>The space country is an empire or a republic
This is boring. What are government types besides empires and democracies?
The space country is an empire or a republic
Other urls found in this thread:
>Corporate Conglomerates
>Religious Collectives
>Mercantile States
>Space Communist
Check out Heavy Gear. You have your theocracies, your communist states, your feudal systems, your confederacies, your plutocracies, your aristocracies, your orwellian utopias...
I've always loved space feudalism. Dune was the shit.
An empire isn't a type of government, it's several nations controlled by one government, roughly. That government isn't restricted to any one type of government.
Necrocracy. The society is based around the will of a dead leader, and desperately tries to determine what their wishes/policies would be.
In an SF setting, their could be computer programs intended to simulate the dead leader's personality, the body could be cryo-frozen while means of resurrecting them are sought, etc. etc.
There are only 2 types of government - monarchy and republic.
Really digging Mercntile States and Tribalism
Another nice thought is not having space countries.
Have viable space travel, but with something (mostly?) keeping it out of the hands of governments.
Advanced super human artificial intelligence.
It loves all its citizens like a mother and looks out for them like a father. It has the height of intelligence to know truly what people want but also what they actually need. It knows everyone's name and it loves them all dearly.
Sort of like if Skynet was made out of love.
The A.I. and it's subordinate personalities have access to the wonderful and scary end of the tech pool. Holy shit yes.
Humanity gets the tech the need, not what they want. The Overseer knows that with no problems to overcome people don't do so well psychologically so it carefully engineers a society with problems for people to overcome, but nothing they can't overcome.
The Human Commonality is really a Machine Empire. But The Machine would never say that because it might make people sad.
>Necrocracy. The society is based around the will of a dead leader, and desperately tries to determine what their wishes/policies would be.
Isn't that basically a religion?
Imperial republic
Benevolent military dictatorship.
system class GSV Not Gravitas, Never Gravitas reporting for duty.
Technocratic Anarchy
Total Communism
Communism turned Autocracy (i.e. Stalinism)
Oligarchy of Mercantile Families
and then two types of monarchy I've used which were more interesting than the usual:
Electoral Monarchy (population votes on which member of the royal family will be next to the throne)
Appointed Monarchy (current monarch trains all their children to be able monarchs, then ranks them, making the succession line as they see fit while alive)
In that second case I remember it going especially well in an adventure where one of the Queen's sons created an artificial earthquake so he could rise to the rescue, become popular with the peasants and impress mommy in the process
Of course the second part of his plan didn't work, earthquake ended up provoking a tsunami or the other side of that planet, chaos ensues with PCs as diplomats caught in the confusion
Have you tried like, wikipedia.org/types_of_governerment?
(I don't think this was a very good topic for a thread)
How dare you. Best Korea is a secular state.
I always liked the post-imperial society of sorts, with multiple houses fighting for power. Especially with the whole "technological dark age" gist.
What's this
Fading Suns. Another underappreciated setting.
>What are government types besides empires and democracies?
Have you heard the good word about our mother Earth?
I'm so fucking hype for that remake.
Stochastic constitutional representative democracy. More or less democracy but where legislators and voters are selected at random from the population.
LotGH is getting a remake?! WHAT!!!???
Tribal coalition
Athenian democracy
Religious matriarchate
Elective monarchy
AI meritocracy
A collection of tiny space states that are nominally all ruled by a leader but are, in practice, almost entirely sovereign, little more than a web of alliances to protect against a large, nearby polity. Maybe a dictator could elected every once in a while in times of crisis, who actually has power over the various states, but mostly it's just this weird school-of-fish business that allows them to live in peace.
A theocracy. I don't know. Work with it. Kind of depends on what religion they follow.
A complete, direct democracy. Every issue/policy is voted on by every voter, using FUTURE IPADS.
A meritocratic, scientific oligarchy, with various positions- minister of Physics, minister of Biology, etc- being filled by those who are best in those fields. They rule and law on whatever falls under their purview- and this can mean, with issues/policies where multiple fields collide, that more than one person can rule on an issue and this can lead to conflicts/politicking- and something falling under nobody's purview, although rare, will lead to them ALL voting on it.
