roll improved by +1 until it makes a difference.
Other forms of folk magick include minor curses, potions, and talismans of personal power, etc.