>The eject button is actually a self-destruct button
The eject button is actually a self-destruct button
Go home D.va, you're drunk
What the fuck is a D.va
Character from Overwatch. They ride around in a mecha.
>Overshit posters invade a Veeky Forums thread.
I swear it's bronyshit all over again.
>The button is contextual
n1c3 p0s7 n00b
>more missile
>All the missiles
>THE missile
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
Why we haven't just banned everyone on that board and gotten rid of it is a mystery to me
Do you remember /fur/?
Do you think that got rid of the furfags?
Containment boards are the way to go, which is why we have /mlp/ and /trash/.
It's not as bad yet but at least the bronies kept the worst of their shit to /b/ back in the day.
That's exactly what I was remembering. I just feel like with /trash/ existing /mlp/ is kind of redundant so they should just pull a /fur/
wait, what is this thread about again?
>moving all the ponefaggotry to /trash/
/trash/ here, we don't want that shit. It's bad enough with hunger games and /tlhg/
/mlp/ was only made by a frustrated admin who was sick and tired of hearing the asspain from faggots like you, who couldn't deal with people using reaction images in their safe spaces.
I honestly hope Hiro gets rid of GR15 just for spite's sake so you pussies can learn to ignore shit like adults or get the hell off Veeky Forums
It's literally called /trash/ though, hunger games have been in there from the start if I'm remembering right.
I don't care for it either (and what are all these /co/ generals doing there in the first place?) but who really gives a shit? Use the catalog.
>20 posts to go completely off topic
Is this a record?
Not even close
Best mech is best.
No, because the first post was already offtopic
hell, I'd say that the connection of "eject buttons" to traditional games is already kinda shaky, so I'd call that an offtopic in 0.5 posts personally
>just ignore shit you don't like
The irony of posting that statement on Veeky Forums, a board quite literally founded on vehemently hating and shitposting against shit they didn't like is amusing.
Is it really contextual if the idiot in the gif is the only one who knows what any of the buttons even do? Also, most of the setup was a bunch of old video game controllers attached to the dashboard of a car partially welded into the actual cockpit of said robot.
>I honestly hope Hiro gets rid of GR15
b-but user, people were posting pictures of PASTEL COLORED HORSES! How can such wonton depravity be tolerated?!
And Sonic, and Pokemon, and Memen Jewniverse, and Undertale...
It's almost like a sweeping flavor of the month happens every month.
Dude, current Veeky Forums is nothing compared to classic Veeky Forums. Back in the old days, threads could be derailed by the second post and continue going until they hit the limit and end up being full of quality fun.
I'm gonna need an example of this
Here's an even better one
>>classic tg
>>posts threads from 2 or 3 years ago
However Veeky Forums was founded (I thought it had to do with Warhammer wednesdays on /b/ getting a proper home?), the important thing now is that it is a board that has its own audience(s). I don't care about extra boards, I care about "containment" being somehow desirable here.
Mixture is a part of things on Veeky Forums. You're going to find the occasional comic books reaction image on Veeky Forums, you're going to see the occasional smug Voltaire on /g/, you're going to see the occasional Stallman gifs on /a/, whatever. The division between NSFW and SFW boards is a good one, but let's be honest -- you don't actually browse SFW Veeky Forums at work unless you enjoy flirting with danger and/or PROMOTIONS!. As far as I'm concerned, the people who threw bitchfits over horse reaction images were being fucking babies who don't belong here. Veeky Forums, according to these people, should be like those plates with the little plastic separators. You know what I mean, the ones that make sure Billy doesn't get his microwave cheese-sauce-broccoli on his reheated chicken slider. These posters can't handle it when pastel ponies even touch another part of their site, and they should be rightly mocked for the children they are, not appeased for their fits.
As could be implying, if we had a "containment board" for every temporary fad that gets too popular for the taste of those who can't resist whining about it to the moderation, we would have no end of boards with no point, and no end to draconian rules with no other precedent other than "please, God, do not upset the autists, or we'll have to make another ghetto board just for Kornheiser reaction faces."
New comp this is all I have on it. Why don't you post some instead of complaining about it?
because Veeky Forums was never good.
Get the fuck out of here I'm not going to even give you a (You)
Make me, faggot.
now kiss
>edition wars
I seem to recall the brony shit being so bad it deserved its culling. It wasn't just a case of a couple reaction images here and there, it was full blown spam in some cases, and it lasted for over a year before the containment board was made.
You're right though. It probably wouldn't have reached the kind of proportions it did if it weren't for the autistic rage a mere mention of the show caused, but I'm still not sure which came first, the chicken or the egg in this case. Did the spam/fanbase cause the autism or did the show itself?
Here. Have something more "classic."
I prefer the story of the dude who won Call of Cthulhu.
Old Man Henderson?
That's the scurvy dog. That Guy versus That GM. Truly beautiful.
I don't think you were on Veeky Forums or maybe not on the most hit boards when it came. Imagine if every thread on this board ended up in a discussion on what it was like if pony's were introduced to the setting /quest /story /imagery and the threads that weren't were pushed of by 50 threads started about fucking pony's. Would you be able to ignore that? Because that's what some boards put up with.
Let me tell you a little thing about the ponies
the fucking ponies
I was there, on /co/ and /b/, mostly /b/
I watched the invasion. And it was disappointing
It came in slow at first, a pony reaction image here, a few pony generals.
Then the spergs retaliated, by god, the spergs
The spergs hoped they could purge the ponies through force and shitposting. they tried their hardest and saged all the threads
this was not to be
The ponies, they fought back, created more generals, shitposted more, everything became a pony post. They even went to other boards ones mods started deleting threads in conjuncture with spergs. Not even /out/ or /n/ could be spared
Here is a quote from a user of /v/
2012-09-29 06:56:28 No.210377
"I've come to notice, especially on /v/, that there is more shitposting and non-board related threads dedicated against Ponies/Bronies/Anything technicolor or has hearts than there are genuine Pony Threads. I Find this worse than Ponies themselves now, because at least with the new rules, Ponies stay in /mlp/ outside of blatant trolling from tripfags. Should there be additional rulings where any posting against Bronies/Ponies also be banned on Boards? Make it essentially bannable to make mention of Ponies one way or the other out of specific boards. I mean, we've come full circle, at first it was bronies posting in every board, and now there are all these people, probably new to Veeky Forums, who will consistently post Entire Threads about how Bronies did X, or now Ponies are in Y. The only reason I think this ban might not work is because unlike ponies, there is no /mlp/ equivalent for anti-ponies."
Of course the ponies migrated to /mlp/ and /trash/ so the ban did work. Mostly. They lurk among us user.Everywhere, the ponies hide and wait. silently shitposting. Possibly in this very thread.
Can love bloom on a battlefield?