What is your favourite 3e source-book? Edition
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What is your favourite 3e source-book? Edition
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Illuminati or IOU, depending on how srs bsns I'm feeling at any given moment
Ran a session today; zero combat! Just travel and rp!
I got told it was very atmospheric? I'm taking that as a compliment.
So, FP loss. Barring any FP-powered special abilities, I see very little FP-loss in my games, never to the point where it actually affects anyone. Am I enforcing it wrong, or does/should FP only matter in certain kinds of games? Tell me about your experiences, /gurpsgen/.
If you want FP matter a lot more, or at least have combat be about endurance and people panting, tired, you should take a look at The Last Gasp. It gives everyone a pool of Action Points, which you expend to do just about anything, and can only recover them by Waiting and Doing Nothing, taking any opportunity to recover becomes very important. Fights become peppered with pauses as combatants are left panting, waiting for a better opportunity to strike.
Inlement weather. Extreme inclement weather.
My party is exploring a magically cursed wasteland. If they don't take precautions, shit gets real.
What's your favorite point level to play at?
Are people using extra effort often at all? If not maybe make things more challenging so people are forced to rely on it more often. This applies to combat and various other physical pursuits.
I really enjoy point totals around 200~400. Gives me a lot of room to make a character as I see them, without having to save up points session after session to "complete" them, so to speak. Plus, at that point range, you can usually get some sort of exotic/supernatural power, which I love to play with in GURPS. They open up a whole world of interaction and exploration of the system and the setting that isn't really available if you're a 100 point joe schmoe adventurer killing goblins for the mayor.
I've found that FP rarely matters in most games. The only times it becomes relevant is when the party's roughing it for days or weeks, and even then, you need to capitalize on it by pushing them into some sort of conflict that they can't just sit around on and wait for their FP to come back. FP loss only matters when the GM makes it matter.
FP loss after a battle is a start. Add on hiking for an hour on a hot day in the desert after a night of no sleep... it starts getting a little silly, narratively, to justify, doesn't it? I'd just lift the long-term FP loss rules from last gasp, where losing 4/5ths of your FP starts incurring penalties. They should be fine without including the action point rules.
I wish they would sell the pdf of CthulhuPunk
Break camp. Talk about evil elf lady that smelled of sulfur that showed up last night.
Midday. Came across a shed where a horned beastman was brewing wine from the corruption filled, fleshy, unnatural blood vines that are the only things that grow in this dead forest. Badass Dwarf offers to blow it's head off from where they were standing.
Rest of the group decides to try maybe talking to the guy. Rest of the group mostly doesn't speak Hebrew, so it was down to Gandalf the Very Annoyed at these Constant Interruptions to translate for us.
He's brewing for The Masters.
We don't get anything else out of the man, and just pass him by.
Afternoon. Huge storm builds on the dead horizon. Giant flashes of lightning. Rolling thunder. Huge, black clouds. The group finds shelter under a fallen tree, riding out the storm and getting ready for what comes next. Dwarf carves the name of one of the Big Bad's we had heard about recently into a cannon ball.
We see smoke in the distance, but don't investigate. Grumpy old man might yell at us if we get distracted from our quest by another shiny object.
Also, one time when we checked out smoke it turned out to be a horrible deamon.
Early evening. We reach a river with a bridge guarded by a old watchtower. Eldrich violet light glows from the windows and there's a blazer by the door. A scouting party is assembled, consisting of GIANT McHUGE savage lupine sword guy and Elf that won't speak the common lanauge of the rest of the group, but will write it.
They scout ahead, realize the blazer is fake, or magic. The fire has no scent and it isn't bothered by the wind or rain. She blast it with Elf Magic (tm) and the big guy runs up to wait at the door. To Be Continued.
Pretty good session. Several different scenes, even if none of them were combat.
How would build Snowflame the cocaine powered super hero in GURPS?
Dependency, a contact affliction...
Lots of super powers with Accessibility: Only when high on cocaine.
DR 50 (Force Field, Minor effect: Glows silver), Attacks, ect.
>marital arts
Winner gets half the loser's Wealth
Loser is straddled with Debt for the rest of his life
Are wildcard technique versions of Targeted Attacks (e.g. Targeted Attack! (Skull) skill-3 [15]) legal?
