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>How to Jumpchain
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Can we use the companion options in Overlord MMO to pick someone from in setting?
video related?
Generally unless it says you can you can't.
I remember that discussion, it was a conversation about how to circumvent the companion limit. Dirge had that Aether cage thing and another user had a collective consciousness where all his companions were shards that could be reabsorbed or released at a moments notice.
I have a stupid question - anyone know if in the SCP jump, you have to be an SCP to take the SCP perks?
The jump doesn't say so, so I'm assuming it's kosher.
Both options are "build a companion," so I'm going off the assumption at most you could make an expy, but not take the real deal.
Don't think you have to be a SCP just to take the perks, no. You'd probably be like one of the weird researchers, or just have the Foundation not knowing of your anomalous properties.
You could make a good likeness but probably not the real thing.
Is the DS user around?
Got a thing that needs clarifying
You could post that thing in the same post you ask if he's around.
Much more likely to get an answer.
I must say I don't remember this at all, it sounds quite interesting though. As far as I knew Dirge just stacked lots and lots of perks for summoning things and spec'd in it whenever possible.
...huh. The idea of an expy sounds pretty ironic as a PC's choice given how Albedo ended up going full yandere because Momonga tampered her code.
"Hi, user! I'm Alsanna the Delightful Terror, how may I serve you tod-"
"-wrong voice"
"Your voice. It doesn't sound like her's at all. Ugh, this is the last time I dump so much CP for one of the Benefactor's knockoffs"
"Who's she?! Grrr, if some harlot thinks she can take you away from me user-"
"-and you're not even ACTING like her when she jealous. God, just. Just stop. Just stop DOING things. Everything you do is like someone doing a shitty caricature of best girl"
"I'm sorry! I...I don't know what I'm doing wrong! user please, I just want to make you happy, why are you so angry and disappointed?"
"See, that's the problem right there. If you were made RIGHT, you'd be trying to please me regardless instead of angsting about it"
And then OC Donut Steel-chan tried to slit her wrists futilely, finally overcoming her absurd innate regen skills with the help of a World Item...only to be brought back again and again by the companion respawn mechanic until user banished her into companion storage stasis forever.
He was considering changing accessibility of Monotheist due to null attack.
Now here is a thing:
The deal was that if one uses non elemental pure mana attacks or has an ability to pierce immunities it could get through the null, but isn't that what Almighty is? The non elemental pure mana.
Arguably out of setting stuff could go through but how many things would qualify for that in whole Jumpchain?
In DDS null attack was great but it was a turn game and by doing enough attacks before one recasts Null Attack, they get through. So why not make it like that?
Null attack either having a cooldown, casting time being longer or having super high mans cost might solve the issue instead when applying to real world time
You have made me very sad this morning, Anti-Spiral.
Fuck off.
Well that got depressing REAL quick.
So if the Kamen Rider Wiki's "cereal box stats" aren't to be taken seriously, how the sweet salty Christ do we figure out how strong we are using any of the individual Kamen Rider forms?
Damn, ASA. That's dark.
So A couple days ago I mentioned I would eventually update my first jump. Here it is.
I can't really give a change log as too much was added and tweaked to really mention but nothing was nerfed and any point changes were reductions. Also I gave out more free stuff so hopefully people will be happy.
Anyways I tried to balance things better. I hope people like it. If anyone has any suggestions or criticisms I would be glad to here it.
So, I've been to Adventure Time, Overlord (LN/Anime), TOME, and Monsters Inc... Are there any other jumps that would help me be the best Goo there ever was?
SimAnt for Fire Ant (Water), to give you even better internal alchemy abilities?
forgotten realms to pick out a new kind of goo, Darkstalkers for better control of your goo,X-Men cinematic to form your goo into useful things
Hold up-
Ah, I found it now. I was actually mixing up multiple discussions, the one I was thinking of was the Aethersong cage that OAA figured out, and a conversation where dirge_ was talking with a guy who brought millions of companions with him every jump and folded them all into just 8 at the end o each.
Deadman Wonderland
17 years old
Inmate 100
Leader 200
Chemist 350
Biochemist 500
Physicist 650
Branch of Sin 950
Wretched Egg 1450
Snake 1550
Pistol 1600
Framed 1300
Lost a Game 1000
Took the science options as they offer pretty outlandish shit and don't cost very much and leader because I had 100 CP left over,
Then I took all the special power options and the option that lets you give other people special powers. Really not a lot to say about this as I figure this is probably just a subtle variation on everyone else who ever made a build for this jump.
Drawbacks means I've lost my left arm (decided by rolls) and some people (not even entirely sure who given the wording of the drawback, might be the government) are after me. Also there's the Wretched Egg thing which indicates I'm going to snap at least once and try to kill everyone I care about.
>Lord of the land
Goddamn, that's cool.
