Roll out, and post your results.
/40k/ Imperial Guard Generation Thread
Rolled 89, 23, 97, 55, 81, 86, 26, 12, 22, 58, 44, 29 = 622 (12d100)
roll fur deh empurah
Rolled 64, 63, 14, 43, 63, 94, 88, 92, 86, 68, 46, 58 = 779 (12d100)
Rolled 42, 27, 2, 13, 43, 71, 36, 98, 58, 80, 40, 20 = 530 (12d100)
Let's see what we get!
So the results are:
>Imperial Guard regiment
>from a hive world with jungle terrain
>They also are an infantry regiment, makes sense since they hail from a hive world
>They are specialized in lightning strikes
>But they are undisciplined
>But all recruits are from a priesthood from a standard form of recruitment
>their special equipment is blessed wargear
>the regiment creed is glory in death
>they are friend with the Admech and enemies with Orks
Rolled 62, 59, 85, 86, 30, 65, 57, 71, 46, 42, 55, 58 = 716 (12d100)
OP here, my turn.
(sorry, was a little bit AFK)
Mine is:
>Planetary Defense Force
>From a Dead Forge-World
>It's core units are Siege ones, specialized in Stealh Warfare
>Undisciplined Space Pilgrims, tho
>Standard Conscripts, nothing special
>Their special equipment are Rare Special Weapons
>They shout "FOR THE EMPEROR" higher than anyone else
>The Adeptus Titanicus is closely related with us
>Fuck the Heretics Space Marines
Pretty consistent, tho.
I could see this one being pretty fun
Hive world
Heavy infantry
Drill and discipline
Elite Tithe (I probably would have preperfered it be punishment though, kinda like military school)
Specialized lazgun pattern
For the emperor
Adpetus mechanicus
the orks
I'd play it.
>I'd play it
I'd play mine too, that heavy artillery drives me crazy. But I usually like to spam Whiteshields and Guardsmen too, just like in World War I.
Rolled 9, 54, 29, 63, 50, 68, 12, 64, 37, 52, 47, 20 = 505 (12d100)
>Mixed Regiment
>Desert Forge World
>Mechanized Infantry
>Trench Warfare
>All male
>Standard Conscription
>Exotic Mounts
>For the Emperor
>Adepta Sororitas
I legitimately have no idea how this would work.
Well, it could be worse
Rolled 83, 85, 59, 78, 37, 72, 49, 80, 69, 68, 61, 92 = 833 (12d100)
Rolled 64, 36, 57, 96, 53, 100, 62, 41, 59, 78, 53, 94 = 793 (12d100)
This one has a lot of promise as some sort of norse-inspired regiment
>feral ice world
>obsessed with glorious death
>enemies are deldar
They're even best friends with the Adeptus Titanicus, which has great naming potential for the titans.
Penal Legion from a frozen shrine world, who practice armoured stealth doctrines. They are undisciplined (penal legion duh), that use standard recruitment from the tribes of the planet.
The troops are augmented and believe their augments make them the best of the best. They maintain close ties with the church being from a shrine world and their most hated enemy is the Dark Eldar pirates who seek to plunder their most holy shrines.
Rolled 59, 24, 45, 67, 61, 55, 35, 54, 9, 30, 36, 36 = 511 (12d100)
Why not
lets try this again... I'm fuckin' stupid apparently.
Rolled 25, 1, 85, 48, 24, 63, 77, 35, 43, 50, 59, 30 = 540 (12d100)
Well. It's established that I am beyond retarded.
Rolled and got this.
>Death World
>Close Combat
>Augmented Troops
>For the Homeworld
>Friends: Adeptus Titanicus
>Specific Disciple of Chaos: Vulthoom the Maw Engines
The çöl Ölüm Panzermensch regiments are the result of a quirk of Mechanicus politics and the exigencies of war. The Legio Cuspis was forced to rebase after its original Forge-World Bewerk was overcome by the ‘Void Dragon’ heresy and subject to Exterminatus. (Thankfully, the majority of its strength was off-world at the time.) However, the forge-world Forjar chosen for its new base had no great military tradition, and they could not train Skitarii of sufficient quality to be worthy of escorting the God-Machines into battle. So they turned elsewhere: the death-world of cöl Ölüm.
Although technically a guard regiment, they are effectively part of the Legio Cuspis, deployed exclusively as the infantry screen for their mighty engines. Their greatest enemy is the Heretek that engineered the downfall and Exterminatus of Bewerk, the many-bodied Vulthoom.
>Imperial Guard
>Hive World
>Dead World terrain
>Heavy Infantry
>Counter Insurgency
>Elite tithe
>Rare Heavy Weapon
>"For the Emperor"
>Friends with the Chartist Captains
>Enemies with the Orks
If only I wasn't so retarded, I could have gotten this on the first try.