An actual, codified, legal plutocracy.
Look at history for ideas. That first one, minus the dictator bit, was essentially just a description of the Holy Roman Empire.
Also, try checking out some of the government forms in the game Stellaris, too. The game isn't fantastic, but it has a larger number of governments you can choose from than a lot of its genre contemporaries, and it might be worth looking into for some inspiration, or at least as a broad-strokes start which you can fill in with details.
Hope this helps, OP.
It's gonna be great. Reinhard is getting a giant robot to storm Iserlohn with, Yang is being rewritten as a magical girl, and Kircheis still dies. Okay, that part's not so great.
Oligarchy, Technocracy, Theocracy, Monarchy, Direct Democracy, Democratic Republic, Dictatorship, Corporatocracy, Anarchy, Elitism, etc.
Only thing I know for real is that Dusty is kill
Weedocracy. The drug gang with the best shit is in charge but so stoned that nothing really gets done.
>Genderbent Yang
I wouldn't mind really
Space commies.
Space nazis.
Hell, just slap space on anything even remotely political and you're good to go.
>Aslan Hierate.
What's a 'hierate?'
I can't find a definition anywhere.
Did they just make it up?
It sounds similar to 'hierarchy.'
Am I close?
Its from Traveller. Think Commonwealth.
Its the government system best suited to space lions
Thank you.
Whatever the governed choose. Which would be democratic.
Most empires were republics...
It appears to be some form of traditionalistic enviromentalist castroism
Like if space elves read das kapital
Or Constitutional Law.
>jumping against Vanu
RIP blueberries. Don't worry though, TR will come in to clean up the mess.
>Let AIs make all of your decisions for you
>Pursue desires of the body instead of glorious conquest
The Culture's offers are worthless. Join the Idirans instead
The Idrans lost tho.
>All republics are democracies
No they're not.
And this isn't "boring", it's common sense. One definition of empire is a monarchy that has a large variation of ethnic and linguistic groups and traditions living in it. This is why even a shithole like Songhay is called an empire, and even the fucking Athenian league is considered an empire by some.
The alternative is a republic in all of its variant forms. This is not limited to a mere democracy.
Alternatively theocracy, but space-theocracies are nothing new.
That's definition is pretty lax, it makes the actual Sweden, Spain, Britain etc empires.
Yeah, so?
It was just a few acres of snow with half the population of metropolitan France on a good day, but it's an empire.
GURPS Space has some pretty good suggestions I think.
Clusterfuck a la HRE
Fortunecracy: randomly elected policies. It can be modified so the most "voted" option has more chances of passing but still the "Nuke everyone" option from the crypto-doomday cult can win instead of the "sign the global peace treaty" that most of the people want.
Why does people went with this system? Maybe it's a kind of cleric-less theocracy or they had terrible wars due to ideologies so the best is to just let it roll.
The Turians in Mass Effect are a Stratocracy.
They would claim it's a meritocracy.
I read this as "Tribadism", and I'm now wondering how the space government would look.
>this triggers the redditor
Is corporate Feudalism alright?
Depends how good your technology is? If you have really good instant communication, which would probably come even before intersystem space travel. Then you would have an interplanetary Anarchist Forum. In every setting limitations on space travel time would produce profound independence and self determination movements. Would militaristic empires be able to impose their will on independent planetary confederations? Probably not. Independent planets fighting on their own home turf would always have the advantage.
Once you are in the stars what are you really fighting for? At that point it is pretty evident God doesn't exist. Factions focused on heavy militarism will be overwhelmed by cooperative alliances in heavy communication with each other.
Even in TRAVELER the Fleet and Military take a back seat to Scouts and Spys. The real battles will be fought over information and knowledge. Of course this all goes out the window if you have an aggressive alien empire.
