Have you ever tried talking to the goblins, user? Or is it always just mindless slaughter?
Diplomacy could lead you toward something worth much more than the few coppers you could get from their loot, y'know.
Have you ever tried talking to the goblins, user? Or is it always just mindless slaughter?
Diplomacy could lead you toward something worth much more than the few coppers you could get from their loot, y'know.
Other urls found in this thread:
If they were worth talking to, they would have more than a few coppers of loot.
Typically I make characters that try that first. Unless they swing first, or no one speaks similar languages. Such is war
Also source
My rip-and-tear barbarian has spent literal in-and-out-of-game months desperately trying to stop a war.
She's getting mighty tired of talking. The GM's upset at me because I'm not riding the rails he expects me to. Am only kinda closer to achieving anything than I was to begin with. The warring side that's 'mine' is still getting trashed while I'm failing to stop it. And I barely get to play anymore.
The next time someone asks for diplomacy I'm going to put their skull on a fucking standard.
>Or is it always just mindless slaughter?
No exceptions.
Not even once.
Source of original pic? For science?
My setting's not!goblins are a civilized race.
>Players dealing with 'civilized' goblin street gang in a major city
>They draw weapons instead of paying the gobbos for the information they want
>Goblin leader puts hand to belt and remarks "This is gonna be embarrassing, really wish it didn't come to this..."
>Then squeals at the top of his lungs for the guards
>Party's faces when
I talk to any monster that tries to talk to me. Most of the time we end up fighting anyway.
Have you tried not playing D&D?
Why would I talk to something that I can kill without pissing off other PC's. My stated goal was to 'kill everything 'party leader' says I can.'
That seems to be a case of GM stupidity more than diplomacy failing user
If they were ever civilized sure. Usually if I encounter goblins in games they just pillage shit and hide in trapped up caves. That's the kind of thing that gets you slaughtered
If they had a "good reason" for killing and raping a shit ton of people they probably should have brought forth their grievances in a different way
The party has had a goblin mascot since session 2.
We started by subduing a goblin hunting party and forcing them to take us to their cave. We let one go and the other was friendly enough to us that we invited her along.
She's my character's best friend.
I wanna cuddle a goblin!
>talking to goblins
Imagine a room full of snotty, undisciplined children, beating up on each other, amped-up on sugar, and getting into everything.
Goblins are like that, except they have knives and sharp teeth.
They're "cute" in very small doses, and can be manipulated, but don't think for one second they're "people" or in any way capable of honor. And don't turn your back on them.
>Have you ever tried talking to the goblins, user?
Yes. You know what happened? They killed us. Both times.
So go ahead, scream some rodney king references or whatever the fuck hashtag you made up this time. It won't work on me anymore.
>goblinism is a religion of peace!
I don't think that's what it is, actually. OP used a cropped image from a porn comic, I recognize that artist's style. Pretty sure they're trying to hint at "why kill the goblins when you can fuck them", and no one's picking up on it.
Everybody is picking up on it, just ignoring it. Until you brought it up. You fuck.
More like tacitly ignoring in favor of a good conversation. Which I just broke, so I guess you got me.
Seriously, what the hell kind of fa/tg/uy doesn't know about InCase?
If you really want to have a slutgoblin discussion take that shit to /aco/ or /trash/.
>they forced the nuclear states into attempting to atomically sterilize their countries.
What? How does this even make sense.
>Chaos Undivided is a religion of peace!
>The ruinous powers would never have supported such senseless violence
I hate that WoW and CoC turned gobulins into fetish bait.
Give me back my savage pygmies.
Generally my party gets sic'ed on goblins that are already proving to be a problem. There could be whole tribes of philosophy-loving warrior poets mushroom farming under the next mountain over, but *we're* never going to hear about it.
I'm assuming the point is that she's just batshit. "Disrupting breeding pairs" doesn't even make sense as a strategy beyond pure attrition.
Art that disgusting can only come from InCase's fetid ass. Anyway fuck off with this fetish shit.
Man, presenting them as dumbass rambunctious kids makes the presented alternative of killing them indiscriminately look worse too.
Maybe she thinks nukes let off as much dirty radiation as the first atom bombs.
Thats good.
She's also hallucinating vividly.
Can you post the uncropped picture? I need it for research purposes
Not them but I went looking for it myself.
I don't even like talking to people.
What's this? looks strangely fun for a capeshit comic.
Thank you, user. Thank you. It helps, just a little.
Nextwave:Agents of Hate.
I think its next wave.
>Agressively forward and dominant shortstack gobbo girl is trying to bully my PC into a relationship
>She's a rogue so can't even run away or hide or get privacty
>take OP's advice
>talk to goblin
>a month later, I am being gang raped by a horde of my gobbo daughters
Thanka bunch, fucking OP.
