why can't space marines have girlfriends or boyfriends?
Why can't space marines have girlfriends or boyfriends?
Because I'm not putting a massive amount of resources and time into creating an Adeptus Astartes just to have them galavanting around for romance. Your post disgusts me, go an see the local Arbites.
They're supposed to be ultimate fighting machines, they whole life dedicated to war and war only. A partner is only a distraction from that and a potential weak point. Also Space Marines are supposed to be loyal to chapter and the Empire and to follow orders without question, not to be emotional.
Because they aren't humans. They are bio-engineered transhuman warrior monks crafted into living shock-weapons and dropped from orbit straight into action.
Conditioning, tradition, intent. It is considered an anomaly when they can even relate to human matters once fully indoctrinated into their chapter.
Don't reply to shitposters.
I'll take the left one.
Is that because he's a bitch?
They are married to their job.
They are eunuchs, son.
Never played the game but he's hot.
>looks like your average slav peasant
It's rarely discussed but amongst all the bio engineering SM suffers, the removal of their genitals is the most crucial.
Less testosterone means less impulsiveness in the face of important decisions, and also helps against baldness.
Of all the chapters, only the blood angels are gifted with a dick, but to the cost of a never ending menstrual cycle. Hence the black rage.
Cause you'd be pissed off too if you had a bloody cock.
Well, it's /tg. I have low standards.
They are Bio-Engineered, inhuman machines of war, designed for a life of unending conflict in the name of an Emperor that is dead and an Empire that has betrayed his vision.
They are not your husbando/waifu. Shit, it's unlikely the concept of romantic love is even palpable to them.
Didn't the Emperor designed purposely so they wouldn't breed? I think he feared they would replace mankind.
They spit acid and can eat brains to absorb memories, their bones are fused together into bulletproof plates, they can live for hundreds of years and survive the vacuum of space, they are the ultimate killing machines.
Emps specifically designed the Gene-seed so they could not reproduce and replace humanity.
Because this game is for 12 year olds whether we like it or not?
They are made for war, only war and nothing more.
Humies couldn't make them reproduce and war at once. So they just don't feel any need to fug.
SM are pale shadow of orks, who also don't fuck and concentrate on war.
That doesn't make sense or we'd have female spess marines as well
No one wants to deal with normal human women levels of bullshit let alone super human women levels of bullshit. Could you imagine how fucked up they'd be during their periods?
The only reason they don't have Female Spess Merehns in 40k is because they don't actually know how to make space marines in 40k.
They know all the steps to take and sometimes what to do if something goes wrong, but they are basically making them by rote.
If a radical Inquisitor could figure out exactly how that shit worked and how to adjust it to get it to work on anyone, you can bet your ass he'd spam that shit and just pump out his own personal legions.
>SP are dickless
>said no SP codex or official source ever
Yes, but...
Who told you they would have periods? They are sterile warmachines
They are mutants. At most you would have sterile hybrids. The DNA needs to match to produce fertile individuals. Like horses breeding with donkeys and producing sterile mules.
wow... way to disprove the stereotype that the 40k fandom is full of misogynistic turbonerds
Big E wanted to create Supersoldiers, not an entire new race of Supermen designed to replace mankind.
Either way it seems like a poor choice. Why not just start with emotional stable platforms so they end up emotionally stable end products like we have so far? It seems to work. Also they see to maintain the general framework of the human body just upscaled which means the fem marines would still have thinner bones and shoulders but wider hips so they'd naturally be less physically able and slower runners along with being more prone to tendon injuries. Do space marines have anything that can solve womens crippling problem of motion tracking? Cause i'd assume you wouldn't that kind of liability either.
For more whine and stupid treads, obviously.
Wouldn't want it any other way.
What was it like to be an Ork in the Dark Age of Technology?
40% less dakka 80% more choppa.
Some chapters allow it. The ones that don't require a more total devotion to service. Space wolves can do pretty much whatever they want though, and Salamanders are specifically noted for the degree to which they care for families.
You're an idiot.
You'll be happy to know his standards mirror those of the Codex Astartes.
It's because you need to have a Y chromosome to become a space marine. Also trying to tamper with the Emperor's vision for his astartes is most heretical
Becuase they have their nuts removed, plus all the bio-engineering fries their sex drive
Don't Salamanders often have children before recruitment, spend their training raising their families and often settle down for a decade or two with a 'lover' (more a companion they bro out with) or am I remembering bollocks?
