I was thinking about making my next Pathfinder Villian basically Sadam Hussein. Any tips on how to treat players as if they where in a totalitarian police state?
I was thinking about making my next Pathfinder Villian basically Sadam Hussein...
Set the game in a totalitarian police state.
Read 1984 or Fahrenheit 451.
Watch a movie about police states or read about them. Tony Manero is a good film.
A couple of tips
>Military Police are always on the street
>Protests are met with brutal beatings and live ammo
>Curfews are strict, patrols are on the lookout for anyone not obeying them.
>People disappear, the police may enter your house and take someone and you might never see them again.
>Guerrilla radios.
holy shit here it is
Found this today actually. If you don't want to watch the introduction (but you should) go to 1:33
I mean, if you wanna be all correct, try to get a race to be the kurds and treated like shit.
Have him be all bad-ass and menacing until his forces get curb-stomped for picking a fight with some idiots father and he winds up living in a hole in the ground.
I think the Janni(?) are good desert race to represent the kurds.
Make your villain do literally nothing wrong. The protagonist's country will then invade en mass using the threat of potential "Necromantic Rituals of Mass Destruction" as a cassus belli.
Fucking dark
"Special prisons for rape, special mass graves for children, torture and execution for accidentally spilling your coffee on a picture of Saddam's face in the newspaper."
Ya dude Saddam did literally nothing wrong.
The people won't talk or deal with the PCs at all, or will only interact in the most superficial manner.
Secret police have created a culture of fear where people are encouraged to spy and inform on others because it shows loyalty to the state and takes the heat off of themselves.
The PCs are viewed with suspicion to the point of paranoia since they're outsiders. People don't talk to them, avoid them on the street, and merchants only deal with them begrudgingly and jack up their prices.
When the PCs try to ask why or act chummy, people stonewall them, ignore them, or just walk away. If the PCs get pissy and start threatening, then the citizen turns in a hot tip about these troublemakers to the secret police as soon as the party is out of earshot.
To really drive it home, perhaps the PCs do manage to befriend someone. That person disappears, and no one talks about where they went, and if anyone official is asked, the PCs are told that the citizen was an "undesirable" and that they were removed for the betterment of the social order.
The whole scenario goes to hell after he is defeated.
Military Check points
Framing as terrorists if they accidentally say something anti-government
Public firing squads
Public hangings
Military on every corner of every street
NPC civvies are wary of the PCs and are reluctant to say much to them
Don't forget an aging political elite and a pair of heirs who lack the political acumen of their father and whose respect and authority derives entirely from their relation to the leader.
Don't forget the Shia and Sunni muzzies and their conflicts.
The Shia are the civilized faction that supports the totalitarian regime to protect them selves from the Sunni.
The Sunni receive aid from Sunni dominated countries so they rebell and are generally violent pricks...
Note that everyone is some kind of shade of evil or neutral at best.
This would be great for a drow campaign.
Have them tailed, some one should be watching them at all times; either the bar man or street children.
Any deviance from the law is punished with imprisonment, with no charges being laid, or hearing .
Make sure there is a far worse faction that makes the police state a lesser evil. People tend to flock to authoritarian leaders when there are literal barbarians at the gates.
>People unironically saying the invasion was justified
I seriously hope you hype up a giant war in the end of the campaign and drop ominous hints or even encourage the PCs that they might want to get the fuck out while they still can.
plot twist: notiraq gets fucking destroyed in a week and the PCs barely have time to react before it's over.
oh, and you might want to look up the iran-iraq war
Visit London or ferguson is you need to see a police state.
Note, Saddam was an expert in assassinations, especially those involving bomb traps and he also had a small army of look-alikes of himself he'd send out to do public things.
So basically, your villain needs an army of suicide-bomb mimics that he constantly sends out after the party, and who also uses mimics as his secret police, "the walls have ears" LITERALLY, so if some dissidents are talking sedition, BOOM their chairs, typewriters and walls suddenly start chomping on them.
>The protagonist's country will then invade en mass using the threat of potential "Necromantic Rituals of Mass Destruction" as a cassus belli.
No, no. It goes like this
>first invasion is legit
>it is followed up by the seven plauges of Egypt being summoned down upon the country for ten years in a row
>only ten do you invade a second time
>Ya dude Saddam did literally nothing wrong.
He refused to pay the rates on his credits the first time around and he said he'd start selling oil in exchange for currencies other than Dollars the second time.
Make sure to police the magic. Police states don't carry their oppressiveness correctly in a fantasy setting without that. If you're caught being magical expect an antimagic collar with your name on it coming to your door. If you become a guard captain or some shit you may get a level 1 collar for *some* magic, otherwise it's better to stay out of sight.
I did something like this once, only it was a totalitarian church state
>PCs in elven homeland
>elves believe that they are the gods' chosen people
>every other non-elf is to be classified as property
>the party has to be escorted by an elf or risk someone going open season on them
>elves believe that magic is a gift by the gods to them alone, and if PCs are seen utilizing it they are treated as if stealing from the gods
>prices at the shops are outrageous, they have to pose as slaves half the time, passing elves spit on them, ect.
I shouldn't have been suprised when the party pretty much rushes through the first quest and uses the reward money to charter a boat to the human/dwarf continent
>being allowed to charter a boat
That's you doing it wrong.
What's wrong with it? They wanted out of the country in one session, I allowed it on the next. I jut had to do a little bit of planning.
Hitchens talking about Sadam with spooky music
Do you allow your chair to run away from you? Or someone else is take your property?
They got away with just a single downpayment. That's higly unlikely in a scenario where they're rightless and surrounded by people who think them useful animals.
Why is he the villain? Sure some peoples freedoms and lives were lost under his rule but the nation of Iraq was still functional under his rule.
I would propose that Saddam was lawful evil and the forces of chaos/freedom destroyed a still functional nation.
Also anime rule 63 Saddam.
Model your villain after this guy
Well, it was justified seeing as how the boat was filled with human traders. The elves treat foreign traders like shit, but do tolerate them to some capacity. If they simply took everyone to set foot on their lands as slaves then the other it'd probably spark a war.
They could limit trade only those who are have a permit (read: became an elvish bottom bitch) and prohibit their crew from leaving their ships.
Because fuck merchants and sailors.
Honestly, if we're lucky, they'll throw the law at Blair.
Seal trade with China is a funny topic, both in terms of the laws that ruled in and in terms of the proceedures that governed it. But that's really a bit too legalist for a bunch of racists fucks who consider non-Elves neither guests nore persons to begin with.
Make magic illegal except for the elite. Do not allow your players to play the elite. Force them to play a religious or ethnic minority. Make them play martials from the north east part of the country.
You could go full Best Korea, rabidly in denial of the country's issues and heavy-handedly dealing with anyone who breaks any of the arbitrary rules. The citizens are ranked by how loyal they are to the regime and are under pretty much 24/7 surveillance