Horus Heresy General /hhg/

Sick Beats Edition
Characterization Sub-Edition
Is there anything that can beat an Ordinatus? Also we talked about characterization, the consistencies of the books, and if it's Rowboat's fault for most of the Traitor Primarchs acting like edgy teenagers, a newfriend(I think) asked lore questions, we saw the ultimate Blackshield list, one WE user showed us his conversion and Scoria user is nearly done with his Scoria plus much more in the last thread Red Book Links:
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww2.zippyshare.com%2Fv%2Fs15Jqk1t%2Ffile.html
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmega.nz%2F%23!Jx1UGCTI!vMJN89z7p8tiEC7YOAj477g6RxDtJ7culVLF3q3godg
HH Book 6 - Retribution PDF:
mediafire.com/download/8aqx9j3a8erqv8d/The_Horus_Heresy_Book_6_-_Retribution.pdf or
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fkat.cr%2Fthe-horus-heresy-book-6-retribution-pdf-t12199249.html
HHG FAQ - pastebin.com/iUqNrrA8
Official HH 7th Edition Errata (Updated January 2016) - forgeworld.co.uk/resources/fw_site/fw_pdfs/Horus_Heresy/Horus_Heresy_7th_Edition.pdf
Other official downloads: forgeworld.co.uk/Downloads#horusheresy
HH Rules:
Crusade Army List: mediafire.com/download/1lprm5vd99yafa3/
Mechanicum Taghmata Army List: mega.nz/#!LFwTjQ7B!mF0eVOY8P1MPT0a-QSXypXo_ZfskhYynD41PrkaTbD8
30k/40k Rules: mega.nz/#F!pFgm0RKR!J06C1gVYcjzNGsF8YNLsjQ!EVh0GZZS
30k/40k Rules and more (torrents): kat.cr/usearch/"Forge World" heresy user:epistolary/
30k Black Library: mega.nz/#F!0RlxDZQC!qAu9BaubWa3KeihJRmOcsg
Strawpoll links: strawpoll.me/10558764

Other urls found in this thread:


First for cultural enrichment.

What do you think of these sprue tank traps I made?

Seekers dont need combi-weapons anymore.


I forgot my pic yet again.

Needs to be more tangible.

Now that assault marines are a thing:
Melta bombs for 5ppm, yea or nay?
Combat shields for 3ppm, yea or nay?
Power swords/axes for 4 models at 10ppm, yea or nay?

They are made to get into combat and fuck shit up, but it might be a bad idea to sink too many points into them.

Combat shields are now 5++ in CC.

Power weapons and lets rock

Are there any viable ways to run a dreadnought heavy list with Iron Warriors? I'm new so sorry if this seems like a dumb question.

Found another small change, the extra armour on storm eagles are now 5p Points instead of 10:P

leftmost one came out the best, but they're all workable as long as it's clear they're improvised defenses. a more well-prepared defense would probably have better engineered tank traps.

That seems to be a broader change to most vehicles, actually.

Anons, a question for lords of war: what are the most updated books for rules for LoWs outside of HH? I mean Crassus Praetor, Marauder Bomber and so on

Feeling bad for anyone who built a moritat

Weren't HK missiles 10pts. before?

Speaking of changes, is there a point taking the gun upgrade for the Falchion? Maybe if there's other super-heavies about to nerf their D weapons (can only snap fire), but the fact that if you don't penetrate or wound, you are in danger of losing hull points seems like a bigger drawback.

It's a 1/36 chance for a falchion to suffer a hull point when firing. If you know you face things like Typhons or Sicaran Venators I would definitely say its worth.

Yeah HK missiles was 10p before. now they are 5. also here is my 1ksons librarian

Son, that red is too thick.

Get some wash on the red plates and go over the brass with a couple more layers and you should be good to go user. Also pop over to the WIP thread and look at the "How to take a WIP photo" thing.

is that Danny DeVito on the right

Why? Yeah, sure, he can no longer fire indefinitely, but I think plasmas became a bit more viable, since even a few plasma shots is bound to have some effect over 12 bolt pistol shots.

