My characters are creating my magical realm without even meaning to or knowing it and I don't know what to do!
Do magical realm on purpose. It will fail to get noticed then
>tfw you're a sadist
>tfw every game is magical realm for you
Which realm is it?
What is it with you fucks and magical realms? I mean, I've got me some fetishes but none that'd freak people out or fuck a game up, but every god damn person on Veeky Forums seems to have or know someone with some hidden UBERFETISH that'll strip the meat from the bone if it were to ever be unleashed on the unsuspecting world.
And I got realm'd once....that shit wasn't fun. But I kinda figured it was a rare occurrence, you know?
Your characters are forcing unwanted fetishes onto your players?
Because that's what magical realming is.
>he hasn't had to deal with the people in the Game Finder threads who will spout of shit like "Cannibalism. Seriously, no one will ever think it's your fetish but most people find it strangely attractive. "
I like putting people in uncomfortable positions, especially ones involving psychological and physical suffering.
You run a game without either of those things.
Technically yes, but they do at least get their armor and other defenses to protect them from it.
>the players have been surrounded by my magical realm all along
>they haven't realized it yet
my fetishes include peacoats, girls with chiseled jaws, patterned socks, black outfits with orange trim/buttons, and white hair
Does it make you uncomfortable? If so, tell them to stop it. If they keep doing it, THEN they're magical realming.
The essence of the Magical Realm is being That Guy with your fetishes. If nobody's upset, there's no problem.
>black with orange trim
>white hair
Your fetish is a Halloween costume? Is this what being a gull is like?
I'm not a fucking gull
And that fashion is perfection, it's a shame that its looked at as Halloween, goth, or femdora.
I was reassured when I saw the dozen+ disgust reaction images to that insanity
>Make a slime person race in case I ever have the chance to play instead of GM for once, or use if I can GMing
>In different groups I run, both white bread normies and friends I know are also freaks love them
I...If they insist, I will continue.
>TFW one of your current campaigns is a lewd ERP
>My fetishes will never spill into my others because I have a containment game
HA! Truly, your's is the life of one cursed and doomed
Not only that, but people are dragging perfectly normal adventuring hooks, plots and ideas over the coals trying to bring out "magical realm" where there isn't any if you're a normal, functioning person.
Seriously, I get hot to lesbians, doesn't mean any two girls in public is going to make me pop a stiffy. Some people watch leather porn, they don't secretly masturbate when a biker goes by. If you can't separate your fetishes and your every day life, you need to seriously re-examine yourself
This whole magical realm thing was funny when it first started, but people have taken it far, far too seriously.
Peacoats are pretty boss fashion, right up there next to trench coats tied off at the waist
Please explain the "gull" thing I'm a puffin guy and gulls are always stealing my shit off the deck. I've never heard gull thrown as a label and I can't find any info online.
>most of my fetishes could be depicted in a way that isn't magical realm at all
>the rogue goes around stealing shit while the rest of my players are attempting to warn the dwarves of the coming invasion
>wanders into a room to find a lone,buff dwarf
>"hey buddy i think you've got the wrong door.the treasure rooms two halls down."
>everything is dicks
>i can't stop touching myself
>better alert Veeky Forums
Begone, deviant.
>When your female player unironically wants and will play a fucking nympho
I'm here for the adventure, not your sexual power fantasy you damn slut.
Look, I don't care what you're doing on your own time or not a PC slime race sounds bad-ass as hell and I sincerely hope you share it in this thread.
If you like it, consider downloading for free and rating high on DM's Guild