Infinity General: Still At Pool Edition

Infinity is a 28mm scale skirmish game by Corvus Belli where pool parties just don't stop. They don't call the planet 'Paradiso' for nothing.

>All the rules are for free. Buying the books is only relevant for fluff:

>Provisional Catalog where you can look at pretty pictures of the miniatures you're thinking of getting:

>Rules wiki:

>New Official Army Builder:

>Token Generator:

>N3 Hacker Helper:

>N3 Reverse Index Web App (a bit outdated as of HSN3 but still a bit viable to look at)



>Faction Rundown:

>All Consolidated Rules:

>Operation Icestorm Scan (beginner missions)!AkkG0ZZA!CE-YzCWIWVROcSnnlkZI8SMWxWoNb1LkFbWI-LamYR8

>The Economically Questionable RPG Kickstarter

>The Actual Faction Poll

>Scans (More Needed): 1st edition Rulebook.pdf - Corvus Belli S.L.L. - Human Sphere.pdf

>Character Creation

>Faction colour scheme creator here:

Previous Thread

besides the well balanced and competetive infinity I want a necromunda like campaign system (and no paradiso isn't a necromunda like campaign setting). I want to develop every single model in my army. and I want to start with 10 line infantry models and end up with 20 beserks, whatever with a complicated of gained abilities and injuries.

There is an RPG coming out from CB. You could honestly just use your minis with that and base the campaign around military operations.

That or find a way to combine the 2.

Well, Paradiso did that with one, specific model per player... Might be kinda interesting? Although bear in mind that most people in Infinity are revivable, if they can afford it.

sounds great. I'm looking forward. I really miss the good old necormunda days. and infinity miniatures are so great. Maybe the combination thing is a good idea.

but CB could also just have a look at the old necromunda rulebook and just release a upgraded paradiso campaign, in which every model can be spec ops, or something, with a injuries table, and some flamestrike-like territories.

it's not the same. isn't it ? :-)

>but CB could also just have a look at the old necromunda rulebook and just release a upgraded paradiso campaign, in which every model can be spec ops, or something, with a injuries table, and some flamestrike-like territories.
Now that would be fucking terrible. Please keep your terrible ideas to yourself.

Go play Necromunda with infinity minis if that's what you want you autismo.

no... why would it be terrible ? It would be great.

Nah, I agree. Having every model be a special snowflake character would be a bit weird. Especially for a high lethality game like Infinity.
That'd make more sense for a small O-12 or some intelligence agency strike team or a band of mercs, but that's what the RPG is goign to be for.
Remember that Necromunda people were gang members. Infinity are regular soldiers mixed in with special forces and secret service.

hum. it's true. maybe I quit then... burry my dreams and move to necromunda... and leave the better rules and the better models behind -.-

Both are skirmish-sized games. You could just play both.

Bought the Aleph starter pack and a rulebook. What should I buy next to expand? Still pretty new. What point level is considered standard?

300 is standard. 1 SWC for every 50 points. But people will play at 150, 200, and 400 too fairly often.

A good expansion from the starter is the Aleph Support Pack, Myrmidons, Naga(Mines), Posthumans. Rebots and Probots are also good, but a bitch to assemble. Posthumans are excellent, but remember to read the Ghost: Jumper rules closely. Theyre a bit more complex.

Whats been your most frustrating game of Infinity so far?

I've got two options that are a tie. The first one was several months ago, playing against a PanO player. He's driving a list made of a Fusilier Link, a Squalo with an HGL, one infiltrator and some other guys. First turn he reveals a camo token, runs over, pushes a button for an OP. He then spends all 10 orders from his first combat group indirect firing his HGL. 9 of the 10 shots criticaled on 9s. 9 of my 10 troops are gone, and I'm left with a single Gecko which physically couldn't give me any OPs.

