You have to pick one of these cards to be reprinted in the next Standard-legal set, consequences be damned. Which do you pick and why?
You have to pick one of these cards to be reprinted in the next Standard-legal set, consequences be damned...
Other urls found in this thread:
>Dark Ritual
I've always loved mono-black.
>Giant Growth
Not exciting, sure, but not nearly as format warping as Bolt, Ritual or Ancestral. Healing Salve does not exist.
I'm kind of disappointed that they didn't print "Investigate three times" for U in SOI.
That wouldn't have been too bad either since you would then need to sink six mana to draw your three cards. That said it enables the fuck out of tamiyo's journal.
>3 etb triggers for U
>Immediate Metalcraft for U
>4/4 Ravager turn 2 with 2 cards
Yea. Still busted.
Ancestral Recall because fuck the secondary market
It doesn't have to do it without a condition.
If you control a Clue, investigate three times. Otherwise, investigate one time.
Ancestral Recall for the gratuitous reaction it would herald
Ritual or Growth seem like the least damaging. Bolt isn't that bad either but it does fuck with creature selection.
I'd rather they just printed all of them except salve at common.
Dark Ritual because there is no reason black can't have fast mana, lots of abilities are shared by two or more colors, why not fast mana?
I think something like this would be more flavorful and fair in the current state of standard
>More Questions than Answers
>If you activated a clue this turn, investigate three times
Secondary market is what's keeping magic alive.
>let me list incredibly narrow instances where this shitty card would be somewhat ok!
This isn't busted.
You're dumb.
lighting bolt lightning bolt lightning bolt. Every red deck in existence should have lightening bolt.
Metalcraft for 1 mana is pretty fucking strong, yo.
This would break Affinity. Ravager can eat those things you know. And it's another 3 for Plating.
Dark ritual because the artwork is toptier
Giant Growth and Healing Salve would be safe to reprint, Bolt warps the meta too much, Ritual is a combo enabler and thus unfun. Recall will never be reprinted and should never be reprinted, except in "Vintage Masters" for non-t2 / modern play.
Giant Growth.
Dark Ritual is no longer on-color for what it does. Rituals are a red thing now.
Lightning Bolt is really goddamn powerful and not something to just toss in willy-nilly.
Healing Salve is insultingly weak.
Ancestral Recall is absurdly overpowered.
We shitty /ccg/ now?
Raising More Questions - U
Enchantment - Aura
Enchant artifact
When ~ enters the battlefield, put 3 charge counters on enchanted artifact.
Whenever you sacrifice a clue, remove a charge counter from enchanted artifact and investigate.
When the last charge counter is removed from enchanted artifact, sacrifice ~.
I guarantee it would get shitty nu-magic artwork.
>Being this jewish
Goy, you recive 1$ in your star of David games account everytime you post this?
Secondary market is what keeps the tournament scene alive.
Lightning Bolt. Because a staple common shouldn't cost 10 bucks for a playset. Ever.
You. I like you.
Bolt, because every time they print a really shitty bolt for standard I vomit.
Dark Rit because standard babies need to feel the wrath of t1 Hippie
Ancestral Recall
It creates salt for collectors, who are the worst people in the community
why is healing salve such shit seriously
This cycle was from a time in the game where what was valuable was really not understood that well, hence why "1 mana for 3 life" and "1 mana to draw three cards" were presented as equal despite how self-evidently stupid that is in a card game where the goal isn't to deplete your hand.
>incredibly narrow
If a combo is good people will play it
>were presented as equal
They knew that ancestral recall was significantly stronger, which is why it was printed at rare while the others were common.
Ancestral Recall
Burn it all down
what about confirm suspicions?
For the memes.
Dark Ritual.
Modern faggots need to experience T1 Liliana of the Veil.
ritual because storm
>tier 1 deck
Dark Ritual easily, I would be finally fun building a black deck again.
Healing salve is literally a worse Healing Leaves except it is white.
That blue card is broken.
They released a balanced version of that card with madness but I forgot the name.
How is a bad version of a balanced card balanced itself?
Nobody thought AR was equal by the time it got to print, else it would have been lower rarity. But GG, Bolt, and Salve were clearly seen as equals. After all putting +3/+3 on a creature is the same as dealing 3 damage to an enemy creature or enemy player, depending on whether it's blocked or not. And preventing 3 damage seemed obviously equal to dealing 3 damage since they're literally opposites. As for Dark Ritual, how good was it in Alpha?
Bullshit. The secondary market doesn't help the game in any way.
Ancestral Recall, because I noticed so few milling cards in the recent sets (it would go so well with the few there are, pic related)
also Isn't Giant Growth reprinted every few years?
To me they're almost rated right to left for least broken to most broken. Maybe Healing Salve is a lil better than Giant Growth. I'd definitely make Giant Growth standard. Single target buffs can be fun.
Firey Temper
I rated them left to right because why not.
AR is one of the power nine, so busted it didn't even make it to Revised. 'Nuf said.
Dark Ritual hasn't been seen since Urza's Saga, and even in that environment it was clearly too strong. It enables too many combos. If a card is considered strong in an environment that broken, the card is broken. Plus this ability got moved to Red. It will be never be reprinted outside of supplemental products and even then it'll probably only show up when a mono-black faction is involved. (Phyrexia vs the Coalition; Divine vs Demonic)
Bolt is the card that surprised the fuck out of everyone when it entered Modern in the 2011 core set. In an environment with Bolt anything with 3 toughness that needs to stay on the battlefield for more than a phase is unplayable. Bolt isn't so strong on its own (you probably won't win because of it and it alone) but it makes everything else inherently weaker.