>Just a simple ordinary deck of Cards
...Deck of Many Things is worth 800points?
Great, another update that just shoves in as much power as possible. Generic power too, rather then anything interesting.
Hey, can I go DnD doppelganger for Monstrous?
>Wretched Egg
Are you dumb?
Why would you do this to yourself?
You'd be better off avoiding it and taking fewer drawbacks.
Love Dark Contract and my build is going to have to get altered.
Neat. This update took it from a meh to a top tier jump, IMO. Those capstones are all nice.
Cos it's a mandatory "you go crazy once" drawback as worded and after that will be buried under the various 'you are always yourself' perks I've got.
So I'm not familiar with Ravenloft, or even DnD. Why does the Monstrous perk cost so much? Are vampires in that setting like uber god things or something?
Why is Psychic more expensive than magic? Wizards, Clerics, and Druids are all more powerful and versatile than Psions.
Not really. They do get benefits, but not that much... I think it's about thematics. Ravenloft being the horror d&d setting, you're not supposed to be one of the things that go bump in the night.
Ah ok, doesn't seem to fit the price in that regards but I do understand why it would be such a high price.
>...Deck of Many Things is worth 800points?
A Deck of many things can do crazy things. I may think of dropping the price but sometime when I am not suffering from Insomnia.
Well I am sorry you didn't like it.
Sure Doppelganger would be a viable choice.
Thank you I am glad you liked it.
>Deck of many things
Has a one in 22 chance of soul trapping you and giving the trap to an outsider. . .
>A Deck of many things can do crazy things.
It can also screw you over really hard, and it only works once. But fair enough, I guess. I just don't feel it's worth more than maybe ~400ish.
Monstrous probably wouldn't allow you to become a Vampire Lord, instead of standard one? What with mention of burning in sunlight?
Anyway, update looks really awesome. My build's gonna have to shift around a bit to make place for the cool new stuff, even though I basically got an extra 300cp...
Hah! It should be free, but you should have to roll in a thread so you can't cheat. The DOMT can be vicious. I'd only pay such a ludicrous amount of CP if it was a version with only the benevolent cards in it.
Actually, 800cp? I wouldn't even if it was a nice-only deck. The other perks are much better bang for the buck.
>Aethersong cage
So how does that work?
It's not a Companion thing at all - just a fount of energy that the Cage converts into Aether so that he could maintain a permanent Primal form from FFXIV.
...Do clouds count as mist for Mistwalker's out-of-jump thing? The difference is pretty much mostly altitude...
I like most of the new additions. Iffy about the Deck of Many Things, even if I had 800cp to spare I wouldn't buy it, as half are detrimental and about a quarter are very detrimental.
>That no setback limit tho
Niggling grammar issue in Vistoni Charm, if you update it.
>You will encounter random dangers while traveling less frequently.
Reads as: you get random dangers when you don't travel as much. It should probably be:
>You will encounter random dangers less frequently while traveling.
I'm assuming you'd have to watch the TV shows to get an idea?
Psychic has lds instead of lbs
Otherwise looks great. Also this
>I'm assuming you'd have to watch the TV shows to get an idea?
Well I have been watching the shows on KissAsian, and yet all I'm getting are explosion effects - there's nothing really concrete about their strength to the point I'm pretty much assuming at most it's basic human levels.
Another guy was asking in IRC and that's when the "cereal box stats" got brought up.
Isn't all magic except psionics subject to failing and backfiring or just suddenly working in a different way in Ravenloft?
Psychics could be broken depending on the edition. Also when this was originally made it gave you possible access to mind reading which was sort of a taboo power in jump chain so I felt kind of obligated to make it a capstone.
Alright would dropping the price of the deck of many things to 400 make it a bit more palatable?
>Alright would dropping the price of the deck of many things to 400 make it a bit more palatable?
That seems more sensible but I personally still wouldn't buy it due to how dangerous it is.
>mind reading which was sort of a taboo power
It was? Huh, why was that?
Noticed a few typos:
Has "fallowing" instead of following in the background text.
Infavision should be Infravision in Demihuman.
Not a huge Ravenloft guy but I assume Vistoni Charm should be Vistani Charm.
"Afterwords" should be afterwards in Fury.
"Of coarse" should be of course in the companion import bit.
I think it was because Pokemon made a point of not having it.
You could take psionics but you didn't get mind reading with it. After that it just wasn't really included in stuff even though there are places where it would have made a bunch of sense.
Hm, fair enough. Seems a little odd, but okay.
>You can are a skilled also a skilled tracker.
Alright I fixed the grammatical errors that were mentioned. Thank you, I am not the best about that. I appreciate the help.
The lack of a limit on how many drawbacks you can take is intentional. I realized that letting someone cause themselves a lot of problems for the sake of power was perfectly appropriate for Ravenloft.
