Gilneas Will Rise Again edition
Discuss the lore of the Warcraft setting and its relation to tabletop gaming, and plan Warcraft based games
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Gilneas Will Rise Again edition
Discuss the lore of the Warcraft setting and its relation to tabletop gaming, and plan Warcraft based games
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First for Jaina did nothing right.
Second for Horde deserve to burn.
Except the horde gets to win and even take gains like azshara with that fucking horde logo and andorhal where the alliance loses a flightpoint while the most powerful alliance leaders all become neutral questgivers
In WC3 my favorites were the orcs but I'm so tired of this bullshit, the alliance jobbing every time just to take the RvB rolling
It doesn't help that the Alliance has literal living superweapons in Velen, Malfurion and Jaina who could wreck the Horde by themselves but don't because plot contrivance.
>Theramore is allowed to exist because it promises neutrality
>immediately joins the Alliance after the Horde leaves it alone
>becomes the largest Alliance settlement in Kalimdor outside of traditional elven land
>begins funneling troops into the Barrens
>gets attacked as a legitimate strategic target
>why do they persecute me so?
So I'm actually running a 4E Warcraft game to fill the void while some of our regulars are away. It's a Horde game and I thought I'd throw past the vague idea that I had just for some dumb adventure.
Party are in Azshara, working for Goblins who are doing their usual Goblin thing of strip mining and deforesting every square inch of the damn place. They break into some old cave system, rampaging earth elementals everywhere, a party is sent in to deal with it but they don't come back. The party are sent in to find out what happened to the other guys, turns out that earth elementals aren't the real problem as there are some buried Highborn ruins down there. Inside is/was a statue of Queen Azshara created by the greatest Highborn sculptor to ever live, and such was his overwhelming devotion (and madness) that he created a likeness so perfect that it became linked to her.
The previous party have become completely bewitched by the statue which possesses her enchanting beauty and all that, as well as passively mind-controlling people to obey the will of queen. I'm unsure exactly where to go from here but one of the party members is going to have run off with the statue and is off doing some nefarious demon summoning shenanigans. The Naga are present in Azshara doing stuff so maybe he's doing something involved with them?
It's not the most amazingly complex thing in the world but I wanted to create something that feels like one of those relatively long quest chains you get.
theramore was always part of the alliance you clod.
The Alliance has
>a navy, the horde pulled out theirs out of hammerspace despite not having a single port
>a factory city
>an airforce with helicopters, airfields and shit
>a spaceship
>established land with mines, farms, lumberyards and shit, not ravaged by war and not recently settled
>a floating city full of wizards
>a literal big G God
>all her ancients and demigods too
>even the dragons favor them
>spess windchimes too
>a 25.000 year old leader who can see the future
>not one but two commanders with 10k years of experience in guerilla warfare
>even some titan shit
But the horde wins everything everywhere and the Alliance is ebul rayciss for daring to strike back aganist the dindu orcs.
There's a difference between attacking a military target and committing genocide via nuke that vaporizes the souls of those it kills.
Didn't you play Warcraft 3?
Campaign Idea: Players are war vet's coming home from a tour of Duty in the Dwarven lands after helping their allies with getting rid of some flithy green skins in Grim Batol and some of the Wetlands as well.
However upon traveling on the Royal Highway they are attacked by small pests that shouldn't be within a mile of the damn place. This later leads to them finding out from local villages that Gilneas is at civil war with the half finished Gate as Darius Crawly and Glen Greymane are at odds over what to do with the Gate. Should it be open for all refugees or should it be finished post haste and left sealed?
Alongside that the Scourge is making it's move as roving war bands of the undead make their way through Silverpine heading for Dalaran. It's up the players to decide what they should do, join with Greymane's isolation idea or help Darius with trying to save as many people as they can through any means necessary?
After that I was thinking that Jaina might offer them a ride to Kalimdor as the months play out showing the land becoming drenched in sickness as the corruption spreads.
