How do/have you guys ended/end campaigns? Currently my group is about to lead a ragtag coalition of forces against a demon army and a crazed warlock summoning the demogorgon.
A level 12 wizard, a barbarian, and paladin are the party. Any ideas? Stories? Btw Its dnd 3.5.
Shameful bump, I just want to hear some stories and get some info... please help fa/tg/uys.
Ethan James
The paladin kisses the barbarian while the wizard faps in the corner.
Samuel Fisher
Jaxson Edwards
I have a few endings, some as a player others as a GM.
First ending as a player was when my first character died (is that a proper ending?) fighting a Hobgoblin Chief in the highlands. Never try to teach a child DnD, or at least tell him he can't cast druid or ranger spells if he's wearing metal armor and using a towershield.
Benjamin Garcia
>wizard faps in the corner >implying he's not sitting their sadly hoping the paladin will never tell anyone about the time he had to save the wizard when he tried summoning a flame elemental to fuck, because he thought a wand of Fire Resistance would be enough
Ian Carter
>he tried summoning a flame elemental to fuck That sounds pretty hot
Nathan Lee
That could go bad for the wizard, tbqh. In my campaign wizards must be kissless virgins or else they lose their power. Even holding hand might make him temporarily weaker. Fapping is allowed, however.
Dominic Howard
sounds like an uninspired magical realm that you invented on the spot
Daniel Harris
>have you guys ever ended a campaign? >btw it's 3.5 It makes total sense to me that a 3.5 game rarely makes it to the end.