Infinite Stars Quest 25


Archive: Stars Quest

Other Quests:

You are Captain SAMANTHA WELLINGS, a newly minted captain of the Centauri Accord!

You wake up with a big and loud yawn, rubbing your eyes as they try to open up and adjust to the light. It takes a second to register that you're not in your regular quarters, but in Carly's, sleeping on the top bunk of the bunk bed she was keeping in her room for some unknowable reason.

Naturally, you had won the top bunk from your little sister, as was your privilege and right as the elder sibling. However, as you try to climb out of your bed, you realize that something is weighing you down. You toss off your bed covers, and find Carly wrapped around your waist and fast asleep, snoring softly.

When did she-?!

And a loud clanking causes your head to tilt up to see Tank of all people sitting on a chair that was far, FAR to small for him, facing the bunk bed and glaring at Carly behind the crimson lenses of his helmet. How that chair was supporting his weight, you had no idea.

Was... was he just sitting there watching you sleep all night?!?

>Ask Tank what the hell he's doing.
>Better wake Carly up.

Ask Tank how has that chair not collapsed yet

>Ask Tank what the hell he's doing.

>>Ask Tank what the hell he's doing.

>>Better wake Carly up.
Get Carly to assist in questioning.

>Wave to tank and then cuddle our little sister, It's been so long since she's done this.

Hug the sister, we missed this too but swear Tank to secrecy

>>Ask Tank what the hell he's doing.

>Ask Tank what the hell he's doing.

So in the unlikely event where we have the option of going for a different ship (either through our old one getting blasted to bits, or adding a new ship to the fleet), what should we like to upgrade to?

T-tank you baka!

>Ask tank what he is doing
Gday from Aus!

Kill jester

Probably either a light carrier, or an upgunned frigate.

A fucking battlestar would be nice even though it'll only be in my dreams

Always have to go with a Cruiser for being able to operate independently for a long time.

Unless this turns into a Gundam series, carriers are pretty terrible as lone patrol craft

Doesn't really matter to me, as long as we get a few starfighters or drone fighters.

"Taaaaaaaank." You glare at your bodyguard while still laying in the bed, careful not to wake up Carly.

Tank immediately snaps to attention, his arms flailing as he tries to explain himself. After all, he saw Carly crawling into the top bunk while you were asleep, and he couldn't very well just leave her up there unsupervised, so he decided to just standby until you woke up.

"That doesn't explain how you saw Carly getting into my bed in the first place." You narrow your eyes.

Tank freezes up, unable to come up with a satisfactory answer.

>Eh, you'll let him off the hook this time.

>>Eh, you'll let him off the hook this time.
Well, it has been a while since Carly slept in the same bed with Sam....

Damnit Tank

>>Eh, you'll let him off the hook this time.


>Eh, you'll let him off the hook this time.
Not like we can punish him as pirates

>>Eh, you'll let him off the hook this time.
Meh, he was probably just worried. I'm not going to berate him for being properly paranoid and doing his job as our body-guard.


Uncomfortable glare until he snaps.

>Eh, you'll let him off the hook this time.
>Just so you know in the future Tank, Carly's okayed for that kind of stuff, She's my little sister, Unless she tries to pull a prank.....

>>Eh, you'll let him off the hook this time.
>Just so you know in the future Tank, Carly's okayed for that kind of stuff, She's my little sister, Unless she tries to pull a prank.....

>Eh, you'll let him off the hook this time.
>Just so you know in the future Tank, Carly's okayed for that kind of stuff, She's my little sister, Unless she tries to pull a prank.....

You continue your accusing glare towards Tank, making him continually uncomfortable under your withering gaze. You swear you could see the large, armored warrior shrink several sizes like a meek puppy that had been caught misbehaving.

However, you understood that Tank was just being cautious and had good intentions. You'll let him off the hook... this time.

"Well, you're lucky that I'm in a good mood." You huff as you pat your sleeping sister's head. "I'll just let you off with a warning this time. But can we have some privacy, please?"

Tank salutes with a loud Clank as he quickly, but quietly, makes his escape from the room.

Carly mumbles something unintelligible under her breath as she squeezes your belly tighter.

>You should wake her up.
>Try to wriggle out of her grasp without waking her up.

>Cuddle your little sister, It's been so long and she's so cute~!

>>Try to wriggle out of her grasp without waking her up.

>>You should wake her up.

>>You should wake her up.
We are the responsible one, here.

>Cuddle your little sister, It's been so long and she's so cute~!

>>Try to wriggle out of her grasp without waking her up.

>You should wake her up.

>Cuddle your little sister, It's been so long and she's so cute~!

>Cuddle your little sister, It's been so long and she's so cute~!

>You should wake her up


>Cuddle your little sister, It's been so long and she's so cute~!

>>Cuddle your little sister, It's been so long and she's so cute~!

She may or may kill us for this, but why the hell not?

Please, We did it all the time when we were together!

I vote cuddle

>>Cuddle your little sister, It's been so long and she's so cute~!

>inb4 Tank secretly takes helmet pics, and writes self-cest fics.

For a second there I thought you meant he was writing selfcest fics of himself

They're not twins so it would be incest

Rolled 12, 5, 19 = 36 (3d20)

You choose cuddle? All right, ROLL TO SEE HOW HARD YOU CUDDLE!

>roll 1d20

Rolled 13 (1d20)

I'd say Tank's more of a Quest writer on SPACE chan.

Rolled 8 (1d20)

Rolled 13 (1d20)


If we nat 20'd, would that have meant we crushed her ribs?