Theramore was founded when everyone assumed there was no Alliance in the Eastern Kingsoms anymore, and that the last remnants of anything that could be called an Alliance were the members of Jaina's expedition. As far as anybody on Kalimdor was concerned, until Daelin showed up to start shit, Theramore WAS the only "Alliance" that existed, and was specifically on neutral-to-friendly terms with both the Horde and the Night Elves.
Where the horde was a proud shamanistic underdog wishing for a new beginning instead of passive-agressive imperalistic cunts? Yeah I played that game.
Tbh the most powerful Horde leader also became a neutral questgiver in Cata.
We know that a lot of lordaeronians fled to beyond the alterac mountains and dalaran during wc3 and escaped to stormwind.
The alliance was never gone. It was there and theramore was still part of the alliance.
Well question does the statue know it's a fake or that its the real deal? If it's the real deal then it might try to get rid of the imposter that is running around all scaled and covered in Old God magic. So let's say that the converted Party and Statue go off and find these Naga, upon learning that the Naga are willing to listen to her, Statue uses the readily aviable man power to orginaze a proper foot hold in Azshara instead of WW2 blitz tactics of throwing more bodies into the grinder. Then from learning of her double she might attempt to either A: Summon her double from the depths with Naga/Highborn magic B Do what the original did and dally with demons while dominating them or C a mix of both using the demons to help get rid of her double.
The big end game plan for Statue however should reflect with what we know of the Queen. She /was/ queen and wants her damn empire back, be it from meticulously reconquering the world or using plot device to raise the seabed to reclaim what was lost.
>Garrosh tells Sylvanas to invade Gilneas to get a port
>the forsaken start the invasion with a navy
who writes this shit
We know that now, but when the expedition was leaving, it was because the prophet said "The Eastern Kingdoms will burn, you need to be on a different continent now". At the time, there was no reason to believe anybody was still alive there.
the dark lady is just that good user :^)
she got the Val'kyr to raise Lordaeron's fleet obviously
Humanity will rise again.
Would it be difficult to implement non!Abyss Watchers?
I was thinking that it's not truly sentient, or at least not for the moment, perhaps the longer it's 'activated' it starts to sort of form a consciousness and actual personality and goes for the whole "Fuck the 'real' Azhara, she's a fish now."
Of course the party is fairly low level so she's not actually going to be a threat to the real Azhara or anything on that scale, she's a statue with building delusions of grandeur.
Just came here to post RiP WoW TCG. Too good for this world.
just play Hearthstone user :^)
Not gonna lie have had some fun playing hearthstone, but the WoW TCG was, bar none the best I think I ever played.
So, I've been hopping between either Troll Warrior or Troll Hunter. If I went the latter, I'd be aiming for a Shadow Hunter-type character. But something hit me while considering the former: how do you justify a Warrior in a world with Mages, Warlocks, and whatnot?
So whatever happened to Arthas' corpse?
>Implying warrior's Rage isn't just a form of magic, channeled through their body
warriors in Warcraft are basically muscle wizards. They get so fucking angry that they can bend reality and do stuff that shouldn't be physically possible.
who cares how much magic you can do when the guy you're fighting can turn himself into stone, reflect your spells, and spin so fast that you get pulled into his sword?
what happened?
jaina fucks it vigorously while crying to herself.
Also if you try and cast, they punch you in in the face to stop it.
So it's less about being an average Fighter and more about being, say, a Barbarian or (if I can use Dragon Age as an example) a Reaver?
The mana bomb was neither of those things.
>a weapon so powerful it destroys theramore in ALL timelines
bravo blizzard.
they're probably closest to a mixture between the two. There's the rage fueled attacks of a barbarian, but they also have the more conventional soldier aspects of a fighter, powered by limited magic in the form of getting very mad
You're not quite getting how strong the best of the best warriors are in Warcraft. We're talking Hercules, Beowulf, and Gilgamesh-esque shit. You want to cast a spell that will make you fall slowly so you don't break your precious little legs? A warrior will just jump off the tallest possible building they can find and jump harder mid-air on the way down without taking any damage. The most powerful spells in an Archmage's spellbook can't even faze Sargeras but a really angry Orc with a magic axe made him bleed. And there's hundreds of these fuckers running around.
