Final day, probably final thread edition
Last thread: >What did you draft
>How well did you do
>How many events did you go to
>Sick pulls
>Crazy combo
Discuss all Eldritch Moon prerelease stuff here
Final day, probably final thread edition
Last thread: >What did you draft
>How well did you do
>How many events did you go to
>Sick pulls
>Crazy combo
Discuss all Eldritch Moon prerelease stuff here
1 event, came in 3nd place with madness vamps. Promo and regular Thalia were thr money pulls Still can't shake the overall feeling of 'meh' towards this set, despite seeing it in action.
3-1 with RB midrange, mentioned it in last thread.
>3x Thraben Foulbloods
>1x Cemetery Recruitement
Out of the commons and uncommons I ran, these were my MVPs
>What did you draft
B/W Midrange
>How well did you do
2-2 Lost to Bant and GW
>How many events did you go to
>Sick pulls
Just a Thalia
>Crazy combo
Pulled a Collective Effort which helped me blow out a couple of games with value.
I opened Gisela during the event and Bruna later in prize. Ended up going W/R and went undefeated.
Turns out Skin Invasion is surprisingly good. Lured a few utility creatures to their deaths, or just cast it on stuff I was planning on killing anyway. Some of my most useful cards throughout were Collected Effort, obviously Gisela, Fiend Binder, Skin Invasion and Otherworldly Outburst.
So, how often did anyone actually get Meld off? I saw a single person do it once the entire event.
>2HG pulled both Bruna and Gisela and one of the Mirrorwings. Providence was the promo in my pack
>Partner pulls the second Mirrorwing and gives me it for free after the thing since he pulled a foil Promo Emrakul
>Sunday Sealed. Eldrazi Boar is my promo. Already feel fine about it
>Foil Nippon Bunny Girl first pack
Didn't pull much synergy or anything stellar but did have an Emrakul. Tried to play a delirium strategy that worked poorly and never summoned her. Finally in the last match, I switched things to zombies and won with Emra. Too little too late though. Oh well, there's only a few things I really want from this expansion and they cost less than the price of a fatpack. Maybe I won't get lucky and pull a foil Tamiyo, but I have no real use for her anyhow.
I guess all-and-all I'm content enough. I spent a ton on Eternal Masters and pulled double the value I put in. I'm looking froward to Conspiracy 2 (my office mates really want to do a draft with it) and Kaladesh. I loved the thopter-themed cards in Origins and would love to see more.
Pulled shit but managed to kick ass, 3-0-1 store only did 4 rounds overall. Posting rares and foils
>Pulled Liliana
>Pulled Oath of Liliana
>Both parts of Skittering Abomination
>Anghished Unmaking
>8 other various removals
>phat assed critters
Match 1 I stabilized at 1 and managed to Ult Liliana into victory game 1 and stabilized at 3 on game 2.
Match 2, I win game 1 from Liliana pressure, lose to fuckhuge trample game 2 including Soul Swallower, and flood out game 3.
Match 3, I got 2-0 through removal and a flipped Abomination game 2.
Match 4, I lose game 1 to perfect UW spirits draw, and game 2 I lose a fantastic lead by drawing 7 lands straight with no way to protect Liliana.
At least my pity pack had Emrakul.
I melded the Chittering Abomination right after I exiled my opponent's Chittering Abomination.
>You must target exactly two creatures to cast Ruthless Disposal. However, one of the targets can be the creature you intend to sacrifice to pay Ruthless Disposal’s cost.
So how the fuck does this work if you only have one creature on your field?
You target the creature you intend to sacrifice, plus your opponent's creature.
It's always good to hear how Magic is doing in foreign countries, like Australia.
>Sold a foil Eldritch Evolution so I could buy a booster box of EMN on Friday
Was it worth it, anons?
Despite having the sacrifice clause as part of the card's cost?
So when casting a spell, targets are chosen and then after that costs are paid.
