>System Preferred
>Times Available (with timezone!)
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
Game Finder Thread
DnD 5e
Weekends UTC -7
Any, voice or text okay. If voice can't go too late though.
Email or Skype: [email protected] (yes it's real, yes i just made it)
I've never played DnD or any other Pen and paper RPG before, I've read a bit of the players handbook and have my character sheet already made from an old game that died before it started. I was hoping to find a oneshot or a new campaign with a small group.
Bumping for exalted and pokemon GM's
>I've read a bit of the players handbook
>Timezone and time you'll be playing
EST, Sundays, No time set yet but would prefer early evening
DnD 3.5, looking for newer players here since the rest of the players are new, willing to teach whatever is needed
>Contact info
AlonelyBard on Skype, look for the Skeleton avatar
>Additional Notes
Just looking for one more player to bring us up to 4 people, will be going to sleep soon however so I'll be able to respond when I wake up most likely.
Voice Chat is a necessity for me, we'll be using Roll20 for the game and most likely a discord server for voice and any OOC/ out of game chatter
Yeah, read the whole book. Do not just sit there until you find a game then ask the GM what you have to do to do X on our turn. Find out for yourself.
We need to make more pictures that idenify these threads
pic related seems fitting
this too
A big game finder isn't good enough?
>System Preferred
D20 Modern
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Saturdays possibly 12 PST, but the time is not absolute
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Discord for voice, roll20 for dice
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
A light hearted game, set in the city of Toronto where shit has hit the fan and the weird is the new normal.
Its getting boring
Sure, just make it harder to find the thread from the catalog without reading the names or by using ctrl-f.
The current picture is easy to spot and is the image of these threads- hell, it says game finder. There is no reason to change it.
This, really. Gamefinder isn't as unsuccessful as it is because it isn't flashy enough. Anything to keep it easy to find is at least a benefit.
>System Preferred
I'm running Pathfinder once a week with occasional off-weeks.
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Time is negotiable. The reason is because two players had to stop playing due to real life obligations. I and the remaining three can make room in just about any part of our schedule, so we can more or less play on whichever day is best for you.
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Skype for chat, roll20 for the game.
>Contact Info
My skype is dongenstein, just add me. Codephrase is "HELP ME CHARLES," or else I'll think it's spam.
>Additional Notes
The current party contains a three player characters, a male player with a fighter and two female players, one is a druid and one is a monk.
this guy is a real werido and a creeper fair warning
I always see these posts in these threads and I've never understood why people don't post examples or anything
I rarely even post here, I genuinely don't think it's true that this person even knows me and is just trying to start shit
the last game I played with him he fell in love with the gm lmao
Fake and also gay.
Player, but I'd also be willing to GM as the system I'm interested in playing has rules for rotating GM roles.
>System Preferred
Night Witches
>Times Available
I'm available most of the time on most days, with the exception of Fridays and on the weekends. I'm GMT -5.
>Method of Play
I'm fine with any preferred method of play. I'm familiar with IRC, Roll20, have a Skype account, and a Discord as well. Either text or voice is fine with me, though I prefer text for roleplaying purposes.
>Contact Info
[email protected]
>Additional Notes
I've never actually seen a Night Witches game... Actually, now that I think about it, I've never seen the English rules on it at all.
Neither have I, but I'm interested in playing in one. There's not a single post on R20's group finder about it either, really.
Here are the rules for it:
We're playing Rogue Trader but using DH 2 for character creation and character level combat.
Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m.EST
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Discord( text for RP but voice for combat to keep things moving), dice, char sheets and star map in roll20, skype for communicating between games.
>Contact Info
send an email to [email protected]
>Additional Notes
The game is already up and running but we're looking for more players. Current party is RT, explorator and an armsman/desperado. The game has a sandbox set up but you are restricted to a single sector on the frontier of imperial space.
Thing is the games that actually take off leave nothing in the thread. There's no positive feedback.
This. We should institute a policy of people checking back in once they've found a game.
Or we could just namedrop good players and shitters.
