I haven't seen any of these for a while.

Did the hype for capeshit end when Civil War's hype died?

Other urls found in this thread:

Also, I guess I should set a topic for the thread.

What kind of campaigns do you like better?
Saving a neighborhood or a city?
Saving the entire world, or even the entire universe?

I just came across Brave New World browsing a LGS.
Has anyone here had experience with the game? I want a second opinion before I try to buy a hardcover.

City size for standard, world-trouble hitting once in a while.


>Did the hype for capeshit end when Civil War's hype died?
Gamers are both fickle and deeply conservative and distrustful. Rough group to sell stuff to.

So guys, how do you make your superhero plots that aren't just villain of the week deal?

That's easy as hell.
Use the Claremont/Wolfman method of storytelling; focus on villain or monster of the week cases while having picked a more powerful arc villain who is either indirectly or directly behind many of the threats they face depending on the type of villain in question.
Hint at his involvement early on and every few capers hint at his involvement again. Never reveal him fully or even tell the players which villain it is.
Then finally have his plans come to fruition and have the players have a huge throwdown with him that's bigger and badder then the conflicts of the previous arc.

This is like, long term cape comic storytelling 101.
Admittedly 90% of current cape comic authors fail harder then a failed suicide attempt at it, but we can't fault failures for sucking at things; it's their nature.

I think the main issue was that we burned out and didn't have anything new to talk about.
any way here's the cape world stuff for anyone inserted.
>System repository

Cape World stuff:

>The Generals
>Las Vegas
>Generals' Villains

And yet the Power Rangers and Sailor Moon can pull this off almost flawlessly.

That's just the stuff saved in the pastebins. There's bits and pieces that were left out, like the updated German names and some of the Nazi supers.

Rangers/Sentai (as well as Riders often) do it most blatantly - there's the bad guy, in his secret bad guy lair, and he's making goons and sending them out to fuck shit up.

OP here, thanks for posting it. I couldn't find it anywhere.

They're less subtle about it, but yes, you are completely correct.

Most cape writers these days are overworked, burnt out, unable to spend time thinking creatively, not particularly well compensated even when they are significantly better compensated then their peers due to name recognition, under constant demand by parent companies who legitimately don't care if what they do is successful or not as long as the retain the IP's of the characters, and severely hampered in their attempts to write anything relevant by having grown up in the most insular and self-absorbed era of comics fandom ever.

They're less subtle about it, but yes, you are completely correct.

Most cape writers these days are overworked, burnt out, unable to spend time thinking creatively, not particularly well compensated even when they are significantly better compensated then their peers due to name recognition, under constant demand by parent companies who legitimately don't care if what they do is successful or not as long as the retain the IP's of the characters, and severely hampered in their attempts to write anything relevant by having grown up in the most insular and self-absorbed era of comics fandom ever.

Yeah, I was just gonna say.
Basically the cape general thread ended up being endless stroking of this cape setting a few folks were focusing on that probably very few people were even going to get any real use out of, and rather then actually make a setting out of it that was playable they basically turned it into a amature writing exercise, as evidenced by the existence of a Quest based off of it on /qst/ right now.
It's especially aggregating because as one of the people who majorly contributed to that initial superhero team I am at least partially at fault for it.

"Compulsive worldbuilding" seems to be a thing that crops up on Veeky Forums every so often.

I don't mind it, but when it's used to build a world just for the sake of building a world and they forget to leave player-ins for actual PC's it just becomes writing and therefore doesn't belong in Veeky Forums.

I helped create that first team because it was a fun exercise in using the random generator, not because my OCD demanded I create an entire world around them.

I was the one who made the comment that I wouldn't want to be rescued by a team of Hollywood supers because they would never shut up. That seemed to be one of the majr catalysts for the entire process. The Generals themselves were inoffensive.

well there's been a Capeworld Quest on /qst/ run by the sibella quest guy.

And I've been doing prep work of my own.

It stopped being posted because of the endless worldbuilding of a setting Veeky Forums probably will never use.

Eh, this is Veeky Forums, it may as well stand for "TanGent" as the populace loves to fly on them.

And yeah, it went into people dumping ideas. Which is nice and useful in certain situations, but not straight and bake a setting.

> as evidenced by the existence of a Quest based off of it on /qst/ right now.
Ooh, there's another one after a first partly deadbeat try?
And by an experienced QM now, nice.

>it just becomes writing and therefore doesn't belong in Veeky Forums.
Dude. What.
Writing has all the places on tg.

