When do you think the tabletop industry will move beyond the roidhead physique and start depicting barbarians/monks/whatever with more realistic bodies?
When do you think the tabletop industry will move beyond the roidhead physique and start depicting...
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Because Arnold was a cooler looking barbarian than that dude.
Also, no one really cares.
Does that mean we get muscular female barbarians?
And women dare complain about some societally enforced body image, when men are expected to live up to confirmed and shameless roiders.
looks like he couldn't wield a claymore or wear heavy armor without breaking.
Did he bathe in piss or something? his skin is yellow
I don't even know what a realistic male physique is for a guy who doesn't use steroids
>When do you think the tabletop industry will move beyond the roidhead physique and start depicting barbarians/monks/whatever with more realistic bodies?
In 2000? No, wait, in 1974!
No, no, wait, I can get this... OP is a fag and the "problem" he's complaining about isn't real! That's the right answer, I'm pretty confident.
That's because you have a strong overestimation of the actual weight of both of those.
Because the women all have huge tits and hourglass figures.
It's fantasy. Unless you're specifically going for something more grounded, you're gonna see exaggeration.
I agree with him that they usually have no fat but that would be expected based on shitty diet and constant excersize
But I also don't see the problem here and suspect OP is a teenage girl
He's a vegan.
Also a total scumbag.
Why does he look green?
this. fuck vegangains
Cause he's malnourished from vegan diet.
This. Did you see the thing where he tries to harass at a Mounted cop for the "inhuman treatment" of police horses.
He's Canadian too? God damn the plot thickens
Mounted cop, not a Mounty.
What's so bad about him?
He should really get his liver checked out.
Sociopathic wanker, enjoys flaunting his insane views and bullying and insulting others.
Did somebody say.... realisticbodies?
Why, I think they did.
When you stop touching yourself at night.
(this is some guy in the NFL btw, don't know enough about handball to know who exactly nor what the technical term for his position is, I assume it's something defensive so file under "tank physique")
>And women dare complain about some societally enforced body image, when men are expected to live up to confirmed and shameless roiders.
No, nobody but other roidheads and bimbos think that's something to aspire to. You don't see those people in fashion magazines or on bus stops either.
Here's an olympic wrestler, e.g. best fit for a monk.
by contrast here's an olympic fencer.
But why does he have tits? Roid side effects?
>cultural icon
He's a forgotten toy commercial remembered by a small bunch of useless hipsters whose lives are gonna end within a week as they get run over in traffic chasing virtual monsters for a kid's franchise they should have left behind ten years ago.
so... windows phone, or just jaded?
t. someone who wasn't alive when he-man was popular
Microsoft makes phones?
Aren't horses happy to work, given they're well treated(i'm pretty sure police horses are)?
I know dogs love to work. You won't ever see a dog happier than an employed dod, be it a guide lab for blind people, a police dog, a bomb sniffer(provided he doesn't step on a mine), or even one of those that visit hospitals.
Why do you want someone who can rage to the point of achieving superhuman feats to have a realistic body? If you want to make a barbarian with the physique of a vegan, go ahead... I'm limiting you to the strength levels you can show me a person of that caliber perform.
Why does this nigga's forehead look like a bad texture rendering?
Perfectly fits any image for a rogue I've ever played
Half my melee combatants are this fat if not fatter. Also, dry his fat up and you get someone way more like Arnold than like the dude in OP. I'd guess that being this fat can be either good or bad for long-distance travel(survival chance when out of foo, but your horse hates you unless you cash for an expensive destrier), so both him and typical 0-fat barbarians are viable
paint her hair red and add chainkini and you've got red Sonja. Also, before you talk about the fat, vallejo and frazetta both drew his women with what you'd expect of any girl but a cardio-bunny.
looks a lot like what many girls would call "unnatainable beauty standards". The only thing you could say that differs from standard fantasy is that she's black, but since 3.pf we've had a lot of black representation, and old fantasy art looked a lot more middle-eastern than european.
now she achieved what feminists would call anorexic... also, you can't have an ass like that and not be called a nazi nowadays.
Jesus Christ I would tap that in a heartbeat. Imagine snuggling with her in bed.
Olympic surfer now.
She exclusivelly dates white guys tho
same surfer.
I am a white guy
When a human body starts doing 18 STR shit without destructing or needing such fine upkeep you can maintain it in a cave while fighting midgets with rabies and knives day in and out
And a long distance runner.
>Vegan Nogains
that autist is a DYEL ayylium
OP, the issue is that, while yes, your pic is a likely realistic bodyshape for /the average/ denizen of a fantasy hamlet, the people you describe are often better-fed and constantly exercise, but omfg the olympic ladies hnnnggh
It is not the depiction of the body that must change, but your understanding of "realistic". A barbarian's body is his armor, and what you're showing us is a physically fit person, but not physically fit enough to use as armor.
Two questions. Why are they all in the buff? I'm 11/10 okay with it, but why. And what is she doing here? Underwater castle building?
I don't recall D&D artwork ever pushing musclehead stereotypes. The art was sourced to a number of different individuals, and while I'm sure some did go for that look, the majority definitely did not. D&D manuals and supplements have always had a pretty balanced ratio of male / female characters of different races and sizes.
Track and Field Javelin Throwing.