You cast Disposal choosing any two creatures on the battlefield. Then you pay the mana cost, discard a card and sacrifice a creature. Disposal has no way of knowing or caring that one of the two targets you chose was going to be illegal in half a second.
You gonna talk smack on my camera?
That's what the green text here says
Prices drop after release for 99% of the cards. You did right.
What's promo Thalia going for?
Yes. You can do that because paying cost is the last step of casting a spell after you decide your target.
>cast Mirrorwing Dragon multiple times
>managed to cast Bruna once, returning Gatstaf Arsonist. still lose that game
>managed to cast Drogskol Cavalry multiple times, mostly a huge blowout for the opponent
I didn't open any money cards but man, the prerelease have been satisfying as fuck.
Having played it in Limited now, what are your expectations for drafting this format?
I only played this block a few times but RG werewolves can be a good archetype (in limited if nowhere else), so... mission accomplished for WotC?
>Play 2HG
>Mana flood (but win because of friend's lili ult)
>Mana flood
>keep a 3 land hand, draw a single land entire game
>Normal game, enemy wastes all their removal on every small thing we put out
I would be upset if I didn't get a Liliana in my packs, then a foil Liliana in my prize packs, and an Eldritch Evolution.
Got 1/2 of all the melds. Meld could have potentially been good but it wasn't.
Should have just been normal morph cards.
Someone gave me their harmless offering from prize packs, so that was nice.
Looks like its going to be more fun than recent sets. Althougj i played little SOI
Went GW humans and splashed blue for elder deep fiend which was my promo and I pulled another in a pack. Everyone I cast elder deep fiend I won that game.
Since you have only 1 SOI pack, i think the draft will be a bit slower.
The best archetypes are Rx aggro and "fuck you and fuck your shit", also known as BW control.
My first prerelease and first time playing anything other than kitchen table.
First opponent was a no show. Round 1 against a friend went nearly the full 50 minutes so we agreed that whoever won it won both rounds. (I did.) The final round was between rank 9 (me) and 10. He forfeit when we ran out of time in round 3 instead of taking a draw.
That very last win meant I ended up in top 8, bumping down some totally different guy.
Did not deserve the pile of packs I left with.
That said, I was content with what I built. Lone Rider + Might Beyond Reason is almost hilarious.
My friend did it pretty frequently. I managed to kill his Chittering Host, and he reanimated Midnight Scavengers, which put the Graf Rats back in his hand. Picked off the rats before he could meld them again. He apparently did the same thing in another match, but his other opponent wasn't so lucky.
Welp, heres my acquisitions of the weekend. Went to midnight, went 1-2 because of slight mana issues in my junk delirum ft. Pariah, Collective effort, Traverse, Descend, and Dark "i win the game" salvation. Deck was pretty decent but i flooded in my 3rd round pretty hard. Still got a prize pack with a thalia in it. Saturday i was more serious, went 3-2 with BG delirium Ft. Permeating Ass, Cryptbreaker, and Tree of "I am utterly useless because i am drawn once my opponent is already under 13 life" Perdition. Won a draft set which i will not crack because i can use it to enter a draft next friday.
Fuck yeah! You ran Release The Hounds, too. I had a Hound of the Farbogs and an extra Cemetery Recruitment. Combined with a few other zombies, some discard, and a Diregraf Colossus, I was in value town pretty goddamn consistently if I wasn't already fucked by turn 3. Graf Harvest does fantastic work, too.
Went 4-0-1 R/W 1/4 of my deck was removal so ya that was silly only problem was when the opponent played mirror dragon that made me sad.
Went 3-1 with a RB madness deck. The game i lost i did 16 damage in turn 4 but against a RW deck with lots of creature with lifelink and werewolfs i didn't stand a chance. The guy was a bro though and helped me fix my deck.
First night I went 0-4 with a terrible U/R spellslinger deck because I got nothing worth noting at all.
This morning I pulled a a Foil Tamiyo, who primarily acted as a way to let me avoid getting hit and drawing cards, and kinda decided I should go Bant, so humans was the name of the game.