>I helped create that first team because it was a fun exercise in using the random generator, not because my OCD demanded I create an entire world around them.
Given how they are unconnected to everything else and the spirit realms was stapled onto BB post-factum, that's not really how it went.
Rather "ooh, creating things!" - "must create more things!" - "pile the things together!"

>I don't mind it, but when it's used to build a world just for the sake of building a world and they forget to leave player-ins for actual PC's
That's not really workable in good superhero settings, given that a hallmark is hero being connected to the villains.
The Generals were basically the PCs of the Cape World, with a team of archnemeses. But it's only workable as a prefab adventure for newbies (ok, I got this gang of characters, pick one to play as).

To be fair, I did like some of the heroes that cropped up out of the whole project, like Waveracer and Emerald Blaze. They're inoffensive enough. I even liked Ingrid, Swedish granddaughter of Astrid, the Valkyrie ex-Nazi super.

Barnstormer, too. Those all may be me being a little biased.

Yeah there's always some pretty cool stuff in the outpourings.

I liked the Barnstormer ( hivemind sniped me while I was typing) and the rest of Hollywood can kinda tagalong.
The sea team with Waveracer, Blue Crab and the girls is fine too.
The cryptids group is good for background humour.
I'm taking some city ideas, everything for Las Vegas for example.

The Generals would be good but the stuff that is worked out for them is from the perspective of them /as PCs/, so not too good to slot into games (opposed to say, Hollywooders popping up from time to time and you can see or even trigger the plotted change)

But the >muh big setting sentiment mandates cataloguing everything as equal canon and equal good and that's dum.

The Amazons were okay too, even if there technically wasn't all that much written for them. All that was mentioned was that they're similar to DC Amazons, except a fair amount of their prowess comes from blessed armaments and equipment that only they can use to their full power. It's how we can have heroes like Minerva as not-Wonder Woman.

Where do you like your heroes on the pretty-ugly spectrum?

Setting idea: from a stylistic angle, a setting in which there never was a Comics Code Authority and the company and setting survived to today.

Between good-looking and ugly heroes, I don't mind either way. I usually play average-looking ones, unless I have an idea for a character which includes handsomeness/ugliness.

All I can think of is porn.

The dark ages will probably happen a few decades earlier.

That honestly depends on the characters personality. It´s one of the two parts making them who they are, next to their powers.

But most of the time pretty, because sorry, they´re better to look at.

Are we talking conventional-pretty or stop-traffic-dead-in-its-tracks-at-the-sight-of-them-pretty?

The former. The latter would just get in the way, unless it also distracts the bad guy.

>Ditzy wide-eyed blonde who is exceedingly pretty and doesn't realize just how pretty she is
Like a modern Betty Boop or something.

I've been thinking of running a superhero based game but I have no idea which setting and system is the best, any advice?

Setting is your choice. System can only be recommended based on preference. For example:
>Do you know d20?
If yes, then pick Mutants & Masterminds, because you already know how half the system works.

What system could fit a game set in Wildbow's Wormverse?

The way I see it, in a broad sense, super powers come in two flavors: single effect and spectrum effects. Single effect consists of things like being able to shoot lasers from your eyes or fly. You're a (possibly very strong) one trick pony. Spectrum effects are things like telepathy or gravity manipulation--powers that control a spectrum of something (thoughts, gravity, water).

The second group, I feel, is the problem with super games in that they can be and seemingly are made to be abused. How do you deal with a group that is half single effect and half spectrum effect where the spectrum supers are IC genre savvy enough to abuse their powers?

Side note, how do you feel about a super who is a reincarnated old god priest who did not awaken until recently and whos life until then has changed their morals to be a hero? Pic related

>How do you deal with a group that is half single effect and half spectrum effect where the spectrum supers are IC genre savvy enough to abuse their powers?
A spectrum user is only as capable as he is smart. You could have users who would have amazing potential with their powers if they weren't so retarded and didn't realize what they were capable of.

Thanks user

it would probably be unrecognizable. a good reason why superhero comics became as big as they where was because of the CCA.
and I know, I know "the CCA almost killed comics!" and it did but it also forced the creators to get creative to get around the restrictions and boost sales. restrictions paradoxically tend to encourage creativity and ideas and one of these ideas would have been a shared universe like the ones we see today.
a CCA-less comics industry at least in the superhero department would probably still be single superhero stories unaffected by other heroes outside of cameos and crossovers.

>restrictions paradoxically tend to encourage creativity and ideas
Holy shit, I thought I was the only person who got this.

Just to be sure, I can include capeworld stuff in my own setting or campaign, rigth?