Early jc was a weird and arbitrary place.
We're still a weird and arbitrary place.
How does divine magic work in Ravenloft? Do you have to worship something? And pray for spells?
Couple of questions about the Ones from Star Wars:
Would one of them be viable as a Job Offer employer?
And could you import them and be their Child in Percy Jackson?
Maybe if we didn't consistently need to balance shit according to a few autistic shits' idea of "internal balance" we wouldn't be.
So, this Ravenloft update made me curious about something. How does taking the same class in different jumps work? Say I'm a Sorcerer in Ravenloft and FR, do my levels stack? Do they share the same spell's known list?
What if you're a Cleric in two different jumps? If you betray your god while in the second jump, will the magic from the first stop working, too?
It's generally like most D&D divine magic, though for those worshiping gods from outside of ravenloft it seems to be the dark powers that are granting the spells. You however can choose to have your spells granted to you from Jumpchan if you don't feel like worshiping something.
Well that will be corrected in the next version. Which may be later today I think I am going to try and get some sleep I'll check back later to answer any more questions.
Personally, I just assume they stack normally, as long as they're the same edition. (with some redundancy for Wizards and such, since learned skills) Cross-edition, it introduces some weirdness, and I use them as closely-related but seperate systems...
As for Cleric... depends on what you get your power from? If you gain Cleric power from one deity, then both would stop working. But if you gain Cleric power from two different deities, or a deity and an ideal/force, or something, then the non-betrayed part would just keep working.
That reminds me: do most of you even bother preparing spells most days outside of the jump? I wouldn't have the patience to spend an hour doing it every morning.
18 years old
Magic 400
Iron Will 500
Magic Resistance 800
Shoes of Abundant Step 1100
Last Hope 1200
Disfigured 1100
Unwanted Harem 1000
18 years old
Merchant 100
Appraise 150
Iron Will 350
Magic Resistance 950
Dark Contract 1250
Sack of 1000 Gold
Last Hope 1300
Shoes of Abundant Step 1400
Tragic Watchman 1200
A Past You Just Can't Leave Behind 1000
Thought I'd show both old and new builds.
Changed background from Drop-In to Merchant, lost Magic (which doesn't matter as much now as I pick it up in pretty much every other D&D jump we have) and gained Dark Contract which is my new favourite perk.
Being able to buy and sell anything is hilarious. I can now presumably buy someone's enjoyment of croissants and then sell it to someone else who now presumably enjoys croissants twice as much. Or give people weird see-through hair by buying their hair colour. Maybe I can finally buy love.
Still took Last Hope as it's a great thing to combine with a more powerful weapon and the shoes.
Rest is all the same, drawbacks changed so now the whole thing is going to be less silly, more serious and probably slightly less dangerous overall.
I just a fuck-tonne of my Cantrips prepared ASAP and then restock as I go through them.
Everything I've been able to find says psionics has the same limits as magic in Ravenloft. People who make stupidly detailed wiki pages are champions.
That goes back to AD&D (2nd ed) in the Complete Psionics Handbook which outlines the limits. 3rd ed Ravenloft handbook doesn't mention psionics, but the same limits as spellcasting are supported by the "psionics-magic transparency" rule in 3/3.5. The "Psionics Are Different" rule is an optional variant that DMs can use, but is not assumed.
>see pic
Canon, if you're a Cleric, things can get a little weird in Ravenloft. Druids don't have to pray, but they meditate about trees or something.
Yes. A time acceleration field + Weight of Years from Master of Magic is marvelous. Or just patience perks.
I typically do it as needed.
I have all the time in the world, even in the midst of combat.
Lunar Dial OP
Preparing spells? Pfft. Sorcerer Master Race.
I forgot my pic
Why eould I bother with D&D magic when I have Overlord magic?
Because overlord magic is basically DnD
But better.
If you count 3 and 3.5e as better than whatever.
>> Bear in mind this was much earlier in my chain,on page 24 my 298 Page list of jumps
Ravenloft ….....oh, bother
noble -50
Chose Lamordia -50
Blue Blood Free for : Noble
magic -200 Discount: Nobles
iron will -200
Voice of Wrath -200
healer -400
sack of 1000 gold X2 -50
Silver hand Mirror -50
*Notes: I'm not really a bad guy, rugged antihero at worst . I'm just going to avoid
making enemies, for ten years and keep my head down, of course There will be lavish society parties and some courtly intrigues for for me and mine, but nothing not mundane. I'm dark,but I'm not evil. *
No, I'm Saying Overlord is better. It's D&D magic, but stronger, without a need for components, and runs off of mana instead of a Vancian system.
> Tatyana [+300CP]
> This may not be the wisest course of action
> This may not be the wisest course of action
> This may not be the wisest course of action
No it isn't. Overlord doesn't have nearly as much power as DnD epic level spells, even overrank magic isn't any better than at best 6th level magic in DnD.