Rolled 82, 77, 56, 81, 68, 41, 22, 51, 57, 80, 83, 61 = 759 (12d100)
Rolled 28, 62, 91, 91, 66, 49, 44, 65, 78, 58, 2, 83 = 717 (12d100)
>Penal Legion Regiment
>From a Civilized World
>Ice World
>Core Units of Artillery
>Close Combat Specialty
>Adherent Loyalty
>All Female
>Standard Conscription
>Blessed Wargear
>Glory in Death
>Friendly with the Inquisition
>Hates Chaos Space Marines
So they're effectively suicide troops with a tendency to call artillery strikes against their own positions. Seems legit.
Special Vehicle
For the emprah
Fuck Chaos
Mutant siege troops with ballistas and trebuchets
Am excite
Rolled 3, 72, 93, 13, 82, 16, 79, 71, 22, 44, 39, 58 = 592 (12d100)
Here we go!
>Imperial Guard
>Civilised World
>Infantry Regiment
>Shock & Awe
>Standard Conscription
>Specialized lasgun pattern
>For The Emperor
>Adeptus Mechanicus
>Chaos Space Marines
I had to round a few numbers because I rolled a few extra 1d100's
Rolled 6, 39, 11, 73, 37, 91, 48, 8, 49, 26, 91, 13 = 492 (12d100)
Rolled 82, 44, 1, 48, 10, 9, 62, 89, 50, 29, 10, 28 = 462 (12d100)
Rolled 9 (1d10)
Rolled 4 + 1 (1d10 + 1)
FUCKING DAMNIT!!!! This is why you don't Veeky Forums tired. I look like a fucking normie...
Rolled 46 (1d100)
I'll give this a go.
Rolled 3, 49, 66, 31, 79, 33, 98, 78, 4, 86, 30, 35 = 592 (12d100)
disappointed sigh.
Shit ain't working for me senpai. What is my tired ass doing wrong?
Rolled 55, 69, 66, 74, 63, 55, 12, 100, 40, 63, 87, 18 = 702 (12d100)
Rolling for why not. Also on mobile rip me.
dice+ 12d100
Man i hate the emperor
Rolled 96, 26 = 122 (2d100)
>Death World
>Infantry Regiment
>Ranged Combat
>Get to roll again Rolled d3+1 got 1+1=2
>Standard Conscription
>Traditional Weapons
>Tribal Faiths
>Friends with Adeptus Astartes Chapter
>Enemy's: Eldar
dice+12d100 in options field.
>Recruitment Criteria = Do I roll D3+1 again? + Casteborn.
Rolled 2, 12, 96, 1, 66, 22, 53, 84, 64, 65, 88, 56 = 609 (12d100)
Roll Damnit
Rolled 71, 20 = 91 (2d100)
Did it anyway got another 1+1.
>Imperial Guard
>Hive World
>Infantry Regiment
>Close Combat
>Standard Conscription
>Augmented Troops
>Chaos Space Marines
So what the fuck did I just make.... The Imperium is batshit to make a IG Regiment like this.
So all female criminal warrior caste (or mostly female anyway) that wears gasmasks and shoots shit with massed flashlight fire for Emp-rar, or something. Interesting.
Bunch of zealots that specialise in indoor fights.
Rolled 47, 37, 30, 4, 89, 17, 33, 28, 33, 70, 20, 17 = 425 (12d100)
Rolled 91, 69, 8, 94, 98, 58, 34, 51, 19, 20, 9, 24 = 575 (12d100)
> A Militia, on a medieval world that is mostly jungle.
> It's main troops are Shock troopers, and they specialize at Guerrilla Warfare.
>We're adherent to the belief of the Imperium.
>We recruit from nobility, in a standard conscription.
>We have many War trophies, ranging from Ork weaponry to a proudly displayed Tau Battlesuit.
>Our creed is to demonstrate the skill and tenacity of soldiers from our homeworld.
>We are friends with the Adeptus Arbites, and our enemies are the Orks
Rolled 61, 8, 10, 20, 44, 78, 99, 54, 87, 81, 42, 24 = 608 (12d100)
Rolled 30, 41, 77, 37, 26, 79, 70, 8, 68, 72, 33, 87 = 628 (12d100)
>Imperial Guard
>Death World
>Light Infantry
>Counter Insurgency
>Undisciplined: Will follow the Emperor but don't expect them to bow to authority figures
>Standard Conscription
>Augumented Troops
>Best of the Best
>Adeptus Astra Telepathica
>Chaos-Aligned group
Congrats you made a regiment from Detroit.
Rolled 100, 85, 78, 20, 22, 42, 58, 46, 83, 88, 64, 55 = 741 (12d100)
Planetary defence force
Hive World
Trench Warfare
Elite Tithe
Exotic mounts
For The Emperor
Rogue Trader Dynasty
The Eldar
It's a real mix but could be a laugh
Rolled 1, 16, 40, 28, 52, 98, 27, 18, 93, 56, 5, 52 = 486 (12d100)
Oh voi
>ümläüt över löäd
It's actually Turkish for 'desert death', according to Google Translate anyway.
Since they're mixed, they could have other regiments filling in their weird qualifications. Otherwise;
Specialize in trench warfare, using static Leman Russes as gun emplacements, and some rare, out of production transport for crossing no-mans-land and rapid redeployment along the trench lines. When the call to advance comes, they mount up in their weird transports and storm forward with the Russ', dealing out the Emperor's Wrath.
