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>How to Jumpchain
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How does the Homestuck drawback in SBURB work if you also take the Void Session or Single Player Dead Session drawback?
Since it didn't take off last thread! Another go!
Dragon's Crown gives you lots of gold right?
If you're after gold, you're gonna want Treasure Planet.
That place is booby trapped to all hell.
Yes and?
That hasn't stopped Jumpers from trying to steal everything including the kitchen sink.
Anything that isn't nailed down belongs to me.
Anything that I can pry loose, isn't nailed down.
Well as long as you know about the laser trip wire and have food/ water in the warehouse. . . you could just load the warehouse full of loot and sit tight until either Jim/Silver get there or ten years pass.
The only things that don't belong to a jumper are those that are both nailed down and on fire, looting is an art form. . . Git Gud.
Hm. I hadn't considered that when I wrote it... Bit of an oversight.
Let's see... Void session would just mean you start in the Alpha Kids/Beta Trolls timeline. Which doesn't feel bad enough for the Kids side, since it essentially skips the first part of canon... but on the other hand, the Condensce and Caliborn are there, and months of sitting around there isn't too great.
On the Troll side, you're kinda screwed in terms of completing the Homestuck drawback, unless you find a way to hop to the other sessions.
Single Player Dead session is a little harder... Could be done by requiring you to finish the Dead Session to get the canon session. Or you could simply be forced to figure everything out yourself, and try to beat English from your own Dead Session. Whichever you prefer, I suppose.
If you take both Void Session and Single Player Dead Session, they combine, creating a Single Player session with the Void Session skeletons (making enemies /even tougher/, and minimizing Grist), and meaning you'll both have to win the session in time, and /then/ wait 10 years in your utterly barren wasteland of a session before you can leave.
Just go to Full Metal Alchemist and get Alchemy.
There you go, unlimited free gold.
Then go to Overlord, pick AoG member and the Rival Guild Drawback, steal all the Rival's Guild summoning scrolls and use your infinite gold to summon armies of world ending NPCs.
As though being on fire would stop us. It really just makes it easier to spot and more awesome looking.
>Single Player Dead session is a little harder... Could be done by requiring you to finish the Dead Session to get the canon session. Or you could simply be forced to figure everything out yourself, and try to beat English from your own Dead Session. Whichever you prefer, I suppose.
I've not been following Homestuck too much, but doesn't playing a Single Player Session let's you gather a powerful group of followers?
Also, once the chain ends, it is possible to gain the Lord of Time class? Can you use the Caliborn DNA with the Omnitrix or the Animorph?
Because fire damages stuff making it less valuable as loot.
the Omnitrix Specifically prevents you from gaining anything that Is too powerfu and doesn't even come with the stuff it canonically has, it's a trap option.but we don't know how Much of Caliborn's abilities are genetic,probably not much Though considering his Truly insane level Of determination and the strength of is classpect.
I could still animorph into it, right?
It lets you gather the Felt, in return for getting no other companions for the jump. The Felt has... time shenanigans, but I wouldn't call them "powerful". They may also get another shtick, if you have a different Aspect yourself, if you prefer/think that makes more sense.
You can pick the Lord of Time class if you go Endjump, yes. But if you pick something else in the jump, you're kinda stuck with it even after the chain ends. Unless you figure out a way to absorb Lord of Time powers or something, I dunno.
Sure. Provided you can find Cherub DNA, I see nothing wrong with it. After all, you can also grab stupid powerful DNA elsewhere like Kryptonian/Martian in DC. Though, if you're not doing the End Jump and your chain is still going, it still has the restriction on getting the giant snake mating-fight immortality.
Nope. His strength comes from his Cherub DNA. Lord English got a bit of extra boost from Equius though.
Ugh, it makes sense that it had to have some of the complete bullshit aliens blocked until post spark but openly stating that the one you buy with your entire budget is a piece of shit knock off is just painful.
yeah, But remember it will make you Him genetically but not Give you his classpect,Okay then, I misinterpreted that.
