Reminder that this is a tournament-legal card.
Not even the game's developers take MtG seriously anymore.
Reminder that this is a tournament-legal card.
Not even the game's developers take MtG seriously anymore.
If you come to a tournament without artifact removal in the sideboard, you will most likely achieve nothing
It's a 4 toughness artifact creature for 7 mana. Too many things can remove it for it to actually be good.
Of all the things in Mirrodin that were game breakingly powerful, THIS is what you pick out? Some jank angel?
>Reminder that this is a tournament-legal card.
>Not even the game's developers take MtG seriously anymore.
not even 8 dmg
Personally, I remember wishing it was 6 damage so it could completely wipe out a Hornet Queen gang.
You know this card is old as hell right? You just lost to your friend's bullshit deck, didn't you?
The correct move is to escalate. If you think his deck is cheese, build something fucking WORSE. Teach the motherfucker a lesson in fun.
Reminder that this is a tournament-legal card.
Not even the game's developers take MTG seriously anymore.
It's a 7-mana meatshield that dies to two different types of removal. I can't even imagine how new you must be to single out this as an example of a broken card.
To be fair, if he was playing against a Reanimator or MUD deck that could get this out and equipped with Lightning Greaves, I could see how it might feel overbearing.
Also this. Platinum Angel was printed in the same block as like half a dozen ACTUALLY broken cards (Skullclamp, Trinisphere, artifact lands, etc.) or at least extremely powerful ones (Ravager, Plating, Chalice, Crucible, Tooth & Nail, Chrome Mox). Platinum Angel is like, fringe playable in Tron and other ramp decks and that's it.
Even then all you have to do is board in some artifact hate and it becomes infinitely less scary.
Far more likely OP is either baiting or a newbie who just discovered this card and thinks it's way more powerful than it is.
Goddamn, I barely even play Magic, and even I can tell you have no damn idea what you're talking about. How the fuck is this going to accomplish anything when your opponent can respond immediately with one of the mana forms of removal that can target this, since not only is it a creature, it's an artifact, and artifacts are cheap as fuck to remove.
Generally, the most powerful cards will be the ones with a low mana cost. There are a few reasons for this, just one being that it can be cast early, thus putting you in a position ahead of your opponent for the remainder of the match. Mirrodin is a great example of this. Arcbound Ravager, Disciple of the Vault, and the artifact lands were all banned in Standard, and none of them above 2 mana. The artifact lands in particular because they fueled so many other cards.
>Not even the game's developers take MtG seriously anymore.
That card was printed thirteen years ago. More than half of the current lifetime of the game has passed since it saw print.
>thinks it's way more powerful than it is
In his defense, how many other cards in the game literally say, "If you don't have an answer to this card you cannot win, period."
If you had to make a list of cards that were made recently, within the past few years or so, that you thought were just ridiculous, what would it have? I'm betting those Blue Delve cards and the Rhino will be on that list.
>If you don't have an answer to this card
If you don't have an answer of a creature, I have to ask what game you thought you were playing.
>of an **artifact** creature
It's even easier to remove
Every game has something better: "If you don't have an answer for this card, you lose."
I know the artifact makes it a target, but just the idea of being absolutely defenseless against creatures just astounds me.
If you're playing a deck that has absolutely zero answers to creatures AND artifacts, you better at least be able to win before your opponent hits 7 mana.
>Reminder that this is a tournament-legal card.
>Not even the game's developers take MtG seriously anymore.
Now count how many cards in the game have: "You win."
>Reminder that this is a tournament-legal card.
>Not even the game's developers take MtG seriously anymore.
I see baby missed the Urza block.
Reminder that this is a tournament-legal card.
Not even the game's developers take MtG seriously anymore.
how good is this in tron?
No one runs it there. Wurmcoil Engine, Karn, Ugin and Ulamog are more common. I myself use a couple copies of Worldbreaker in my monogreen Tron.
Reminder that this is a tourna- wait no it's banned as shit nvm
if only there was a way to remove this from the battlefield...
needing both R and G as well as it having not nearly as much value as wurmcoil or karn (which can come out on turn 3 from a natural tron) makes it a pretty shitty card to run
or, heck even the game
Seems a little extreme when you can just use some good old fashioned burn
But what if you need some flexibility?
Not all decks play those colors, guys.
Or any colors at all!
I prefer Emperion desu.
I see what you did there...
Emperion is my metallic husband
Oh, it's been some times since I've seen "Dies to Dismember" used as an argument.
>not hexproof
>not indestructible
>mere 4 toughness
Its literal only saving grace is that it doesn't die to Bolt.
Reminder that this is a tournament-legal card.
