Welcome back to Nibiru! With war breaking out, who will be victorious?
Previous threads: archive.4plebs.org
>Turn Crunch done, will post it next.
Welcome back to Nibiru! With war breaking out, who will be victorious?
Previous threads: archive.4plebs.org
>Turn Crunch done, will post it next.
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[Mad Medicine]
Genetics research progresses nicely [7/12]. Cloning completes [+5 Doppelgangers; Cloning II], and a farm undergoes upgrades [1/6].
A new contingent of Troops are trained [1 Orc Troopers [+.8](-1 food/currency//turn) ], defensive robots are installed, just barely [+1 Defense (Kurgan)], genetics research stalls, and weapons start improvements [2/6].
[Devil Ants]
Construction continues [12/25], and expansion completes [+5 hex]. Breeding is done [Speed II], though no mutations are found.
The new power-plant is done [Power-Plant I; +1 Power/turn], and the Hunger expands south [+5 hex]. Bioweaponry research is nearly done [7/8]!
The newest batch of Clockwork Men completes, ready to march to war [+1 Clockwork Men Brigade [+3.6 [Siege][Heavy][Anti-personnel][armor-piercing]; (-.5 power/turn) ]. Research continues [2/8; Power Spent], and there is only slight progress on Efficiency research [1/5]. Designs for better Clockwork men are submitted for review [2/10; ore spent].
[Nova America]
The General's training continues [6/8], and expansion begins [1/2].
There is no progress on the Translation Drive, and work continues to convert the technologies [5/8].
Construction of a port begins [2/4], as well as a barracks [1/4]. The factory is complete; plus, Vrinland has learned a thing or two about being more efficient with their resource allocation [Factory I, Efficiency I]. There is no northward expansion, though better agricultural [2/6] and Naval Warfare techniques [2/8] are researched. Still no expansion, though agricultural research continues [5/6]; less so with Naval Warfare techniques. Another farm is built; it's huge [Farm II; +3 food/turn]. Research and upgrades stall [NOTE: Be sure to include relevant techs/eccentricities with your actions! And post your stat sheet as well.]
[New Albion]
The technologies are sent to Afairika, and though there is only slight progress on the village [5/6], the Underground Cornucopia progresses nicely [13/25].
[Free Army]
>It did not. Engineering has nothing to do with training Snipers.
Training continues [4/5], and sniper training continues [4/6]{Power/Ore refunded). The Artillery battery is ready [+1 Mobile Artillery Battery [Bombard: 2.5]{-1 power/turn}], and a second unit is also built [+1 Mobile Artillery Battery [Bombard: 2.5]{-1 power/turn}].
>Roll 5d10 for bombardment defense (Or I can roll for you)(3d10 against Altech and 2d10 against Afairika].
[Vrinland (Again)]
Finally, northward expansion occurs [+3 hex], and better augments are researched [2/8], but there isn't any research on shipbuilding. Further expansion is had [+3 hex]. Extra defenses are built [1/4], and the Port is completed [Port I]. Defenses are completed [Capital: +1 Defense; Fortifications I], and Artillery research begins [1/4].
[Taach Okaan]
>You've gained 20 hexes, so you do indeed gain a 4th die!
No progress learning more about energy weapons.
Another Bomber Flight is made [+2.6 {Bombard: 2{-1 Power/turn}]! The farm is completed [+2 food/turn], and the territory is ceded to Altech [-6 territory, -2 pop/turn].
>Bombardment begins!
>Bombardment is in progress!
>Gained 6 territory from Afairika, +2 pop/turn.
>First action changed (Cleared in IRC)
There is progress on the Detroit Project [9/15], and station construction progresses as well [6/26]. Finalized AI research eludes Altech.
The Spec-Ops bomber squad completes [+2.6 {Bombard: 2{-1 Power/turn}], though better aircraft eludes AFSOC.
[Railgun HQ]
Upgrades [1/8] and research [2/4], commence.
[Free Society of Man]
Population: 10 (+2/turn)
Food: 10 (+2/turn)
Currency: 5 (+3/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Military: N/A
Resources: Power: 3 (+3/turn) Ore: 3 (+3/turn)
[Only the Best]: In truth, inequality rules in the Free Society, no-where more than their military. It takes a bit longer to weed out the undesirables, but military units are stronger as a result.
[The Purge]: Every turn, the Free Society may instigate a purge of the weak and unworthy to increase results. However, if they do this too many times, or don't take actions to pacify the population, revolts will break out.
[Detachment 5107]
Pop: 10 (+2/turn)
Food: 10 (+2/turn)
Currency: 5 (+3/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Military: N/A
Resources: Ore: 2 (+2/turn) Power: 2 (+2/turn) Stone: 2 (+2/turn)
[Guerrillas]: The Detachments are known for their stealthy tactics and... terrorist activities, to put things lightly. They receive a bonus to stealth and infiltration, but aren't really used to out-and-out warfare.
[The Gate]: Once the Gate is open, acquiring resources/tech/military will be much easier, but for now, Detachment 5107 will have to work with the native materials, and the native materials are trash compared to what is back home.
To: The illustrious governess of Afairika
Great deeds have been told about your amazing progress in the engineering field and we wish to conduct this trade with you.
The collectives of Odab are pleased to have done business with you and look forward to better relations with your nation.
Nation Name: Machina
Nation Race(s): Dwarves, Gnomes, and Humans
Fluff: pastebin.com
Settlements: Machinia Prima
Territory: 23
Population: 71(+2/turn)
Food: 183 (+6/turn)
Currency:9 (+3/turn)
Structures: House of Lords
Power plant III,
Mine III
Quarry II
Farm II
Smelter II
Forge II
Machinist shop II
Power plant I
Defenses: 2 (Capital city),
Military: 1 Dwarven Volunteers, 4 Clockwork men [+3.6 [Siege][Heavy][Anti-personnel][armor-piercing]; (-.5 power/turn) ](at Free Army)
Clockwork men [+3.6 [Siege][Heavy][Anti-personnel][armor-piercing];
Tech: Forging II
Engineering II
Infantry II
Machinian Constructs III
Efficiency III
Power grid Optimization II
[Machinian heavy armor II] (2/8)
[Automization II, -2 ore/turn, +2 refined ore/turn]
Heavy Drills III (+3 stone/turn)
Autocannon III
Workplace Efficiency I (1/5)
Aether Oscilator Disintegrators III,
Agriculture III (+2 food/turn)
Foraging I
Shipbuilding I
Conscription I
Electronics I,
'Mad' Energy Weapons I
Altech Renewable Energy I, (+1 power/turn)
Programming I
Albion Heavy Ships I
[Rocketry I]
[Rockets I]
Resources: Power: 61.5 (+7/turn)(-2.5/turn),
Ore: 37 (+3/turn)(-2/turn)
Stone: 82 (+5/turn)
Refined Ore 8 (+2/ turn)
[Industrial Center]: Mining has long been a way of life for the people of Machinia, though they aren't so good at handling other resources.
[Small]: Even the humans of Machinia are small, and so the colony consumes less food than others. However, the constructs they produce are costly in power.
Rolled 54, 41, 15, 11 = 121 (4d100)
1. Begin production of the next batch of Clockwork men.
+Forging II
+Engineering II
+Infantry II
+Machinian Constructs III
+Efficiency III
+Power grid Optimization II(better power consumption)
+[Machinian heavy armor II]
+Heavy Drills III
+Autocannon III
+Workplace Efficiency
+Electronics I,
+Programming I
+[Rocketry I]
+[Rockets I]
+Forge II
+Machinist shop II
+Industrial Center
2. Continue to work on improving our heavy armor. We're making some headway let's keep at it.
+Forge II
+Machine Shop II
+Forging II
+Engineering II
+Efficiency III
+Workplace efficiency I
+Industrial Center
3. Continue to improve of efficiency in the workplace. WE need to produce from our forge faster. (1/5)
+Efficiency III
+Workplace efficiency I
+Industrial Center
4. The new designs look promising start construction and prototyping them.
+Forge II
+Machine Shop II
+Forging II
+Engineering II
+Efficiency III
+Workplace efficiency I
+Industrial Center
Rolled 11, 15, 9, 6, 3, 8, 19, 1, 7, 14, 17, 8 = 118 (12d20)
Nation Name: The Free Society of Man
Nation Race(s): Humans, bio-engineered humans, cyborgs
Color: Purple
Fluff: pastebin.com
-Don't fill out (unless told to)-
Settlements: New Eden
Territory: 7
Population: 10 (+2/turn)
Food: 10 (+2/turn)
Currency: 5 (+3/turn)
Structures: Congress of Democracy, 3 powerplant, 2 farm, 3 mine
Defenses: (New Eden) 1
Military: N/A
Tech: Infantry II, Engineering I, Tactics II, Agriculture I, Foraging I, Tanks I, Genetics II, Cybernetics II, First Aid I, Economics I
Resources: Power 3 (+3/turn), Ore: 3 (+3/turn)
Eccentricities: [Only the Best]: In truth, inequality rules in the Free Society, no-where more than their military. It takes a bit longer to weed out the undesirables, but military units are stronger as a result.
[The Purge]: Every turn, the Free Society may instigate a purge of the weak and unworthy to increase results. However, if they do this too many times, or don't take actions to pacify the population, revolts will break out.