I just liked the idea of a lone wolf gunslinger blasting before everyone else and I had an old Chaos Raptor jump pack lying around that I didn't know what to do with. Looks rather nice on a MkVI suit with the pointy swooping shapes.

terminator Squad With a preator/librarian in the back

Just bought myself some beakies, which legions had Corvus armour during the heresy?

All of them.

Sure. But if you're facing a bunch of infantry and shit, it's useless really. Highly situational. Not that I field my Falchion that much anyway.

yea he needs anoter Wash on the red also this is extremly Close up With a shitty mobile camera i did a few weeks ago:)


Which legion?



Though with the caveat that according to new fluff the MkVI was in prototype testing before the Heresy and some primarchs wanted to see it fail. In the old fluff its production started around the time Horus was rolling through Sol and after he took Mars, they distributed the suits across traitor legions as well.

But yeah, all legions can use them just fine. RG is probably most famous for them. I think Alphas had them in notable quantities as well.

Iconography looks like Thousand Sons

Thousand sons


Hot diggity are these FW paints expensive. Do people here buy their paints from FW/GW or is there a popular alternative?

>mfw Eddienoughts get the new lascannons

Dead armor, dead armor everywhere.


Hammer of Olympia, spam Leviathans and Deredeos. Fill your elites with talons of whatever flavor you prefer, maybe a unit of Techmarines.

Alan preserve us, new forgeworld in 5 hours.

Vallejo all the way

I don't know of anyone that buys the FW paints.

i buy chemos purple for basecoating

Repost for the Repost gods, Scoria saves, the rest of you take full damage

Why do you continue to throw away perfectly good tank traps anons

It makes me happy that you are throwing yourself into this so happily.

That's a different user.

Those ones look a lot better than mine, in my opinion.


Fight me IRL

Stop stealing my ideas.

I came up with it first, user.

But it's okay, I'll admit yours look better.

It's just a style preference. Yours look "used".

Your wife looks used

True enough, though your pic is a nice reference pic for what I should do.

Well now user, that isn't nice.

What in the wolf did you just Howlin' say about me, you little Milksop? I'll have you know I was throned the top of my tribe in the Kingdom of the Russ and I've been involved in numerous executions of traitor Primarchs, and I have over 300 million confirmed kills. I am trained in wolf warfare and I am the top CQC expert in all of the Imperium. Ye are notin to me but just another nancy bitch.

>I've been involved in numerous executions of traitor Primarchs
>300 million confirmed kills
Now user, not even the Flesh Tearers killed that many when they cleansed a whole system with melee. Hell, didn't Khârn scored his millionth skull until after the Heresy?

Do trees count? They're living organisms, and I know there's one Pokemon that's a tree stump and animated by the souls of children. Caliban and other planets had to have those.

Hello all. I've been playing 40k for some time and have been wanting to get into 30k as 40k is a cesspool, and I'm wondering if there is a base rulebook for 30k or if it's just a collection of special models and formations found in some other unholy tome. If so, WHAT IS IT CALLED

Son, let me tell you of your first mistake. Formations. There are none in 30k. And to answer your question they're called the Red Books.

Skip to about 2:25

If you are buying the clear paints from FW, then you should know you can get similar paints from Tamiya cheaper.

You need this and the 7e Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mediafire.com%2Fdownload%2Ff0c2pnieoijyrqk%2FLegiones_Astartes_Age_of_Darkness_Army_List.pdf

This is for the Legiones Astartes stuff.

You'll also need the Age of Darkness Legions book for every legion that isn't Blood Angels, Dark Angels, or White Scars. That's in book VI.

When the fuck is the mastidon coming

ive had $400 stowed away for months now waiting


No problem user!

What legion are you interested in?

Prerelease at the Open Day, probably for general sale in a few weeks.

Could there be previously-unseen HH models or renders at the Open Day? Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally hoping Dorn or Alpharius are at least conceptualized.