I'm with you there, it's why I used morphing memory+ Acquisitive gaze on Azmuth when he came down to see what I've been doing on Primus. So I could make my own later
>Unless you figure out a way to absorb Lord of Time powers or something, I dunno
That can't be done unless I go End-Jump or I pick it up after the chain ends, can it?
Absorbing the powers of an enemy it's not that hard, and considering that Lord English had one weakness, there was a perk in Kingdom Hearts to deal with that. It's not gonna be an easy fight anyway.
Numbernumber:+200 at this point their technology does not scare me
The Most Dangerous Game: Khyber +300 the animal trainer with the awesome dangerous animals from space? I think it's supper time.
Freaked Out:+300 do you have any idea what I am false Phantom? Let's see how you like it when start shining like the star I am.
Chose Primus -50 got to start here so I can harvest all this essence for my myself and my zurg hive, once Azmuth arrives I burn that recent human alternate form to duplicate him, and morphing memory allows me his knowledge and skill as well as his intellectual capacity. Of course this is after we scanned the samples themselves so that we have the DNA on file for cloning with cortex command cloning. Which I then use to make cell metals via Gara's Lost Work, with the cell metals provided by my, various regeneration perks, together with waveform anatomy and The Cup of the King,these are going to be some amazing core metals.
Homeless free it's got the discounts I want unfortunately
chose Age:10/2=5 -50 I love being young.
I'm Hurt. Deeply Hurt: (Free: Homeless) seems handy
Osmosian -300 discount for homeless this seems more so
Technopath-300 discount for homeless Question does this work organic machines like Primus?
Nemetrix with Evolutinary Function-1000 duplicate twice and give to the whale wolves
Taydenite-100 discount for homeless scan and mass-produce this if I can, if I can't use Osmosian to scrape away some for sale , let's see if I can duplicate it in ways other than minecraft duplication Roll(1d100)+0:11,+0 Total:11 so yes I think my huge fabrication bay can handle it
rolling to see if I can license weapons technology from the Techadons
Roll(1d100)=63 so that's a no lot but I don't think they're trying to kill me.
I believe early I pretty much discussed my plans in the notes, but mostly it's genetic hijinks and taking Azmuth's place, plus I expand the Omnitrix project by building some more of them and distributing them.
Correct. You'll need to go Endjump or go there post-chain, if you want to fight Lord English and nom his powers.
Yup. Should work fine. Mind that you don't get his Classpect abilities or his rainbow-lasers/immortality, since none of that is genetic.
Though I'm not sure if Cherubs count as "overpowered" for the Omnitrix. They are pretty ridiculously bullshit (there's a reason I'm not offering them in the jump), but they're not Celestialsapien level.
OK, thanks for your answers. One last thing:
>It lets you gather the Felt, in return for getting no other companions for the jump. The Felt has... time shenanigans, but I wouldn't call them "powerful". They may also get another shtick, if you have a different Aspect yourself, if you prefer/think that makes more sense.
I gain the canon Felt? Because even individually they might be weak, there are some powerful skills in the group, like Crowbar's or Die's. Maybe I can grant them a combination power later.
Yes, by default, you get the canon Felt. Minus Snowman, though you can offer the Queen of your session the 8-ball position.
And they can certainly be quite useful with all their skills, true.
It seems a reasonable reward in return for blocking off your out-of-jump companions, free companions, companion purchases, and making you go through a ridiculously hard dead session scaled to you.
What are all the things jusps that are currently being worked on?
Still working on Incredibles. Inspiration's hard to come by for me lately, so it's somewhat slow going.
Got everything lined out and most of the perks done though. Might post a wip when I'm done with those, i guess.
Are you asking what jumps are currently being made? Because Brutus is working on Orks and SWTOR.
Will there be a flying brick option? Or the ability to make such a build with the options available?
There won't be one option for it, but you'll be able to build it yourself by combining some of the powers, yes.
Incredible Strength, Incredible Durability, Subsonic Flight, and whatever else you want to add on. Could get a bit expensive though.
There are like, a shittonne of updates in the works from multiple people.
What do you think the Shard origin for Worm is going to have? Anybody else taking it regardless?
Probably some support perks that are good for things like therapy and keeping your host/allies alive.