Turn 1:
1. A working populace is a non-dissenting populace. It is in our interest to build a factory. However, that requires stone [Build Quarry]
2. [Research Agriculture II]
3. As of this far, we have been able to figure out human behavior through logic. However, it comes as this that we must learn more about how the mind works so that we can better use it. [Research Psychology]
Turn 2
1. More land equals more resources. Expand eastwards
2. [Continue Agriculture II]
3. Let us continue construction on this quarry.
Turn 3
1. Continue our expansion eastwards.
2. Continue Psychology research. If finished, learn how to build more advanced buildings. [Research Engineering II]
3. Try and finish quarry construction. If finished, do action 2.
Turn 4
Our bio-modded humans unfortunately need to sate their hunger. [Purge]
1. [Finish agriculture II hopefully]
2. Upgrade said quarry, if finished. [--> Quarry II]
3. Continue our research on either pyschology or engineering ii,
Nation Name: Machina
Nation Race(s): Dwarves, Gnomes, and Humans
Fluff: pastebin.com
Settlements: Machinia Prima
Territory: 23
Population: 73(+2/turn)
Food: 189 (+6/turn)
Currency:12 (+3/turn)
Structures: House of Lords
Power plant III,
Mine III
Quarry II
Farm II
Smelter II
Forge II
Machinist shop II
Power plant I
Defenses: 2 (Capital city),
Military: 1 Dwarven Volunteers, 4 Clockwork men [+3.6 [Siege][Heavy][Anti-personnel][armor-piercing]; (-.5 power/turn) ](at Free Army)
Clockwork men [+3.6 [Siege][Heavy][Anti-personnel][armor-piercing];
Tech: Forging II
Engineering II
Infantry II
Machinian Constructs III
Efficiency III
Power grid Optimization II
[Machinian heavy armor II] (2/8)
[Automization II, -2 ore/turn, +2 refined ore/turn]
Heavy Drills III (+3 stone/turn)
Autocannon III
Workplace Efficiency I (1/5)
Aether Oscilator Disintegrators III,
Agriculture III (+2 food/turn)
Foraging I
Shipbuilding I
Conscription I
Electronics I,
'Mad' Energy Weapons I
Altech Renewable Energy I, (+1 power/turn)
Programming I
Albion Heavy Ships I
[Rocketry I]
[Rockets I]
Resources: Power: 61.5 (+7/turn)(-2.5/turn),
Ore: 37 (+3/turn)(-2/turn)
Stone: 82 (+5/turn)
Refined Ore 8 (+2/ turn)
[Industrial Center]: Mining has long been a way of life for the people of Machinia, though they aren't so good at handling other resources.
[Small]: Even the humans of Machinia are small, and so the colony consumes less food than others. However, the constructs they produce are costly in power.
action to is at 2/8
Spend 10 currency on action 3
reposting proper stats
I'm still here, but I can't post for next hour.
[Free Army vs. Machina]
The citizens of the Free Army look out over their walls, at a mass of Clockwork Men from the southern nation of Machina. War has come.
Rolled 40, 26, 59, 41 = 166 (4d100)
Nation Name: Odab Collective
Nation Race(s): Orcs, Goblinoids, and Humans
Color: Green
Fluff: Giant Pirate Fleet that got themselves crash-landed after being defeated by an unspecified foe, now resorting to their aggressive nature to rebuild their fleet and take to the stars once more.
Settlements: Kurgan (capital) Freetown
Territory: 30
Population: 88 (+4/turn)
Food: 124 (+10/turn) (7)
Currency: 7 (+4/turn) (0)
Structures: [Mine 3] [Power Plant 2] [Farm 2] [Quarry 2] [Lumber Yard] [Raiding Camp] [Rum Distillery] [Power Infrastructure] [Port] [Construction Depot] [Factory] [Fabricator] [Pasture] [Research labs] [Butcher] [Fuel Drill] [Mine] [Armory]
Defenses: 1 (Kurgan)
Military: 1 Orc warband [.8](army)(-1 food/currency) 2 Pirate crews [+1](army) (-2 food/currency) 4 Land Guard [+.2](militia) Tank [armored][+.6](-2 power/turn) Artillery [Bombard: 1](-1 power/turn) 1st Flotilla (fleet)[(+.2) -1 currency]
Tech: [Forging] [Infantry 3] [Weapons] [First Aid] [Artillery] [Automatic Weapons] [Robotics 2] [Shipbuilding] [Tools] [Tanks] [Aircraft] [Rocketry] [Engineering] [Agriculture 2] [Hovercraft] [Cybernetics] [Spacecraft]
Ore 84 (+4/turn)
Power 44 (+4/turn) (1)
Stone 38 (+2/turn)
Wood 17 (+1 per turn)
Student Xenobiologist
[Sea Legs]: The pirates of Odab excel at naval warfare, granting extra power to their units, although terrestrial units are weaker.
[Money-hungry]: Currency isn’t easily made by the Odab, They’d much rather steal it. However, using currency to boost an action is more effective than usual.
1. Research into better ammunition
+Research Labs
+Automatic Weapons
+Robotics 2
2. Trade action with Afairika
3. Research into Genetics
+Research Labs
+Junior Xenobiologist
4. Upgrade Automatic weaponry so the boys have access to even more dakka [2/6]
+Research Labs
+Automatic weapons
+Robotics 2
Rolled 47, 21, 24 = 92 (3d100)
Nation Name: The United State of Imperial Nova America
Nation Race(s): Pure GeneModded Humans
Color: Red
Fluff: Sent with the Fairies of Freedomia, these were the best America had to offer and were programmed with a secret protocol upon entering atmosphere to orbit the planet for a period of time before landing and beginning colonizing. A republic was determined to not be able to function efficiently once other planets were able to be colonized and fought over with ease and so they were sent here to form a new government and ferry resources and new technology to give america an edge for the transition. When they found out the planet was cut off, they decided to form an Imperial type of government and set about freeing the planet.
Settlements: Roma Nibirus
Territory: 11
Population: 19 (+2/turn)
Food: 26 (+4/turn)
Currency: 38 (+3/turn)
Structures: [The Twin Palaces of The Imperial Seat and The Senate]; [Farms I]; [Power Plants III]; [Mines II]; [Quarries I]; [Lumberyards I]; [Hydro Pumps II]; [Docks I]; [Oil Rig I]
Defenses (Capital): 1
Military: 6 [Militia]; 2 [Naval Boat]; 1st Squadron "Africanus" [+.8 (-1 oil)/turn]
Tech: [Aircraft II]; [Forging II]; [Tactics I]; [Tanks I]; [Shipbuilding I]; [Architecture I]; [Majesty I]; [Capitalism I]; [Agriculture II]; [Engineering III]; [Electronics I]; [Infantry I]
Resources: Amateur Xenobiologist, Power: 36 (+6/turn) Ore: 14 (+2/turn) Wood: 6 (+1/turn)
[Fresh from Orbit]: Nova America has just arrived on planetside, fresh and ready to conquer. However, they don't have the experience dealing with the native life that other nations do.
[Superhumans]: The modified humans that make up Nova America's population are naturally strong, but they need more food to function.
1-2; Train General 6/8 [Aircraft II]; [Tactics I]; [Tanks I]; [Shipbuilding I]; [Majesty I]; [Infantry I]
3; Expand along southern peninsula
fucked up my rolls there
Rolled 16, 42, 54, 13, 75, 49, 22, 68, 76, 4, 30, 94 = 543 (12d100)
god damn it
Rolled 24, 31, 94, 100, 33, 52, 30, 47, 61, 51, 81, 46, 21, 4, 96, 11, 36, 24, 71, 5, 24, 4, 62, 79, 77 = 1164 (25d100)
[Detachment 5107]
Pop: 26 (+2/turn)
Food: 30 (+2/turn)
Currency: 15 (+3/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Military: N/A
Structures: Detachment HQ, Mine II, Power Plant II, Quarry II, Farm II
Resources: Ore: 2 (+2/turn) Power: 2 (+2/turn) Stone: 2 (+2/turn)
Tech: Infantry II, Engineering I, Espionage II, Agriculture I, Tactics II, Psionics II, Psionic Weaponry I, Psionic Armor I, Medicine I
[Guerrillas]: The Detachments are known for their stealthy tactics and... terrorist activities, to put things lightly. They receive a bonus to stealth and infiltration, but aren't really used to out-and-out warfare.
[The Gate]: Once the Gate is open, acquiring resources/tech/military will be much easier, but for now, Detachment 5107 will have to work with the native materials, and the native materials are trash compared to what is back home.
1-3. Engineering
4-6. Base cloaking
7-9. Architecture
10-15. Leyline Manipulation
16. Recruit a proper Black Ops unit +Espionage II, Infantry, II, Psionic armor & weapons I
17-18. Construct an auto-factory to produce military equipment we'll need. -1 stone, Engineering II
19-20. Expand the current hydroponics station to increase food production Farm II -> Farm III -1 stone, Engineering II
21-22. Expand the current resource fabricators to maintain the level of materials we need. -1 wood, Engineering II
23-24. Start equipping soldiers with recalibrated gear to form infantry platoons. Tactics II, Psionics II, Psionic Weaponry I, Psionic Armor I. Infantry II
Current Turn
25. Recruit a proper spy from the locals of [Red]. It'll need to be psionic sensitive so we can train them in mind manipulation, short range jumping etc. +Espionage II
26. [Espionage Failsafes] It's always imperative to maintain operational security. Any Black Ops or espionage unit caught is mind scrubbed. They'll never be able to revel the location of the base or who sent them or where they're from.