The entire justification for Cape World generation going on as long as it did was so that there would be a giant raft of material that anyone could draw on to help create their own campaigns. You don't have to use everything.

well there's the weaver dice stystm made for the setting but I hear that it's better as a character creator then as a gaming system.
otherwise maybe just try M&M?
funny, I thought the same thing. some form of restrictions tend to help me focus on what needs to be focused on.
of course, that what it was made for after all.
helps that it was just plain old fun to come up with a whole little setting.

I've had RPers try to say that total freedom is the true catalyst for creativity. They never got it.

So are we going to build a team or what? Theater of operation? Power level? Big bad?

Come on, Veeky Forums.


Alright, maybe some random generation?

Roll 13d20.

Rolled 20, 14, 14, 11, 5, 20, 17, 6, 1, 14, 18, 8, 18 = 166 (13d20)

>Weather Controller
What it says on the tin. Nature's your bitch.

You use some form of technology or super-science to achieve your weather control. You are far smarter than the average person, but your intelligence is obviously focused on meteorology.

>Raging, Facilitator
You anger easily, and with you prefer to use your abilities to set-up allies for team attacks and other such stunts.

You have an excellent sense of the weather and a fantastic perception and insight. Not much escapes you.

>Whirlwhind, Tornado, Downdraft, Dazzling Strike, Stormy Weather
Your offensive powers are focused around area attacks, although you do possess powers which can target specific enemies and daze or confuse them.

You are immune to the effects of your own attacks, as well as the effects of weather in general.

Whatever technological means you use to control the weather must have some sort of powered exoskeleton or advanced armor, because you have the ability to greatly increase your defenses for short periods.

You have the ability to surf on the currents of air you produce.

So all around you're fairly powerful, but only from a distance. Up close you're not much in a fight.


Phantom Lady is cute. CUTE!

a meteorologist with big dreams, he helped build a artificial nervous system meant to allow someone to control the weather on a local scale.
however a terrorist attack forced him to bond the artificial nervous system to himself in order to keep it safe.
while he was able to defeat the terrorists the ANS was left permanently bonded to him and he now uses it in service of the Greek government while the other surviving scientists try to get it off him before it affects his mind to much.
his mind has began to break down due to the artificial nervous system and while some anger issues are all that has happened so far he constantly worried if one day he'll actually believe he's Zeus.

While it is true that restriction breeds creativity it is also worth noting that restriction for restriction's sake is obnoxious. The balance of freedom versus restriction is a spectrum not a binary quality. Too much freedom and your solutions will lose emotional impact because anything you try is virtually identical under the hood. The illusion is lifted, the Emperor is naked. Too much restriction will create resentment because the solutions become too similar, too specific, too creatively stifling.

Restrictions and freedoms need to be applied in the right places in order to make an RPG truly fun.

Who is up for making some villains ?

Roll 6d100
1=Physical form 2=Origin of powers 3-5= Weakness generation 6=Number of powers, Talents and contacts

Rolled 86, 90, 98, 45, 64, 84 = 467 (6d100)

Rolled 99, 39, 1, 40, 7, 69 = 255 (6d100)

Lets give this a go

Physical Form
-Robot Metamorphic
Metamorphic Robot: This is a robot
whose design is so flexible it can change
into two or more forms, each possessing
different Physical Abilities and Physical
Powers. Most Metamorphs have a dual
nature. The primary form is a
humanshape; the secondary form may
be a vehicle or usuform. Both forms
weigh the same, but may be different
Origin of Power
-Energy Exposure
The hero was exposed
to a special form and Intensity of
energy— anything out of the ordinary will
do—and turned into his present self
Weakness Generation
-Effect-Power Negation
-Duration-Limited Duration after Contact
Power Generation
-Powers 8/10
-Talents 3/6
-Contacts 3/6
Lets roll 2d100 for each of the 8 powers

Rolled 77, 51 = 128 (2d100)

1)Physical Enhancement-Regeneration*
*=worth 2 slots
2) ^^^^^^^^^^

Rolled 53, 90 = 143 (2d100)

3)Matter Conversion-Molecular Conversion*
4) ^^^^^^^^^^
damn transforming any material into any compound of equal weight
we have 4/8 of the powers


I miss these threads

>Captain Britannia

Excellent! I've been considering starting a Mutants and Masterminds General, but it looks like I won't have to!

Does anyone have a copy of the new book they're willing to share? It's the 3e version of the teen superheroes book.

Is the green-colored girl in the back with all the spines and horns pregnant?