Second game was about seven hours ago. Playing against Combined. He deployed 2nd and he's got a Yaogat MSR (with MSV2) sitting on top of a building in cover and controlling WAY more of the board than it should have (I did not get a say in the board setup; in fairness I had a similar position on my side). I *had* to kill it to achieve any of my objectives since it covered my approached to *all* of them. There was no possible approach angle to get near it enough to Spotlight! it, White Noise the visor, or move a Moran and the CrazyKoalas or any of the Chain Rifle Jaguars near it. I tried to AD behind it and failed the PH roll. I tried to AD behind it with a different troop and failed the PH roll. I tried to kill it on my active turn with a Mk12 Gecko, an HMG Intruder, a 5-man linked Spitfire Wildcat, and a Bandit who'd looted an HMG. It won EVERY FtF roll (generally speaking he was rolling 1 die on 9-12 vs 3-5 dice on between 12-15). I failed *every* armor save.

I get to play about once a month at best these days. I hate the games where the dice just fuck you, because to me that's a wasted game. I know it's the nature of a dice game, but *goddamn* is it frustrating to go through all that setup and and just lose and there's nothing you can do about it. You can't even give the dice a good satisfying 5 minutes in a microwave when you're in a storefront.

I know who you are irl. was it a table that had dense as fuck terrain?

That sucks...

Worst game I have ever had, was against QK. Guy dropped in two Juan Juan, one of them right in focus of two bording shotguns at +6 range. I hit with 3 shots and he passed armor for all of them, and I turned my heavy around to just clip his base. He dropped the second one in right on the side where my heavy was covering, dropped smoke and got into CC.

I was left with a broken bolt link, a dead lieutenant, a Swiss guard locked in CC. I had a locust by a al hawa sniper, I go in for close combat and he critted with his pistol... I killed his TR bot three times that game, but it just kept getting healed back up. I tried healing my guys and all of them died, fucking Pano wip. I hardly killed anyone, didn't get a single objective.

He got around 9 crits that game.

Game after that I killed 300 points of Steel Phalanx with 2 AROs from a Bolt missile launcher, so that was a fun game. It was highly classified and I got the full 8 points.

Not appreciably dense, no. There were a pair of 2-level MDF buildings on opposite corners , but neither of us really appreciated that they were both going to completely control either player's ability to reach their objective targets until we'd already deployed and had a mutual "oh shit" moment.

I actually liked this game's terrain density; the right side of the table had a lot of open space with a few containers and scatter terrain, and the left side was a fair number of tall, solid, buildings.

>He got around 9 crits that game.

Yeah, an increasingly huge issue with me are the way criticals cluster together. Nobody really minds having a crit here and there spread out across a game, and even if it means losing a critical piece, that's something you should have the skill to deal with. But there's no skill involved in rolling 9 crits in 10 rolls (or having it done to you).

I'ma stop bitching, because that really wasn't the point. It's part of the game. I just wanted to hear some other "no shit, there I was" war stories.

Okay dudes, I have a challenge for you.

You make a 150 point list of your favourite faction, but you must include a TAG.

Have fun!

Impossible to make a fun one, I play NCA.

Sure, here's an ALEPH TAG list.

>Chaksa for dayz


Given the various scenario systems, ITS's classified objectives, etc, I feel like Infinity can be run as a board game. Doing so gives me an excuse to collect more of the models, as well as more local opponents to play against.

Has anyone else done this? Suggestions and recommendations?

Used to have a guy who'd make tables just for specific missions. Basically a bunch of squares with shit on them that'd lock together over a table.

They didn't have a lot of variance to them, but it made it quick to setup for Supplies or Armory and such.

So in a way it made the game a boardgame.

Any good places to read Aleph fluff?

I'd actually be OK with trying to run this at 150. 7 orders, an L-T that doesn't disintegrate upon casual fire, ejection shenanigans, and a link team that can still power an HMG to full effect.

I remember last time we did this. It was fun.

Hi, I just started to play infinity, and I wondered what is the "correct" order to paint the figures (after prime)

> 1. Dry brush? (highlights)
> 2. Wash/inking? (shadows?)
> 3. Main parts?
> 4. Detail?
I know the first few will look like ass....

