Daily reminder that all Constructed formats are by definition pay-to-win.
Daily reminder that all Constructed formats are by definition pay-to-win
I have to buy at least 60 cards so I can play a legal deck? Oh my, what monsters of WotC not letting me play my 0 card deck and just insta winning every tournament. Fuck off.
Is it weird that I kind of like the concept of deck building games that play like CCGs but just sell whole sets? Never played one though.
I fucking hate how whenever I play magic I literally need to stick to kitchen table just because I know I'm running jank that will get dumpstered at any sort of public forum but hate having to do aftermarket shit or buy a shitload of boosters every set.
I think the last straw was some guy who ran that 1/1 for W that becomes a 6/6 flying lifelinker if you have more than 30 life then rushed to remove everyone he didn't know personally from the game. Very aggravating.
Isn't that what LCGs are?
>Constructed formats are by definition pay-to-win.
As if limited formats aren't? I have a hard time winning draft against all those chumps who paid to have 3 packs to draft with.
daily reminder that everything in life are by definition pay-to-win.
>not just buying bulk collections
>not just making wacky fun decks
>not just playing with friends over a few brewskis
I'm so happy I never have the displeasure of meeting any of you retards. Once a month at the card shop in line is more than enough.
Takes a week to get the smell out of my backpack.
Each Local card shop i tried had plenty of $400 deck guys who were happy to play you. Just not a fun experience unless, so I moved on to other games.
This was an EDH game.
Take a good hard look at the game you play. Im largely convinced you are an idiot or havent been playing long. Maybe both. Or you have friends who fit that description and you play with them. Congrats on have a magic poker night with your friends. Not all are so lucky. So some hang up their land cards.
Lcg not lcs you moron, living card games
>stick to kitchen table because of jank
Not true. You can build jank and still have fun. Just tinker with your deck until you make it work the way it needs to, build a proper side board to buffer against your meta, then have fun.
Though you are right. The building of the deck is a solo adventure because nobody will aknowledge a non-netdeck card.
I don't have the money to buy the game, therefore it's p2w
>been playing casual jank MTG in Mirrodin/Kamigawa days
>lately been thinking of returning back
>barely anybody even plays basic lands anymore
>a set of 20 half-decent lands is worth hundreds
Is there some ultra-cheapskate modern semi-tourney viable deck archetype I could look into?
Very much true and why I quit the game , couldn't afford to keep up and felt like I was playing some weird stock market trading game rather than Magic.
Still enjoy sealed and draft casually at least.
The cheapest semi-viable Modern decks I can think of are:
>Soul Sisters
>Martyr Life
>MonoGreen Aggro
>MonoRed Burn
You'll notice the problem with Modern deck pricings is pretty much always in the lands. Once you actually have a mana base, there are a lot of decks that are surprisingly cheap to put together.
>>You'll notice the problem with Modern deck pricings is pretty much always in the lands
That's what I've already noticed. I slap myself for not shilling up cash on fetchlands and stuff like Crucible of Worlds when they were in standard and cost like 1/6th of what they do now. Which of these decks would work with super cheap (or even basic) lands?
So what you're saying is, if I make my deck exclusively out of cards that cost at most $1/ea, I should have an equal chance of winning as someone who spends $500 on their deck? Got it.
Pay to play is not pay to win. Try again.
Don't play TCGs if you don't want pay-to-win.
All of them. They all run just a bunch of basics. I'd also like to add a couple slightly more expensive decks.
>Taking Turns
>8 Whack
>8 Rack
8rack really needs 4 lil though, not exactly cheap.
All games that require industrially produced items are by definition pay to play.
What's a good replacement for Lili?
Augur of Skulls is pretty spicy one.
necrogen mists or delirium skeins work better imo
I'd also like to point out that constructed formats are pay to compete, which is different from pay to win. if they were pay to win, the most expensive deck in a given format would always win every event, but that's not the case. I 6-0d a legacy event recently with a deck worth ~$1500.
Like said, run necrogen mists.
It basically fills the lil role of repeated discard, with some disadvantages - you have to discard every turn in your upkeep, which isn't ideal, and you don't get lil's other abilities. It does mean you burn through hands faster.
>Post complains about prices
>Posts a $7 planeswaker
At least post Lotv
>7$ isn't a lot for a thin sheet of cardboard
Pay-to-win shit gets dull real quickly. I'm sure most anyone with a job could sink the cash into some super 1337 Progenitus deck and curbstomp their opponents. Then what? They convince themselves they've somehow masterminded the game?
It's a lot more interesting if your group works with self-imposed challenges, like seeing who can come up with the best pauper decks or budget decks. There's a wealth of filler cards that are never going to be used in a competitive setting due to the demand for rares and mythic rares. The game's a lot more varied if you agree upon restricted play that puts common or less potent cards to use again.
Daily reminder that if your friends aren't crazy, you could just proxy a deck with a comparable price point and just play a card game with them.
Alternately, you can play Pauper formats, which have a much lower price ceiling, and which you can get into for a very low price.
Or play different formats, like draft/cube.
Sealed could work. Played a deckbuilders toolkit league one time, that was pretty fun, and definitely not P2W.
Or you could pick a format that simply lacks most of the expensive cards, such as Pauper Standard/Modern/Legacy/Vintage, or Pauper Commander, or Pauper Tiny Leaders, or whatever the fuck you want to play.