Sounds kinda neat to me.
Alternatively, they could be a rapid-response force, made to seal up gaps that form in trench lines. More so a reserve company that dashes into place with something like attack dune buggies or cross bikes, etc, and made to harass the enemy while a proper regiment moves into position.
A fanatical group of zealots that specializes in sweeping out the shitty hab-blocks of hives/forge worlds/any world.
It's a fucking honor to serve, and they have so many volunteers that they have to recruit in a lottery, so to maintain their planetary population. Also they're augmented to be super stronk in glorious CQC once they're recruited.
It sounds pretty awesome, actually.
The 106th Geodan Hellions are a scout/reconnaisance regiment, well known for their seemingly impossible raids behind enemy lines. They favor scout bikes and light vehicles, motors howling over the roughest terrain.
Most are pressed into service en masse by the Arbites of Geodan's various hives and factories. They come from the countless young scum who terrorize the underhive on heavily-customized bikes and other vehicles. Their zeal for battle is unquestioned, and their faithfulness is...usually acceptable. However, discipline problems abound, as company-level mass brawls are not uncommon. Junior officers often undertake dangerous ventures on their own initiative, with bragging rights hotly contested among the command structure. Commissars assigned to the regiment find they must "keep up or feth off" among the reckless troopers.
Vaunted among the regiment is the "Chrome First" battalion, an assault force that provides a potent spearhead for this light regiment. The most hardened and zealous Hellions seek transfer to First Battalion. Equipped with fast armored vehicles and heavy weaponry, the First can drive home a fearsome frontal charge. Their vehicles are stained with the blood of xenos and heretics, many of them sanctified by regimental enginseers as venerable machine spirits, lovingly maintained and prized above all others.
An assault regiment made up of combat engineering and heavy mechanized infantry battalions. They are notorious for modified assault vehicles that use a variety of dozers, shovels, drills, and even explosive rams to breach enemy lines. They are one of only a few regiments that utilize the Hades Breaching Drill. They have been lauded by the Adepta Sororitas for breaking heretic lines during the relief of St. Felicitas Abbey on Breitan VI.
so....i got a regiment from a death world that is temperate. like...what?
That just means the local wildlife is really REALLY nasty.
This almost sounds more like an Imperial Navy creation. Specialized boarding/defense troopers, small-M marines, that kind of thing. Fanatical close combat specialists, augmented for hazardous space conditions, backed by Navigator houses who use them for armed escort duty.
i got kind of a odd one as well. is me. PDF, death world,temperate,infantry regulars,stealthy,fanatical,all female,punishment recruiting,traditional weapon,for the homeworld,adaptes arbites, and tyranids.
The 34th Geradin Infantry are borne from a deceptively temperate world. The climate at temperate latitudes is pleasant; the local flora and fauna are manageable. Several waves of settlers were sent to the planet before its cruel nature was discovered.
For millennia, deposits of toxic metals and radioactive materials deep in the planet's mantle are periodically spewed into the atmosphere by volcanic activity. The levels are low, but persistent. Wasting death, radiation poisoning, and mass sterility resulted.
Eventually--through natural adaptation and aggressive fertility programs--a stable population was achieved, and settlements began to grow to cities. But the planet's deadly legacy lives on. Live births outside of Imperial medical creches are rare, and between 3-5% of all children are born sterile. The "Barren" are conscripted at a young age into PDF training regiments, which are frequently exported in the form of new Imperial Guard formations.
Geradean regiments are segregated by sex, and their blighted biology means that many Ecclesiarchical hardliners suspect them of vile mutations. But they are known to be hardy, clever fighters. Raised from adolescence to the soldier's life, they are fanatically loyal to their fellow Guardsmen, and excel at small-formation infiltration assaults.
Each Geradeen Guardsman carries a heavy, broad-bladed knife, suited for hacking brush and sod, in addition to vicious hand-to-hand fighting. They are given the knife as adolescents, and much of their indoctrination refers to the knife as symbolic to their relationship to Emperor and mother planet.
Rolled 100, 26, 20, 13, 18, 44, 20, 51, 76, 45, 19, 95 = 527 (12d100)
ok, so:
Mixed Regiment
Feral World
Jungle World
Infantry Regiment
drill and discipline
All Female
Standard Conscription
Special Vehicle
For the Emperor
Adeptus Astartes Chapter
Dark Eldar
Apparently, I got space amazons who are mortal enemies of BDSM space elves.
probably friendly with White Scars in sharing that hatred of space elves.
im going with a orbit where a night is like 48 hours. as well as a really low gravity so everyone has to live in airships and stuff. basically it was just enough to push it into a death world classification.
You all seem to be forgetting the fact they specialize against Chaos SPACE MARINES. They have to be batshit to go hand to hand with those fuckers.
Rolled 58, 63, 42, 57, 62, 40, 49, 32, 61, 32, 15, 79 = 590 (12d100)
I always loved these threads!
Rolled 61, 29, 26, 100, 42, 47, 15, 62, 65, 12, 41, 7 = 507 (12d100)