I thougth the teen superheroes book wasn´t out yet?

He runs at the speen of rage! When this adroit adonis experiences anger he gains a burst of super speed! The Madder he gets the faster he gets! But can he maintain the focus needed to save the day when his blood boils rage?

It is.

Okay. That´s good news.

Give me a bit, maybe it´s already in the pdf link I got from one of the old threads.

Then at some point he might lose himself in anger and run into/across anyone or anything that is on his way, no matter if it's an ally, an enemy or an innocent person?

Can´t open the 3e section for some reason.

I'm getting "Folder not found" messages.

Weird. It worked fine on my PC. Sorry user.

I get that message too, maybe with the button "Share this folder" they give you a valid link? The title of the window is "My Files" so it would make sense that link only works from your account.

I hope this one works.

Nice, it works.
Thank you user.

Depends on the system. M&M for example wouldn't offer any advantage in strength for their limitation, so I'd forgo the whole disparity by giving them tips on how to expand their basic effect. My go-to is to give your usual powerhouse some area attacks and stuns; laser eyes guy can vary angle and power to make area damage attack or a blinding flash and so on.

>Side note, how do you feel about a super who is a reincarnated old god priest who did not awaken until recently and whos life until then has changed their morals to be a hero? Pic related
Very nice, would let in. Love me some Prototype shenanigans.

That depends on amount of restrictions and is often parroted dumbassly when the restrictions go way over. coughdndfighterscough.

Do you give your players a bonus if they team attack? What do you give them exactly? Do your baddies also team attack sometimes?

Hero High 3e isn't in that particular trove.

Well, yeah. I thougth that it migth be in there, whish is why I said maybe and linked it.

Already began to look and ask around.

I'm playing a rules-light w/ heavy punishment supers game soon and decided to roll two powers for 7 gang leaders in the players area. The powers set up top makes getting goons easy but what's their end goal. I can't figure out a shady trade for this character to be in the congruent with their ability.

tldr; what evil business works with these powers?

Love Inducement would work to kidnap girls easily as a pimp, I guess.

Enhanced Visibility could make a gang leader a celebrity, and they could have some support from the people.

I'm totally sure there are more evil business for these powers, but this is what I came up with.

Would it make sense for the girls to actually like whoring themselves out for this super?

And would cops or other supers finding him with his/her whore's wave it off easily or apologize for locking him in?

I didn't mean the girls would like whoring themselves, what I meant is it would make the kidnapping process easier. A handsome man who they immediately fall in love with flirts with them, then invites them to his house. When that man makes them whore themselves, it would start a complex "hate that I love him" feeling.
tl;dr: It's more of a way to make the girls fall into the trap than a way of making them enjoy it.

Cops would probably fall under the power, but supers should have enough mental strenght to endure it.

So what do you think? Should he/she& pimp these girls for where money, or sell these girls off to the wealthy to never be seen again?

>whore money

Aurocorrectopic is wonderful.

Also, guess we can do this. Go on the powerlisting wiki and find random power sets. The next two powerless with smiling functions or abilities creates that super person.

I guess he solidifies his hell fire since it is a former of light. Pretty cool

Well, both sound good. Actually, why not make this: The random girls she seduces on the streets, he/she pimps them. However, every now and then, the gang investigates a wealthy/famous/really pretty girl. That kind of girls are sold in secret auctions, or something among those lines. Before you make this, user, make sure your players won't cringe or be uncomfortable with this, and your campaign's tone won't be affected by this.

I can do both. And I planned on each session changing from bright to dark the further we get through the story. I guess I'll tell them just in case. But this guy defintely won't be the first villian to face.

There's a lot of fanfics that combine the Wormverse with Exalted.

>Wormverse and Exalted
That ougth to end in complete disaster.

I never really bothered to read them. I just know that there's a lot where Skitter's an Abyssal or or an Infernal.

Eyup. A disaster waiting to happen. Going to start looking for them.

How do I into ALL MIGHT?

Alternate form with enhanced speed, strength, and durability. Extremely limited in functional time, compulsion to do good, compulsion to live up to The Symbol of Hope, compulsion to keep weakness a secret, extremely frail/sickly original body.

How you go about it depends on the system. But you could probably just find an Hourman build and amp it up to match Captain Marvel or Superman levels.

A bunch of fags took the general over and killed it

I'm running a supers game in Savage Worlds, one-shot stuff for days when we can't play our normal game. Anyone have any good system-agnostic random tables for super hero stuff?

Fuck off, this is what got the last general eaten alive by autists