Local Arbites? Just have him shot for heresy.
They are already in a serious relationship with the imperium.
>Iron halo is the ring.
Because the Chaos Gods are strengthened by love and sexual pleasure. Letting the Space Marines fuck and find romance would just result in them falling to the forces of Chaos more easily.
They aren't human anymore, no more dangly bits most likely.
Even if they did have giblets they would most likely be sterile anyway.
It only says the Salamanders use their small free time with their families. They still taken as child then turned into the most moral pyros in the setting.
They can, they just don't want to. They'd rather destroy the foes of the Emperor.
What's your excuse?
>If a radical Inquisitor could figure out exactly how that shit worked and how to adjust it to get it to work on anyone, you can bet your ass he'd spam that shit and just pump out his own personal legions.
fabius fucking bile hasn't figured it out or made it capable or working on anyone
The only one who could, is the Emperor. And the Emperor doesn't give enough of a fuck about your desire for gender equality to do it.
They are more the immortal uncle that never married of their families.
Everyone is looking up to them, because they fucking know everything about their clan and are related to the motherfucking emprah.
Stoop kid's gonna leave his stoop.
Off topic, but speaking of Boyfriends, would homosexuality be tolerated in the 41rst miliniuem? I assume, it would depend on the planet your on.
It depends on the chapter. Space Wolves can have wives and families last I read.
Sure, whatever. Why make a big deal out of it? Have your space fags fagging it up somewhere in a hive spire. With a population in the tens of billions, nobody will notice a couple of queerosexuals anyway.
Wow when did /pol/ get here...
Son, you've clearly never been to /pol/.
He's not /pol/, he just thinks (correctly) that homosexuality doesn't fucking matter in a universe with trillions upon trillions of people all living, fighting and dying.
Because it's a model game for early teenagers and these things don't help models sell.
Depends if the Imperium is ironclad about population growth.
They could in theory but don't because they have no sexual desires of any sort. Astartes are not gelded, they simply live to serve the Emperor and protect humanity. Any pleasure/joy is gained by slaughtering aliens and heretics alike, augmented by the combat drugs being pumped through their bodies whenever in combat.
We know from the Ciaphus Cain books that nobody gives a shit about homosexuality, as there's some lesbo guardswomen that otherwise get no mention until they both get infected by Genestealers.
>fabius fucking bile hasn't figured it out
His research materials were in fact tainted by the alpha legion in a manner he is very unlikely to ever figure out. Thus he moved on, to cloning Horus before the black legion took issue with that. Truth is that fabius bile is that special with his understand of space marines. There are rumors that the corpse-master of the red corsairs may be able to do large scale fast timetable coping of gene seed without implanting it. Also the thunder warrior Dait’Tar figured out how to make gene seed. The design was copied from a sample taken from a world eater, but the traits of said gene was new, not that of a world eater.
Looking back on that book it makes a lot of sense why the Emperor killed off most of the thunder warriors. Their officers knew things about trans human augmentation that the Emperor really did not want other people to know about. He withheld giving the same degree of knowledge to his new legion as a means of slowing down their ability to expand. If they needed to grow faster then the Emperor gives them a few hints. It would help to make sense of why Fabius Bile knows as much as he does because the Emperors Children came very close to dieing off before they got help from the Emperor with a gene flaw that grown in do to poor QC issues.
>they have no sexual desires of any sort
Yiffmarines disagree.
That Space Wolf went on a fucking adventure prior to becoming an Astartes, he was just an aspirant/scout.
>Less testosterone means less impulsiveness
god damn you are a retard
There's an Inquisitor that explicitly mentions that the Grey Knight she's showering with is hung like a horse and he just don't give one fuck.
The best ones can.
Literally. The Grey Knight didn't even understand why his superior was laughing when he told his brothers the story.
>A partner is only a distraction from that and a potential weak point.
Why can't active duty military servicemen have significant others and sexual relationships while on duty or in combat?
The Emps tried, and failed, to create female SMs. They all fucking died in the process. Women literally aren't strong enough to become Space Marines. They can't survive the Gene-seed implementation process.
Who says they can't?