How do you create or roll your characters
How do you create or roll your characters
>read core rulebook
>follow instructions given
Some rpgs propose more than one rule.
It depends entirely on the system.
If it's a system with a lot of freedom in the character creation I'll start by thinking up a cool consept that I want to explore and then start working towards that when statting up the character. Sometimes I'll change my mind or add new things as I'm filling out the character sheet, especially if it's a system with lots of features I've yet to try out.
If it's a system with a lot of random elements as part of the character creation I'll fill out the character sheet first and then create a personality that matches the character I'm stuck with.
So I pick one.
Rifts. 3d6 in order, roll an extra d6 if you get a 16 or higher.
Certainly not by using a system where you have 3d6 for six ability scores and use that to determine a modifier to add to or subtract from a single d20 roll.
Some complain about 3d6 in order saying there is not enought freedom.
Others complain about "roll 3d6 six times and put where you want" saying there freedom is too much.
I came with a simple idea to try to fix that.
1- Roll 3d6
2-Put this value on some stat doenst have values yet.
3-Go back to 1
Yes non linear dice systems sucks
Point Buy for life.
Almost all dms I played under assigned arrays when playing something like dnd.
Point buy for most other systems we played.
4d6, drop highest.
Struggling is fun!
Always points, never roll.
Even if the system doesn't have a point buy system in the care game. I will look up a suitable one.
STFU and grow some reading comprehension, Pathfagger.
Point buy normally, because my players get pissy if everything isn't fair right from the start. I get it, but when I'm a player I like to go 3d6 straight for my character. I get to go in not knowing what I'm gonna play and figure it out by the time the night is done.
pathfinder sucks
Rolled 14, 14, 2, 14, 11, 16 = 71 (6d20)
>6d20 in order
Of course it does, duh.
>reading comprehension
In D&D? Roll stats, pick a character that would be good with these stats. I rolled awesome? MAD pal. I rolled one stat good and others suck? SAD whizurd
Played a one-shot of something called Black-Hack, probably OSR-related.
3d6 in order, if you roll 15+, the next attribute is 2d6+2, you can swap around two stats.
9, 10, 4, 10, 10, 8
Task resolution required rolling under your attribute on a d20. Difficulty added to your roll.
Depends. Some times I roll, other times I have a concept and build around that.
Rolled 1, 5, 4 = 10 (3d6)
Last game of 5e I ran was 4d6 drop lowest assign.
I'm not really a fan of 4d6 though. It produces a sort of generic above-average "I'm good at everything except what I'm great at" cluster, like people are afraid of having any sort of weakness or flaw to their characters.
This is a non-answer. When given the choice, what do you prefer?
You cheeky bastard.
Rolled 6, 4, 2, 5, 3, 6, 2, 4, 5, 6, 6, 2, 6, 1, 6, 6, 4, 3 = 77 (18d6)
Time for a new character. PF because I'm a sadist.
Str: 12
Dex: 14
Con: 11
Int: 14
Wis: 13
Cha: 13
Actually not as bad I expected.
6d4 drop the lowest, in order
Whichever of the options the GM says we're using?
I mean, given that there's a shitton of different games out there, you need to fuckin' specify which we're using so I know what rules we're picking from, fampai.
Daily reminder that a charcter will always be limited by his name.
Your personal preference, for your preferred system.
Holy fucking shit, dude.