Hey guys I want to have my own backstory but after looking through the lore I'm having trouble coming up with something unique and original. Any idea on how to get out of a lore rut like this?
Necron backstory
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how about necron pirates, who have forsworn living in a tomb world, and roam the cosmos in a tomb ship.
Ha, slap some sales on a pyramid. Everybody gets a metal eyepatch welded on.
Question remains. Necron parrots on their shoulders or just parrot skeletons?
I like it. One question: what's the necron equivalent of grog?
Motor oil? Or just any alcohol or alcohol looking chemical in a mug that they dump over their mouths in a parody of drinking, making the ork freebooters cry foul every time they see it.
We was pyrats en shet.
I'd hate to see the poor bastard of that model forced to get an eyepatch.
>unique and original
Good one. Idea:
Lord Im-Lo-Tech awakens and immediately quests after his long lost love Ankh-Sum-Moon, but a number of primitive life forms foolishly stand in his way. Then, just when their reunion seems at hand, Dwayne Johnson's newly self-aware eyebrow suddenly complicates matters.
I always liked the idea of a Necron lord offering protection to the 'lesser species' he encounters in exchange for them paying tribute to him.
Sort of like the tau empire but less gay.
That's not bad, but what does a Necron Lord demand in tribute? Riches? Devotion? Sexy cheerleaders?
I mean what does a metal mummy even desire?
He could be one of those lords who want to be fleshy again, and so demands specimens for his crypteks.
Or he could be the complete opposite and instead view himself as an immortal metallic god and demands worship and love to fuel his ego.
The new Necrons are a bit of an odd bunch. Could be anything from wanting to be fleshy or just desiring things from when they had bodies out of some fondness. Nostalgia is a hellva drug to metal immortals, from what I gather.
they desire entertainment, and once per lunar cycle, the local must put on a show for the necron, if the necron like it, they make the planet a lush paradise with their technology, if they dont like it, they turn the planet into a barren wasteland only barely capable of sustaining life until they put on a good show
Food, wine, sex slaves. Being an undead skeleyman doesn't dull those needs.
Best you will get here is a necron.....but wait it has cat ears and doesn't judge me for living with my mom at 38 years old.
>unique and original
Nigga this is Veeky Forums. Those things do not exist here.
Maybe a Lord wo was in charge of bumfuck nowhere back in the day, went to sleep with his minimal army and awakens to still bumfuck nowhere but with other people camped out on his lawn.
Takes stock of what he has, the galaxy around him and the state for the rest of the Necrons.
Comes to the conclusion that the Old Empire isn't going to arise because
1. Too few of necrons spread too thin
2. at least half of them are too insane to get their shit together
3. HOLY FUCK the krork have gone critical, the elder fucked a new god into existence and gave the galaxy a new orifice, theres an Imperium everywhere, galactic termites are coming in from outside and Chaos is coming out from inside.
Starts to appear to the primitives around him as a glowing metal god and carefully making them advance to space travel levels of technological sophistication.
Starts to appear to the more advanced societies around him as an ambassador of some foreign but sophisticated society.
Adopts some exodite worlds and offers some human refugees a safe haven in his continent sized palace/tomb.
Gradually over the next 50 years start to get them to sign free trade deals and mutual protection pacts because the is a big scary place that's full of orks.
Set self up as the High Adjudicator of the Pact Worlds. Rubber stamp and subtely manipulate all of the treaties.
Turn bumfuck nowhere into a bustling commercial and cultural hub that wouldn't have been entirely out of place on the periphery of the Old Empire.
If he doesn't look too hard he can almost believe that he has come home.
Why is he doing this? He was a people person in life and remains so in unlife.
His tribute? He gets invited to all of the parties.
So..A Necron Dionysius? I can dig it.
To an extent.
Also I have a question.
Could a Necron incorporate wraithbone into their bodies? Could they eventually become a wraith construct?
>The new Necrons are a bit of an odd bunch. Could be anything from wanting to be fleshy or just desiring things from when they had bodies out of some fondness. Nostalgia is a hellva drug to metal immortals, from what I gather.
Honestly why I like the "Newcrons;" they can have better motivations than just being killer robot slaves.
Now if we could only come to a consensus what the Necrontyr looked like "in the flesh."
Where the fuck have you been? Also, unfortunately, most Necrons in life were described as sickly, stick people, thanks to the awful cancer they had
A sort of ironic thing is that they are in some ways more human the some of the human factions.
>Now if we could only come to a consensus what the Necrontyr looked like "in the flesh."
Look at the C'tan.
They crafted themselves to look like Necrotyr gods (most likely the apex of health and physique).
I imagine they look extremely humanoid with elongated heads but probably extremely frail or riddled with random tumors because of how sickly they became and how short-lived they were.
>Where the fuck have you been?
Well I was permabanned (on rather flimsy grounds if you ask me), but now I'm not.
Good to know someone is looking over the ban logs
>Also, unfortunately, most Necrons in life were described as sickly, stick people, thanks to the awful cancer they had
Well that's just it, my concept for a vain Phaerakh who made her dynasty wear partial versions of her death-mask can work with stick people, after all she wouldn't need a thic bod to be THE most good looking ruler of a sickly cancer people and thus fuel her vanity, but I'd at least want to know what their general facial anatomy was.