He's a filthy bloodsucker.
My brethren!
Though I'm a half-heathen. I went Sorcerer/Wizard/Ultimate Magus in Forgotten Realms.
It's okay. I did that in OoTS.
The corpse smell he comes with. Seriously, undead smell awful.
Heavens I have a question how many moons have you destroyed?
Also why do you keep destroying moons? We need those. Did they say something bad about your mother or something?
Alrighty then, time for ASA Begins 2: Electric Boogaloo!
Also known as JUMP#15: RAVENLOFT
Drawbacks: There is no way out, Forewarned, Favored, A Past you can't leave behind, Holy, Unwanted Harem (2400)
Drop-In, Age 22
Rolled Darkon
Nope! (Free)
Not From Around Here (2350)
Performer (2300)
Vengeful (2200)
Iron Will (2100)
Magic Resistant (1800)
Mist Walker (1500)
Free Stuff (Free)
Creepy Doll (1400). By the way, is this supposed to be a Dread Doll Golem or something...more sinister? Is it sentient enough to be a companion? Does it react in any other way if, in fact, you're too paranoid to go to sleep WITHOUT it and keep it near you at all times?
The haunted stone (1300)
Elixier of Healing (1200)
Strong Soul (600)
Dark Contract (0).
The Gun (Free)
You have to understand: Up until this jump, it was all just a big game to me. I was nobody special, just some thrill-seeking tourist with some silly ideas bumbling through some rough-and-tumble worlds. I interpreted the Sith creed to spend most of my time partying. I played the banjo loudly during Mega Man X's battles. I wrecked some scrubs with my Conduit powers that one time.
This was the one that drove home that somewhere, there were things that played for keeps, and used people to keep score.
I went here with the best of intentions-I only wanted Dark Contract to "buy" peoples' stress or misery or something in exchange for cash and "sell" it to things that fed on that stuff-and this time, I was hunted and hounded before I even found my feet.
I hit a few castles with fusion detonators, liberated a few villages and cut down some of the damned.
And none of it mattered in the end.
It started with several crit fails when deploying superweapons against superior opponents. I justified it with awful aim.
Then after a while, it became a force of habit. And flimsy justification for the previous screw-ups. I can tell the whole story again if you REALLY want to know.
The darklords egged on my "harem", the dark powers egged on the darklords and time and again I was forced to watch the people who'd aided me cut down for their impudence.
Gar couldn't handle a world this dark and almost went catatonic from psychic backlash at first. Blaize went in the opposite direction and coped by becoming a berserker-until she was beaten into paste after an illusion tricked her into punching out of her weight class. Asami (no relation) adjusted the fastest, and became utterly ruthless-but broke down when she was mindjacked into stabbing me in the back, and then stabbing herself through the heart. And Elodie almost died from a cursed blade after we barely felled a darklord together.
I still don't know how I held it together. All I remember is the breaking point-trying to lead as many people as I could out through the mists towards the end of my stay-only the mist itself to hollow half of them into mindless ghouls. Which the rest of us had to cut through to escape.
And then...it was still futile, when I reached the next jump. They weren't companions. I never had a chance of saving them.
And then other things happened, and I just...stopped trying after a while.
Because men are pitiful, doomed toys and only monsters can stand above the consequences.
Or so I thought, at the time.
He looks like a drunk Michael Jackson in his human form, and a constipated Michael Jackson in his man-bat form.
Honestly I can't be bothered with D&D magic most of the time. Never liked it much, it just seems awfully boring.
Other than Wish what 9th level spell is stronger than Fallen Down? Also Overlord has the Wish spell.
Nah just wondering the basics on why you are now seen as the moon destroyer.
There are 6th level spells that can wipe out entire armies?
And simultaneously summon forth superpowers abominations?
I'm pretty sure you just inspired me to spend my ten years in Ravenloft running a book store.
And so began a great cosmic "Fuck Everything But Me."
I like this update, and have two questions:
Does Strong Soul act as an anti-corruption perk as well? It says it mitigates damage to your soul, so I'm wondering if things that corrupt your soul count as damage and would, as a result, fall under the auspices of this perk.
Psychic says you can start at level 1 of any editions psionic. Does that also mean we get any editions psionic class at level or just generic "psionic" as our class? Mainly I'm wondering if we could take Eruidte as our psionic class.
Thanks for the update!
Im looking for a perk that allows for one way translation between magic and tech but is not chrimson saint, I know one exists but I cant find it. Anyone have any ideas??
Altocrystarium from Final Fantasy Type-0 lets you turn things from tech to magic, important thing is to practice.
Digital Sorcery from Fate/Extra lets you turn things from magic to tech.
There is one in Fate/extra i think.
These are perfect thank you.