Also the dude who got me into this game will hopefully see this...

I do this:

Prime model(ideally prime the model the major colour)
Paint all the areas their corresponding colour(I usually take between two to four coats of each paint to get a nice even smooth coverage)
I then black line the model with an enamel black/grey. Essentially between all the armor there's now distinctive lines.
Wash all areas I want washed, I don't like washing Infinity armor.

Finish off any flesh(eyes, highlighting the flesh) and hair

Edge highlight


Stick it on a finished base and play with it.

Will try, thank you for your respone

We do occasionally get a phenomenal painter in these threads, Robot Jones. If you wait around for him you can probably get his method... He's such a good painter. If only he took commissions, I have a few grand laying around for that guy if/when he does.

Also if you've never painted a model before, just try and get the main colours on and do a wash. Thin your paints down with water till they have a milky consistency, they should never be thick. It will take a few coats to go on. Then grab a brownish/blackish wash like GW's Devlin mud or Nuln oil. Or Army painters strong/dark tone.

Then experiment with everything.

It also gives rules to use a character from the rpg on the tabletop


>Then grab a brownish/blackish wash like GW's Devlin mud or Nuln oil. Or Army painters strong/dark tone.
Or Vallejo (Game Color) Umber Wash.

Hi, i `ve been thinking that I need a bsg para-commando. Any ideas what mini to use as a basis for converting

The three existing Para-Commandos are rather distinctive in their equipment simplicity, and two of them are in action poses that would make a conversion quickly repetitive.

I would almost suggest some of the (similarly back to basics) Viridians from the old Void/Urban War line, but they would probably look chunky next to the Infinity minis. Not GW chunky, but still rather well padded compared to the lean Infinity stuff.

What varnish do you use?

Oh joy, now there's complaining about the Aquila not having an LT HMG profile...and how MSV3 is overpriced compared to MSV2.

>official forum is full of retards
You seem more surprised than you should be.

Normally I hate the idea of black lining, but yours look nice, they have an almost cell shaded look to them. Shame I have to paint Tohaa, which is all about the heaps edge highlighting

Gee whatever will those pan0 playas demand next? Make their underpriced shit even cheaper no doubt.


Right, my FLGS' next ITS event is 400pts Direct Action. At least 1 killing scenario almost guaranteed.

How do I make the most ridiculous list possible?

I have ISS, Neoterra and Aleph.

Thanks for the idea. They did look kinda chunky and at times little too much like IG for me.
I`ve browsed a bit around so far and found something, dunno for certain if they area doable with reasonable effort. I like converting, but am not too good with green stuff.

How do you feel about TR remotes?

Aquilla not having Lt on both weapon options is kind of weird, considering they're supposed to be all senior officers and that a lot of other PanO HI has more than one Lt option. But he's priced pretty well for something a bit more situational than a Swiss Guard.

Go on...

Never realized that Pan O's sole HI HMG LT is an ORC.

All the rest are spitfires. Never realized the Santiago Lt can only be a spitfire, but 1 SWC BS 14 Spit with Stealth, 360 visor, and two template weapons? Not a bad deal at all. New Montessa's are pretty badass as well.

I bought the vallejo blue grey wash, I wanted the shadows to have a blueish tone to it

Sniper shot bump.

CA really needs more Sygmaa Units. The Models look so rad and a Sygmaa Haris in Onyx would be pretty awesome.

So any advice for the proper care and use of tractor muls? They seem cheap but very flimsy and the lack of defensive hackers in Ariadna makes me leery about fielding them.

They generally just sit in your deployment and make opportunity shots. Otherwise they're just a five point order token. Rarely see people actively go after them.

Don't let any hackers get close and they'll be fine. Most of the time it's best to use them as guided artillery pieces since the range bands aren't great and Ariadna is swarming with FOs.

Is this going to viable or should I just kill myself?
William Wallace I bought because I love the model, but if he's viable I will use him.

