How would you go about mirroring this challenge in tabletop?
How would you go about mirroring this challenge in tabletop?
I'd have A GIRL play the girl.
>hire a high end escort to roleplay your female NPCs
It all falls to charisma.
Same way if the characters are low CHA nerds.
In a setting where the party is a band of murderhobos? The guard would have to be someone too valuable to the players to kill outright, and maybe too fragile to initiate combat with without killing them.
So they either have to talk it out or damn the consequences.
But how did the wizard get inside then?
teleport spell?
He never leaves.
Wizard here.
You underestimate the extent of our powers.
He was in there for thirty years. That Melvin tied to the lawn chair? That's him.
Look at those straps. If he were a wizard, he could have cast some spell of binding or some shit.
That's a bard passing himself off as a wizard.
>not a nerd wizard caught by an evil jock overlord
Way to miss out on a golden opportunity.
>not realizing that's a sorceror
>he used his CHA to entrance her
>That image
Orc lives matter, user.
>How would you go about mirroring this challenge in tabletop?
1. Have spineless beta manginas at your table.
2. There is no step 2
1. Smite
2. Surprise! Once again there is no step 2!
Yeah, sure, in orc countries maybe. This is an elven country and no elf should have to worry that their daughter isn't safe IN HER OWN COUNTRY because of so-called "humanitarian" reasons importing orcs out of the wastelands.
This is all a fucking dwarvish plot to undermine our country. It's what they do, mine things, and they won't ever stop.
>Implying it isn't lizardfolk misdirection
In this day in age the nerds would tip their fedora and open the door for the m'lady.
>Meanwhile in the realm of Sigmar...
>It's a dwarvish plot
>Not "It's a consequence of elaborate plotting by the totally democratic Republic actually run by Dragons" to weaken the elvish lands after pillaging the orcs for resources
Top kek.
We genocided them for a reason.
Dragons aren't real user. Get that mythril helmet off your head, it's not doing you any good.
>says the Neo-Corellian who thinks that orcish civil wars are a dwarvish plot to dilute the purity of the elflands
Orcs wouldn't be having their civil wars right now if dwarves hadn't jacked up the price on orichalcum so high that their warlords became as rich as high elven nobility.
We would be beyond our need for such a base and finite metal if they hadn't gotten our arcane research funding slashed. The frogs haven't bought orichalcum in years! They run everything off manifestation crystals. And they haven't had a catastrophic summoning incident in DECADES. They fixed the demon problem ages ago, but everyone's still pissing their pants about the Astaroth incident over a hundred years ago when we barely understood what a manifestation crystal was.
>dwarves jacked up the price
The dwarves recognized that if they mined their own orichalcum it would fall in value compared to the orcs, so they partnered with some warlords in order to secure the market. Well, for that reason and some security reasons, they didn't mine their own.
Look, manifestation crystals have some alternatives that just aren't fully developed. We still get random incidents where areas phase into other planes of existence, then come back filled with demons, or djann, or whatever. Hell, the area often isn't inhabited for hundreds of years afterward thanks to lingering portals.
Well maybe we wouldn't have those problems if you fuckers would actually contract the Imperial Mage's Guild to build your manifestation crystal. People keep trying to build locally without the research hours the IMG has and they keep fucking it up for us.
Every Elven Airship is equipped and powered by a manifestation crystal. Our entire military runs on these things; do you really think we don't have it stabilized? Sure, there's a big red button that reads EXTERMINATUS that will intentionally collapse the portal, but that has been a necessary deterrent ever since the Elevens War.
Dwarves shouldn't even be in our country anymore. We killed Hmir and stopped his march south. Hell, we even conquered Dragon's Peak and carved it out of the horde lands for them. But they got fucking cozy in our cities, put down roots, and now those root are cracking our foundations.
He's her employer and feels no debilitating attraction towards her, or he does but is too professional to let it effect his work relationship with her.
>build your manifestation crystal
Or we could utilize Mana Treants. I mean, a solid forest might not produce the level of energy that a manifestation crystal does, but if we can improve forest growth they're definitely a serious option.
>do you really think we don't have it stabilized
We've had, what, three disasters in the last decade? That's a serious problem.
>Dwarves shouldn't even be in our country anymore
Pffftt, another racial purist.
I remember a story of someone actually doing this, but it was about 4 years back so I don't remember the details.
none of those accidents were from manifestation crystals made by the IMG, so your point is moot. And I'm not saying there's anthing wong with Mana Treants, but they're currently economically unfeasible. They may well be where we end up after enough research, but we need Manifestation Crystals to get us there, just like we used to need Orichalcum. We need to advance, and not get let ourselves be stagnated by the globalist mongerers profiting off stasis.
And fuck you for belittling me for being a racial purist. The Gods didn't design us by comittee, so why should we live by comittee? Elven Lands are for Elves.
You fool. The woman is just a copy of himself with Alter Self cast.
I put a really, really cute girl on the other side.
>Implying that the collapse of the lotus facility's Manifestation Crystal didn't reveal that a company that employs the IMG as contractors and is run by an elvish company didn't build the Crystal there.
>Elven lands are for the elves
You aren't really even elves anymore. Half of you are at least 20% not-elf, and you're all a mix of various elven subraces anyway.
keeper of secrets
I have a friend who's an escort. I bet she'd be fun to play D&D with, but I moved away and considering the job, I bet she needs to be free on weekend nights.
Don't give me that shit. The IMG went in to stabilize the portal and were prevented, that's why the entire region was overrun by ba'alon.
And your stats are wrong. The population is 20% non-elven, there are no stats on mix breeds, but we know the orcs are multiplying like literal rats. The reason this country feels like a barbaric shithole is because the round-ears are spread across the nation massacring each other constantly, like they still had their tribals lands to feud over.
>We still get random incidents where areas phase into other planes of existence, then come back filled with demons, or djann, or whatever
>>>He doesn't know about liquid thorium manifestation matrices
Holy fuck, it's like it's really the second age all over again. Welcome to the future, gramps.
>have a "wood elf" nation
>a "wood elf" man who looks like a high elf, had a halfling grandmother, and a human great grandmother on the other side talks about racial purity
This is the sort of ironic shit I'm talking about. The entire population is so mixed race that to talk about establishing elvish kingdoms is actively disingenuous.
>Don't give me that shit
They went to fix their own shit that malfunctioned as a result of a questionable design in the first place.
>multiplying like literal rats
You mean like moon elves, who had some of the same customs? Or wood elves, who live much the same way northern wasteland orcs did.
>liquid thorium manifestation matrices
Not a substantial enough improvement.
It's substantial in that it can't possibly open a self-sustaining portal. It literally can't go wrong because the first demon of any measurable power to enter the material plane through it will collapse the portal. It simply can't be weaponized.
But it continue to leak background energy, and it can summon more demons once it comes through can't it?
I mean, you might get the odd imp or two, but as long as you're not standing in the portal it's no less safe than the depleted adamantium we use for armor.
>This is the second most awkward thing I've done.
Now pry tell, what's the first one?
I'm asking for science.
Probably the fist awkward thing a scort has done is some fucked up fetish, like diapers or similar