27. Research [Planar Communications] We'll need to contact home.
Rolled 100, 52 = 152 (2d100)
Last 2 dice for 26 and 27
Nation Name:Vrinland
Nation Race: Augmented Humans
Colour: Purple
Settlement(s): Vrinholm
Pop: 12 (?/turn)
Food: 12 (+6/turn)
Currency: 5 (+3/turn)
Structures: Jarl's Council
Power Plant III
Mine III
Farm II
Farm II
Factory I
Defenses (Vrinhold): 1
Military: 2 Freeholders (Militia) (+0.6)
Infantry II,
Naval warfare II,
Engineering I,
Tactics II,
Military Augments II,
Agriculture I,
Shipbuilding II
Efficiency I
Resources: Power: 2 (+2/turn) Ore: 2 (+2/turn)
[Engineered]: The men of Vrinland are genetically engineered to be stronger than normal men, though many do not survive the bio-engineering [OP will roll privately and give you pop gain for that turn].
[Homesteaders]: The men of Vrinland will make a home here on Nibiru, though the intense weather of the north makes it a bit harder. It is easier to expand, though not as much as others.
Rolled 1, 28, 6 = 35 (3d100)
1. Finish construction of the Port
2. Finish Construction of the Barracks
3. Continue Research on Agriculture II
Rolled 10, 75, 21, 11, 40, 35, 44, 38, 25, 10, 63, 88 = 460 (12d100)
Turn 5
1. If Agriculture II isnt finished, continue with it,
2. Continue upgrading the quarry [Quarry I -> Quarry II] -1 stone, Engineering I
3. Continue research on Engineering II
Turn 6
1. Continue research on Engineering II
2. Continue Quarry II upgrade -1 stone, Engineering I
3. Continue our expansion eastwards
Turn 7
1. Continue on with Engineering II
2. Keep on with that quarry II upgrade
3. It has come to our interest in constructing a lab designed for the superior processing ability of our cybernetic elite, allowing us increased research output than what a normal lab of regular humans would suffice with. [Contruct a Cybernetic Research Lab] -1 stone +Engineering I, +Cybernetics II
Turn 8
1-2. Continue with the cybernetic research lab. -1 stone, +Engineering I, Cybernetics II
3. It is our interest to know more on how mind works in order to create a more managable and productive citizen. [-->Psychology II] +Psychology I
One of the Colonel's increasingly common men in black was standing outside of the door of the Governess's penthouse, carying a large suitcase in his hands in the luke-warm climate of the tropical night. He glanced over his shoulders to make sure there were no prying eyes before lightly knocking on the door, to which the fairy ruler opened up rubbing her face and sighing, tired from having to wake up so late. The shady man grinned, speaking in a sort of weasely voice as he presented the container before him.
"Took a while to procure, your Governess. Them Bongs ain't easy to deal wit' see, they don't deal in no money, but in trinkets an' food. I had to do lotsa "haggling"..."
Rolled 87, 24 = 111 (2d100)
>[Railgun HQ]
>Defenses (Capital):1
>buildings:Labs II
>Military: 1 militia
>[Soldiers]: Railgun Inc. does well with technology involving the military, though not much else.
1. Continue upgrading Labs III 1/8. We need the greatest labs the world has ever seen.
+engineering II
[Science II]
2. Continue research on combat drugs II 2/4. Things to boost skill and reflexes to amazing levels even if they. Only work for a short time.
[Completely Mad]:
Labs II
Engineering II
[Science II]
Not exactly sure what was going on yet interested, Miss Governess Colombina gingerly opened the case, revealing three pristine hamburger sandwiches as their delicious meat and cheese scent wafted into the atmosphere, still fresh and pleasantly heated in spite of what was possibly hours of transportation. The fairy's eyes widened as she realized the delivery, and no sooner did she rapidly grab one of the delectable foodstuffs and gorge herself upon the forbidden meats of slaughtered Earth animal, something which she had nearly given up hope of seeing ever again.
"*Mmmf* *Mmmmf* This- is-" her words were obscured by the eating, and tears rolled down the harlequin's cheeks as she partook in the sacred American tradition. In less than a minute, the burger was gone, not a single morsel gone to waste in spite of her vigerous eating.
Colombina almost grabbed for a second burger before stopping herself with her other hand. "Wait! I've got an idea~!"
A video communications link had been opened up between Freedomia and the facilities of Mad Medicine Inc., the Governess's cheery face present upon the screen, as though something wonderful had just transpired earlier.
"Doctor! Doctor! Are you there? I've got something that can use science!"
The director shows up on the screen.
"Science you say? It's not about the war in the west I've been hearing about? Either way, you have my attention. What does Afairika need help with from Mad Medicine Incorporated?
"What War? Anyways, you know how reproduction is when you take two things... and uh, somehow they make another of that thing? Well, Nibiru has a major shortage of burgers in this world, so what if we made it so that- we could breed burgers?
+Labs II
+[Agriculture III]
+[Genetic Engineering II]
+[DNA manipulation I]
+[Genetics II]
+[Cloning II]
+[Leyline Manipulation V]
+[Programing II]
+[Lunacy I]
+2 food (The Burgers!)
>Project — Slider: Using the magic of science and science of magic, we hope to do what was once thought impossible and create life from death! Or rather, minced hamburger meat... In other words, living sandwiches. Though normally this would be very, very impossible to do even stretching science to its limits, the Americans believe that by using their "energy research" they can bring the subject's various components into emulating living tissues. It might be worth a shot!
Resource: Ramburger Herd (Both Parties, Provides Food)
Unit: x1 Ramburger {???} (Both Parties)
The director looks stunned.
"Burgers? You want to "breed" burgers? You want to breed a finished product?"
He stares at the screed before cracking a mad grin.
"AHAHAHAHAA! You have an interesting mind Governess! This project is absolutely MAD, which means you've come to the right place. I accept, so, let us make some burgers. For science."
>Genetics is at IV in Mad Medicine, other than that the list should be accurate
Rolled 2, 3, 4, 3, 9 = 21 (5d10)
Nation Name: Free Army
Nation Race: Human
Color: Orange
Fluff: pastebin.com
>Don't fill out
Settlements: HQ
Territory: 33
Pop: 68 (+2/turn)
Food: 141 (+4/turn)
Currency: 6 (+6/turn)
Structures: Command Center
Power-plant II, Farm III, Lumberyard II, Quarry I, Mine II, Lab I, Barracks II, Surplus Store I, Market I, Workshop I, Garage I
Defenses (HQ): 1
2x Infantry Platoon
1x Infantry Platoon [+.6]
1x Sniper Unit [+3.4][Camouflaged](-1 food/turn)
2x Mobile Artillery Battery [Bombard: 2.5](-1 power/turn)
Recon Rover Rick [Infiltrate][+.4](-1 currency/turn)
Tech: Infantry III, Mobile II, Engineering II, Agriculture I, Forging I, Foraging I, Energy Production I, Tactics II, Biofuel I, Aiming I, Mechanized Agriculture I, Ballistics II, Scouting I, Navigation II, Repairs I, Camo I, Artillery I, Rockets I, Targeting I
Power: 46 (+4/turn) Wood: 59 (+2 turn), Stone: 26 (+1/turn), Ore: 33 (+2/turn), 5 Oil, Professional Xenobiologist
Eccentricities: pastebin.com
[Junta] ['Free' Army]
>So Engineering doesn't affect personal weapon construction, noted
>No camo for the artillery pieces?
>Targeting I now by all means and rules arrived - two turns for trade to reach, which is now
>All units are with Camo I, just for the record
Rolling defense against bombardment.
Rolled 32, 93, 66, 8 = 199 (4d100)
1. Finish upgrading Infantry Platoons into Companies [4/5]
>Targeting I added
Eccentricities: Junta and 'Free' Army
Structures: Lab I, Barracks II, Workshop I, Garage I
Technologies: Infantry III, Mobile II, Engineering II, Tactics II, Aiming I, Ballistics II, Scouting I, Navigation II, Camo I, Artillery I, Rockets I, Targeting I
2. Finish sniper training [4/6]
>Targeting I added
Eccentricities: Junta and 'Free' Army
Structures: Lab I, Barracks II, Workshop I, Garage I
Technologies: Infantry III, Mobile II, Engineering II, Foraging I, Tactics II, Aiming I, Ballistics II, Scouting I, Navigation II, Camo I, Targeting I
>Since this set of snipers goes with Targeting, any bonus for calling artillery strikes or something? Or just another raw +.2?
3. We need every men we can get. That means also you, Rick. And your Recon Rover. So better start painting it in nice camo.
Eccentricities: Junta and 'Free' Army
Structures: Lab I, Barracks II, Workshop I, Garage I
Technologies: Infantry III, Mobile II, Engineering II, Tactics II, Aiming I, Ballistics II, Scouting I, Navigation II, Camo I, Targeting I
>Would like to keep the [Infiltrate] tag
4. Every men. Equip new Infantry Platoon and give them all the AT weapons they can carry and tow.
Eccentricities: Junta and 'Free' Army
Structures: Lab I, Barracks II, Workshop I, Garage I
Technologies: Aiming I, Artillery I, Rockets I
>Upkeep-free militia of +.6 is 0/2
On hold: Biofuel II [1/6], Still [1/4]
Rolled 82, 15, 29, 6 = 132 (4d100)
Stats: pastebin.com
MWAHAHAHAHAHAA! My fellow researchers, today we begin on an endeavour so delightfully mad that it wounds me to say I did not come up with it on my own. We're going to create a creature never seen before, we're going to create living burgers.