Giant Growth is a staple that gets reprinted every once in a while, unless they have a mechanic they can add to the card to put a twist on it, like Mirran Mettle. The fact that they can come up with so many variations on Giant Growth is the only reason it isn't in every goddamn set.
Healing Salve is just bad. 1 mana for 3 life is an okay trade, but 1 mana AND A CARD for 3 life is an awful trade. Nobody in the history of anything has won a game because of healing salve.
Just my opinions, feel free to >implying.
Dark Ritual because I hate MtG and wish to see it destroyed.
Standard now is combo Lite, and combo focused on creatures, so DR is just extra effective ramp. There is 0 danger of storm on standard.
Also, creatures with 4+ thoughtness are more frecuent and cheap, so the only problem for bolt is muh limited.
ancestral recall just to piss off jews
The other two don't matter
Bolt and giant growth because fuck these continual attempts to make deliberately weaker versions of them
They made bolt a goddamn uncommon now, it's how stupid the dev team are now. God I'm glad my friend and I have tons of bolts
Why is it called the power nine if there are only 8 cards in it?
5 Moxen
Time Walk
Lightning axe, perhaps? It's a pretty good card. Works well with innistrad block.
>card that isn't even playable in legacy
>power nine
>>card that isn't even playable in legacy
... because it's banned in Legacy, mate. Along with the rest of the power nine.
I think they mean Fiery Temper
Fiery Temper could combo stupidly with Lightning Axe
I use this in my vampire madness deck
I run them both and I can confirm that it does.
I think Im gonna make a red madness deck to test it out
RB madness, I don't know if there are any good U madness in standard atm?
Broken Concentration actually costs more for madness
as an aside about ancestral recall, why does milling feel so good to do, but so bad to be on the receiving end of?
Dark Ritual into Hypnotic Specter was a thing, it was pretty close to guaranteed value.
Bolt was in m10. And modern wasn't a format back then. And you could still play
Or, with help...
Bolt is the very problem with mtg. The way that everything is balanced 3 damage for one mana is to powerful but 2 damage is far to weak. They need to rebalance everything so that bolt is spot on powerwise.
I like it because it's an unusual win condition that most forget about. Plus, it's stupid fun to see the look on someone's face when they get Traumatize + Mirari.
>tfw Bruna EDH deck
>tfw I cast Traumatize on myself
>tfw opponents are confused
>tfw I attack and one shot them with all the auras now in my 'yard
I mean, yes but no. Its balanced for Limited and Standard. I would let it loose in modern and see how it sits. And you cant balance for legacy or vintage.
and I would reprint bolt. Its already legal in modern, It would only be in standard for 18 months, and theyre climbing up to about 4 bucks. Yeah I have like 20, but more bolts are good bolts
Current design seems to be weighed towards 3 mana being the cheapest way to kill a creature. Right now the best removal spell in standard is a 2 mana G/W spell, which is frankly retarded. When Terror is "too good for standard", standard is not in a good place.
Bring back Plow, Bolt, and Pro White creatures. The formula that makes Old School great can make Standard great too.
The problem is that more and more decks can use that against you. Traumatize, into they cast a Past in Flames and murder you.
I'd still rather be milled than countered all day
Lightning bolt. $3 for a common is kinda bonkers.
ancestral $1,200.00 for a rare is kind of bonkers
I'm talking about realistically acquiring cards for a fair price, not a card printed 20+ years ago at rare that breaks every game it's opt into.
Healing Salve, because the first three are at least kind of broken and Giant Growth has already been reprinted a jillion times already. Pack the set with a bunch of "Whenever ~ deals damage, ..." effects and higher-costed but more efficient versions of Healing Salve (Say, a 3 mana spell that prevents 5 damage or gains 5 life) along with versions that cantrip, prevent-damage cleric tribal, etc. Boom, Healing Salve is now playable in limited.
I really like prevent-damage effects and I want them to be better. It's always frustrated me that they haven't done something like this already. All you have to do to make preventing
Is $10 for a playset of a card really killing you? That's half a cheap dinner out
Healing salve definitely. Not overpowered in the least, but a great utility to get around first strike creatures.
It's more like $16 a playset now.
I remember when a guy did that to me
Then i showed him the Emrakul he just send to my graveyard
And he scooped
Lightning Bolt was brought back once. It can happen again.
There's also cards like the OG eldrazi that completely hose all mill decks. It's like how Rest In Peace hoses graveyard and dredge decks except even worse.
Healing Salve
We already have a W card in Standard that gives 5 life at sorcery speed. 3 life at instant and the option to instead just take less damage would be perfectly balanced.
It's pretty amazing you can look at Ancestral recall and think 'Hey! This is great for making opponents mill!'
It's pretty amazing you can look at bait and think 'Hey! This is a genuine post!'
It's pretty amazing you can look at samefag and think 'Hey! This is a genuine post!'
Ancestral because I want to shit on the face of all "collector" scalpers.
If I cared about gameplay, I'd pick Ritual because I miss the bursts of fast mana that use to be normal in black decks.
>Also, rituals in red make little sense and is one of the dumbest changes to the color pie that they've made.
It makes sense with Red's impulsive side. "I'll trade a card for a very short term boost in mana" works for red. It's just most of the red rituals that they've made have been awful.
I mean, I used to run that one from Coldsnap in a deck, but it wasn't spectacular or anything.
>running a remotely decent mill deck without Cranial Extraction effects
>not running pure Exile Mill/Search and Destroy
I have a dank shitbrew that's basically meant to extract all major threats by a certain turn and uses Psychic Surgery in conjunction with Ghost Quarter/extraction effects to root out even more.
post list
I'm putting it up on tappedout right now. Give me a sec.
Here it is: the jankest, dankest, shitbrew.
All except for healing salve
Can you feel the vomit rising up your throat?
No, because I can't see it.