Not only legal, they're cannon. Pyramid 3/61 - Way of the Warrior (More Power to Dungeon Warriors! article).
Has anyone used the DF henchmen templates to run a "low level" game ? I'm considering using them for some LotFP modules I'm planning on adapting
I've been thinking about running a 'City Watch' sort of game for a while now, and the Guard template looks perfect for it. GURPS works at many point totals, so you shouldn't have any issues making a game on 62 or 125 points work. I've never read LotFP or its modules. Just be sure to be careful when translating a module - GURPS is a lot more about size of force than the strength of those forces. At 125 points, fighting an equal number of opponents should give players pause; at 62, they should seriously consider what mistakes they made that got them into a fight and work on getting out of the combat alive, then never make those mistakes again.
GURPS Marital Arts could have quite a lot of depth to it:
>how marriage is viewed in different settings
>political marriages
>magical and divine marriages
>spells that rely on marriage
>Special Rapport and marriage
>different types of marriages as Social Advantages
GURPS tends to be very good for non-combat adventures, unlike a lot of other systems.
It's good they add stuff like this. Multiple combat skills are way too expensive in GURPS and leads to martial prowess being weighted too much in points.
Sounds like a good splatbook for Social Engineering.
Time for my first DF session today!
A wizard and an assassin Vs. [Possessed Terrorbird] Cook's Blight
...so, anyone got an UltraTech pdf lying around somewhere?
Check the op image
check the MEGA Archive mentioned in the OP
Is there a difference between the three Cyberpunk PDF's in the trove?
Also are there any changes I need to make when using 3rd edition books with the 4th edition ruleset?
Convenient. Thanks.
That's assuming basic equipment and tactics on the part of the opposing force, of course.
If you are facing guys with medium shields and axes, and an SL of 12 or so to use the axes. Dosn't take that many points for such a person to be a very serious threat to a low point value character.
If they instead have nothing but claws and hate you can go 2 to 1 with even pretty basic PCs.
I'd buy it.
How did it go?
How much damage dose a harpoon do when pulled out?
Is it basic damage or wounding damage? IE: harpoon hits for 3 damage past armor to torso, deals 6 wounding damage because it's impaling.
Also, how dose this thing do thrust + 5 IMP damage? It's just a crummy spear that happens to be barbed.
>tfw your post on why GURPS is good, filled with spelling errors and incomplete points because it had to fit inside character limit. is immortalised forever in PDF.
So I'm not entirely sure how pic related works. Can someone tell me if I'm doing it right?
Say, for whatever reason, I wanted a multiflechette load in a 7.62x51mm rifle (Say it's the future and these things happen ,whatever). Would I go: 7.62^3=442. That would mean that 7.62x51mm can have up to 442 projectiles in it? That seems absurd. Then, flechette it, that makes it 11, or rather on the table, round up to 12. Is that correct, at all?
You are missing a number. The formula is (weapon caliber) divided by (multi-projectile pellet caliber) cubed. You're just taking weapon caliber and cubing it.
For example, if you want to put bird shot (2.79mm like in the example you listed) it would be (7.62/2.79)^3 = NP 20 or 21 (doesn't matter, 22 is the one used on the table).
Now, on the next page you see damage is {?? x 0.22}(0.5)pi-, 1/2D is {2.79 x 5 = 13.95}, Max is {2.79 x 50 = 139.5}, RoF is {??x22}, Rcl is 1.
The ?? depend on the gun you're loading this round into.
Read the entry on B276. There's a note [8] that answers your first question.
For your second, the harpoon is a bigger, heavier, barbed spear. It gets +2 damage over a normal spear. At least that what it looks like to me from reading the tables.
Realistically it's a very point light hunting tool that would be at best an improvised weapon. If you are doing harsh realism it should at best get the trident treatment (0.5 AP, -2 to SL).
Realistically, I know nothing about them. Only what's on the tables which say it's 2 lbs heavier and barbed.
So, if I were to have a 1.6mm flechette in the 7.62x51mm, it would be:
Upped to 4
So then you could have 4 flechettes in a 7.62x51mm rifle? Damage would be 6x0.50=3d Pi-?
I'm a dumb fuck, could somebody spoonfeed me how psionics work?