That opens the door to a lot of drama. More than usual.
>System Preferred
Eclipse Phase, but I'm willing to learn other cyberpunk systems
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Evenings EST and weekends
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
PbP if possible, otherwise I dont mind voice or text.
>Contact Info
[email protected]
good players:
- me
bad players:
- you
These things are doomed. No games ever last. Flee while you still can, lurkers! Don't get trapped in the cycle of hope and despair!
>Timezone and time you'll be playing
PDT, almost any time works
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, First Edition.
>Contact info
Annomedes on skype and Roll20, or [email protected]
I have not run this system before with players, although I have done so with the somewhat similar DH and co.
Currently have three possible players, although only one has posted in the Roll20 so far.
>when you should be prepping your campaign but you'd rather just play Civ
>System Preferred
Warhammer Fantasy 2nd Edition
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Once a Week 12:00 PM EST
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Skype and Roll20
>Contact Info
nick1001234 on Skype
>Additional Notes
Ongoing game with 3 players, Decent Mic Required
I feel ya
GM looking for some players
>System Preferred
D&D 4e
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Saturdays, 7pm, GMT+1
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
roll20 + skype or discord
>Contact Info
vertigo.072 (at) gmail.com
>Additional Notes
In the unlikely event that there's a million people interested this game might be run in german instead of english.
But half the powers already sound like niche sex acts or war crimes, playing in German is redundant.
Yeah I came along players here who I don't get along with or dropped out of my games but I don;t think I would name drop them just some people don't get along with each other.
Now for cases where it seems the person is just really toxic or something like that maybe.
D&D 5e
3pm-8pm CST
roll20 + Skype or Discord
ctc(at)gmx.us or Orindril on skype
The thing is that a successful game will usually last around 6 months to a year, and most people only have ONE game they play in on a weekly basis, so you can't really expect much response.
>Timezone and time you'll be playing
Wednesday, July 27th at around 5pm EST, give or take an hour if people need it.
I want to run a oneshot of Savage worlds using the Kaisers gate supplement, players will be using pregens of soldiers in the Canadian expeditionary force, on medical leave in Paris when they are offered a job by a rich benfactor.
We will be using voice & roll20, players must be comfortable with the game being recorded and posted online.
>Contact info
elric225 on skype.
>Timezone and time you'll be playing
Fridays 8pm EST
>Text or Voice
Mostly text but we might switch to voice on and off depending on how I'm feeling that week
>Contact info
Join the Discord server and say "Hi."
Please, I have been dying to get into and RT game for forever. I'd love to get in on that space adventuring.
GM it then
so voice then?
Im trying to get a group together to play The Mutant Epoch.
Obviously the hard part is the GM so im willing to help anyone learn the system and provide the books necessary.
If anyone wants to check out the system let me know and ill link the books.
Not everyone can be a good GM you know.
it's called practice, it's literally impossible to be a bad GM if you put like a tiny bit of effort in you manchild.
Not the guy youre replying to, but that just gets you into a position where youre forever DM
>Game uses text for IC and mic for OOC
Ah yes, nothing like the sound of mouth breathing to help you get in the mood. Seriously, this is basically sitting around back to back and masturbating, it's fucking weird. Why do people do this.
some people enjoy social interaction
there would be more gm's and less forever gm's if people stopped begging for games and actually ran them.
How do you feel about teaching language? I know a little bit of german but english is my first language, I've always been interested in actually getting fluency; an RPG may help with that.
So far a couple of people messaged me and they're all only speaking english so I guess the game's gonna be run in english anyway.
holy shit i read about night witches just yesterday and prayed that someone would be willing to GM it in gamefinder.
you don't happen to have a discord or anything?
for some reason my email client is being a real fucker right now, and until I get off work I can't guerilla mail.
>System Preferred
5e, Numenera, want to learn Exalted
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Weekends. Isually sundays work best. Central Standard Time
>Method of Play (Skyoe, IRC, roll20, etc)
Skype. I could learn roll20 but i've never played with a group over the internet before
>Contact Info
Email: [email protected]
I'm also on skype but i dont check it often. Name is Tito Lounge
>Additional Notes
Fairly new to tabletop rpgs. Just want to have fun.
