New Stuff Edition
Dark Mechanicum time? Sub-Edition
In the last thread we saw one user's attempt at painting, we educated a 40k player wanting to get into 30k, Mastodons are hard to build, the RSs are getting transfer sheets, IWfags can get very hungry, Magnus's local toaster molesters' color scheme is now known, Inferno has been delayed, and we saw pics from Opening Day plus much more in the last thread Red Book Links:
HH Book 6 - Retribution PDF:
Official HH 7th Edition Errata (Updated January 2016) -
Other official downloads:
HH Rules:
Crusade Army List:
Mechanicum Taghmata Army List:
30k/40k Rules:
30k/40k Rules and more (torrents):
30k Black Library:
Strawpoll links:
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
Other urls found in this thread:
Golden Rules of Forge World
1. We don't know what an "editor" is
2. You guys like multi-parts right? What about multi-multi-parts?
3. Inferno is delayed
First for toxic chainaxes
At least Inferno's not going to end up like Half Life 3. The Siege of Terra book will be like that.
>shoot my left side not my right side
Third for Deredeos becoming quite scary, skull automata looking awesome and not using Iron Warriors as a step
Slow down, from the floor:
>It might get even slower. They may split Dark Angels and Blood Angels, and may or may not (at least entirely) focus on Thramas and/or Signus, it's still a bit undecided. They have ideas, especially for some non BL stuff ala Retribution for both.
>Iron Warrior terminator, possibly very hungry
>Weakspots: right vambrace and greave
>Using face as a step is allowed
Another titbit from B&C
>Biggest thing on Custodes I heard was "Don't convert anything you have now. Non of the weapons or armour types will be anything like it"
Curious. Would go against all their artwork so far (bolters on the halberds) if true.
And a pic taken by somebody that bought the skitecutor upgrade sets.
And the other one.
But why?
>"Don't convert anything you have now. Non of the weapons or armour types will be anything like it"
FW changing something that's been around for ages because of raisins? That's a first.
Repostan, might work for mechanicum bases or too elfy?
because the HH series is a cashcow they plan on milking for at least 10 more years
then we get the scouring , which will probably be even better 2bh
The runes aren't necessarily elvish, so that could be an option, certainly. You may want to add some more Egyptian iconography in addition though, but they are gorgeous bases.
I'm using their "Meteor" style bases, wanted to create a more void-warfare styled AL list, as if they're attacking a moon or asteroid.
Quite elfy. Which is good, meaning your bots killed those elves.
They look great, with a different paintjob those can easily look less elfy and more warpy.
custodes will get fancy bolterhalberds.
also it shouldve been pretty obvious that their armor would be very different looking, they might even be taller than marines. its basically just FW saying 'no random open day, retard you cant convert a calth marine into custodes'
i want to see their rules
How can you have power armor and bolters unlike any other?
>custodes will get fancy bolterhalberds
This can only mean their bolters will be Assault 2 weapons.
I think they'll have Auric armour (be wounded on no better than a 3+) and their bolters will be Rending like Dorn's.
Also WS/BS5
Custodes will have 2+/2++
They will probably be stupid expensive, think mini independent characters. Wouldn't be surprised if they where 30-40 ppm
yeah i agree with all of that. theyll probably have 3 attacks base, since the weapon is 2 handed. 2 wounds, 2+4++. and FW will probably end up giving them ap2 at i5 or something crazy since FW wants to sell kits
>thallax cost 40
Deathshroud are a unit made entirely out of characters. Command squads should be characters too, though
As in, with lot of bling bling?
>Nothing but conversion bits and shit we've seen before
The disappointment is real
yeah theyll probably be 2W terminator equivalent. i could see them getting up to like 60ppm if they give them ap2 at initiative
>yeah theyll probably be 2W terminator equivalent.
But then how would your naked WE sgt kill them? :^)
I hope Valdor is a w6 2+/3++ smashfucker
>Inferno is delayed
obviously custodes will have to be t3 so my inductii sergeant can ID him with his free chainaxe :^)
Somebody near me asked Alan Bligh if they were going to make Prospero Spireguard Rough Riders.