Pretty well. The grumpy assassin and the wizard have a reason to stick together for now, and probably more for the near future. I got to set up the boss monster, and start arranging things for their later quests. Actual combat is going to be next session, this one was just planning their hunt and gathering materials, getting a prelude of what the demon bird can do.
I don't think they've realized the bird is magic, despite it setting off both their magical senses, or that they've forgotten; so it'll be a fun thing to have it talk to them before it attacks.
Short version: they're advantages.
Long version: Psi powers (and powers in general) are modified advantages with extra bits stuck on. In the case of psionics, the extra bit is the Psi -10% limitation. That limitation does a couple things:
-It allows anti-psi abilities to stop it
-It allows anti-psi tech to stop it (e.g. a super science helmet made of psychically null material to make you immune to telepathic mind control or mind reading).
-It counts as Psi for the purposes of psi talents like Telepathy Talent or Psychokinesis talent.
The underlying advantage is the same, though. Someone with a "wild" version of TK and someone with the psionic TK still follow the same rules for that advantage.
GURPS: Powers expands the ideas behind Psionics into power systems in general; a pyrokinetic and a burning chi monk both have Burning Attack 1d, but the pyro's attack has Psi -10% while the monk's has Chi -10%. While both power limitations are -10%, the effects are different; there aren't many anti-chi technologies in fiction, but there are anti-chi abilities/techniques, so the monk has the added hassle of maintaining some kind of vow or lifestyle to represent his martial arts focus.
Sorry if this doesn't help; I needed to sleep hours ago.
Same as most powers. You buy an advantage and get a 10% discount for it being part of your ESP (or whatever) power, because it can be stopped by anti-psi stuff. Since those advantages are part of a power you can buy a power talent (e.g. ESP talent) which adds to all rolls to use the advantages covered by that power.
If you're using the rules in Psionic Powers, it's a little more complicated. You buy Abilities, which consist of one or more Advantages plus a Skill. The skill is a hard skill, based on the attribute which controls the relevant advantages. The skill replaces any attribute rolls usually needed by the advantages in question.
For example, you might have ESP Talent 1 and the Combat Sense and Retrocognition abilities. Combat Sense consists of the Combat Reflexes and Danger Sense advantages plus the Combat Sense skill (only one skill per ability regardless of how many advantages it is made of). Retrocognition is the Psychometry advantage plus the Retrocognition skill. Both skills add your level or ESP talent because they are both part of the ESP power.
How would I stat out something like a battalion or Army with as a single character? I'm planning on running a larger scale war while my PC's do some more special stuff and I want to make running the armies easy on myself and the party if they choose to take command when I give them the option.
Use Mass Combat.
Oh I didn't know that was a thing.
Shit a city watch based game sounds awesome. Alot of RP and a bit of combat can be thrown in if things are handled the wrong way. If you are playing over the internet and need a player let me know.
Why? It's already been scanned. mega.nz
I didn't check thoroughly (meaning, without opening the book) but it looks like you have the idea and your math checks out.
I can't say for the other user but for me at least because I like the book and buy them even if I already have scanned copies (especially so if I use them in a game).
I want SJG to keep paying writers and writing new books and that's worth $10 every month or three to me.
That's totally fine, but it might be a better idea to write to the company instead of whining in this thread.
Maybe you should pull your head out of your ass. First thing I said was "I can't say for the other user" which anyone who didn't have to breathe through his navel would have interpreted to mean "I'm not the one whining."
You might want to get your meds adjusted. Unless you like being the pigeon in Pigeon Chess.
As much as I'd love to immediately start running, I need to do some research on city life in the middle ages, how the guard worked, etc.. Know of any good resources for that?
I'm also going to be starting college soon, so there'll be a dearth of free time. Probably just another game project on the backburner.
Thanks cuties ;)
please remake it as a pastebin and I will try to update both .PDFs
I have just the thing you need.
After encountering pic related, my PCs have sent a request for heavier weapons than the 7.62mm battle rifles they were issued. They specifically asked for a small cannon that could be mounted on the front of their boat, but I can't find any suitable real-world weapon that would be considered light enough to ship to them.
I'll probably give them a grenade launcher, recoilless rifle or heavy AM rifle instead. Which seems most likely to be entertaining? Setting is near future, so modern or currently in development weapons are available, but no Ultra-Tech. I'm thinking maybe an automatic GL, giving plenty of potential for collateral damage with bad rolls (none of them have the appropriate skill).