You can find me on Discord @ Cybercriminal#2610
>the hard part is the GM
No, that's the easiest part.
>not having an OOC channel to chat and handle dice rolls in where you can fuck around without interrupting the IC roleplay
Game is full.
And this is why there are so many bad GMs. Morons don't realize that the GM is the hardest working position to make a good game and just think they get to be in charge. So easy...
doing an interest check for anyone that wants to play in an ASOIAF game, primary setting is exiled westerosi in essos and random essos people if that's your thing.
World of darkness
UTC -4 I think
Whatever, man
I go by a handful of bees on Skype, if that doesn't work, pmeyers92 might
Me n' a friend are looking for a genius the transgression dm. I'm fine for anything nwod, except hunter.
what do you faggots think about Stars Without Numbers?
its good
Never see any threads about it...anyway
>System Preferred
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Sometime later in the afternoon till anytime before 8am EDT
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Roll20 seems to be fine
>Contact Info
[email protected]
Not much to discuss, it dosen't have alot of support so what's to post about?
I guess nothing friendo
I just recently got into it and have been lurking for threads
I haven't gotten a response on this yet so the spot is still vacant if anyone is interested.
You sure your skype is right? I sent a message in.
I've sent a message in too
>Timezone and time you'll be playing
EST, Sundays
I would really like to play degenesis rebirth or something like that
>Contact info
Tsuka on roll20--if your not using roll20 then just say something here I be lurking around.
>Method of Play
Anything is really fine I would like to use voice for OOC and text for IC stuff if possible.If you want to use IRC or something that's fine too.
>Additional Notes
I don't mind playing something else as long it sounds interesting
I received a few requests but none of them followed the instructions in my ad so I assumed they were spam.
not one of the first two but i sent a invite
>GM/Player: GM.
>System Preferred: d20, platform to popular vote.
>Times Available (with timezone!): CST.
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc) Skype.
>Contact Info: zazikikomo
>Additional Notes: My skype gets requests from bots frequently. When you add me, make sure your message says the code phrase or I'll disregard it. The code phrase is, "HI RAKASTA"
That's because this is a dude trolling his friend. He posts this info every week.
Anyone want to run a FantasyCraft game? I'm already GMing one, just really feeling that itch to play.
>System Preferred
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Evenings CST
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Roll20, withoutside communication done via Skype
>Contact Info
Skype: StatusBanquo
What if we want a d20 game with a grid?
>using special snowflake password spamfilters
If you're going to be that antisocial, why are you even here?
Voice or text?
>can't read and follow simple instructions
Why are YOU here?
It's a little weird, but you're kind of being a huge whiny baby about nothing.
Fact: Come off as jerky and standoffish, and you might drive away all the plebs, but you'll also drive away a good number of quality players who don't want to deal with your imperious bullshit.
Worth it. Every game I've picked up from here has ended because someone, after some amount of time, vanished off the grid and cut all communications. Waiting to find a few responsible, considerate individuals is way better than rushing into a game with a bunch of flaky bitches that'll ruin the game and everyone's motivation after a couple weeks.
I agree with you, I just disagree with your screening methods.
I'm not that guy, I just sympathize.
voice i assume?
Late night bump
Discord server
starting lvl 1, test run to add players to an ongoing campaign.
Putting "Fact" before it doesn't make it a fact.
You are pissy over something trivial and ergo not desirable for any game. Please post your skype info and known aliases so we can avoid accidentally letting you play in any of our games.
Wait, he did that /again/? Jesus, the guy's a serial romantic.
Refugees of the D&D 5e Lost Mine of Phandelver game that vanished yesterday can friend me on Discord: Kaphiri#1290 for an explanation.
Hint: If you're the admin of a discord server and you leave, the whole thing goes with you.
yeah, but if he's the gm will he fall in love with one player or all the players? Guess we'll find out next week.