Anyone have the Nomad list from Ice Storm? Got my hands on a set of the Nomad half but didn't get anything else that was supposed to go with it.
Also new to the game so just out of curiosity, how viable is just picking random shit that looks cool and using them in a list?

If you're going to use Wallace, use him in CHA. Inspiring Leadership is an expensive skill and if he isn't your LT it's wasted points.

Marauders are slow. Giving them short range weapons is a bad plan, use the MSV1 profiles instead.

>how viable is just picking random shit that looks cool and using them in a list?
It's not a recipe for success. You've got a lot more wriggle room than most other games and the list matters less than what you do with it, but there's still general guidelines to follow.

I can't be fucked explaining everything in one big post right now, so just post a list and I'll tell you why it's shit.

Marauders do have forward deployment. If his goal is to drop him in the middle and be board control it would only take 1 order to do it.

However, I think you are right about using a different profile. He has the SWC and I think BSG is better for haris link.

Not sure what I'm looking at. We know one release is a black friar, what on earth is this thing? A tohaa?

The Shoulder pad and rivets say Ariadna, but the backpack and chest say something else.

Putting Wallace in a position where he can get at most two orders seems a little wasteful. I would move your Devil Dog down with the other irregulars, I would also swap out two highlanders for Chain rifle volunteers, same point cost for a regular troop, why are you bringing the doser? You don't seem to have enough camo to warrant needing to repair shit, also I would take a Cateran as a sniper instead of the scout, he is an irregular but snipers usually want a minimum of one order a turn anyways, the scout would do better as a FO since they have camo and 13 willpower.
You also probably don't need two forward observers, what is your general battle plan with this list though? Is it just shoot everything up?
Anyways looking at what you are trying to use I would suggest something closer to this, but it is really more how you play it then what you run.
Your biggest hole seems to see answers to armor.

The Void line started as a Kev White (Hasslefree) dominated line, and thus much smoother than GW has ever managed, but still using similar proportions. One of the factions from the early stuff, the Junkers, are so Roman IG it is almost painful.

Their later stuff, as the line turned into the Urban War/Metropolis line, moved toward a Necromunda vibe. One of the factions is heavy on the Asian "back alley" look and may be useful for the Infinity RPG in a Yu Jing context.

The minis I was thinking of for Para Commando proxies are the earlier and cleaner types. The rank and file Viridians or VASA Marines. Those are the base VASA Marines in the lower left.

I can see a world with Ariadnian Dino-Troopers, though.

Aquila HMG - 62 points, BS 15, MSV3, HI

Hsien HMG - 61 points, BS 14, MSV2, HI, though he/she does get a nice nanopulser for pesky guys running around corners.

Now, while the Hsien does get buddies with smoke (which generally means spending 13 points and 0.5 more SWC for the CG+KSD), do people expect that the Aquila should be as cheap or *cheaper* than a unit with worse BS and a worse MSV?

Who am I kidding, we aren't getting them for years

I can't.

But I can see them fighting trough the Underhive.

Yeah, that could be an Infinity board very easily.


I like the normal cav (both Viridian and Junker), but the big lizard with the howdah is silly, and the two guys on the turtlesaurus even sillier.

The bikes are cool, too, even if just as street clutter.

You can totally imagine some nutter from Bakunin bringing one along to the next IFV tender show, though. Very fuel efficient. It's powered by slavs, cocaine, and cosmoline.

That's almost what I liked the most about Void, though. It went along that silly/awesome/serious line really well. Mad Max Romans, for a start. Those Zero Point Energy gun tanks that had lethal back blast.

Fucking Peruvian pewter pushers!
This scale creep shit has gotten out of hand. Different scaled toy soldiers is one thing, letting it bleed over into real life is another matter.

> That one dude on the official forums that thinks the Corregidor starter is literally a crime and posts a manifesto about it whenever it's not even mentioned.

She is the bunny from Zootopia in RL.