Of course, if they had actually shot the creature, they would have found that 7.62 NATO was perfectly adequate for stopping it. I think they just assume anything that looks that nasty has to be a serious threat. Even though they managed to basically incapacitate it with some rope.
Can I perform an arm lock with a weapon if I'm using a shield that is strapped to my arm? It says that while wearing a shield that arm may still CARRY an item, so I am not sure if this applies to grabbing my weapon with the offhand while grappling.
/k/ here
No idea what the setting is but you could give them a 40mm gmg or a bofors 40mm. Both are adequate enough to fit on a boat
This user has you covered
Has anyone ever made a coherent set of rules for converting the stats from Pokémon games into GURPS?
I feel like it should at least be possible to convert the monsters without their moves, at which point you could recreate the moves a bit more painstakingly by using, among other things, Innate Attacks.
I personally think that way lies folly; attempting to convert one type of game to another game in a systematic function probably won't help anyone...
that said, I made this, which incidentally uses the pokemon elemental table:
It's a worksheet that calculates the costs of different meta-traits for elemental weaknesses, resistances, invulnerabilities, etc. assuming that all elements are otherwise even in your universe (spoilers, they aren't even in Pokemon, so these costs aren't exactly fair.)
My thoughts on the same thing:
I thought GURPS wasn't a game, but a toolkit for making games? I thought GURPS could handle anything?
pic related.
Now hold on, this is what I was told.
Try issuing them 200 rounds of 7.62mm AP. It means less Wounding damage, but should shoot though most armor, even BATTLE CRABS.
For a mounted gun, I'd have Command (or whomever) send them a 81mm mortar. It's utterly the wrong tool for the job, too heavy to run around with, but a collection of smoke, starshell, HE and Incendiary rounds will give them a toy to play with.
It can, but that doesn't mean it'll be easy or the end result in any way usable.
I don't really see how a batch of statted creatures based on another game would be entirely unusable.
Striking ST = Attack/5
HP = HP/10
ST is the Smaller of those two, that one is zeroed out, and the other is reduced to the difference.
DR = Defense/10
MR = Special Defense/20, with the +50% enhancement that doesn't prevent special attacks.
Basic Speed = Speed/15, round to nearest quarter.
Special Attack is weird and you do wildcard levels of innate attack * (special Attack/20) Buy Innate Attack! N (Cosmic, follow up all attacks, feature, added to damage instead of occurring after damage, +150%)[Cost of most expensive innate attack, think 10 points *3*2.5 for the cosmic enhancement]
That's probably good enough for starting, and can be adjusted a bit more for your needs.
You *can* do it, but it would be a ton of work and it won't be a great idea. GURPS is well suited to simulationist style gameplay, while pokemon goes for a much more free-flowing approach with its "stats" and such. So in the end you'd probably get something that doesn't feel much like pokemon or GURPS.
I mean, if you want pokemon to be able to do fights to the death and rip open jugular veins, go for it; it's just not the best choice of a system, I'd go for something like Mutants and Masterminds first.
Just because it's possible doesn't mean it's a good idea.
I argue that the problem isn't that GURPS can't do it, but that it can't be done systematically... there is no magic function to turn the six numbers that represent pikachu's HP, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed into "A small electrical rodent that relies on status afflictions and high speed to defeat enemies" in GURPS.
The problem is really that GURPS aims to emulate movies and books, not videogames.
Videogame HP completely mess with GURPS' structure, and does so double so when you HAVE to have it in the game to be faithful to the spirit of the videogame.
Pokemon becomes a lot easier to model if you base things off the manga or anime; modeling the game all but requires you to go into the minutea, because that is what makes the game the game. It's not a pokemon game if it doesn't have levels, catch rate, 621 well defined moves, etc., and all those things wreak havoc when you try and translate it to the tabletop. This goes for *all* tabletop rendition of Pokemon, not just the theoretical GURPS: Pokemon; just look at PTA for an example of a tabletop game crushed under the weight of representing all aspects of vidya.