Presumably anything focused on 'realistic bodies' is gonna be gunning for more body, less clothes. As for the second one, being strong.
100% natty
Why wouldn't you want to be huge?
In all probability, most barbarians did one raid/war in their entire lives. The rest of it is boasting.
What about Vikings? How often did they raid?
Horses are pretty retarded, they don't give a fuck about working
90% of men make no effort in their appearance
once yearly at the most.
Don't forget that it's a deadly dangerous business.
All barbarian raids were basically barbarians doing One Last Big Job with a big payout like seizing some fertile land to farm or raiding all the gold from cathedrals, before they settled down.
I'm okay with it, but I find it weird when a male barbarian has absolutely no body hair.
Not for sexual reasons, it's just hard to believe he would take the time to shave. Was that a thing in real history?
I kek'd
It wouldn't be uncommon for men to shave their faces, many of the Gauls and Celts were noted fro having long mustaches, and republican Rome was generally clean shaven. As for body hair . . . I'm not really sure. I recall something talking about Romans getting their pubic hair plucked, but as for their legs, chest, back, armpits, shoulders, arms? Not so sure
Choc Lesnar is different.
>small bunch of useless hipsters whose lives are gonna end within a week as they get run over in traffic chasing virtual monsters for a kid's franchise they should have left behind
literally everyone plays pokemon go. it's okay user, you can too even if you never go outside
what? Literally anyone can wear armor.
Having it on you, and making use of yourself in armor are two different things.
It's like alcoholism. Just because everyone does it doesn't mean it's healthy.
Except that makes absolutely no sense.
Here, have some nerds toying with plate armor.
>>Still believes in the bullshit Mark Twain fallacy that armor is a movement-inhibiting tin suit that nobody can function in without years of intense training.
>Large, two-handed late medieval/renaissance European sword
>average weight: ~5-6 lbs
>Full set of plate armor
>average weight: ~50 lbs
See, as it turns out, swords don't weigh upwards of 20 pounds
On the contrary, I go outside every day to do work, watch nature, and sneak peeks at hot bitches. Seeing these useless retards park their cars everywhere and shuffle around aimlessly with their eyes glued on the phone looking for Pokemon is fucking ruining it. If they want to be phone-addicted manchildren they can do me a favour and be it in their couch where I don't have to see them.
Everyone drinks, most people aren't alcoholic.
Most people play Pokeman Go, most people aren't obessed.
I don't play, but the wife does. Our dog is suddenly getting a lot of fukkin walks.
>take casual care of your body to make sure you don't become sluggish and have plenty of energy
Jesus Christ, you can't be serious.
No one is buying your lies, fatty
Shiiet, I weight 55 kg at 1.75m, I'm a skelly with a tan.
>faggots that don't know that well-crafted plate is actually lighter and less inhibiting than comparatively-covering maille
>faggots that don't know that even with it being made to fit you properly, you still have to be able to bear the mass even if it's properly distributed over your body
Who is this? She looks like a tough bastard, I want to see her matches.
Hey, those fatties are finally being driven from their cages and being forced to excersise. This is nothing but good news, soon they may once more see their toes and rejoin humanity. Who knows, maybe microtransactions will force them to get stable employment too.
>when men are expected to live up to confirmed and shameless roiders.
Generally when I see an "ideal man" in advertising he's fit but definitely not bodybuilder tier. I think generally pic related is what men are encouraged to aspire for.
Oh no, not fifty pounds. Oh wait, modern soldiers carry twice that much and they don't have squires or pages.
You're both allowed to complain. Why are women "daring" when you feel so entitled to complain? Mass media fucks us all sideways with brainwashing from birth.
The weight is generally not the problem of armor. That shit gets stuffy, especially in direct sunlight.
I've had to wear pic related kind of uniform on a hot day and it's miserable, and that uniform breathes well. I can hardly imagine wearing underclothes and then putting metal that doesn't breathe whatsoever from head to toe on top of it. Ever touched metal that's been in the sun all day? Imagine it there, blocking any potential breeze that could cool you off, drenched in your own sweat with it having nowhere to evaporate to.
You only wear armor when you're going to battle though. Armor depends a lot on place too, cultures from hot areas avoided bulky metal armor for obvious reasons.
Probably after females stop being designed as objects.
So, never, according to you.
What kind of female body isnt objectified ?
I mean wether she's tall or short, fat ass or small tits, white or black or asian there's always gonna be people objectifying her.
Even in that case, a few hours in armor will take its toll heat-wise. Even on a mild day, if you're moving around and exerting yourself it's still probably going to feel pretty stuffy.
Either way I guess the misery involved isn't terribly indicative of required fitness - You don't need to be physically strong to wear armor, but you need to have decent stamina and heat tolerance.
Anyone else seeing the guy on the Left as Clive Owen?
People are objects.
Jeff Seid is best boy
Removing body hair in pre-20th century days (even today in some areas) meant you either were getting rid of crabs, were a huge pussy, or a whore who was getting rid of crabs.
Romans and Muslims were some of the only people confirmed to remove genital and underarm hair in the old times.
having more body fat gives an endurance and stamina advantage. dnd terms that big guy would be high str and con.
I recall ancient egyptians shaved all hair.
I don't remember if all of them did it, but it had to do with lice in hot climates and fashion.
Armour of King Henry VIII- 77lb
Do some research friendo :3