Rolled 5 (1d20)

You decide to cuddle your sister. It's been so long and she's just so damn cute like this! You shift your body around a bit so you can get into a better position to pull Carly's head up closer to your lever, and with one powerful YANK you break her grip on you and grab her in your own hug, nuzzling your cheek against hers.

"Gooooooood morning!" You chime happily.

"SAM WHAT THE FUCK!" Garbles as she furiously thrashes in your grip. She manages to worm herself free and leaps off the bunk bed, landing on the deck with catlike grace.

"I'm sorry, you just looked sooooo cute sleeping with me like that!" You laugh.

"The fuck I did!" Carly complains. "You kidnap me or something?"

Looks like she didn't remember...

>Oh yeah, I totally kidnapped you~.
>Nope, you came up here all on your own~!

>>Nope, you came up here all on your own~!

>Nope, you came up here all on your own~!

>>Nope, you came up here all on your own~!

>Nope, you came up here all on your own~!

>Nope, you came up here all on your own~!
>Reminds me of when we were at home....

>Nope, you came up here all on your own~!

>Nope, you came up here all on your own~!

>Nope, you came up here all on your own~!
>Reminds me of when we were at home....


>>Nope, you came up here all on your own~!

>Nope, you came up here all on your own~!

"Nope! You came up here all on your own~!" You giggle.

"L-LIES!" Carly wails.

"I guess you still really love your dear old big sister!" You continue to tease.

"I'm the captain of this ship! I don't need to take this kind of abuse!" Carly fumes as she stamps her foot impetuously.

"Awwwww, is widdle Carly upset? Does she want her bottle?" You coo.

"Agh!" Carly throws her arms up in the air in frustration before spinning around and stomping for the door.

"Awwwwww, Carly, don't be like that!" You laugh. However, she's already out the door.

Still in her pajamas.

What a silly girl.

>You should probably go save Carly from some embarrassment.
>You should go track down Tank to see what he's up to now.
>You should go see if Scott and Arty have killed each other yet.

>You should probably go save Carly from some embarrassment.

>You should go see if Scott and Arty have killed each other yet.
And we find them cuddling in each other's arms

>You should probably go save Carly from some embarrassment.

>>You should probably go save Carly from some embarrassment.

Does she wear space themed print on her pyjamas they?

>You should go track down Tank to see what he's up to now.

Kill jester

>>You should probably go save Carly from some embarrassment.

>>You should go track down Tank to see what he's up to now.

>Not Pirate themed PJs with skulls and crossbones, pirate ships, and cutlasses.

>You should go track down Tank to see what he's up to now.

Even better, Carly wears SPACE PIRATE themed pjs.

>You should go see if Scott and Arty have killed each other yet.

>>You should probably go save Carly from some embarrassment.

>>You should go see if Scott and Arty have killed each other yet.

You quickly leap out of the bed, landing on the deck with not quite the catlike grace Carly does, but at least you don't trip and faceplant on the floor. You then chase Carly out of the room, fortunately managing to catch her in the hallway before she can reach the lift.

"Caaaaaaarly!" You cry out.

"What!" Carly spins around, a foul look on her face.

"You're still in your 'jammies." You point out.

Carly then looks down, in her pirate themed pajamas with skulls and crossbones emblazoned all over it and her face immediately fires up red.

"C'mon." You laugh as you pat her on the shoulder. "Let's go get changed."

You're both silent as you return to the room and strip off your pajamas to change. However, as you reach for your uniform, Carly stops you by grabbing your hand.

"Wait a sec!" She wags her finger. "You really think you can just parade around my hideout with an Accord uniform?"

"Why not?" You raise an eyebrow.

"Image, Sis! Image!" Carly tuts. "How are the rest of my crew gonna trust me if I bring an Accord officer on board?"

Your sister then digs into her closet and tosses a pair of well used and worn pants, a shirt, and a jacket. Simple civilian garb that the pirates generally wore.

"That should do it!" Carly nods.

>You're not gonna dress up as a pirate!
>You suppose it's the wise choice.

>You should go see if Scott and Arty have killed each other yet.

>>You suppose it's the wise choice.

>You suppose it's the wise choice.

>>You suppose it's the wise choice.

Nice to have some casual stuff. Might take a while to remember that it isn't skintight.

>>You suppose it's the wise choice.
When in rome...

>You suppose it's a wise choice.

>You suppose it's the wise choice

>You suppose it's the wise choice.
I suggest a comfy sweater.

>The only sweater on the ship is a green one like Bradford's
>it really is one of Bradford's

>>You suppose it's the wise choice.

>Across Carly's adventures, she 'found' a shit ton of different outfits and costumes for Heists and Robberies, and for some 'personal uses'.

>find something outlandish.

"I suppose it's the wise choice..." You sigh as you reluctantly put on the casual clothes. It feels so weird, wearing something that wasn't form fitting. It made you feel so much smaller in a way.

"Heh, trouble getting used to wearing normal people clothes?" Carly grins smugly.

"I just need to break it in." You assure her, stretching out your arms and legs.

"Uh huh, sure." Carly chuckles. "Wanna grab something to eat?"

>Sure let's go.
>I want to check on Tank first.
>I want to see the state of the repairs first.

>>I want to see the state of the repairs first.

>I want to check on tank first.

Gotta make sure Mecha-husbando is playing nice with the supped up robot butler.

>Sure let's go.

>>I want to see the state of the repairs first.
Time to see how much progress we've made.

Also, maybe jokingly offer her an Accord uniform for her to wear.