If you are willing to stat out, say, Pikachu the way you would a D&D monster where you take a description/concept and write up the stat block rather than take the vidya as gospel truth and try and translate every move, stat, state, and level 1:1, things would be so much easier; I could write up a statblock for a large rat that relies on speed and the disabling effect of the electrical charge it can generate to fend off predators and other foes in about a half hour, but I'll be damned if I'm going to pull up Bulbapedia and spend the next six hours going through equations to make sure it's an exact replica of the vido game version down to the IVs.
But I guess at that point it's not close enough for most people to care; it might be an okay magical pet battle system, but it's not pokemon. It doesn't FEEL like pokemon.
I've looked at the books and found no answer.
Common sense would seem to suggest that it's possible. The shield would probably get in the way, but that's accounted for with it giving you penalties in close combat anyway and it is another rigid object you have some control over so it seems like it could actually give you some benefits in terms of leverage and so on.
How am I supposed to read this elemental spreadsheet?
Read the post I linked with the spreadsheet. It's got excel formulas as well so you can roll your own elements. It basically calculates DR and Vulnerability costs as a meta-trait depending on how many elements a particular element is strong or weak against.
Piles of Ablative DR/HP in addition to Unkillable 1 goes a long way towards emulating the mechanics of video game HP.
But why would you want to?
Gurps can make fantastic reality a truth for your game. Pokémon is just too simple and too childishly nuanced.
"But why would you want to? "
Different folks for different strokes?
I didn't think of nor mention Pokémon. Why did you?
Ah, the whole thread of discussion was coming from the user asking about Pokémon up above. Or at least I assumed.
Sorry, it's summer and we've had (YET AGAIN) an influx of flavor of the month gamers looking to convert the new hotness to gaming modes.
I saw it happen with transformers, batman, the hobbit, the avengers, and fucking overwatch. Mark my words, next month we will see Suicide squad request threads. Screencap me.
At least the system is good for that.
Heck, most point-buy systems easily handle whatever literary/cinematic/televised flavor your mental taste buds crave at the moment.
True, but my god, the times I've also seen those threads devolve into"I'll just use d20 modern!"
Thanks! I'll be giving this a read throughout the day. The idea of an Italian city watch tickles me pink for some reason...
Transhuman Space. The core book
If you want a one book setting, then Technomancer. Covert Ops and Special Ops are also excellent.
>What is your favourite 3e source-book? Edition
>No mention of Cyberworld
Terrible, just terrible.
>How dare you like something popular
A browning M2 heavy machine gun is an obvious choice.
If that's too light then there's half a dozen 20mm cannon systems that are commonly fitted to warships with various kinds of mountings.
Ye olde and venerable Oerlikon 20mm comes in many favors.
They should shop here. They even have a teensy little one.
Are there any good play reports, written, video or podcast, on a Dungeon Fantasy session?
I'd like to see how an avarage game of DF plays out.
Dungeon Fantastic, a blog run by Peter V. Dell'Orto, author of Martial Arts (A fantastic GURPS book), has many, many blog posts about how his DF games have gone.
I'm not really sure if you can say there are 'standard' Dungeon Fantasy games, though. While each of them probably have the same templates, how people play them could be wildly different.
>What is your favourite 3e source-book?
It's not necessarily my favourite, but I did find the two Discworld books an interesting read. I haven't run anything set in the Discworld, though, and, although the idea occasionally seems appealing, I have my doubts as to how well it would work as a TTRPG setting.
I want to run a Shadowrun game but the system seems kind of clunky especially with 5th editions editing.
Has anybody here ran or does run a Shadowrun game in GURPS how well does the system handle it, and what books do you use?
Apprently, lots of people. unless you clogged Google with porn searched, GURPS shadowrun should give you tons of results.
A lot of what's come up are just questions on how to convert it or half finished projects, some things missing are how to handle wired reflexes and rules for Adepts.
Going by my extremely limited knowledge of Shadowrun and general displeasure of its magic, straight GURPS handles it easily.
If you tell us what wired reflexes/adepts do in-universe, we can probably tell you how it'd go in GURPS.
If wired reflexes is just 'you're faster in combat', a cybernetic implant that gave ETS or Combat Reflexes should be enough. If it makes people very fucking fast in combat, as in, capable of performing more actions, it'd be ATR.
From cursory Google searches, an Adept would just have advantages as powers with the Chi limitation. DR, Enhanced Dodge/Parry, Striker, Innate Attack, maybe a stunning fist Affliction, etc.