1-2 Now that we can make more doppelgangers for testing, they will serve as testing materials for our genetics research. [Genetics IV ---> V] [7/12]
-Techs: [Domestication I], [Slime Research II], [Genetic Engineering II], [Science II]
-Resources Studied: Winged Elephants, Captive White Elephants, Wampus Pack, Caged Doppelgangers: 10
-Buildings: [Labs II]
-Units: Professional Xenobiologist
-Eccentricities: [Completely Mad] [Determined]
3 Joint project with Afairika to make living burgers (See for details)
-Mad Medicine Techs: [Agriculture II], [Domestication I], [Cloning II], [DNA Manipulation I], [Genetic Engineering II], [Science II], [Genetics IV], [Programing II]
-Afairika Techs: [Agriculture III], [Leyline Manipulation V], [Lunacy I], [Programming II]
-Building: [Labs II]
-Eccentricities: [Completely Mad]
4 Upgrade a farm using the latest farming knowhow. [Farm I --> II][1/6]
-Techs: [Agriculture II], [Domestication I]
Glorious 3 Infantry Companies instead of lousy Platoons!
Add 9 Power and 25 Ore to action 4, just in case basic retraining of Rick and retooling of his Recon Rover will take some absurd amount of time
[Altech/Afairikan Bombardment]
Two of Altech's orbital missiles strike true, devastating the Free Army's Barracks and Garage, though the other is successfully protected against. Afairika's bombing run has similar results, with Recon Rover Rick and a basic Platoon being caught in the blast.
Nation Name: Hunger
Nation Race(s): Morphed Infected Undead
Color: Yellow
Fluff: pastebin.com
-Don't fill out (unless told to)-
+[New Kazan]
+[New Omsk {Town}]
Territory: 45
Population (+4/turn): 93
Food (-4/turn): 59
Currency (+3/turn): 10
+1 [Nuclear Power Plant II]
+2 [Nuclear Power Plant I]
+2 [Mine II]
+1 [Auto-Factory I]
+1 [Lab II]
+1 [Airport I]
+1 [Port I]
+1 [Barracks I]
+1 [Missile Silo I {Bombard: 1}]
+1 [Breeding Pen I; +2 food/turn]
+1 [New Kazan]
+2 [Grunt Troops {Militia} {1d10}]
+1 [Famine Battalion {Shock Troopers} (+1) (Bombard: 1.5) (-2 food//turn)]
+1 [War Battalion {Shock Troopers} (+1) (Bombard: 1.5) (-4 food//turn)]
+1 [Death Battalion {Shock Troopers} (+.8)(Bombard:1)(-2 food//turn]
+1 [Harvester {Scavenger} {+.6} (-2 power/turn)]
+1 [Stealth Bomber {Stealth} [+1.6] [-3 power/turn])
+[Infantry II]
+[Engineering II]
+[Explosives II]
+[Hunger Bioweaponry III]
+[Hunger Stealth Aircraft I]
+[Plague Missiles I]
+[Targeting I]
+[Tactics I]
+[Aviation I]
+[Transport Ships I]
+[Uranium Engines I]
+[Subsistence-Based Military]
Power (+0/turn): 38
Ore (+4/turn): 150
+3 [Small Supply of Uranium {Power}]
+5 [Menehune Slaves]
Rolled 55, 37, 88, 64 = 244 (4d100)
1. Expand westwards.
+New Omsk {Town}
+Dependent Eccentricity expansion bonus
2. Also expand the Menehune breeding pen.
+Engineering II
3. Begin research into +[Explosives III]
+Lab II
+Explosives II
4. Also begin research into +[Stealth I]
+Lab II
+Hunger Stealth Aircraft I
Expending +43 Ore on action 2 to bring it up to an 80.
Fuck no.
Just not Recon Rover Rick! I mean... no!
Also, does that mean I'm out of Barrack at all, or it's reduced to I from II?
I'll go easy on you and say it's just severely damaged.
>A message begins blinking on a Mad Science screen. It has a little raven symbol, eating an eye.
>"Umm. Hello? Is this thing on? Err, anyway, we understand you are the people we need to talk to about the Island north of us? Just calling to let you know, we think when you were test firing some of those guns it looks really pretty, and we want to build something similar. What can we give you for "Mad" energy weapons I".We could give you Military Augments I? or Effieciancy I if that doesn't appeal to you.
>A period of silence as large ill defined shadows move on the screen. Suddenly it sharpens into an image of a blonde-haired man with a large beard, squinting at the screen.
>" Okay, so I press this button to send right?"
I guess to defend you need to roll higher than the attack and not just tie.
Because if tie also works for defense, I should have blocked 2 hits, not just 1 from bombardment.
As for now, that cuts me to 2 sniper units, 2 companies and 2 artillery units. MAYBE Barracks I. Probably just out of Barracks at all.
Damn shame Rick's dead, but if the "tie also saves your ass" works, I still prefer 3rd company instead of him. 4 Clockworkmen, all +4. Should be still perfectly managable, assuming both sniper units are fielded.
I guess I can't attack right now, even if Machina forces are all here, due to not even having official statement or stats of my own units.
Sticking with the "test the shit out of the rules" part of the agreement:
Units having single HP definitely sucks, but that makes artillery twice as strong as any other unit type and also obviously means units capable of bombardment are just plain more powerful than anything else due to the way how defense modifiers are counted - most pathetic unit capable of bombardment can easily take out any unit with easy-to-overcome threshold for success.
How abstract combat is? Or rather - if it's abstract enough to intercept satellites without sending out specialised rockets or other type of weapon designed specifically to reach orbit? Because in case of sticking to "realism", orbital weapon systems of any kind are simply broken and should be most definitely revisited in next edition.
They should, and will more than likely be an end-game thing next game, if they make it in at all. Your units might survive the battles to come, if the rolls are close enough. And you could certainly launch a counterattack, as Machina's forces are at your doorstep.
Nation Name: The Devil Ant Nests
Nation Race(s): Devil Ants (mutated ants)
Color: Blue
Fluff: The Devil ants were once ants carried over as food for colonists during the long trip to Nibiru. The colony did not survive, but the ants did. The ants mutated, gaining in size and complexity as well as overall intelligence shown in complex planning and operations. As well the Devil ants became more adept at noticing mutations within their number. This new species has created a nest where the old colony once stood, stretching deep and wide below the surface.
-Don't fill out (unless told to)-
Settlements: First Nest
Territory: 56
Population: 276 (+8/turn)
Food: 360 (+13/turn)
Currency: N/A
Structures: Queen's Chamber, 9 lvls of Mushroom farms, Egg chamber I, Mine II
Defenses: 1.5 (First Nest)
1 (Second Nest)
Traps: [Ambush Tunnels]
Military: 3 Basic Soldier Drones
1 Warrior Drones [+.8][Poisonous] (2 Food Upkeep)
1 [Tank Drone {Large}[+1.2](-2 food/ore//turn)]
1 [Harvester Drone {Forager} [+.4](-1 food//turn ]
1 [Scout Drone (+1.4)[Flight][Infiltrate] (-2 food/turn)]
1 [Electro-drone [Anti-Espionage][+1][-1 food/turn]
Tech: [Foraging I] [Selective Breeding II] [Agriculture V] [Poison II] [Drone Morphism I] [Engineering I] [Sharpened Pincers II] [Enriched Diet II] [Scouting I] [Spiracles I] [Flight II] [Espionage I] [Tunneling I] [Electro-sensitivity II] [Speed II]
Resources: 13 Ore (-0/turn)
[Captive Menehune: 5]
[Wood: 2]
[Invasive Species]: The native fauna of the planet have no idea of your capabilities, making them easier to take down, though peaceful interactions are next to impossible.
[Mutations]: The Ants have found that they grow and evolve at an alarming rate, though outside technology is much harder for them to grasp.
And you did block 2 hits, but one of the bombardment rolls was more than twice the defending roll, so that hurt you.
Rolled 17, 80, 36, 60 = 193 (4d100)
1. Farm mountain super structure continues to be built. 12/25
+Agriculture V
+Tunneling I
+Engineering I
2. Search the young for new mutations.
3. Begin breeding for stronger and sharper Pincers.
+Selective Breeding II
4. Begin breeding for stronger spiracles for better breathing.
+Selective Breeding II
"You want our ['Mad' Energy Weapons I]? We're willing to offer you [Agriculture II] as well if you're willing to offer us both [Military Augments I] AND [Efficiency I]. What do you say? Doesn't this sound more profitable?"
>when trading you can send two techs per action
>counter-offer: ['Mad' Energy Weapons I] and [Agriculture II] for [Military Augments I] and [Efficiency I]
>accept? reject? haggle?
If I may make any suggestion, so far due to the nature of how things are handled in combad, massed militia thrumps over everything else, since:
- all units apparently have 1 HP (armor might have 2)
- due to the way how bonus is handled, a bare-bones militia without any upgrades at all can still take down units up to +3.9.
- maxed out militia (+.6) can take down units up to +4.5
- in case of the militia coming out with some special traits (poison, armor, camo, bombardment etc), it turns swarm tactics from powerful to ungodly broken
- militia comes free from any upkeep and to reach +.6 it takes just 3 elements, so such unit can be made from turn 1 if a player starts with enough military tech
- an army of 10 powerful units is about the limit any player can hit without putting power, currency and food into halt; meanwhile, nothing limits the amount of +.6 militia
In short - it's not the power of the units that matters, but size of the army, thus making +.6 militia with any trait the ultimate unit that can be fielded. Meaning the rules need serious revisition about this. Veterancy system from SMAC and Civ 3 could help here greatly, even if complicating matters when it comes down to resolving combat (due to units being capable of withstanding more pounding instead of single successful hit, but that could just mean their effective combat power is decreased by the fraction of their total HP missing).
