Horus Heresy, Middle Earth Strategy Game, and Bloodbowl displayed so far.
FW Open Day 2016
Where the fuck is Will Hayes
Damn, that is sexy.
Even sexier.
Is that fucker still oversized like hell? Because fuck me, the last time it was shown it was about twice the height it should have been.
It's a fucking knight, not a warhound.
>admech vehicle
>with armour plating
Seems like heresy to me.
>fuckin tonka toy tank and bionicle masks
AdMech pls
Your entire faction is like 50% sleek sexy robots and 50% ugly retro garbage that you claim is sexy
>waiting for Moritat for months
>BB takes a bunch of photos for everything including Blood Bowl and LotR
>one single blurry Moritat shot
Why live.
Okay. Models is neat.
Any rules or releases news tho?
What's this fing? An armored knight?
Interested in this as well, it looks like a Leviathan Dreadnought scaled to knight form
Its called an acastus knight porphyrion, its basically a scaled down warhound
>Moritat Marines
>Akimbo back pack belt feeded guns to DIE!DIE!DIE! non stop 24/7
>Tactical holsters everywhere on sight to carry all kind of operational shit
>Sensors to aimbot-wallhack your sorry casual ass
I was hoping to see some new 30k Space Wolves minis or parts.
Its a shame they got nerfed, again...
No IA news? Just a few physical model previews of stuff we already had image previews of and blood bowl?
Blood bowl's good news for people who're into that, I guess, but was hoping for news on the main line.
Not *that* scaled down.
As a knight player, I must say I find the Porphyrion to be too big. He doesn't really gel with regular knights at all.
All they needed to do was take a knight, give it some extra plating, mount guns on the shoulders, and a new carapace launcher. It would have been enough and much simpler than what they ended up doing.
I quite like the design and the concept, but it's just way too huge, doesn't match the rules at all (7HP despite being the size and bulk of a fucking Warhound), doesn't really work for the established knight-fluff and looks utterly out-of-place next to a questoris-pattern and still plenty awkward when compared to the already lanky cerastus-pattern.
These look like those third party marine knock offs whose name escape me. They've been making tacticool marines for awhile now. I wonder if this is FW's take on it.
Anvil Industires', maybe?
this 2bh
I like these guns better than the silly flintlock rifles they decided to give admech.
>I quite like the design and the concept
I do too, but all you needed was to slap extra armour on a regular Knight, mount the guns on the shoulders instead of arms and give it a new carapace launcher. End result would have been a smaller unit of equal style.
Yep, that's them.
Is that a pre-corrupted plague drone?
We rifleman now
Where the fuck is IA 14??? My admech are sick to shit of being blown off the map before they can cross the table due to lack of transports!
>more fucking knights
So very boring.
Looks like it...
No one seems to have heard anything about it...
>Ass cans
Some Adeptus Titanicus tidbits
>It's basically the new EPIC.
>It will be set during the Horus Heresy (for now). It's just easier to start with Titans vs Titans, and expand later on.
>It will be in 8mm scale. You will be able to make out power armour marks.
>Since all is done in CAD, they can release all titans done for AT also in 28mm scale if they prove to be liked.
>The reason the new Knight got upscaled was because of AT - they wanted to make him look distinguishable from the Questoris and Cerastus chassis. Oh, and he was originally meant to be the 'Warden'.
>They will start with titans, and will expand to tanks/flyers and infantry aswell as other races later. But that's still a while out.
>The first models will be Warhound/Reaver/Warlord aswell as Knights, done in resin.
>The starter box will be just a game set-up starter, without models (atleast that's what's planned for now). It will be done in plastic and be all about scenery and rules.
>They may do a nice Black Book version of the rules too, including propper background and lots of colour schemes!
>The planned release is the next Horus Heresy Weekender.
>They may do a 28mm scale Adeptus Titanicus battle at the next HH Weekender
>They're digging into all previous Epic games for inspiration, but it will be a new rule set.
>Expect Titans to have a plasma reactor power tracker to keep track of how much power they have.
>They'll be able to overload the reactor to boost power with a risk (Overload voids, increase speed, etc)
>Harpoons will be back but nowhere near as ridiculous as they used to be!
>Expect 2nd edition Epic orders and damage charts
>Expect 1st edition campaign and upgrade rules
>Engine war will be a bit of a slugfest, with Titans slowly blasting each other to Atoms, staggering about, weapons missing, systems burnt out, but still able to fight until you smash the legs, pulverize the MIU's or cause the reactor to go nuclear.
>Maneuverability is key - the heavier the Titan, the slower they are. He described a play test where his final warlord was scragged when an enemy Warhound got behind it and he didn't have enough power to overload the reactor to take more turns than they can
>Knights are objective grabbers and shield droppers, don't expect them to go toe to toe with Titans and survive
>Campaign games are the default mode of play, similar to Necromunda as he described it. With options for competitive and open play.
>Machine spirit personality will play a role. This sounded really exciting. Titans will pick up a personality the more used they are. So you could end up with a Titan geared for close combat and have it turn into a bit of berserker which will have an effect of it becoming less controllable in battle. 'Resting' the Titan becomes an important choice to make. Yes, your Titan could end up with PTSD or worse...