Alan Bligh looked at the guy like he just whipped out his dick. I laughed when he replied with "Horses in space?"
Nah. Almost certainly universal 2+ but invul saves would likely be upgrades capped at 5+ outside of terminators and characters.
That makes sense . But will their better Cataphractii have 3++? Or some way of getting squads with 3++ the same Saladmancers and Fist do?
kek alan bligh rules
honestly the rules should be that way but FW has been throwing around invuln saves like crazy so nothing would surprise me.
>That makes sense . But will their better Cataphractii have 3++? Or some way of getting squads with 3++ the same Saladmancers and Fist do?
Shields? Makes sense for the guards of the emperor to have access to shields. What I would like to see more than anything though is tons of wargear options and individual customizability.
>Can give any individual model invul saves
>Can give any individual model better weapons
>Can give any individual model guns
So if you had say a unit of 10 you could say get 3 dudes with a 3++ and throw them in front to absorb fire, give 5 dudes better melee weapons, and give the champion the best of everything for challenges.
After all custodes were much more custom built than marines.
Nobody cared who I was until I started handing out +1Str
I'm not sure about shields for custodes. Custodes fight alone rather than with their comrades, so they wouldn't exactly be forming shieldwalls. If they do get them I'd think it'd be more like a personal buckler than the big slab shields the astartes use.
It's actually quite amazing how little people have taken note of chainaxes as long as 30k has been a thing. I can't think of a single time anyone has even mentioned them until this book came out.
>3. Inferno is delayed
Aside from Wolves' special Destroyers and Sons' psychic assassins, do we know anything else about the things they are getting?
Thunderwolf riders are confirmed
Do away with the "ALL models must X". Good idea.
They say several Custodes operated as assassins/infiltrators...does this mean we will see Custodes in carapace?
Or in oiled abs? :^)
Nope. FW staff was super secretive.
What a fucking weird day. The best part of today are the space wolf fans blowing a gasket because they feel mistreated.
>Hurr hurr fuck dem new knight heads, gief space wulf heads
I think the idea is so they can protect the emperor from enemy fire, so if a bunch of xenos or something started shooting at him during the early crusade they could form a wall to protect him.
No one getting speshul Destroyers could ever feel mistreated.
Maybe chainaxes were buffed because SW's didn't want shitty weapons? As in, the upgrade was intended for SWs, not WEs
just wait until the book comes out and SW dont have stupidly OP rules and like 12 special units
its gonna be priceless
>The Hour of the Wolf
wait a minute. the ultramarines have a character named fucking remus vent-anus?
I'm painting "fanatic church warrior" black templars, but no regular gw minis really have enough grimdark/zealous ornate armour that'd make me a good commander/termie squad.
Forge world recommendations? Was considering emp. Children phoenix terminators & Eidolon, would convert him to give him a chainsword, and probably remove the jump pack.
Pic related, my first painted angry zealot
>1. We don't know what an "editor" is
Hey, we fixed the embarrassing "trained xenos predator breasts"! It wasn't Freudian or anything!
No, we didn't bother fixing that the Auxilia Grenadiers have to swap the lascarbines that they don't have for their upgrade options (including swapping them for the very same lascarbines at a cost of +10 points), but at least it was in a critical crunch section instead of a harmless fluff section!
>Imperial Jetbikes common during the HH
>Since then the Imperium lost the know-how to make them so only one exists
>Land Speeders still exist
why don't they just take the engine off a land speeder and uh
build a jetbike around it
>Makes sense for the guards of the emperor to have access to shields.
But maybe less so if we're only talking about Custodes seconded to the Space Wolves for the assault on Prospero, away from the Emperor (and in all likelihood taking no orders from Russ)?
Because the AdMech doesn't like that kind of thinking.
sounds like techno heresy
The engine isn't the problem, it's the anti-gravity devices.
Weren't you here for every second thread since Book One (i.e. ever) where people argued about whether the Chainaxe was free or cost as many points the chainsword (which took three unchanged reprints for people to finally start being convinced that it's intended to be "free")?
