Magic: The Gathering Modern General (competitive discussion)
>Infect is one of the most dangerous decks in the metagame and is one of the most popular decks. How is your matchup against them? >Ad Nauseam has proven to be a good combo deck in this metagame. How does that make you feel? >There is currently no established Dredge list. Which version do you think is the best? >What EMN cards caught your eye and for what deck(s)? Will any new deck emerge?
New thread and this post at the same time. Extra mfw.
Thomas Ortiz
I think dredge is forever going to be to vulnerable to sideboards.
R8 my Naya midrange zoo.
Lincoln Butler
Sin prodder for no reason. I guess you can get 1 damage when they throw away your bolts
Ethan Cook
How has grishoalbrand been doing lately? I've always thought it was one of the coolest decks in modern and I'm finally going to buy in now that I've made more traditional decks
Camden Jones
>no goyf >no boros charm (this one is negotiable) >become immense
Adam Anderson
Try Sin Prodder before you hate on it. Fuels delve and Knight like its nobody's buinsess. Plus comes in from CoCo for immediate value at EoT.
Fuck goyf. I'll get it when's its 20 bucks.
Caleb Garcia
>Sin Prodder off CoCo >reveal become immense >opponent dies.
Owen Stewart
Sin prodder would be fine if it made sense in the deck. Your deck building skills are shit to say the least