> Several muffled voices are heard over the communicator.
>"Okay, tell them yes"
>A figure walks over to the monitor and closes the call, before re-opening it and swearing, before speaking "Yes. This is good. Thankyou."
To engage them, I need to know the stats of:
2nd Sniper Unit (if it's still 3.4 or 3.6)
Remaining 2 Infantry Companies.
If Mobile Artillery comes with or without Camo trait
And to that:
Having a confirmation if combat is abstract or the fluff part of it is important for the resolution in any way
Otherwise, I'm shooting blind, which is beyond stupidity.
"Excellent, we'll send the tech during the next report theory."
>trade requires an easy difficult 10 action from each side, so don't forget to spend one on your actions on it next turn
The new sniper unit is the same as the last (My apologies, thought this was implied), and the Companies were upgraded. And I will allow the artillery to gain the 'Camo' tag. Fluff does give a small modifier, especially if the other person lacks it.
>>[Ley-powered Machinery II] reduces Power Upkeep by 2!
>>(Free Action) A-26B(R) Bomber Flight {AIR} [Str./Bom. 2.6/2] transfered to AFSOC control
[The US Territory of Afairika]
Nation Race(s): Fairies, Americans
Color: Liberty Blue
Fluff: pastebin.com
128 Total (+4/t)
74 Fairies (+2/t)
54 Humans (+2/t)
Food: 216 (+9/t)
Currency: 54 (+7/t)
Freedomia (Capital City, 1 Def):
-Pierrot's Penthouse (Gov. HQ)
-Farm III (Food, +3/t)
-Ley Reactor II (Power, +2/t)
-Mine I (Ore, +1/turn)
-Lumbermill I (Wood, +1/t)
-Smelter I
-Barracks I
-Focusing Tower I
-Factory I
-Airfield I
New Detroit (Town):
-Farm II, (Food, +2/t)
-Farm II, (Food, +2/t)
-Farm I, (Food, +1/t)
Road from Freedomia to Research Station Alpha (Afairika to Altech!)
Road from Freedomia to New Nottingham (Afairika to New Albion!)
--The Governess's Fairies
x1 "Clownpiece Two", The Governess's Lunatic Aide from Hell {Flight}{Lunacy}{Terraformer} [Str. 3] (2 Food/t)
x1 Minute Fairy Platoon {Flying}{Medical} [Str. 1] (-1 Food/t)
--Security Force
x2 Heavy Weapons Platoons [Str. 1] (1 Food/t)
--1st Extra-Planar Squadron (ENGAGING [76], 4 turn[s])
x1 VE-7(R) Fighter Squadron {AIR} [Str. 1.6]
--1st Devilbird Bomber Squadron (ENGAGING [76], 4 turn[s])
x1 MB-1(R) Bomber Flight {AIR} [Str./Bom. 1/1]
x1 MB-2(R) Bomber Flight {AIR} [Str./Bom. 2/1]
--[AFSOC] 1st Special Operations Bomber Squadron
x1 A-26B(R) Bomber Flight {AIR} [Str./Bom. 2.6/2]
x1 A-26C(R) Bomber Flight {AIR} [Str./Bom. 3/2]
Power: 56 (+2/t) Ore: 46 (+1/t) Wood: 38 (+1/t)
[Leylines]: The fairies of Afairika have a unique, innate ability to manipulate the strange energies of Nibiru, but are physically weak.
[Trained Engineers]: The remaining men of Afairika aren't scientists, but they sure can build.
>Trade Routes:
Freedomia to Research Station Alpha (Currency, +2/t)
Rolled 22, 21, 65, 89 = 197 (4d100)
"Kyahahahahaha! I knew this would be a great idea!~ Lets get started immediately!" (Joint Project With Mad Medicine: Project — Slider: )
[Engineering III]
"See, the orks aren't bad guys at all; I think their chieftan tribal leader person is pretty sweet and soft-spoken! Okay, lets hope they can figure out what any of this stuff means!" (Sending Odab [Engineering III]!)
"One of my fairies has been bugging me a while about the importance of taking photos of...stuff. She says that she's been spending a lot of resources making sure that security does their jobs, and she's already caught them trying to smuggle food once! Says that it's from experience; a lot of her friends used to spend plenty of time trying to keep a...witch? out of their place of residence? Hey, I suppose giving her some say wouldn't hurt!" (Researching Investigation!)
"Hey, what is this? Colonel?" (The Detroit Project: 9/15)
New Albion (Capital)
New Coventry (Village)
New Nottingham (Village)
New Manchester (Village)
New Lancaster(Village)
>Governor's Manor
>-Lv1 Aether Rifle Recharger
>-Steam Furnace Electric
>Farms: Lv1
>Farms: Lv1
>Farms: Lv1
>Quaries: Lv1
>Lumberyard: Lv1
>Forge Lv1
>Barracks Lv1
>Docks Lv2
>Smelter Lv1
>Mine: +1 ore/turn
>Territory: 62/68 (CURRENTLY IN DISPUTE)
>Population: 275 (+12/turn)
>Food: 366 (+6/turn)(+3 AgIII)(+2 New Farm)(+2 New Farm) (-2 (standard) military units) [OP confirmed and feels so good]
>Currency: N/A
>Defenses: 1 New Albion
1 Sir Frederick Herbert Williamshire IV[+1](-1 food/turn)
1st Homeguard Oscilators Division (Militia) [+.2]
Prince's Royal Oscilator Corps (Army) [+.2] (-1 food/turn)
>Tech: Aether Oscilator Disintegrators III, Forging I, Agriculture III, Foraging I, Engineering II, Infantry I, Shipbuilding I, Efficiency I, Conscription I, Electronics I, 'Mad' Energy Weapons I, Altech Renewable Energy I, Programming I, Albion Heavy Ships I, Leyline Manipulation V, Ley-Powered Machinery II, DAN Ammunition I
>Ore: 10 +1/turn
>Refined Ores: 0
>Stone: 31 (+1/turn)
>Wood: 37 (+1/turn)
>Power: 40 (+3/turn)
>Volunteers: 5 Fairies
1 Heavy Construction Ship
>[Jolly Old Empire]: On a mission of expansion, New Albion can colonize more territory before it gets harder to do so. But their lands may be more dangerous as a result
>[Riflemen]: The Colony's patented disintegrator rifles are stronger than normal, though normal infantrymen equipped with them cost Power as well
Underground Cornucopia 13/25
New Village 5/6
>A man arrives outside the city of Freedomia in a three-piece suit. Now, the oddest thing about him wasn't the suit itself. It was the fact he was doing it while riding a horse
>"Ah yes, is this the..."
>looks at the back of his hand
>"US Territory of Afairika? My name is Hans Schmidt, and I represent the Free Society of Man, a nation built on the foundations of equality, freedom, and prosperity. I have a message for who ever is in charge."
>He hands whoever it is that is in charge a letter. The letter itself is emblazoned with the image of a three-headed eagle, talons bared.
>The letter reads: "To whom it may concern in terms of the US Territory of Afairika:
>Sorry if this is all a rather bit out-dated. We're rather new to this planet, and as such we're a bit unacquainted with whatever means of communication you have. Even still, I would like to propose a trade of secrets and utmost knowledge that could benefit both our nations:
>Your knowledge of Forging II and Medicine I for our knowledge of Tactics II and Tanks I
>Please let us know if such a deal suffices.
>-Karl von Wilhiem, Elected President of the Free Society of Man
Rolled 57, 70, 15 = 142 (3d100)
1. Finish up the new coastal Village 5/6
1 Heavy Construction Ship
Forging I
Engineering II
Electronics I
Programming I,
Altech Renewable Energy I
2-3. Continue to work on the Underground Cornucopia 13/25
[[[$ Spend 6 Stone $]]]
[[[$ Spend 3 Power $]]]
>Engineering II
>Forging I - Steel beams
>Agriculture III
>Efficiency I
>Altech Renewable Energy I
>Electronics I
>Programming I
Rolled 61 (1d100)
--The Ration Economy--
A historic announcement by the Prince Governor in front of Parliament.
"Gentlemen of Parliament.
As you are aware, New Albion, is one of only two colonies on the planet that does not use currency. We share this unique distinction alongside the Devil Ants. Our economy uniquely runs on Food rather than Coin or Bill.
This has been done due to the fact that we absolutely intend to remain loyal to the Bank of England and the Pound, and in its absence, have refused to officially back an empty monetary scrip or fiat. Our soldiers and denizens are paid honestly and fairly in ration and supply
But the extent of our growth, and the increasing size of both our people and lands, has necessitated a need for non-commodity exchange.
As such, I hereby propose a bill to create a "Standardize Ration" which will be based on an absolutely measured set of calories, vitamins, and minerals enough to support one adult man for one day.
This Standardized Ration will then back a "Ration Scrip", which will form the basis of fiat currency and exchange in our society. Unlike normal currency backed by gold or silver, there will not be any instance of interest or fractional reserve which leads to the headaches and woes of inflation and the lust for money.
