What was your frist MTG card? (pic related)

what was your frist MTG card? (pic related)

This dumb jackass.

This cheeky fucker. Managed to ping an opponent for 15 with it once.


Same, sort of. A friend of mine handed me about 100 Magic cards years ago including 5 Lava Axes.

Opened this badboy in a free pack of Scourge from a PowerStation (or some other PS1/PS2 magazine) when I was a small lad.

First I remember.
It was a draft, I sucked total shit.
Still got this cool guy though.

Friend at school gave me one of these because he said it sucked and didn't want it.

I didn't actually get into Magic or get any other cards until several years later.

A perfectly basic creature, unsurprisingly.

How the fuck should I be able to remember my first card? It's like 12 years ago or so.

This one comes close though.
Still one of the best blocks ever released

Found this guy in the park when I was kid, he was beat up, but when I made my first magic deck he was in it.

Pulled her out of the first booster I ever bougth, months before I decided to go boros.


Jesus dude..
Take this, and delete that one.

>Avacyn, like she should be
So, an ant?

Err... thanks, user.

That´s not what I meant...

I just dislike what they did to her in the current block.

This was my first rare. It was a different time.

Many people lost their waifus in the SOI block. F

First one I can remember, anyway.

I know, I'm just being a dick ;^) But seriously, I'm not of fan of what they did to her.

I miss the old art style so much. Almost to the point of running 5-color goodstuff EDH just to use 100 cards with the classic frames.


The best summon ever

I actually got a foil arcbound ravager in my first booster back in darksteel/mirodin block

traded it for a darksteel colossus and more boosters

It was a plains land card

I didn't know how Vigilance worked, I didn't know what Shadowmoor was, and I had no idea what those two-colored symbols in the top meant. But the flavor already had me hooked. It helped I was already an elfaboo

My compatriot of African ethnicity.

First fave at least.
I ran a burn deck for like the first four years of my MTG experience. Handful of fire and brimstone with cycling mana generation? Nothing personel kid.

I still have a special and unreasonable fondness for her because of it and wish I could play her in some kind of deck. Too bad she's a pretty awful commander.

I was a kid and I didn't play goblins but that guy is sawing that other guy's leg off so I thought that was awesome.

Also still don't know how to pronounce "chirurgeon".


seriously. first card I pulled from my first booster.
I still think the art is pretty cool though

Kozilek, the Butcher of Truth

Started playing with a draft RoE when someone was teaching me the game in a few minutes (holy shit they taught me so bad) I picked him first because he had the biggest numbers :^)

yes, I am this new

Pretty cool card to start though

Friend got one as his promo too


I started young with my collection. Fuck yeah grade school confiscation and re-appropriation.

Also the best Lava Axe art

First cards were some old stuff my brother had. No idea where he got them.

This particular printing of this jank mofo right here

Got it from Bait and Switch Theme Deck.
Hell as fun.

Don't worry, your waifu isn't lost forever. The next Innistrad block will be about the Jacetice League making a new Avacyn to stop big bad Sorin from letting Emrakul out. Get hyped for 2021.

My dad gave me a 4e Erg Raiders to get me to leave him alone, which would spark an interest in the game that has lasted well over a decade.

Got this from a theme deck I bought to play with my dad and brothers when I was little.

Still love artifact decks to this day.

Found this little guy on the ground when I was a kid. It's not a good card but it got me into the game; I played slivers for a long time after that. Still have all my slivers though, they give me a huge nostalgia boner.

Starter Set 1999. Most memorable creatures were these two.

I believe it was this one.

This totally didn't suck for its time

I remember my first Magic purchase being the intro deck with this guy on the front.

It's kinda hard to name a "first" when you typically don't get them one by one, but whatever.

This guy. Ive seen Jace before, but I never played magic. My friend gave me him when he helped me make my first deck. Still use him to this day.

Is there a page somewhere that lists all released starter sets?

I'd like to see if I can find the one I started with.

>It's kinda hard to name a "first" when you typically don't get them one by one

This. Back in the day people would get into the game by buying a single starter, nowadays they probably buy intro packs or something.