Considering that my build was aimed to absorb Eden and then Scion once I reached the Worm Jump, I doubt that I would take that.
Or, you know, Equivalent Exchange from Minecraft.
I heard there will also be a Cauldron Collaborator origin that I'm hoping will have a perk for avoiding Scion and other Nope Tier enemies.
I'm about 40% done with the Gemcraft: Chasing Shadows jump. I think I got all the perks, items, and spells worked out, but I still have to do the talisman customization, wizard skills table, drawbacks, and fluff. I have been having difficulty actually figuring out the pricing and that's been discouraging me from working on it.
It's pretty appealing to me since I've got a powerset that could make Eidolon both green with envy and yellow with fear. Just hoping there'll be something there that's actually worthwhile for somebody like me.
Inb4 it does nothing guy.
He can't claim that EE can't make gold. I don't believe he's that stupid.
Is he? Will he?
Man, I love those games, but they are so long that the only one I have managed to finish was Labyrinth. Seriously I lose the save files by chance faster than I can finish one of those games.
I agree and will freely admit they are grindy and exceptional time wasters. Yet I always come back to them sooner or later as they are just that good.
Hey guys random vampire jumper here, if I want to enchant a castle into full on mystical place what perks would be good for it? Especially stuff to make the place able to move locations and is bigger on the inside.
I was thinking of either using the castle option from the van hellsing jump or the moon palace from MMPR.
>Shard origin
So, wait, we lose that drawback? Shit, there goes my build and my entire jump plan.
The shard origin supposedly will grant the same number of points as the drawback did.
Miin palace follows you but actraiser has a hell mansion that is all round awesome.
Dresden magic to make a genius loci.
Masters of magic to make it a place of power.
Enchanting from all over the place.
That mtg jump to make it into a power source.
Dnd jumps for enchanting.
Make custom soul powered enchantments wih tes magic.
He was looking at leaving the drawback in some way, for precisely this reason.
Or maybe he'll be doing
>That mtg jump to make it into a power source.
This actually brings to mind an interesting quandary; for planet jumpers, can you actually be your own MtG lands?
If anyone knows Tenchi, I've got a Lighthawk Wings question.
When the wings are used defensively, do they only block shit right in front of the wings? I've seen some pictures of them and they aren't that wide, so even if you've got 3 of them they aren't providing a lot of cover.
So do the wings only block what's right in front of them or does the number of wings only equate to how much power they have / can block?
That's great, but completely beside the point; it also takes my existing origin and discounts.
You know he could just add not compatable with shard origin to the drawback.
Doesn't the Hellsing castle incorporate any nearby structures when building itself? So you could combine it with the moon palace for maximum Drac.
>Doesn't the Hellsing castle incorporate any nearby structures when building itself?
You need to guide it a bit lest you get some fuckiness like doors leading into walls or empty air, stairs that go nowhere, and other such nonsense - but yes, it can work out as such.
Is Equivalent Exchange, Mystcraft, or Thaumcraft counted as magic for the purposes of Conjoined Conjures?
>Equivalent Exchange
>Conjoined Conjures
Probably. Thaumcraft at the very least. Equivalent Exchange too, though Mystcraft you'll have to wank, since there's no definitive answer on that one.
All of those look a lot like magic to me.
EE does literally nothing.
I'd argue that is all an essential part of the true Castlevania experience.
Explain your thought process please.
You'd be wrong on all fronts then, since they're all just fiat enforced abilities, not a set of principals or mechanics that you can work with outside the context they did in the game.
What you think doesn't matter, none of them are magic, just fiat.
EE is as worthless as Chrimson Saint after the nerf.
Godspeed then you beautiful Dracula/Draculina.
Oh for fucks sake not again!
>Crimson Saint or Equivalant Exchange
Did I miss something or is this sarcasm?
Also, what nerf?
It's a troll. Contrarian approach, takes the opposite viewpoint of whatever it is people believe in.
Most people thought that the perk was general magitech until Aionon clarified it as "convert mechanical process into a spell, e.g. Cast Magic Missile becomes Cast Tomahawk Missile, while converting spells into a mechanical process, e.g. machine that can cast Fertilize or Fireball."