I'm surprised no one posted pages from that new retarded edgy manga /a/ is fanboying about yet. Its about how goblins are actually super dangerous and they instantly rape and kill everyone but there is one guy who knows how to kill them. Such retarded shit. I prefer goblins with more variety. Sometimes grunts, sometimes with cities, sometimes smart, sometimes dumb, sometimes ugly, sometimes hot.
Let me guess, it's a LN adaption?
You tell me.
>Diplomacy could lead you toward something worth much more than the few coppers you could get from their loot, y'know.
Sorry, but Goblins aren't cute enough.
Kobolds, on the other hand
I'm reading 570 right now, Jane Austen actually has awful prose but Elizabeth is just Victorian femanon and carries the show.
No, I haven't.
>Goblin Slayer
Oh boy, here we go.
While searching for some light work to pass the time and make a few extra coins during their stay in town your character hears of a local doctor who has a problem with a family of goblins squatting in his crawl space. After investigating you learn that the goblins have returned every time the local law enforcement officer removes them, sometimes being back for weeks before being found out again, and he has given up on keeping them gone. You also learn that the doctor has repeatedly refused the family's offer to pay rent, believing that they are too much of a problem to be worth it.
What do you do?
You're an awful roleplayer.
Spoken like a true fag that does not read comic books
>true fag
>does not read comic books
That's called a paradox.
How are slutty goblins not Veeky Forums relevant? They've always been Veeky Forums relevant.
Kick the greenbacks out. Then build a wall beteween human lands and goblandia.
>How are slutty goblins not Veeky Forums relevant?
How ARE they relevant.
"Veeky Forums is just d lite" is not an acceptable reason.
Tradition is unacceptable to you? Then go back to fucking reddit and stop trying to split Veeky Forums into a million little shit boards.
Veeky Forums has always been and will always be /d/elightful.
So her super power is she's a dumb blonde?
Imagine running a game in the setting
> Do you want to eat the mystery fruit
>You now have a furry dong and claws
>The minotaur rapes you and you are pregnant
>I know you are a guy but the last fruit you ate gave you a vagina
The PCs would probably try to build an army of rape babies
So Beastmen?
Nextwave wasn't exactly A-list
Yes, I can already see the munchkins lining up willing goblins to produce their own warband.
I feel like someone who doesn't want to turn into a pile of dicks and tentacles wouldn't have that hard of a time. Bring your own food, turn down strange offers, kill monsters instead of fucking them, etc.
Really the easiest way to derail such a game is basically just using common sense and not thinking with your dick
Yeah but all those random fruits could potentially be beneficial. The GM just has to lure the players in. Maybe he will grow wings or claws, or really just an anemone dick who knows.
Every player knowing the source material will of course stay away because , I could not think of one good thing coming from the fruits except tiny wing which can't be used to fly.
And then Veeky Forums would berate you for being that guy
>user why don't you want to eat the fruit that looks, smells and probably tastes like a horse dong. Don't be that guy
Hey, haggis is very traditional meal!
I can't find the image source, probably cause my google-fu is trash.
Artist's name is in the thread buddy.
This is funny to me because I have a DM that literally DOES try to tempt my group with bullshit fruit that randomly gives bonus and penalties and I can safely say that player willingness to eat them is directly associated with how willing they are to let their character die
In case of what?
It's always fun if you try to coax players into taking risks or doing stupid stuff, while the one half the table, who knows what could happen, is trying to reason with the player, without spoiling him.
That excuse worked better before there was a dozen boorus with more quality porn than anyone could fap to in a dozen lifetimes.
hope you like traps newfriend
I can't speak goblin though.
of the sameface.
fine, here's your (You).
Let me tell you something, my first encounter with a goblins was being eviscerated when I was a young lad. I've been wounded many times since by the filth.
The only good goblin, is a dead goblin.
The slug-like samelips.
Always try to deal/negotiate unless circumstances force conflict.
It's how I managed to find dragon testicles that, when consumed, allowed me to breath fire.
>check InCase art after a while
>all dem new goblins
>No haircutter in the local area who'll cut my hair in exchange for cum.
Did you ask? Maybe they just did not think about this new way of payment
>Goblins aren't cute enough
Diplomacy has failed again!
They aren't.
Furfag please go and stay go
stop being racist, that is clearly a scalie
Yep. My half-orc paladin decided to talk to the local goblin tribe instead of SMITE AND CLEAVE when they encroached on a important frontier town.
Long story short, my half-orc paladin is now the (unofficial) spiritual leader of the tribe and has 7 kids running around in the tribe, with 4 more on the way.
>incase draws goblins
>incase draws traps
>incase doesn't draw goblin traps
this isn't fair
if they wanted to talk they shouldn't have been in the way of my fireballs.
I always do, However my GM constantly makes everything want to kill HUMANITY STRONK, and then when I complain that its 'humanitys aka his' fault that everything wants to kill them, they/he pulls the victim card.