Men will still be paid fair and square for their work, in food which is the sustenance of all life. But the needs of economy will be adapted to fit our new lot, until such a time as communication can be reestablished with earth and we can return to the true English Pound Sterling and the Banks once more"
>New Albion will no longer have the [Currency:N/A] stat, and loses the ability to create or use currency
>All expenses that normally involve currency or monetary will instead be replaced with food (i.e. 1 Food and 1 Currency upkeep will not be 2 Food upkeep)
>Food may be expended in a similar, though perhaps not entirely as effective manner as currency
This is dumb
Still more Clockwork men are built [2/4], and heavy armor research continues [4/8]. No progress on any other projects, however.
[Odab Collective]
Better ammunition research starts [2/4], the technology is sent to Afairika, and genetics research starts [2/4]. Progress on the automatic weaponry [3/6]!
[Nova America]
The General's training nears completion [7/8], though expansion halts.
[Free Society]
No quarry is built, but research into better food growing techniques begins [1/6], and research into the inner workings of the mind also begins [2/4]. There is no expansion, but agricultural research progresses nicely [4/6], and a quarry begins to be dug [1/4]. Still no expansion, but psychology research completes [Psych I], and the quarry completes as well [Quarry I; +2 stone/turn]. Agricultural research nearly completes [5/6], and the quarry is updated [1/6]. Engineering research stalls.
Engineering technology progresses [4/6], and base-cloaking goes exceptionally well [Cloaking II]! Architecture research starts [1/4], and the basics of Leyline manipulation are discovered [Leyline Manipulation I]! No one comes forward for recruitment, and construction of a factory barely begins [1/4]. The farm undergoes upgrades [2/8], and the mine is also upgraded [2/8]. Infantry platoons are nearly trained [3/4], and a spy is also trained [3/4]. The failsafes are excellent [Anti-espionage II]! Planar communications research starts as well [2/5].
>+3 pop
Disaster at the port; a few unlucky men fall in, and the raging waters take them away [-2 pop]. The barracks finally progress [1/4], though agricultural research halts.
I was just curious if adding Targetting I changed anything or not. It's an insignificant +.2, but still. It probably did in case of Companies, since they already had Artillery and Rockets I. I hope so at least.
Back to the militia vs professionals:
All units having 1 HP is easy to resolve, but it makes militia game-breakingly powerful. Each +2 granting another HP to unit would neatly balance it out - so even if churming out a hell lot of militia you would require roughtly four times as many to face +4.5 units
+1 is to easy to reach (it can be achieved with starting tech and starting professional unit is +1 too)), while anything above +2 would be just too much. So each +2 counting as +1 HP is a nice balance. I've already did some number crunching for this while on smoke.
This way militia can still retain it's edge without being reduced to useless action-eater when produced, but you would really need a shitload of it, while strong units could balance with the upkeep (10-13 non-militia units are the maximum, really) with the fact they can count as 2, 4 or even 6 upkeep-free militia units each.
I wish I've figured that all out around thread 3 start, not in the middle of 4th.
[Free Society (Again)]
Agricultural research stalls, and the quarry undergoes some upgrades [5/6]. Engineering research stalls as well, but picks up slightly after a short break [1/6], and finally, the Free Society begins to expand its lands [1/2]! Construction of a Cybernetics lab barely starts [1/4], but makes progress after a while [3/4]. Finally, psychological research progresses well [3/6].
[Railgun Inc.]
Upgrades on the labs continue [4/8], while the combat drugs are nearly done [3/4].
[Free Army]
The two surviving platoons are now companies [+.8 {-1 food/turn (Each)], and a sniper completes training [+1x Sniper Unit [+3.4][Camouflaged](-1 food/turn)]. Camo painting begins [2/6], but there is no further recruitment.
[Mad Medicine]
Further genetics research nears completion [10/12], and the project begins [2/15]! No farm upgrades, however.
The hunger expands westward [+4 hex], and the breeding pen also undergoes upgrades [3/6]. Research begins, for both projects [3/8; 2/3]
[Devil Ants]
Only minor progress is had on the structure [13/25], and new mutations are found... by rubbing bits of their chitin together, the new ants mimic sound [Mimicry I]! Breeding begins [1/5], for both projects [2/5].
The fairies prove to be no help with Project Slider. The tech is sent to the Odab Collective, and there is progress on the Detroit Project [12/15]!
[New Albion]
The new village completes [+2 pop/turn], and work on the Cornucopia progresses [16/25]. The new subsistence-based economy will take some getting used too [2/5].
>Brown nation in the south appears to be gone. Will be removed shortly.
Other notes
Ore, Wood and Stone can be merged into Materials for everyone's convinience and as anti-cheating measure for building construction. Since those three resources have absolutely NO use outside minor requirements for buildings of level 2 and higher and improving roll outcome for construction of non-living (be it units or buildings), they are pretty much useless as for now and investing into any form of extractors is a waste of time or starting resources. If there are three types of them, they can be very easily abused for granting +3 to progress of construction actions, since you are spending 25 units of resources from 3 completely separate pools. Imagine having to spend 75 units of resources from a single pool.
Game start makes picking techs over everything else a no-brainer. Even if they are all level I, a lot more can be achieved while using starting tech than investing the same points into militia units (they require just 0/2 to make and are the only cost-efficient starting unit to even bother with). So picking 10 different technologies at the game start is the best and only sane option. If done correctly, that can net out a military unit of 2.4 power if someone is insane enough to pick only military technologies. Which obviously breaks the game from the turn one. Not to mention how starting with a lot of technology can easily allow to maintain the head-on over everyone else and easily trade for even more
Game start also makes picking Farms and Power-plants as the only important buildings, as Wood, Stone and Ore play absolutely no role in the game up until more complex buildings are allowed, while having food supply can allow to field additional, upkeep-intensive unit.
And as noted by the raging user - surprise, surprise, that wasn't me - eccentricities just need to be more balanced. Giving bonuses ranging from +1 to Insignificant Bullshit You Will Never Use to +10 to One Of The Core Elements. Also, as far as I've noted, the penalties aren't really accounted for, and everyone starts with at least one. And everyone had exact the same threshold for success (25 and it's multiplications), so my bonus-penalty of Junta was just a fluff bullshit - I was never punished for it, but also never received ANY bonus from it (I still had to pass the 25, which in certain situations cost me dearly)
In short - as for now, the game can be broken way too easily and the only thing prevending that is the vagueness of the rules.
Nation Name:Vrinland
Nation Race: Augmented Humans
Colour: Purple
Settlement(s): Vrinholm
Pop: 13 (?/turn)
Food: 18 (+6/turn)
Currency: 8 (+3/turn)
Structures: Jarl's Council
Power Plant III
Mine III
Farm II
Farm II
Factory I
Defenses (Vrinhold): 1
Military: 2 Freeholders (Militia) (+0.6)
Infantry II,
Naval warfare II,
Engineering I,
Tactics II,
Military Augments II,
Agriculture I,
Shipbuilding II
Efficiency I
Resources: Power: 4 (+2/turn) Ore: 4 (+2/turn)
[Engineered]: The men of Vrinland are genetically engineered to be stronger than normal men, though many do not survive the bio-engineering [OP will roll privately and give you pop gain for that turn].
[Homesteaders]: The men of Vrinland will make a home here on Nibiru, though the intense weather of the north makes it a bit harder. It is easier to expand, though not as much as others.
You are kidding, right?
1. Send techs Military Augments I and Efficiency I to MAD Medicine.
2. Continue to Construct the Port
3. Continue to Build the Barracks.
>Recently several men have been seen walking around Vrinholm, ensuring everything works. It would appear a government of sorts has been formed.
The odd horseman was greeted by an aviator leaning against a squat bird-house like building which seemed a foot too short for a person of his stature. He spent a good minute inspecting Hans's equinine companion, stroking its chest as if to determine if it was indeed real.
"1st Lieutenant Moris Bradley. Pleasure to meet your acquaintance. You can just call us the USA, which is the nation that owns this territory; you might have heard of it before. Our society also happens to be built on the foundations of equality, freedom, and prosperity. I'll make sure that the Colonel and the Governor get this letter.
Say, where did you get your horse? We haven't seen any Earth-native animals since we- well, left Earth."
Rolled 80, 75, 39 = 194 (3d100)
Damn dice rolls!
I didn't see a tech besides one listed, so I assumed you only wanted the one.
Nation Name: The Free Society of Man
Nation Race(s): Humans, bio-engineered humans, cyborgs
Color: Purple
Fluff: pastebin.com
-Don't fill out (unless told to)-
Settlements: New Eden
Territory: 7
Population: 10 (+2/turn)
Food: 10 (+2/turn)
Currency: 5 (+3/turn)
Structures: Congress of Democracy, 3 powerplant, 2 farm, 3 mine, quarry I
Defenses: (New Eden) 1
Military: N/A
Tech: Infantry II, Engineering I, Tactics II, Agriculture I, Foraging I, Tanks I, Genetics II, Cybernetics II, First Aid I, Economics I, Psychology I
Resources: Power 3 (+3/turn), Ore: 3 (+3/turn), Stone 1 (+3/turn)
Eccentricities: [Only the Best]: In truth, inequality rules in the Free Society, no-where more than their military. It takes a bit longer to weed out the undesirables, but military units are stronger as a result.
[The Purge]: Every turn, the Free Society may instigate a purge of the weak and unworthy to increase results. However, if they do this too many times, or don't take actions to pacify the population, revolts will break out.
