>Game manual is riddled with errors
>Errata book costs 14.95€ + VAT
Game manual is riddled with errors
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Don't give GW any ideas.
Argh me matey, there be ways of acquirin' a book without paying!
The guys who charge for their fucking WD brochures and literally marketed a Fuckup Removal Kit for their shit-tier "improved" main product line? Charging for books means they have to be made in the first place - at company expense - and that expense is no longer needed since GW is no longer a game company ...
Ha... he's talking about the Generals Handbook.
Age of Shitmar apologists deserve everything they get.
It was their idea
4e D&D wasn't much better.
>I don't understand what VAT is so it must be bad
lol we don't have taxes here in America!
We have freedom fees instead, you poor oppressed europoors under the opressiive boot of a communist government, having to pay taxes!
The v is for vriheet. Freedom added tax.
I knew this would happen
OK I didn't, but it's hardly surprising, given their horrific recent track record
I heard they were a bit better recently?
That's cheaper than D&D 3.5 and 4e Essentials sold for.
>People still defend GW for this
Taxes are always bad familius
>what is a seedbox
Really, do these fuckwits even playtest their shit?
The fact that a book that is NOTHING BUT errata and rules tweaks exists is just mind-numbing.
Releasing a broken game and selling a patchbook so it plays the way it should've played in the first place is just...
GW is on par with EA for shitty business practice.
What guarantee do i have that the errata book isn't full of errors so they can sell an errata book errata?
>GW is on par with EA for shitty business practice.
EA releases bug fixes for free.
It's WB who think making DLC is more important than fixing bugs:
>Caring about Age of Shitmar
>using public trackers
read the sticky plebian
fuck, I meant the OP post
And now we watch the American's head explode because it's too stupid to comprehend 'freedom' and 'taxes' in the same sentence.
Freedom is slavery desu
This reminds me of Attack Vector. I bought the first printing of the thing and there's a book where some letters were replaced with another one making it a pain in the ass to read. They want to charge me full price for a proper book.
..not sure if troll. Some states are tax free while others are not.
And others still will have sales taxes on certain kinds of goods but not others.
>Errata for every book released was a frequently updated free download
>Not much better
You're one of those people who are still in denial about Essentials being 4.5, huh?
Well considering 3.5 replaced all of the core rules for 3e and Essentials didn't do anything of the sort....yeah, I live in the real world, I guess.
sent me here.
What game is this for?
the errata for the Essentials books was also free
He's implying that Essentials was effectively errata for 4e.
Uh huh.
But that makes no sense.
why wouldn't we defend a company listening too their customers and giving them what they want.
>A UK Company
>Pricing in Euros
That's treason.
But they aren't
>muh taxation is theft
>muh coercion is morally bad
Wait, what did GW do now?
>GW is
oh you were talking about GW? I thought you were talking about PP.
Made an errata to the first Age of Sigmar tournament rulebook that costs 15 Euro + change.
What the flying fuck am I reading.
The amount of secret clubbing in there is astounding.
adding whole new rules and game types isn't errata. it's more akin too an "expansion" like apoc or cityfight used to be. plus they're selling it as a physical book. of course its going to cost money.
no it should be free