Pretty much. The Warrior class in WoW is less DnD fighter (who'se abilities are limited to "I make a full attack with my longsword") and more like the barbarian (tough as fuck, rages so hard they gain quasi-supernatural abilities), only unlike the barbarin he can also wear heavy armor.
Post sexy liches
>timelines in which Theramore never existed just get a random explosion on an uninhabited island
That ought to confuse everyone except the Bronze Dragonflight.
Admittably, him being hurt by the axe was less to do with the orc being angry and more with the axe being blessed by a literal demigod. Which actually is consistent with the game; IIRC, Archimonde in WC3 is immune to all damage except chaos (done by other demons, and the fel orcs) and divine (done by Cenarius). Well, that and goblin landmines due to a programming oversight.
Thanks, anons, I can work with that.
Don't matter how good your axe is if you aren't angry enough to swing it hard enough. You think some puny mage is gonna be able to wield a good axe properly? Obviously not. It takes the raw STRONK and MAD of a warrior to hit things really, really hard.
>implying it'll confuse anyone other than possibly the Murlocs and the black dragons nearby
Just imagine the timelines where Theramore is the biggest Human port city. Geopolitics are going to be fucked. And the anti-Elf humans who will claim the Elves did it will be right.
You also gotta remember than Warriors can either be frothing berserkers who run at you dual wielding two handed weapons, calm weapon masters who hit you so hard it shatters armor and makes you take more damage, or protectors who can literally ignore most of the damage that's being done to them
There isn't any evidence it did that, either.
There's mention of being able to glimpse into other realities from the blast, but nothing about it destroying theoretical alt-Theramore.
Well if it was controlled by a human and DIDN'T join the Alliance then all the players might get all confused!
This is the kind of logic people like Blizzard base their decisions on.
How big is Kalimdor and the eastern kingdoms compared to Europe?
Well, it takes about a days worth of travel on gryphonback to travel from Hillsbrad to the Wetlands.
Or a good chuck of the day to go from Karazhan to the Swamp of Sorrows/Black Morass.
>there are timelines where Theramore is the only remnant of humanity left after the Scourging
>8 years after the Third War it's completely annihilated for no discernible reason without any warning
the bz df pretty much states that theramore gets totalled in every timeline they see.
While mages are throwing fire and crap around as if there's no tomorrow, really powerful magic in Warcraft (based on WC3 and WoW) seems to be limited by various means... by being ritualsic with preparation and casting times, requiring more casters, specfic locations, or rare reagents or powerful artifacts. There are few exceptional casters who can ignore that (Medivh, Gul'dan), most mages are limited to combat spells which aren't that much better than smacking your foe with a sword or shooting at him from a cannon.
I wonder how that timeline's Arthas will feel about that.
>his waifu is dead
>mad LK invades our timeline to kill garrosh
>scourge 2.0 electric boogaloo.
>who writes this shit
Can we all just admit that AU's and time travel are the dumbest things in fiction and smell more like desperation from a IP with a dwindling franchise than an actual progression or even viable character study?
Huh. I never saw that.
Which dragon says that, and where?
WC3 states a month from Stratholme (which really should have port... Lordaeron being surrounded by water on 3/4 of its border (north, west, south in Hillsbrad and east in New Avalon) and only having two harbors doesn't make mush sense) to Daggercap Bay in Northrend (two months from New Avalon to Dragonblight according to Abbendis' journal, but she notes her ships were heavy loaded and slow). Six days from Andorhal to border of Quel'thalas, but unknown travel speed, on the one hand, undead don't need to rest, on the other, armies move slowly. 3 days from Kel'thuzad's ressurection to Alterac (possibly with magic)
They can work, but only if they're the core premise you're exploring.
I agree with you. In this cade I think blizz did WoD because they wanted to refresh people for the warcraft movie
It can be done right. It wasn't done right in Warcraft
I'm still not sure why Bronze Dragonflight did nothing about Garrosh getting to AU 'verse. Even if they lost their power after Deathwing's destruction, time meant nothing to them, dragon from a time before that crap could've traveled to (his) future and smack them.