I remember getting an intro box for pic related. Definitely cemented my love of WR. I still really love the whole deck idea of rioting peasants.

The entire flavor of Innistrad was amazing. Peasants just doing whatever they could to survive. Gather the Townsfolk is one of my favorites.


I started with the Shandalar game, and it hands you pretty much a pile of jank at the start and begs you to savescum or die.

Stole it from some teenager back at the elementary.

My first "proper" cards were 6th Edition starter.

Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time. A long time.

I went to a hobby store to get a starter deck (ended up with the 7th edition blue one) and I saw this card. As a kid, I thought it looked super cool, so I got this single card with the starter.

I still have that card. The main reason I kept it is because as a kid I also thought it looked super cool.

Got this in a free stack of cards once; all of my weenies come stomping over the board.

This was one of the first cards I got in my first pack. Young me was over the moon about it, 7/7 trample and flying? Holy shiiiiit. Never mind the casting cost or the other subtext. Ah, to be young again.


Some serious fucking memories in this thread.

Making a green weenie roast is always fun.

ogw intro deck

There are worse commanders

But she's probably better in some kind of UG landfall deck with all the extra land drops you can get

It deeply hurts me that we'll never have a return to Kamigawa. The lore was incredible, the card design was just awful.
Get on this, Wizards. Make a good Kamigawa.

Damn right, it is.

These two motherfuckers have thrown off my sense of what the higher end of the mana curve should look like for my entire life.

"Is this better than a vanilla 6/6? Fuck, should've made is 9 CMC."

Early 2000's had so many good blocks. Invasion, Onslaught, Mirrodin, and Ravnica was really realy great.

This was the first magic product I ever bought after watching some kids at school playing. I still think Invasion/Planeshift/Apocalypse is the best expansion. Shit was fun.


this used to be a pretty good card

I thought this was the coolest card cause I was big into the rules and liked the idea of this card breaking first strike, that and i got a lot of Minotaurs so I had a deck.

i remember playing OG magic back when serra angel was an instant win card

turn 5, 4/4? with flying? gg man

Lots of the older ones already posted here. First card I ever took notice of in my cousins collection was Shambling Strider. He ended up giving me his collection before I moved states.

First booster I ever bought was an Ice Age pack and I pulled an Icy Manipulator in fourth grade.

Not my first card but still my favorite.

God this was forever ago. Times have changed man.

when my buddy and I would play it'd be a race to who played each dragon first

It's always kind of a whiplash for me when I look at the old cards that I thought were awesome and realize they are utter shit today.

One of the first cards I've seen out of the first sealed product I've opened: an $8 mirage deckbox, back when those were still a thing.

dragon tyrant makes these cards look like a joke and even its not that great anymore

My brother's friend gave me like two dozen back in the early 00s. Can't remember any of them except this one. Most were not un.

>dragon tyrant
power curve man, once i saw I card that said something like "you win" or it may have been "opponent loses" i was in shock

They had a pile of trash commons they were just giving away to anyone that walked by at a convention I went to a few years ago. Kept it because I thought it looked neat.

Didn't actually start playing until Fate Reforged. I was at PAX South and talked with some guy dressed as a bear. Turned out he worked for WotC and was there to hand out free packs of Fate a few days before the official release to anyone that talked to him (he was supposed to be dressed as the card Savage Punch). Started from there.

First actual booster pull?

First card from my first booster pack.
Kids of every generation love the millstone.

Pulled him in my first pack of mirrodin 14 years ago. Couldn't find anyone to play with at the time so I didn't pick the game back up until about 2 years ago

Back in second grade this was the shit
or at least until I saw animation of Thorn Elemental fighting Rhox that came on the "learn how to play" CD.

My Nipponeese brethren.

Also I saw Maro comment on his Twitter that Retur to Kamigawa was already in development, so don't loose hope just yet.

go to bed matt

Same story, same set but I pulled griselbrand

bruh me too

>This thread

Best flavor text.

I asked the shop guy what the strongest monster was and he showed me this.

I want my 10 dollars back.

First rare I recall getting

Its pretty playable. Keep in mind that's just what some dumb kid thought.