Not even the game's developers take MtG seriously anymore.
Reminder that this is a tournament-legal card.
Not even the game's developers take MtG seriously anymore.
But why would you run that card? Gaining life is worse than doing damage in most cases.
Reminder that this is a tournament-legal card.
Not even the game's developers take MtG seriously anymore.
Low tier
shit, forgot about that one.
Wandering Ones is top tier flavor.
Reminder that this is a tournament-legal card.
Not even the game's developers take MtG seriously anymore.
Literally ones of my least concerns. OP you are bad at magic.
Seeing this makes me happy I stopped playing yugioh
Why is Dragonlord so much more expensive to buy than World Render? Dragonlord feels super weak
Christ. Game's been around for 15+ years and the devs still haven't bothered to come up with a way of formatting rules text that isn't migraine-inducing.
>three thran dynamos
>thousand year elixir
>crystal vein
>no vesuva
What are you smoking, user?
Elixer gives the Forgemasters and Metalworkers haste.
Dynamos were swapped out for Trinispheres.
I don't have any Vesuvas.
What MUD deck runs cloudpost?
What cloudpost deck doesn't run Vesuva? Why no Myr Battlesphere?
>Why no Myr Battlesphere?
I don't like him as much as the other dudes.
Unless you're doing something insane to begin with, you're not casting that before turn 7 in most cases. In most competitive "tournament" settings you're fucking dead long before then. Not to mention its stats are shit and dies to virtually all removal.
I bet you're some dumb EDH player.
Don't even try and compare Treasure Cruise and Dig Through Time with Siege Rhino. It pales in comparison with those cards.
Hell, most cards over the last fucking decade utterly pale in comparison with the power level of those delve cards. Who thought it was a good idea to reprint Ancestral, really?
Some time? Eldrazi were literally everywhere for a while and their main form of removal was Dismember.
In most cases that it's actually played, it's out on t3/4 actually. Do you actually know anything about these "competitive" formats you seem to know about?
His point is still retarded, but that doesn't make you right.
You really need to get your hands on those trinispheres. They're half the reason you're playing grim monolith in the first place.
I've already replaced the Dyamos with 3spheres. I've just not taken a newer pic of the list.
Its ok in standard, wait for rotation if you want one.
World Render doesn't have immediate board impact.
World Render is only good in tooth and nail OTK decks really.
>platinum angel
Meh, it's not too bad. Ichorclaw myr and inkmoth nexus on the other hand....
Shit card from a shit set.
It's sly because they printed a version that's actually legal to use.
World render needs to attack, preferably with other dragons
Dragonlord Atarka just etbs and blows up multiple small creatures or a planeswalker
In the highest level of play, you can't afford to spend 7 mana on a creature just for it to eat removal
That said, world render is still playable in many formats, because swinging for 12 flying damage is that strong, and he's especially good in edh with prossh or xenagod
Rhino is fine honestly. It is stupid in Standard, but Legacy and Modern needs creatures of that power level for 4-drops and above to be relevant
Delve was basically Affinity 2.0: a conditional cost reduction mechanic R&D somehow thought it wouldn't be too easy to abuse, and turned out to be hilariously wrong.
It's almost like they forgot Fetchlands were a thing in a set where they reprinted Fetchlands.
A) That card sucks
B) What do you mean by "anymore"? That card came out ages ago.
Sage because you're an autist.
King Great Magnus is amazing if you can actually play him before you get stomped on for playing a shitty super quantum deck.
> Inkmoth Nexus
How is this broken? The only reason it's even an alternate win con for Affinity is thanks to Cranial Plating, which would be a lot more reasonable to complain about.
Yeah I was super unlucky with my pulls at the pre release as well, some dude in front of me got a Gisela though.
What happens if I have both of these on the board and my opponent and I deck ourselves without being able to kill either of them?
>noyan dar edh
You tutor it with expedition map, drop counter, and laugh your way to the bank. It's basically a 4/1 flying that's also a land for one mana.
They're both state-based triggers. It would go infinite and the game would end in a draw.
This card can be played in eternal formats and make a fuzz. Are you prepared? How can you beat it?
Incorrect. They're not trigger effects, they're replacement effects. Both of you are unable to lose the game, so you keep playing until one leaves play somehow, or you agree to a draw/concession, or time in the round runs out.
Get on my level
is better than
You're both unable to lose. So you just keep playing until someone kills one of the creatures, one of you concedes, or the match timer runs out.
World Renderer is actually good? Didn't expect that. I tried her out for quite a long time, but she never ever stays on the board for more than one round even in casual play.
Reminder that this is a tournament-legal card.
Not even the game's developers take MtG seriously anymore.