The only reason you need large Empires or Republics is to build massive fleets. The only reason you need massive fleets is to transport massive amounts of Human Troops. Warfare won't be fought that way in the future. Small carrier ships will carry thousands of drones and electronic countermeasures. Whoever is defending will always have the advantage of being close to production and supply. They can have banks of drones and massive power reserves. And they can easily salvage material after conflicts. Imperial fleets will strip planets for resources in order to send fleets far away and isolated from bases of supply. And to what end? You still need infantry on the ground to interact with locals and culturally dominate them. That requires those massive Imperial fleets that can be taken down by swarms of cheap local drones. It is a total "loses loses" for inter-system Imperialism and Empire. Better to let humanity grow free. Long Live Anarchy.
Super computer hivemind
>Thinking god doesn't exist when you reach the heavens.
>Thinking he, she, they, or it didn't put countless worlds before you to fill your divine manifest destiny bestowed by the god or gods themselves.
Your faith is weak brother.
Sexy as hell
Your faith isn't real.
Literally North Korea
Every religious theory so far that gained traction with any sizeable group of people has shown itself to be laughably out of touch with reality the more we learn about reality.
But hey, sure, it could happen. While the idea that this is all some sort of simulation and someone has some sort of root access over it all and operates outside the rules of the simulation isn't impossible, without any meaningful evidence to point out the way, EVERY POSSIBLE THEORY about what and how it works is JUST AS VALID as any other. Meaning they're all worthless guesses just as good as the next crackpot theory.
Which is the point of pastafarianism. It's JUST AS VALID as any other idea.
And "manifest destiny" is a christian belief. Stop trying to pretend that you're open-minded when it comes to religion.
>All ideas are equally valid
Death of Western Thought, the post.
To put on my fedora, I would say that despite the domain of the divine getting smaller with scientific discovery, this has never stopped religious folk rationalising that stuff away
Also, I'd imagine that with the advent of an age of space colonisation one would see cults and small faiths thinking "fuck this shit, we're gonna build our own society, without blackjack and hookers!" and pull a Mayflower.
Seriously user, coming up with cool, weird future religion is like half the fun of a sci-fi setting
>A collection of tiny space states that are nominally all ruled by a leader but are, in practice, almost entirely sovereign, little more than a web of alliances to protect against a large, nearby polity
Sounds like the
I use that in Stellaris!
Great for rushing tech.
Anarchism doesn't really describe a coherent space 'nation' but it can describe a collection of people of a similar creed cooperating on a large scale
I think that a more stable space 'nation' would be a federation or alliance of planets who work together in a commonwealth but maintain sovereignty
Unless one faction built a superweapon capable of forcing their enemies to capitulate, which will allow imperialism for a while until the rest catch up, then it's cold war II
>Build energy credit economy to limit.
>Dump all research into weapons and minerals.
>Make laser corvette and disruptor corvette for shields.
>Build to ship cap.
>Wreck everyone's shit.
Is fun game
Godamn right it is
That's the Imperium of Man.
Some sorta law against government ownership of starships?
Now I kinda want to know the details for this government. Super-libertarian and idealistic? Under a deal by victorious super-libertarians to rule and arbitrate for them, but limited power at best?
This is the biggest list I know of:
>Have you updated your identity protocols within the last 10 common solar cycles, citizen? I must remind you that lagging behind 0.5 in updates is punishable by virtual clone stasis.
Meritostracy, Theocracy, Dictatorship (benevolant or otherwise), Military Juntas
>Nanarchy - The use of automatic government and law-enforcement by nanomachines or robots, without any human control. Nanarchies are societies controlled by nanotechnological systems not under the control of the inhabitants. Usually the result of deliberate planning to ensure security or prevent accidents. The nanosystems enforce certain policies, preventing attempts to overthrow them or change their programming outside of allowed channels.
>Pharmacracy - Rule via chemicals.
>Stochocracy - Government in which the posts are filled by lot from the pool of available citizens.
Charismacracy - Rule by 'animal magnetism', sometimes reinforced with erotic presence and/or empath abilities.
>Not adhering to 1-1-10
Xenarthracy, rule by wise tree sloths.
Also, what do you guys think about Artificial Swarm Intelligence?