>.does this mean we will see Custodes in carapace?
No, 4+ is the save they get without armour.
Because that Tech-heresy you fucking heretek, if the Omnissiah wanted men to fly on jetbikes he would have invented them
To be a Space Wolf is to live in misery. Let us remember:
Sent to Prospero with almost their entire legion's strength.
Aided by a Sons of Horus detachment.
Aided by Mars itself.
Aided by Legio Titanicus.
Still got their shit positively wrecked and lost more than half their numbers.
Then got their shit kicked in by the Alpha Legion.
Then returned to Terra to mop in a corner.
Truly, there is no fate more ignoble than that of a Space Wolf.
are you wanna die
I was being sarcastic.
Shhh, don't speak too soon. There's still time for them to get a rite of war with all thunderwolf cavalry.
Maybe if they had the bite to match their bark they wouldn't get their tails kicked so often.
>WE get 1+S FREE
Fuck that shit I'm taking Phoenix Spears for free now
>Lets mutilate this perfectly fine engine of mankind's fury
The Emperor's resources are not to be wasted.
i hope they do get a RoW with all thunderwolf cav... but they dont get access to stormshields.
let them eat phosphex
hey does this game have ults?
Reminder that Russ is traitor scum.
What would Sanguinius' ult be?
How are you suppose to use Destroyers? I see people creaming their jeans over them, but mostly they seem like assault marines with 2 pistols and rad-grenades.
He transforms into a giant pile of assault cannons and BRRRRTs everyone in range.
in the first heretic it said that russ was one of the primarchs (along with magnus and horus) that wanted to spare lorgar from the ultras just genociding them all, and so lorgar was only shamed.
russ has always been a traitor, but hes too dumb to realize it
i dunno, i'm trying to gather information about the game right now :(
Is the red book in the OP post this new book I've been hearing about?
This is a no awoo zone. Here's your red helmet.
Except now he's a retard who's the Emperor's loyal lapdog sent to bring in Magnus and Horus just tells him "kill 'em, Russ, kill 'em all" and Russ goes "durr, ok." And even then he needs the help of others.
The next IA book is a good example of what happens when the modern Mechanicus tries to use old shit they're not too sure about.
A shield can still absorb gunfire and sword blows. Plus if you have always been THE SHIELD GUY of your company or whatever no way being away from the Emperor will keep you from using your shield.
>The next IA book is a good example of what happens when the modern Mechanicus tries to use old shit they're not too sure about.
W-what happens?
Beep boop! Boop. Beep boop? Bleep bleep! In non-robo terms the Beep boops got mad.
Tau invade Forge World
Forge World goes "oh fuck we can't defend with our current forces, wake the battle-automata that have been sleeping since the heresy and are considered heretek"
Just wait when the Wolf Cull at Yarant is expanded upon.
The notes we have at the time hint that the legion had suffered a great tragedy and was almost destroyed, and Leman Russ was almost killed.
I like 30k Rout, but yiff tears will be delicious.
Soon we'll find out if Bjorn is a fucking hypocrite or not and the legion was already mire-deep in wolfwolfwolf shittery.
Does anyone have that edited Disney comic?
"Soon" can't come nearly fast enough. In case you missed it, Inferno is delayed yet again.
Also, I find the possibility of Signus and Thramas being separate books delicious. I, for one, hope the series lasts for as long as possible and will be buying all the black books down the line.
So we need to bitch about other legions' weapons to add variety? Righty-ho. I, for one, think it's criminal Raven Guard have to pay 10 points extra for their talons (on top of already expensive lightning claws) when other legions get their specialist weapons for the cost of a basic power weapon/fist.
Look at the size of that fucking strato-automata!
25/30pts for A Talon is hilarious
Summoning aemons turns you into a fucking giant lol
Is the blight drone that big?
Actually with the buff to Assault marines to the point they replace 20-man tac squads means that chainaxe-posting should decrease
Looks like a 100/120mm base?
Don't mind me, just having the best legion specific weapon ever
hes a big drone
Banestrike bolts?