Dude, that's what Open Days are for. Doubt we'll see Alpharius though

I want Tyrant and Havoc models so bad. Please let the Havocs be in MkIII. Please.

im guessing finished russ and WIP magnus

probably renders of SW and TS legion units

It's just going to be mechanicum.

As it should be.

The hype is real lads.

They're quite immobile if they're using Scorpius rounds, so having a combi-plasma option for an assault might not be a bad thing, but they could certainly function without it.

Hype is so real desu

Personally hoping for news on the next ImperialArmour and anything mechanicum.

Finished primarch models would be great too. I have friend that's just waiting to see the Magnus model so he can decide weather to start up on 30k TS.

AL and RG had the Mk VI suits in fairly large quantities, all other legions probably had at least a few suits in their armouries.

He's already been leaked.

Was it Perturabo who strongly disliked mk6? I seem to recall something like that in the fluf.

Perturabo hated MkVI.

MkIII or bust, and I agree completely!

Vallejo, Scale75 (metallics especially), Tamiya, P3, all good ranges for certain things.
Cost a little less per pot, and tend to be slightly larger too.

anybody playing a game this week and wanna post their list while they wait for news? I want to see what you guys are bringing to your nerd dungeons.

Aren't IW usually depicted in Mk. II in the books? Their upgrade kit is Mk. II and, well, there's this guy...

They're surprisingly different in handling them in person, though they serve a similar purpose.
Tamiya clears are nice, don't get me wrong, but the FW clears are different, and available in more colours than the Tamiya clear line.

Their helmet upgrade kit is MkII, the torso upgrade kit is MkIV. It's very annoying.

MkIII is MkII with extra armor plating.

That, and I just prefer III over II.

Had fun with an almost only Terminator list as EC yesterday. My opponent was certainly not prepared, and i sweeped his 2 mini deathstars.

Currently painting up some mechanicum to ally in and in anticipation for when the robutts get allowed in 40k.

Wait, actually looking closer at them, the torsos are indeed MkII.

Huh, never noticed the banding at the waist. Kind of odd that they'd lack the bit that drapes down on regular MkII and MkIII?

that's a pretty good idea. depending on what news comes out today maybe I'll start making a robutts force with the Start Collecting box. or maybe I'll order a Sicaran. It's my birthday so I feel like I should splurge a little.

Damn, the S-man looks good, and so do his brobots.
Good job user

Combat Shields are bucklers, you still have a bolt pistol, right?
I know they don't get Resolve of Stone, but a big unit of Imperial Fist Sword, Board and Pistol marines is looking pretty tempting right now

happy birthday man.
I'd say go with the Sicarian until we know how exactly the robutts will get ported to 40k.

Sicarian plus just the Dominus could be good so you also have a sexy model to paint, that you'll most likely need anyways.

ha! actually I meant a sicaran tank for my imperial fists. but yeah all the skitarii/cult mech models are great. except for the baymax robots...

The sicarian tank was what i meant too.

With a headswap, the baymax robutts don't look bad either though

oh shit its late sorry. and yeah those heads look pretty badass. way better than baymax.

So for those of us that are not very well informed, when was open day starting up ?

The doors opened an hour ago. (10AM BST)

Jesus that's good, what is it from? A knight?

no its fw

It's a cult mechanicus Kastellan robot with a headswap from a 3rd party company.
Well shit, so what time are they gonna do the repesentation where we normally see all the new stuff ?

because on the internet at large and on Veeky Forums in particular everything is either the literally greatest thing on the planet or a cum dumpster not worth the air that its breathing that should be taken behind the shed and shot.

>an hour ago. (10AM
It's just gone 9am here in bongland, so they don't open for an hour

Have a britmarine


They're for sale at Wargame Exclusive.


Don't have any schedule information I'm afraid, beyond what it says on the site linked above.

Ah yes, you're right. Thought it was 11 here already, my mistake. Doors will open in 50 minutes then.

But I want my American Marines, give me info and pics for any IW stuff please, user! I need it!