Looks like animu cuck shit. Try playing a real game, weebs.

such as?

Well those aren`t as bad. What I`ve found was hasslefree mini pic related. Gun swap and somehow getting rid of the hat, `cause it`s too foxtroty. Then show a bit knife to lessen down the amount of packages it has in the vest. More like what the bodyarmorkinda looking things on many of ariandan troops have

Looks like amateur cuck shit. Try posting some real bait, troll.

Haven`t decided yet though

I rarely agree with his dumb ass, but I do for his issue with the CJC starter....though not to the same degree as him. That faggot literally wants an apology from CB.

I'm not interested in CJC myself, but it's the reason I haven't started ISS, JSA, CHA, or SAA.

Please tell me more. Why is it so "bad" that it prompts a reaction like that?

The forum user thinks that CB should have had the foresight to make CJC in the new scale since the scale change happened shortly after (starting with Operation: Icestorm). Many want new starters for their faction/sectorial. This guy is just relentlessly louder than the rest especially now that Bakunin update is suppose to start by the end of the year

The difference in scale is stark actually. Wildcats are supposed to be beefed up Alguaciles, but they're tiny and only standing up to the chest of the new bulkier/taller Alguaciles. I'm sure CJC will get a new box....eventually.

Your pic is like comparing an Ajax with a Fusilier. They're suppose to have a difference in height.

But it's not the same when comparing the current Keisotsu with the new CG, or Volunteers with Grunts, or old Hsien with the new one.

Out of curiosity and practical concern, which Nomad models are made in the new scale?

So did they reduce it from "28mm" (effective 32mm) scale to actual "28mm", or what was the change?

Newbie here. How balanced are the starters against each other? I know the number of points in them vary wildly, but I'm wondering how significant that is?

A ton. The Neoterra starter is twice the points as quite a few of the others.

On the site they start with the Alguacile box.

MSV3 isn't much better than MSV2. Nanopulser is useful, as is surprisingly, the MA capability. Combined with more in-faction synergy from smoke, and the Hsien's probably the better unit.

Anyway, Swiss/Hac Tao are better usually.

I have a load of those minis, they have the heads as separate pieces so that shouldn't be too hard. They come with two weapon options per model, and there are a few with shotguns.
Some of the others have helmets, they might be better options.


How fucked is this list going to get aside from the two teutons ofc?

Quick question:
What's the point of having an Lt as something other than a basic load out? Aren't the big guns priority targets?

Usually you want someone the enemy won't target first, true. But sometimes giving a big gun means you get that little extra mileage out of using the LT order to fuel him, if that's what you need.

This is very applicable if you have Chain of Command, or are playing Morats/CA, in particular, as then there's nearly no downside if they cap your bossman.

Usually you want someone the enemy won't target first, true. But sometimes giving a big gun means you get that little extra mileage out of using the LT order to fuel him, if that's what you need.

This is very applicable if you have Chain of Command, or are playing Morats/CA, in particular, as then there's nearly no downside if they cap your bossman.

Also, some heavy weapon LTs get an SWC discount.

That said faggot is a whiny 15 year old that never plays and was notorious in the Warmahordes community.

Testors dull coat, but I haven't noticed much difference with that and just arts and craft matt varnish.

You forgot MA. While you wouldn't want Hsien in CC, Stealth + Courage is nothing to sneeze at.
Within ISS Hsien can also link with Zhanying, although I have no idea how viable that is.

>can singlehandly shut down camo based lists
>isn't much better

MA isn't worth the price inflation, especially when courage can be gotten by itself without paying ludicrous costs. At least the Hsien is LOT better in a Haris team, but again at insane prices, and before smoke costs are factored in.

>>can singlehandly shut down camo based lists
>>isn't much better
Most lists don't have more than like 2-3 camo units. MSV2 is good enough for those. Ariadna is just one army out of eight after all. And they have a harder time against TO Camo too.

Thanks. I'm too used to playing sectorials and hiding my LT in a link that other options seem strange.