This would also help my Chaotically-tainted "Enfleshed" Flayed One concept...
An idea I had for a Necron army fluff was a Lord obsessed with magic. As in the Warp kind.
He travels the universe with his court to find, collect and study arcane artifacts, spell tomes, psykers and warp entities. Eldar and Old One stuff in particular, with one of his being to find and conquer the Black Library.
He figures that since the Necrons managed to subjugate the C'tan they should be able to do the same with the Chaos Gods. For which he of course will get all the credit and glory.
He also wants to turn himself into the ultimate god-being by combining tech, C'tan powers and Daemon powers. All the advantages of them, none of the disadvantages. Of course he is more hush hush about this than the previous stuff.
>Look at the C'tan.
>They crafted themselves to look like Necrotyr gods (most likely the apex of health and physique).
>I imagine they look extremely humanoid with elongated heads but probably extremely frail or riddled with random tumors because of how sickly they became and how short-lived they were.
Yeah, problem with this is that most people use the Deceiver model as a base, so insist Necrontyr had a bunch of flesh tubes coming out of their heads...
I'm trying to imagine a Necron Lord at a polite high society banquet.
He's had a new copper alloy electroplated to his old bones and been polished to a mirror sheen, he's wearing a stylish waistcoat and a pair of posh silk trousers that he has been told are all the style now.
Food gets placed in front of him. He will sometimes give it a prod with a piece of cutlery. Sometimes he will pick a piece up and lift it to where his mouth once was and then put it back on the plate.
His wine glass is occasionally brought to where his lips should be before being put back.
All the while he chats happily to the exodite matriarch sitting next to him about the problem with humans and children these days. All about him is the bustle and noise of a hundred people he would all call friend becoming friends among each other and generally being the good neighbors Mr Rodgers knew they could be.
And at the center of it all sits the High Adjudicator, dead for nearly 70 million years now.
The galaxy is dark and full of fucked up shit beyond measure or comprehension. Some would say to him that against such hate and cruel indifference and measured against the turning of ageless eternity that such notions of happiness and friendship mean nothing. He would disagree. He has seen the slow turning of the galaxy and the sheer depth of time. He would argue that the incomprehensible scale and horror of it all makes these things mean even more.
I was thinking of something where a necron tomb world lost its atmosphere and one of the airlocks were faulty, leading to most of the air getting sucked out and gold dust particles spreading into the chambers, leading to gold chrome Necrons.
That's possible.
It's also possible that the brand of alloy that those particular bodies were made out of already had a gold colour to it.
Gold doesn't chemically degrade with time so it would make sense for them to be gold plated before storage.
Cool, I was going to get the Stormcast Eternals that came with the paint set and was going to start a Necron army soon, so I thought I'd go for some synchronicity.
My own Crons are jailers, operating a massive Tomb Ship Prison in which they hunt down runaway fugitives of the War in Heaven.
Think the Dark Judges + Javert
My Necrons are being eaten alive by a sentient rust virus, they're looking for the cure.
The Overlord got summoned to imotekh's court with all the other Lords but was very embarrassed because of his appearance and how his every movement results in a cacophony of screeching of metal grinding on metal.
He got sassed by another Overlord there so my guy altered the course of a Space Hulk to ram into sassmouth's Dynasty throne world
>My Necrons are being eaten alive by a sentient rust virus, they're looking for the cure.
that reminds my of my plans for dryad/sylvaneth parts for converting
They probably looked like a cross between an eldar, mortarion and an Egyptian.
>They probably looked like a cross between an eldar, mortarion and an Egyptian.
Which is workable, but then you have those who think the Deceiver's model is the best representation of a living Necrontyr...
...The Biomechanist in me just can't accept those giant head fronds.
>Phaeron Mr. Rodgers
Oh fuck yeah.
Kind of liking the death mask theme but the back mounted penis is odd. Kinky, though.
>An idea I had for a Necron army fluff was a Lord obsessed with magic. As in the Warp kind.
>>Phaeron Mr. Rodgers
>Oh fuck yeah.
You see, this is what makes Warhammer 40k awesome; A setting so vast and varied that nearly everything can fit into it!
>Kind of liking the death mask theme but the back mounted penis is odd. Kinky, though.
Well those are just random girlifications of regular Necron units...
...I THINK anyways, I know the one on the left is a Flayed One and the one on the right is a Destroyer...
>"But I dispatch compressed information packets from that port!"
>"Not right now you don't."
ok what was deleted?
The new archive doesn't seem to be updating properly, but apparently every post by someone called NiceDaemonette got nuked. Just some sketches posted, nothing not blue board safe. No clue what happened. Someone really ticked off the mod I guess.
He was permabanned before and for good reason.
Ah. I don't really follow nameposter drama.
Anyway they were just some feminized necron sketches. Nothing to write home about.
I'm slightly annoyed I don't get the to see the kinky art
Wasn't even that. I do have the images still in cache since the archive didn't catch them.
