The continuing adventures of an user and his vampire girlfriend who did something violent and embarrassing again.
Your girlfriend just lost a fight to your mutual werewolf friend and then won a match of gay chicken, much to the increasing concern of your angel partner.
Winnie and Sibella seem to be making up now. Sibella embraces the shorter alpha, putting her on her toes to hug the tall vampire queen. "Oh Winnie, I'm sorry, I totally got carried away, I don't know what came over me."
"Ah, you were just concerned is all." Winnie's tail wags happily behind herself. "Things will get better once we sit down with the rest of the girls and catch up..."
You notice the strange wendigo girl named White Fell is starting to look a little uncomfortable, even more so than Abby... "She's putting her clammy dead hands all over her..." She mutters.
"...And maybe it was a little more than just concern..." Winnie sniffs the air and its Sibella's turn to look embarrassed. "I got a good wiff of your breathe when you went in to kiss me...looks like you got yourself a new blood buddy..." Winnie winks at you over her shoulder. "Put you in an aggressive mood huh?"
"Um...I...well..." Sibella's face flushes.
"I hope that's ALL you and her did..." Abdiel says.
"Come on Abdiel, how many times do I have to say it..." You reply.
"So you're into that vampire stuff...kink-ky..." W-user says. And coming from him, that means something.
Thanks to everyone that's checked out Cape World! It's shaping up to be a success! It looks like it might even have more than just me making quests in the setting. Has there ever been two quests running at the same time that take place in the same universe?