Let's have a Humanity Fuck Yeah thread
Humanity Fuck You's are also welcome
HFY - Humanity Fuck Yeah
Thank you user
Time for cake
No, no thank you.
I'll dump some of the less seen ones from my folder.
Maybe we'll attract a write fag.
As you can probably tell, I prefer the ones where humanity overcomes and excels over the ones where we're all murderhobos.
Funny how a counter thread spawned the actual HFY thread.
this is one of my favorite copypastas
Humanity, Fuck Yeah
Dumping Diplomat (1/6)
Fucking hell this is cringy.
/pol/ can't write for shit, who would have guessed?
I don't know, I chuckled at the third to last entry.
>/pol/ actually believes this
Eh, it just reads too badly for me to find it amusing.
Wait, this was the wrong one.
And I can't seem to find the one I meant to post.
There's a fetish I didn't know I had.
The edge goes hand in hand with HFY though, with the whole "what better way to show superiority than genocide?" thing
Second time in as many days I've seen my old OC!
Please don't die.
Anyone can just google "humanity fuck yeah" and read all the stories. /thread
>The edge goes hand in hand with HFY though
>teleports behind you
>unsheathes katana
heh, nothing personal, xenos.
Seriously though, fuck bioware
>bake cakes for aliens
>get rewarded with sex so good your legs turn to jelly the next day
Why can't the aliens visit so I can have my qt 3.14 ayylmao?
That seems incredibly pleasant. I'd say overwhelmingly pleasant, but the speaker got there before me.
>iron is considered toxic
well then just re-write your run of the mill hfy "they evolved on a death world" story and replace "dangerous animals" with "dangerously high ferrous oxide contents in the soil"
>so these 'humans', right?
>you know the planet they come from
>sol 3, mane
>yes i fucking know that one is marked 'hazardous' on the star map
>look right there it says 'massive FE contamination'
>we would literally die if we touched the ground in some places of that rock
>life shouldn't even theoretically be possible on a planet like that
>and its their homeworld, they evolved on that poison slag
Holy shit that was amazing.
It won both a Hugo and a Nebula, so it ought to be. It's hard to win both of those.
>forgetting that Iron supplements are a dietary necessity
>and that our blood contains high levels of it as its necessary to carry oxygen needed for cellular metabolism
If iron is toxic to other aliens, imagine them trying to fight us in close combat only to discover that we basically have Xenomorph acid blood.
Anyone have the "humans are heavy-worlders" screencap? I was trying to find it for a friend the other day, I thought it was an interesting concept.
Or maybe their brains/counterparts can't handle magnetic fields so their Goldilocks zone is much further out then ours. And landing on a planet with such a huge magnetic iron core would make them go brain dead.
I never said I was good at this
I suck tbqh
Just a basic outline for a writefag to hopefully get inspired
kek, nice
Say no more senpai.
They would be from an absolutely frigid ice world far out of the reaches of charged particles from solar wind in that case.
Or maybe a sunless Exoplanet that got flung out of its solar system.
too much science
>why does this keep happening
>Just a basic outline for a writefag to hopefully get inspired
Oh I'm inspired by it all right, most stories that use the "humans live on a death world" either focus on our high concentrations of oxygen and evolution of ocygen-based metabolism (oxygen is stupidly reactive, even in its diatomic state, which is why it's so successfully evolved as the basis of cellular metabolism for large, multi-cellular organisms), but I haven't heard of people talking about iron or heavy metal toxicity.
It's interesting because Iron is one of the more common heavy metals in the universe, since it's one of the last products of nuclear fusion in a star's natural life cycle (once it starts trying to fuse iron nuclei, it actually takes more energy to shove the nuclei together than you get from the resulting fusion, and gravity takes over to collapse the star's inner layers and move it into a Red Giant phase),
However in most solar systems, metals are most commonly found in the inner regions, since it's denser and doesn't get blown out by solar wind when the protostar ignites.
So aliens that find iron and other heavy metals toxic would be bound to live in limited environments, frigid tiny comets and ice worlds that are far beyond the reaches of solar radiation.
I don't know enough about how paramagnetism works to make guesses as to what their biology would be like to be vulnerable to magnetic fields though.
Would probably be silicon based too from the lower energy needs of ice worlds.
>Silicon-based superconducting brains
That would explain why magnetic fields fuck them up.
>cellular metabolism
>star densities
I cant hold all this science
Ah don know bout yall but mane you gotta write that inna way a HUUman can unnastand it
pic goddarn related
This is one of my favorites. I kind of want to write a setting now where the only face of humanity that aliens have encountered at first were all the crazy-ass daredevils because those are the ones piddling around in space in the first place.
I also really like these "log" type style of writing
you might like this then
speaking of which, another silicone based species
remember that one time when an actual priest posted in the HFY thread?
Does anyone have that story of an alien ambassador trying out human cooking? Hell that's probably a sub-genre but anything along those lines would be neat.
I'm sure I have it saved somewhere but can't find it.
That fits like 3 stories I can think of off the top of my head, with that exact premise. The Cooking Fuck Yeah subgenre is quite prolific, and as with a lot of HFY, extremely derivative and unoriginal. I suppose that's true for most things though.
goddamn rednecks
>drinking with humans
>not even once
Yeah you're right, I really could have been more specific. I think it was one of the ones that mentioned capsaicin being a dangerous substance in the rest of the galaxy and the alien being shocked to find out it was in a lot of the food. One of the first things he eats sounds like some sort of pasta with an Alfredo sauce and the story ends with him telling the reader to take the risk of trying out a Human meal if they ever got the chance.
got your back bro
Nice, thank you.
This stuff is so fucking cringe inducing.
What a valuable and interesting opinion.
Now that is just heartwarming OP.
It's just kind of a thing for us.
Supposedly he's going to be in the sequels somehow.
So yay, more Quaritch being badass.
Humans will fuck damn near anything.
Holy Shit.
>The first day of a 1 year deployment
Somebody is really fucking bad at warfare, it seems.
>Caesar started his civil war with only one legion
Only the Thirteenth crossed the *Rubicon*, but it's not like he didn't have plenty more legions waiting in Gaul. Stupid poster.
That text originally can from Reddit I believe.
This might be the best post in the damn thread.