I'm looking for an RPG system that encourages players to be as over the top as possible. Think shonen anime, or shit like Gurren Lagann. Even Final Fantasy. Doesn't necessarily have to involve robots or anything.
I'm looking for an RPG system that encourages players to be as over the top as possible. Think shonen anime...
Basically the pcs are broken deific superweapons.
Also, you can steal someones ability to talk or punch the sickness out if you build right.
Fate. It can be whatever setting with whatever rules you want.
Tenra Bansho Zero.
Just from what i have read on Veeky Forums i got the idea that exalted is rule of cool: the system
Thanks for the suggestions guys, I'll look into all of them. So far I like Fate the best since I have my own setting in mind, but I do really like Exalted quite a bit as well. TBZ is really cool but not quite what I am looking for.
It's more of just a game so poorly designed that the only way to play it is to hand wave all of it.
"Rule of Cool" is supposed to govern that the rules should not impede a great idea.
This does not apply to Exalted or 40k, where the rules simply impeded every idea. It's not supposed to be a phrase that essentially means "this game is shit, but I like it."
No. It is "Rule of Cool: the Setting", but "Mechanics at Odds With Everything the Setting Promises: the System"
D&D epic levels
>Oh you're bothering me? Enjoy fighting demons ON THE MOON
Dungeons the Dragoning: 40000
Yeah, this is actually what I was thinking of when I made the thread, but I'm trying to run a game that tips the scale towards story over mechanics. I love D&D and all, but I don't want people getting bogged down with rules minutiae. Every little rule I handwave seems to sweep in two more.
But all the Epic tier shit is exactly what I want.
Literally Shounen Final Burst
SenZar. This is literally the whole point of it. There's also RIFTS but it's terrible, SenZar has an actual good system under all that munchkinism.
fate is kind of stupid unless your players are all REALLY creative, i feel like Aspects just serve to pigeonhole people more often than not
Legends of the Wulin is the best system for over the top action that I know of. It's less high power than Exalted by default, but it's not hard to just refluff it to any scale you like (I'd run Asura's Wrath with it), and unlike Exalted the mechanics are actually good. Once you get past the admittedly dogshit editing.
Asura's Wrath is a name I like to hear. I'll look into it.
Eh, largely fixed in 3e
agitated frog face
I was looking into this at some point but it's kind of a pain to play online without a robust card deck simulator. Is there one out there?
Didn't roll20 have a built in card simulator thing? Or was that only for french playing cards?
It does, but it's kind of a pain in the ass to use. It works well enough for just a standard deck, and technically you COULD use it for SFB, but it's a real pain to do so.
I think that's more of a setting thing, although of course some games are better at not getting in your way.
I have always wanted to try epic level D&D 4e game, and it sounds a lot like what you want.
>SenZar has an actual good system under all that munchkinism.
Not that anybody will even know, all the scans stop at page 68, and there's none of the Creeping Death sourcebook.
Anima - Beyond Fantasy is pretty nuts at high levels.
Mutants and Masterminds is pretty open ended as ro do whatever the fuck you and the PCs want to so. Limits are your imagination. Pretty fun and simple once you get used to combat.
>Not that anybody will ever know,
Knowing is half the battle.
anyone have a link to a pdf copy i can look at
come on brosef. i found it myself just like that.
the system's overall pretty cool (if you like shonen in the first place), but some shit makes no sense, like "Combat Style" and Techniques. Techniques would work but they give you a really limited set of them and then ask you to pick 3. it's fucking stupid.
funny story. I actually did google it before posting. But since this thread already dropped the reference I figure someone might have it here. Instead of me having to search through google.
And since I'm a nice guy and found a link in a super old archive thread. Here you go user. If you didn't have it now you do.
Don't forget the duck thing. Punch people hard enough that they turn into ducks. Or last tuesday. Sometimes both.
>CTRL-F "Feng Shui"
>0 results
Come on, Feng Shui is literally Over-the-Top Bullshit: The RPG.
Memetastic as it is, this is actually a good suggestion.
Tried to play it with my groups and it is not good.
Shonen Final Burst is full of good ideas, but there are just too many crunchy bits to make it fluid. It takes a few minutes to crunch out the numbers before you can actually get to describing cool shit, and that's really too long.
Dungeon the Dragoning is much faster and full of fun.
I also suggest Dungeons the Dragoning.
I love Feng Shui but holy shit does it rely on great players.
Other manuals do this, it's EO senpai
All Out Of Bubblegum
yeah, after reading it i'd have to rip apart at LEAST two of the core concepts, and that's just no good. i think a 2e would make the game really fun though. it's pretty close to a genuinely good system
The more detailed and over-the-top your description is of your action, the more bonuses you get to pull it off.
GURP--... Err, I mean, Exalted.
Wushu tends to be too open ended, especially when everyone's trying to filibuster to hell and back. Absolutely great for play by post, on tabletop the looseness of the ability names can make or break a character before the game even starts
Third for Dungeons, the Dragoning