[Agriculture II 5/6]
[Quarry II 1/6]
1. Finish agriculture II.;
2. Keep upgrading that quarry. Stone is the literal building blocks of empires, and as such we will need plenty; -1 stone; +Engineering I
3. Keep pursuing our research into the mind. As of right now, we only the basics as to how the mind works. With this research, we will be able to identify, and in some cases cure or sedate mental problems in our populace, thereby making them work minutely better at almost everything they do
New Albion (Capital)
New Coventry (Village)
New Nottingham (Village)
New Manchester (Village)
New Lancaster(Village)
New Winchester (Village)
>Governor's Manor
>-Lv1 Aether Rifle Recharger
>-Steam Furnace Electric
>Farms: Lv1
>Farms: Lv1
>Farms: Lv1
>Quaries: Lv1
>Lumberyard: Lv1
>Forge Lv1
>Barracks Lv1
>Docks Lv2
>Smelter Lv1
>Mine: +1 ore/turn
>Territory: 62/68 (CURRENTLY IN DISPUTE)
>Population: 289 (+14/turn)
>Food: 377 (+6/turn)(+3 AgIII)(+2 New Farm)(+2 New Farm) (-2 (standard) military units) [OP confirmed and feels so good]
>Currency: N/A
>Defenses: 1 New Albion
1 Sir Frederick Herbert Williamshire IV[+1](-1 food/turn)
1st Homeguard Oscilators Division (Militia) [+.2]
Prince's Royal Oscilator Corps (Army) [+.2] (-1 food/turn)
>Tech: Aether Oscilator Disintegrators III, Forging I, Agriculture III, Foraging I, Engineering II, Infantry I, Shipbuilding I, Efficiency I, Conscription I, Electronics I, 'Mad' Energy Weapons I, Altech Renewable Energy I, Programming I, Albion Heavy Ships I, Leyline Manipulation V, Ley-Powered Machinery II, DAN Ammunition I
>Ore: 11 +1/turn
>Refined Ores: 0
>Stone: 28 (+1/turn)
>Wood: 38 (+1/turn)
>Power: 37 (+3/turn)
>Volunteers: 5 Fairies
1 Heavy Construction Ship
>[Jolly Old Empire]: On a mission of expansion, New Albion can colonize more territory before it gets harder to do so. But their lands may be more dangerous as a result
>[Riflemen]: The Colony's patented disintegrator rifles are stronger than normal, though normal infantrymen equipped with them cost Power as well
Food-Economy 2/5
Cornucopia 16/25
Rolled 44, 38, 3, 28 = 113 (4d100)
Stats: pastebin.com
Hmm... it is slow progress on the joint project, BUT PROGRESS NONETHELESS! And in other news, we've almost unlocked the secrets we've been looking for. We just need ONE, LAST, PUSH!
1-2 Now that we can make more doppelgangers for testing, they will serve as testing materials for our genetics research. [Genetics IV ---> V] [10/12]
-Techs: [Domestication I], [Slime Research II], [Genetic Engineering II], [Science II]
-Resources Studied: Winged Elephants, Captive White Elephants, Wampus Pack, Caged Doppelgangers: 10
-Buildings: [Labs II]
-Units: Professional Xenobiologist
-Eccentricities: [Completely Mad] [Determined]
3 Joint project with Afairika to make living burgers (See for details) [2/15]
-Mad Medicine Techs: [Agriculture II], [Domestication I], [Cloning II], [DNA Manipulation I], [Genetic Engineering II], [Science II], [Genetics IV], [Programing II]
-Afairika Techs: [Agriculture III], [Leyline Manipulation V], [Lunacy I], [Programming II]
-Building: [Labs II]
-Eccentricities: [Completely Mad]
4 Send ['Mad' Energy Weapons I] and [Agriculture II] to Vrinland for [Military Augments I] and [Efficiency I]
(ON HOLD) Upgrade a farm using the latest farming knowhow. [Farm I --> II][1/6]
-Techs: [Agriculture II], [Domestication I]
Rolled 27, 90, 84 = 201 (3d100)
>Technologies: Infantry III, Mobile II, Engineering II, Tactics II, Aiming I, Ballistics II, Scouting I, Navigation II, Camo I, Artillery I, Rockets I, Targeting I
What is this?
I mean it's hard to not notice it, especially if all other technologies were accounted in other units. The "Targeting I added" is the same information as "Rockets I added" from previous unit, because I've assumed you did a calculation when the unit was declared here: , so I pin-pointed with green-text the changes made in the unit composition, so they would be also added into the calculation.
*from previous thread
Rolled 11, 88 = 99 (2d100)
>[Railgun HQ]
>Defenses (Capital):1
>buildings:Labs II
>Military: 1 militia
>[Soldiers]: Railgun Inc. does well with technology involving the military, though not much else.
1. Continue upgrading Labs III 4/8. We need the greatest labs the world has ever seen.
+engineering II
[Science II]
2. With a war now officially in progress the heads of railgun inc have determined that security is an immediate concern and steps need to be taken to address this problem. Research anti-espionage.
[Completely Mad]:
Labs II
Engineering II
[Science II]
On hold:
Continue research on combat drugs II 3/4. Things to boost skill and reflexes to amazing levels even if they. Only work for a short time.
[Completely Mad]:
Labs II
Engineering II
[Science II]
Nation Name: Machina
Nation Race(s): Dwarves, Gnomes, and Humans
Fluff: pastebin.com
Settlements: Machinia Prima
Territory: 23
Population: 75(+2/turn)
Food: 195 (+6/turn)
Currency:5 (+3/turn)
Structures: House of Lords
Power plant III,
Mine III
Quarry II
Farm II
Smelter II
Forge II
Machinist shop II
Power plant I
Defenses: 2 (Capital city),
Military: 1 Dwarven Volunteers, 4 Clockwork men [+3.6 [Siege][Heavy][Anti-personnel][armor-piercing]; (-.5 power/turn) ](at Free Army)
Clockwork men [+3.6 [Siege][Heavy][Anti-personnel][armor-piercing];
Next batch 2/4
Tech: Forging II
Engineering II
Infantry II
Machinian Constructs III (2/10)
Efficiency III
Power grid Optimization II
[Machinian heavy armor II] (4/8)
[Automization II, -2 ore/turn, +2 refined ore/turn]
Heavy Drills III (+3 stone/turn)
Autocannon III
Workplace Efficiency I (1/5)
Aether Oscilator Disintegrators III,
Agriculture III (+2 food/turn)
Foraging I
Shipbuilding I
Conscription I
Electronics I,
'Mad' Energy Weapons I
Altech Renewable Energy I, (+1 power/turn)
Programming I
Albion Heavy Ships I
[Rocketry I]
[Rockets I]
Resources: Power: 66 (+7/turn)(-2.5/turn),
Ore: 38 (+3/turn)(-2/turn)
Stone: 87 (+5/turn)
Refined Ore 10 (+2/ turn)
[Industrial Center]: Mining has long been a way of life for the people of Machinia, though they aren't so good at handling other resources.
[Small]: Even the humans of Machinia are small, and so the colony consumes less food than others. However, the constructs they produce are costly in power.
Correct Constructs progress.
Rolled 85, 53, 40, 17 = 195 (4d100)
1. Continue to work on the Underground Cornucopia 16/25
[[[$ Spend 6 Stone $]]]
[[[$ Spend 3 Power $]]]
>Engineering II
>Forging I - Steel beams
>Agriculture III
>Efficiency I
>Altech Renewable Energy I
>Electronics I
>Programming I
2. Continue development of the Food Economy 2/5
3-4. With our New Coastal Village, we once more have nearby coastal access to Dwarf Lands.
We must assist in the war effort! Though we are not a powerful military power yet, we do have masses of ample manpower for the war effort.
Use our Heavy Ship and the nearby Coastal Town and ferry workers to Dwarven Factories.
>Assist the dwarves in building more Clockworkman Units!
Though farmers many of us be, some of us are actually quite skilled engineers, steel forgers, and fast learners who also have a basic understanding of electronics and programming as well as Altech energy systems.
1 Heavy Ship
Forging I,
Engineering II
Efficiency I
Programming I
Altech Renewable Energy I
Nation Name: The Devil Ant Nests
Nation Race(s): Devil Ants (mutated ants)
Color: Blue
Fluff: The Devil ants were once ants carried over as food for colonists during the long trip to Nibiru. The colony did not survive, but the ants did. The ants mutated, gaining in size and complexity as well as overall intelligence shown in complex planning and operations. As well the Devil ants became more adept at noticing mutations within their number. This new species has created a nest where the old colony once stood, stretching deep and wide below the surface.
-Don't fill out (unless told to)-
Settlements: First Nest
Territory: 56
Population: 284 (+8/turn)
Food: 373 (+13/turn)
Currency: N/A
Structures: Queen's Chamber, 9 lvls of Mushroom farms, Egg chamber I, Mine II
Defenses: 1.5 (First Nest)
1 (Second Nest)
Traps: [Ambush Tunnels]
Military: 3 Basic Soldier Drones
1 Warrior Drones [+.8][Poisonous] (2 Food Upkeep)
1 [Tank Drone {Large}[+1.2](-2 food/ore//turn)]
1 [Harvester Drone {Forager} [+.4](-1 food//turn ]
1 [Scout Drone (+1.4)[Flight][Infiltrate] (-2 food/turn)]
1 [Electro-drone [Anti-Espionage][+1][-1 food/turn]
Tech: [Foraging I] [Selective Breeding II] [Agriculture V] [Poison II] [Drone Morphism I] [Engineering I] [Sharpened Pincers II] [Enriched Diet II] [Scouting I] [Spiracles I] [Flight II] [Espionage I] [Tunneling I] [Electro-sensitivity II] [Speed II] [Mimicry I]
Resources: 13 Ore (-0/turn)
[Captive Menehune: 5]
[Wood: 2]
[Invasive Species]: The native fauna of the planet have no idea of your capabilities, making them easier to take down, though peaceful interactions are next to impossible.