For a lot of people, for some reason it not being generic magitech perk is a nerf.
I'm pretty sure that guy is a troll, but even so, I've gotta say
>Anyone that disagrees with me is a troll
Adarx is that you?
Will there be a drawback based around "The Adventure of Mr. Incredible?" Will Mr. Skipperdoo be a purchasable companion?
>Cast Tomahawk Missile
Does magic make the missile know where it isn't?
Added a bunch of bullshit limitations that make the "technology" you create with it not function as technology at all.
Gemcraft jump? That sounds cool, any jump based on a tower defense game would be lovely for building defenses for a fortress.
Except that's not what it does.
I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you just explained it wrong, because in the conversion process from magic to tech and vice versa there isn't anything that implies either requires the other to work.
They should just work as technology or as magic independent of each other. Or is that what changed? In which case, fuck that, that ruling is retarded and ignored.
No it lets you make guns that shoot magic missile or magic that shoots bullets. It lets you translate between magic and tech as long as you keep an equal power source.
>They should just work as technology or as magic independent of each other.
That's what I was trying to get at, yes. My bad, I just barely woke up - coherency is not at 100%.
Yep, it's total fucking garbage, and doesn't even make sense when you actually read through the original perk text.
I'm pretty sure no one will actually run with that though or begrudge anyone for completely ignoring it because of how dumb it is.
I can't believe I'm saying this, but it legitimately does nothing anymore.
>I can't believe I'm saying this
I can, you seem to like claiming that about a lot of things people use lately.
I think once activated it can block everything. At least that's what happened in the fight with Z.
There will be a drawback for it, yes. Too perfect not to have one, just not sure what to price it at yet. And... I suppose you could pick up Skipperdoo with the canon companion option if you take the drawback?
Can we go one day without baiting and trolling please?
Speaking of magic and companions, what magic system would allow me to bind my life to the lives of my companions to form some sort of conditional immortality?
Something like if we aren't all killed at the same time we simply respawn a few seconds later.
Some soul perks like the ones from NGE might help with this, but I don't know what magic system can get me something like this.
That's not what was said. What was said originally was that it lets you translate magic into their technological equivalent and vice versa, as long as there is an equal expenditure.
However, the you said that the clarification says that this is wrong, and that it actually just lets you use magic to preform the equivalent technological feat with magic, and technology to preform the magical equivalent feat with technology.
Because I can cast magic missile, I can now cast regular missile, with magic.
Because I can build a machine that can fertilize the soil, I can build a machine that can fertilize the soil with magic.
Were you lying, is this not how it was now stated to work?
Look, we don't need you whining about how much you hate being nerfed, stop being a bitch and just accept that Crimson Saint is effectively worthless already.
As long as you are alive none of your companions can permanently die.
Gargoyles has something like that.
That was the first thing I posted in the thread user. It is a translation perk that lets you make a machine that does whatever your magic spell does or make a magic spell that does whatever your machine does. It is super useful.
Except it was never generic magitech and was never used that way. The way you just described it as being clarified to work IS generic magitech, and is a nerf, a crippling one.
Best I can think of would be Gargoyles, though there is a perk for exactly that though limited to being bound to a single person, Immortality Bound. Though, the Fae-blooded perk, or the Scroll of Thoth item may allow access to the system well enough to pull that sort of thing off, but it doesn't seem to be easy seeing as in the story the only time a spell like that happened it was actually done to bond two people, and was cast by three members of the third race.
That's what I assumed it was and what literally anybody who's taken the perk assumes it is, but you described it as working completely differently in that post.
I have no idea how younare reading what I said to mean that so I'm just going to step back from whatever this is you are trying to do.
Look, you can just ignore the fucking stupid nerf if you don't like it, nobody will enforce it or even so much as side against you on the matter, it's practically completely overruled at this point, just please stop bitching about it.
Ha ha! Someone else on mobile I see!
>That mtg jump to make it into a power source.
We have a MTG jump now? I can't seem to find it.
>Cast Magic Missile becomes Cast Tomahawk Missile
>machine that can cast Fertilize
I for one can pretty easily see why you're getting shit on right now.