>I had a really nice chat with Andy Hoare about Blood Bowl. This is done and will be out before Christmas, the models and the sprues were all done and they look great.
>Humans and Orcs are in the box, and then Skaven and Dwarves will be next. The pitch is reversible and has a Human pitch one side and an Orc one the next side. Once they get Skaven and Dwarves out done they're going to do a similar double sided pitch for them. In terms of other plastic box sets they are going to do an Elf team and one other team. Everything else will be resin. Special characters are in the works, but rules for some of them are already done.
>Anyway as we were chatting about Blood Bowl he pulled out a play testing copy of Adepticus Titanicus from the eighties! It had Polaroid pictures in it and the old printer paper with the holes in the side! Anyway Adepticus Titanicus is his next project. The old scale was really mixed with troops too big and Titans too small! New scale is going to be 8mm, so should work really well. He was saying with the new models you can see the marks of armour on Space Marines infantry, so although small should still be really detailed, by the sound of things this makes a Warlord the size of a Contemptor.
>There's going to be some terrain in the box inspired by the old cardboard buildings, but this will be plastic, everything else is going to be resin. The setting is 30k so just going to be HH to start, but the plan is if it does well to introduce other races within the 30k setting.
>By the sound of things the focus is going to be getting a decent model range for the HH first. We talked about how hard it is to do all ranges and all unit types in epic, and I think the focus is very much Titans, tanks and flyers! This is due in 2017 and will all be under the Forgeworld banner.
I don't like how the Moritat has strapped armor blocks all over it. The square shapes on top of the power armor's curves look weird. They do look like Anvil Industry stuff but Anvil does it better because their entire model is blocky with no round parts. Even their shoulder pads and helmets have blocky edges to form a roundish shape.
The sculpt is a symptom of CAD.
>I spoke to Alan Bligh about the HH timeline which was quite nice. One of the interesting things that was mentioned was Blood Angels and Dark Angels which by the sounds of things are going to be dealt with together, and won't necessarily involve Signus Prime. Whilst this is an interesting story, it doesn't really make for a good campaign. he mentioned there were quite a lot of events not on the official timeline, and that he has various versions of the timeline which includes other battles that haven't been covered either by Black Library or FW.
>The focus at the moment is on Tempus, which all going well should be this year. The artwork and the first drafts are all done, but whether they can get it done in time is another matter!
>Mike French has confirmed that the copper & green scheme is for the Thousand Sons' forge world. (Arkhadia)
>Scoria (the Xanian Magos with scorpion body) will be done!
>Regarding the new Imperial Armour book, I didn't get a date but "soon". Before HH7 at least.
>HH7 will include rules for the Secutarii and other new Mechanicum stuff for 30k.
>Regarding the Auxilia it is very unlikely that new units will be in HH7. There are no plans at all for Rough Riders. His reply was a scornful look and the words "Horses in space??"...
>Also had a great chat with Darren Parwood. Apparently the size of the Porphyros knight came about after a panel talk, where the team noticed thst if they made it the same size as the Paladin and Cerastus, it would be difficult to differentiate the three in Adeptus Titanicus. So they decided to scrap it and make a bigger one.. He also mentioned that until GW made the knight Warden box, the Porphyron was called the Warden.
>Alan also mentioned that they may split the Blood Angels/Dark Angels book into separate books. Still a lot of things up in the air apparently.
>Thramas and Signus are not the campaigns they are looking at for these two.
>With regards to Titanicus, Darren has test printed the Various Titans, Leman Russes, Rhinos, Knights and various infantry.
>It was after seeing all these at several scales that the choice to go with 8mm scale was made.
>His emphasis was on 25% of 40k size instead of 20% in old Epic.
>I fished for info on Aeronautica or other small scale aircraft. Got an interesting reply to this.
>He would very much like to do a new fighter game, but focusing on the larger void-fighter craft.
>He always felt that the various fightercraft in Gothic felt out of place and would have been better served at a scale in between Gothic and Epic.....
>I did mention Xwing as an argument for having another go at fighter games. They are well at aware of Xwings success and would like to ride that wave of course.
>But his main reason is that he likes the idea of voidcraft.
>First Blood Bowl, most is probably already known:
The release box will be plastic and contain the full rules
The following teams are planned for the initial run of releases: Human, Orc, High Elf, Wood Elf, Dark Elf, Elven Nations, Nurgle, Dwarf and Skaven
He mentioned a dead zone supplement that will expand on them
Resin teams and upgrade sets for all teams are planned
Was mentioned that cheerleaders and apothecaries would make excellent event pieces, though nothing like the original Orc cheerleader!
Illegal procedure is now an optional rule!
They won't be following Age of Sigmar's background or race naming for Blood Bowl
Ask Lord Borak 'may' return!
Dungeon bowl was also mentioned as something they're looking at
>Adeptus Titanicus and Titans
As for future Titans, expect a new class between Warlord and Reaver as well as a Nemesis class and, he got really excited, PsiTitans (at last)! Imperator would only appear if the game proves popular
They're now running through play testing the game with a wider player base
It was mentioned that a typical game would be 1 Warlord, 1-2 Reavers and 2-3 Warhounds.
aww yes.
I've always been intrigued by those.
These aren't bad. I was worried about overwolf but these are good.