From what I can understand, it's essentially a more nuanced democracy. Instead of one vote picking one option, you essentially get a vote that you can vary in strength, can 'pull' for more than one option, and can change at any time.
The idea seems to be force people to cooperate and negotiate a solution instead of polarizing around different options.
UNU.ai is working on a platform for one. There's a paper that roughly summarizes how their platform works.
PDF here:aaai.org
Pharmacracy doesn't seem to be a government, per se. It might be the way a government rules, but it doesn't describe the government itself.
I was more thinking along the lines of EVE: Online's planetary governments.
They can't control starships because the immortal pilots all fuck off into space.
"Cast your bread upon the water and it will go soggy", and all that.
Plenty of other/interesting ways to work it though.
40K's Imperium is a massive feudal kleptocracy, Dune's Imperium (before Paul) is a naval thalassocracy backed by a PMC.
Guavarchy, the rule of tropical fruit. They are silent, but relentless masters.
The impression I got was that Eggers(the immortal PCs in question) aren't the only starship pilots in the galaxy, that there were plenty of normal ones running around.
The main reason planetary governments don't have starships is that they are fuckoff expensive. A few ISK is, canonically, equivalent to billions in planetary currency. The cheapest starships, shuttles, cost around 20k ISK a pop.
Cryptocracy: identities of government officials are concealed from citizens and each other, with contact only possible as black monoliths in official forums; in theory, corruption is impossible without any form of back-channel in which to carry out under-the-table deals. In practice?
Subconscious democracy: a step beyond direct democracy, ubiquitous mind-reading technology reads people's subconscious desires and uses that information to direct policy-setting AI. Laws change on a nearly daily basis depending on what was last in the news; effectively an economic pariah as no corporation will risk investing in such an unstable environment.
Gerontocracy: supposedly a democracy, but after the invention of immortality the same people have been elected into office for five hundred years running. The entire planet has effectively become a retirement home as all the young people have fled to the new colonies, where they will eventually grow old.. and the cycle begins anew.
Transhumanist oligarchy: rule by small elite of genetically- and cybernetically-enhanced superhumans, who claim right to rule as a natural consequence of their innate intellectual superiority. Adjust level of benevolence and actual superiority to taste. Ironically, further research in these fields has been outlawed, as the current elites fear being made obsolete and cast back down to the underclass, as they did to their predecessors.
Relicarchy: Rule by giant god-crystal of indeterminate origin; actually a joke by elder super-beings. Despite decaying infrastructure, arbitrary justice, stagflation, bizarre sumptuary laws, and moronic military adventurism, citizens remain happy thanks to psychic feel-good rays emanating from the crystal.
Lottocracy: policies are chosen from citizen's submissions by lottery; increased number of submissions for a given policy= increased chance to win. Submissions cost x dollars each and any citizen can make as many submissions as he can afford; in theory, this means the chance of a policy being accepted is proportionate to how much its supporters are willing to sacrifice. In practice, as most submitters are not professional law-drafters, the policies are vague and therefore the bureaucracy does whatever it wants and justifies it later.
VR Protectorate: After near-total withdrawal of population into paradise-matrix, task forces were chosen by lot to keep up maintenance and defense to ensure the continued running of the system. Refusal of conscription for these tasks is nominally possible, but results in immediate ejection from the system for 'non-payment of dues', so really it's not.
Divination: All decisions are made by the entrails of goats, tarot cards, and other such methods of fortune-telling. Control effectively rests in the hands of the Church bureaucracy, which controls which options are presented to the fortune-tellers for divination in the first place.
Transhumanist oligarchy sounds like a good start for a planetary opera.
Particularly since the same technology can specialize humans into different roles. You could have a de facto caste system with the oligarchs at the top, unmodified humans a little lower than middle, and hyperspecialized humans at the bottom with uplifts.
Quite badly
Ecotopian terrorists.
It's hard to contemplate the prospect of people becoming obsolete and not come away with half-a-dozen plot hooks.
Solipsism. There's no universe but the one within the AI. All the existence is nothing but a mirror of the AI.