[Mutations]: The Ants have found that they grow and evolve at an alarming rate, though outside technology is much harder for them to grasp.
>From previous thread
I'm not out to get you, I made a mistake. Though I am getting tired of this victim complex you seem to have.
Units are now 3.6
Update tonight.
Rolled 16, 37, 84, 26 = 163 (4d100)
1. Farm mountain super structure continues to be built. 13/25
+Agriculture V
+Tunneling I
+Engineering I
2. Search the young for new mutations.
3. Continue breeding for stronger and sharper Pincers. 1/5
+Selective Breeding II
4. Continue breeding for stronger spiracles for better breathing. 2/5
+Selective Breeding II
>Throwing resources blindly and at random
>Not to fix the roll when it needs it
British resourcefulness strikes again
Nation Name: Hunger
Nation Race(s): Morphed Infected Undead
Color: Yellow
Fluff: pastebin.com
-Don't fill out (unless told to)-
+[New Kazan]
+[New Omsk {Town}]
Territory: 49
Population (+4/turn): 97
Food (-4/turn): 55
Currency (+3/turn): 13
+1 [Nuclear Power Plant II]
+2 [Nuclear Power Plant I]
+2 [Mine II]
+1 [Auto-Factory I]
+1 [Lab II]
+1 [Airport I]
+1 [Port I]
+1 [Barracks I]
+1 [Missile Silo I {Bombard: 1}]
+1 [Breeding Pen I; +2 food/turn]
+1 [New Kazan]
+2 [Grunt Troops {Militia} {1d10}]
+1 [Famine Battalion {Shock Troopers} (+1) (Bombard: 1.5) (-2 food//turn)]
+1 [War Battalion {Shock Troopers} (+1) (Bombard: 1.5) (-4 food//turn)]
+1 [Death Battalion {Shock Troopers} (+.8)(Bombard:1)(-2 food//turn]
+1 [Harvester {Scavenger} {+.6} (-2 power/turn)]
+1 [Stealth Bomber {Stealth} [+1.6] [-3 power/turn])
+[Infantry II]
+[Engineering II]
+[Explosives II]
+[Hunger Bioweaponry III]
+[Hunger Stealth Aircraft I]
+[Plague Missiles I]
+[Targeting I]
+[Tactics I]
+[Aviation I]
+[Transport Ships I]
+[Uranium Engines I]
+[Subsistence-Based Military]
Power (+0/turn): 38
Ore (+4/turn): 111
+3 [Small Supply of Uranium {Power}]
+5 [Menehune Slaves]
looks more like he's trying to ensure the wonder completion for that extra dice
Rolled 71, 32, 72, 2 = 177 (4d100)
1. Continue working on the newest batch of clockwork men, New Albion has sent help. If the current batch finishes, begin working on the next one immediately. (2/4)
+Forging II
+Engineering II
+Infantry II
+Machinian Constructs III
+Efficiency III
+Power grid Optimization II(better power consumption)
+[Machinian heavy armor II]
+Heavy Drills III
+Autocannon III
+Workplace Efficiency
+Electronics I,
+Programming I
+[Rocketry I]
+[Rockets I]
+Forge II
+Machinist shop II
+Industrial Center
2. Continue to work on improving our heavy armor. We've made even more headway. We are very close. (4/8)
+Forge II
+Machine Shop II
+Forging II
+Engineering II
+Efficiency III
+Workplace efficiency I
+Industrial Center
3. Continue to improve of efficiency in the workplace. We need to produce from our forge faster. (1/5)
+Efficiency III
+Workplace efficiency I
+Industrial Center
4. The new designs look promising start construction and prototyping them, since the last tests were apparently inconclusive. (2/10)
+Forge II
+Machine Shop II
+Forging II
+Engineering II
+Efficiency III
+Workplace efficiency I
+Industrial Center
Ah yes well, every military has to have its parades. And what parade would it be without good ol' fashioned horses?
Rolled 68, 77, 66 = 211 (3d100)
[Detachment 5107]
Pop: 28 (+2/turn)
Food: 32 (+2/turn)
Currency: 18 (+3/turn)
Defenses (Capital): 1
Military: N/A
Structures: Detachment HQ, Mine II, Power Plant II, Quarry II, Farm II
Resources: Ore: 4 (+2/turn) Power: 3 (+2/turn) Stone: 3 (+2/turn)
Tech: Infantry II, Engineering I, Espionage II, Agriculture I, Tactics II, Psionics II, Psionic Weaponry I, Psionic Armor I, Medicine I, Leyline Manipulation I, Anti-espionage II, Cloaking II
[Guerrillas]: The Detachments are known for their stealthy tactics and... terrorist activities, to put things lightly. They receive a bonus to stealth and infiltration, but aren't really used to out-and-out warfare.
[The Gate]: Once the Gate is open, acquiring resources/tech/military will be much easier, but for now, Detachment 5107 will have to work with the native materials, and the native materials are trash compared to what is back home.
1. Finish training the spy 3/4
+Espionage II, Counter-espionage II
2. Architecture 1/4
+15 currency
3. Infantry platoon training 3/4
+Infantry II, Tactics II, Psionics II, Psionic Weaponry I, Psionic Armor I
Also Electronics I
Rolled 76, 77, 98, 29 = 280 (4d100)
1. Complete the Menehune breeding pen upgrades.
+Engineering II
2. +[Stealth I] research progresses.
+Lab II
+Hunger Stealth Aircraft I
3-4 +[Explosives III] research continues.
+Lab II
+Explosives II
Rolled 5, 34, 48 = 87 (3d100)
I have returned from my hunting trip in Afairika.
Now i am ready to begin research based at New Manchester, vassal of New Albion.
I know i have two dice to roll but what of my eccentricities? I was thinking of one called cognitive dissonance; whereby if i spend 2 dice on different research objective i'll gain an extra degree of success on the first one.
I also commandeer one dice as Sir Frederick Herbert Williamshire IV is presently indisposed.
1.) Construct Royal Imperial Tautological Society of Science
2.) Construct Royal Imperial Tautological Society of Science
>Sir Fredericks dice
3.) Construct Royal Imperial Tautological Society of Science
I hope i get a critical success.
>Time and again ignored or handled inferior results OR given things not even in construction
Again - it's really hard not to take it personally or as a conspiracy. One of the tripfags already made it clear what's going on IRC and this is pretty much what I assume from around thread 3 - a lot of shit poured on me behind my back. Combined with all the fumbles... yeah.
But I'm still here and since I've pretty much cracked the crunch two threads ago, I won't take any bullshit. Hence it comes off as a victim complex. From my perspective is not allowing to be drowned in shit.
Oh hey!
it's my original Courtier!
I didn't know if you'd be back. In your absence i actually let another player be a courtier, but he hasn't shown in days either.
Since he's not here, I can get his stats for you.
+5 ore on action one to boost the roll to an 81.
+13 currency and +8 power to boost action 4 to a 50 (attempting to complete research).
The Royal Society
Courtier of New Albion
Fluff: The Royal Society of New Albion for Improving Natural and Technological Knowledge, Better known as the Royal Society, Is an organization of scholars and men of science dedicated to furthering understanding of the world for the glory of the empire.Brave men of learning delve into every area of possible knowledge, making new discoveries, and creating brilliant new technologies. No stone unturned, no question unanswered.
[Royal Society]
(Courtier of New Albion)
Player-named government building
Defenses: 1
Military: 1 player-named militia
Techs: Aether Oscilator Disintegrators II, Forging I, Agriculture II, Foraging I, Engineering II, Infantry I, Shipbuilding I, Efficiency I, Conscription I, Electronics I, 'Mad' Energy Weapons I, Altech Renewable Energy I, Programming I, Albion Heavy Ships I
[Men of Learning]: The Royal Society are learned men, not soldiers. They can research technology more easily, but it is harder to field military units.
Current Projects:
University(Fluffed: "Royal Imperial Tautological Society of Science") 3/4
Is this acceptable as a working base?
Then he should just add resources AFTER the roll is made, not adding them blindly to the action. The resources are still taken, but might be completely useless.
Speaking about wonders, another note:
Instant finish of a 0/25 action due to rolling 100 is just stupid. I can understand getting +10 to progress. Or cutting out 5 from that 25. But instant finish is just wrong. Especially for an action that basically increase the potential of the nation by 20%
>The resources are still taken, but might be completely useless.
I'm not sure how Wheelie does it or if there's a threshold on how high a roll is until adding stuff to it doesn't help.
You mean 'mistakes'... which are harder to correct and easier to miss when a post is made in thread, rather than it being brought up in the IRC.
Further rudeness/insults will be ignored. Fair warning.
25 = +1
50 = +2
75 = +3
90-95 (not sure) = +4
125 = +5
It's really fucking simple to just notice the pattern. The details may wary, but those are sure-fire thresholds that grant results as described.
Making me really salty about my eccentricity allowing for lower threshold of success to get the basic +1 progress being ignored.
The real game-changer was confirmation it's possible to enchance the roll after it's made, instead of adding blindly. But the roll-to-progress ratio was obvious almost from the start.
>Since he's not here, I can get his stats for you.
Thank you old bean.
I'll begin researching the cryogenics project i talked with you about before.