>I'm still not sure why Bronze Dragonflight did nothing about Garrosh getting to AU 'verse.
because it's not their problem. They're in charge of protecting Azeroth's timeways. Once Garrosh left they had no reason to care
WoW TCG was nice. But Hearthstone fills the gap well.
I really liked levelling in WoD. It was pretty nice as a standalone thing
I will agree, but the IP still needs to be exclusively about said premise.
>Back to the Future
>Rick and Morty
All are good but only exist to explore the premise. It's terrible in everything else.
The leveling in WoD was great, and I'm glad Legion is going to continue it. I just hope the endgame in Legion will have content.
supposedly Suramar is one of the better endgame zones Blizzard has made, and we're getting more in later patches too
>Stratholme (which really should have port...
>Stratholme, the chief source of Alliance oil in the north, is preparing to deliver massive amounts of oil to the kingdoms in western Lordaeron. You must sabotage their Refineries and Platforms to halt this shipment. Once Stratholme's ability to gather and process Oil is destroyed, proceed to crush any and all resistance offered by the Alliance.
It used to
Man, I just wish they'd bring back Kul Tiras.
Yea, they seem to have forgotten about it completely
I was so dead sure they'd bring it back for Cata.
eh, they are coming back in legion.
Its hard to talk about Dreanor without Azeroth though, since their histories are so intrinsically linked. The flight must have known what happened to one would affect Azeroth in that timeline
Garrosh bringing Iron Horde through the Dark Portal made it their problem, though
I wish I played more WoD. It came out right after I graduated from college and I lost my place in my raiding guild because I had a potato router at home. I just got my palky to 100 then quit
>the raiding was the best it had ever been but the story was cancer.
>I wish I played more WoD.
You might be a first for something in your whole life.
I liked a lot of the minor stuff they introduced, like the Sargerei and more lore on the Arakkoa, and the idea of getting to see Draenor before it blew up was neat. Shame the basic premise is incredibly stupid, though, and so much content was left out that the whole expansion was pretty much gutted.
I think this is the general consensus. While the reason we got to see more Arakkoa was dumb as all hell, getting more Arakkoa was great.
pretty much this. The flying arakkoa almost made the entire expansion worth it.
Yea, the premise is idiotic. But as a standalone it started out well. It had so much potential and wasted all of it.
Like the garissons could have been proper customizable player housing..
It could be worse
He could have said he wishes for another year of Hellfire Citadel
>another year of Hellfire Citadel
They pulled another SoO?
t. Someone who quit early in WoD
At this time I am wishing for warcraft to die. Its like watching a brain dead relative on life support.
also, checked.
HFC's first birthday was like a week ago, it'll be 14 months when Legion comes out
HFC would be more replayable if you didn't have to start with fucking assault. Fuck that fight.
(not 14 months replayable, but better)
I did Iron Reaver for the first time this week and I understand what the LFR version had DPS for needed role. That fight is garbage
I took a huge break from WoW and I'm not trying to get my ring before Legion, that's why I did it for the first time
That art is shit. His hand is the size of his head...
That's how Warcraft humans are proportioned.
Warcraft has always had questionable proportions.
ever fight sucks in LFR, Assault and Socrethar suck on every difficulty because their mechanics are silly
Never forget tiny orc shoulder armor
I could start on how much i dislike wow, but i don't think that really helps here....
I would rather be covered in bees than be in this thread.
What would've happened if Arthas didn't take Frostmourne?
What would've happened if Arthas didn't purge Stratholme?
(are a twat)
(are a twat)
Then why are you here?
No one is forcing you to post here you cad.
The undead would have gotten a massive army of zombies, and would have overwhelmed Lordrean anyway.
Somewhat related, does anyone know why the hell "The Guardian" seemed lawful good, compared to most of his old god worshiping chaotic evil reverent brothers? He seemed to genuinely want to protect Arthas from Frostmoure.