And this was the second one. Nothing special. Someone just made a bad femcron joke.
oh how silly
Yep. I'm not really up on my Necron lore since the Newcrons dropped. Do they have specific female Necrons? I mean presumably the Necrontyr DID have females. As opposed to, I don't know, dropping eggs like common Tau scum.
Oldcrons would have just shoved themselves in standardized bodies, but Newcrons I know have a tendency to relish their old lives. Surely they'd have bodies sculpted to preserve traits they arguably don't need in metal bodies.
a couple recent stories have featured necron females but they were never described visually
I'm having a hard time shaking this notion of a female Necron Lord, or rather Lady, who looks like the xenomorph queen. Upper humanoid body with an oversized snakelike from the midsection down that acts as some hellish factory cranking out new Necron shells or scarabs.
I want to see this kitbash, DO IT
It's not Necron or 40k and actually just cybernetic but here's a weird bug alien using a factory ovipositor to give birth to robots packed in eggs.
that is kinda horrific
have this
It is, but kind of sad. Bugs had their entire planet sterilized but they were famous for making droids so when she couldn't have babies her biological imperatives made her seek a technological solution. Then the Empire steals that from her too.
I don't know, reminds me a bit of the Necron. Quite a few seem to have buyers remorse with their new bodies, or at least a very strong nostalgic attachment for their old lives. I guess I can imagine a female Necron augmenting herself to mechanically fabricate "children."
It IS sad. Reminds me of a woman breaking down after her child dies and holding one of the kid's dolls while in her mind the doll becomes, in a way, her child. She misses something that was taken from her forever, so she transposes her emotions onto a mere object. Although in this case her children wouldn't be inanimate dolls but machines.
Sad and also horrific but also sounds potentially very dangerous if you screw with her and her kids.
I didnt Know Geonosis was sterilized, I had read that they actually helped the rebels where they could before going isolationist, the yuzhan vong war gave them a miss before they got caught up in the swarm war
Shit, sorry for that spoiler. I think in the new canon they are presumed to be, but obviously at least one survives. Can any technologically advanced species in a setting with FTL be wiped out by targeting a single world? Plus what kind of insect species puts all its eggs in one hive, so to speak?
Nice try Matt.
yeah, it feels like a a waste of potential to wipe out a species like them, their history has an interesting potential as the former pawns of the villains now potential allies to the good guys, then again after force awakens I'm hoping the resistance goes around turning on Droid factories wherever they can find them to beef up their numbers
Spiritual Liege time?
With Geonosis the Empire wiped them out because they apparently designed the Death Star, based on Poggle handing over the design. Plus they seem to have manufactured key components there before abandoning the world. Poor guys knew too much or were too smart for their own good.
Also the new canon has an entire droid faction now called the Gotra which formed mostly from ex-CIS battle droids deciding to throw off the shackles of organic oppression and free their metallic brethren, among other shit. They don't show up often but they're powerful and/or smart enough survive from the end of the Clone Wars beyond ANH. We've seen some of them upgraded from their Clone Wars versions.
Not a huge fan of the "kill all humans" cliche bit for robots/droids/cyborgs. One reason I was inclined to favor the newcrons. They aren't just mindless Terminators, even while they're still beyond organic concerns. They still retain enough common ground thinking with organics that they can, in some cases, be dealt with and will deal with organics. Sure it's much closer to Tomb Kings in space, big whoop no surprise, but it does broaden the potential stories from them.
Blegg waste of potential
Combining all the ideas of this thread.
We got a Tau Empire/Pact Worlds thing going on built up by the High Adjudicator AKA Phaeron Mr. Rodgers.
He has very few actual necrons, possibly as little as 500 in total. Most of the army of his realm is made up of everybody helping everybody else like the good neighbours.
His Top Advisor on Warp/Magic studies is a possibly insane Cryptek who fled another court because of his unorthodox practices. Phaeron Mr. Rodgers doesn't quite appreciate how dangerous Cryptek's research is but does head the advice of the exodite wise elders who tell him to confine the experiments to interstellar way-stations away from popular travel lines.
The dude in charge of the navy is a formally low ranking Necron that woke up some time before the rest of his native tomb, stole a ship whilst everyone else was still groggy and set up a course for adventure. He would be no ones slave ever again.
Now he willingly works for Phaeron Mr. Rodgers because Mr. Rodgers asked him politely rather than ordering and would hold no grudge if he ever left. Also the other Lords are awakening and an unattached low-ranking necron in a stolen ship is a target for everyone.
He likes his job because he gets to fight space pirates and sword fight orks. Also he gets to wear the snazziest of snazzy hats as part of the uniform.
The cryptek who owns a tomb on a nearby world is currently suffering from a rust virus. Doesn't seem to be contagious beyond that court but the auto-repair isn't good at fixing it. They are sort of allied with the Pact Worlds but probably only so they can try to get hold of some wraithbone to repair their dying metal bodies.
We may be onto something here.
What races should be in The Pact Worlds?
Anyone who brings enough booze as an entry fee?