I also hit Providence opening hand 4 games in a row. I had one guy start muttering to himself that he needed to shuffle his opponents deck better. That got me 4-0, amazingly.
Finally, I got R/B pulls, as well as four of Thermo-Alchemist, who is a fantastic card. I never got more than 2 on the board at one time, but I managed to do a hell of a lot of damage with those dudes.
Also, every single time I went up against a Cryptolith Fragment I lost.
Every time I managed to cast a Cryptolith Fragment I won. The card is fucking cursed.
I went 3-1 for the first time with a GR aggro deck, only had like 2 werewolves, just mashed a bunch of good stuff together. felt pretty good since I've never gone above 2-2
I got delirium off almost every game and I had Gnarlwood Dryad and Scourge Wolf.
I was so sure I was gonna lose my last round, I got destroyed in like 6 turns by Cryptolith and Hanweir Garrison. Game 3, I pulled out a lucky win with a 3/2 token buffed up by Distemper of the Blood and Uncaged Fury, followed up by Incendiary Flow the turn after.
Hard to stop a 6/5 double strike trampler, who knew
I also pulled a Tamiyo from my first prize pack.
>tfw I secretly bring in a bunch of good Shadows Over Innistrad cards to the midnight prerelease
>tfw I sneak them into my deck
>tfw I secretly exchange Eldritch Moon cards with my friends to build an even better deck
>tfw I decimate all my opponents
>tfw my friends decimate their opponents
>tfw everyone says how lucky I am for my pulls
>tfw I place first and my friends place second and third
>tfw I win a box of Eldritch Moon and open a bunch of value
>tfw I sneak in more cards from the Eldritch Moon cards I won/opened at the midnight prerelease on Saturday and Sunday
>tfw my friends and I win the Saturday and Sunday events too and take home even more prizes that all turn out to be nothing but value
Man, prereleases are fucking great.
Fuck off
>tripfag telling lies
How appropriate
but did you have fun?
A fuckton of fun. Prereleases are a ton of fun, haven't missed one since New Phyrexia.
Y'know, I hate you, but I at least respect you for helping out your friends and being willing to put in the effort to orchestrate this elaborate charade. If the LGS staff were just turning a blind eye or whatever, that'd be one thing, but at least you're putting the work in, even if you are a cheating scumbag, and even if you later die of cancer, and even if nobody will weep at your funeral - which, if there is any justice, will not so much be a ceremony as a hasty tossing of your rotten corpse into a swamp, so that you can be in your element.
At my first PreRelease (new phyrexia), I pulled two Karn Liberateds, and three Blighted Agents, along with some other U/B Infect Chaff, so I just fucking stomped all over the competition for six rounds.
What a way to start off a hobby, right?
>What did you draft
Mostly crap. Not even a single mythic and next to no synergy in the first event.
>How well did you do
I dropped after 0-2-1 the first event and 1-1 the second because I got bored of my decks and I knew wasn't going to get anything better than the 1 prize pack everyone gets (to get any more than 1 pack you had to at least get 3 wins over the 4 rounds)
>How many events did you go to
>Sick pulls
Foil Eldritch Evolution (and a second non-foil in my prize pack), Promo Thalia's Lancers, Bruna (was REALLY hoping to get Gisela as well)
>Crazy combo
Nothing crazy, but twice I was able to pull off playing Thalia's Lancers to get Bruna into my hand and then play her the next turn. Got my opponents scared when they knew Bruna was on her way. I also actually managed to get Chittering Host out.
All in all, my pulls sucked and only got like 3 of the many cards I wanted out of this set.
Dude, you should see a cardiologist ASAP. That can't be a healthy amount of sodium in your bloodstream. It just can't be.
Someone cast that against me once and I blew it up the first chance I got then won.
I went 4/0 today because I pulled 2 Gisela's and an Avacyn. Those cards won me literally every game I played.
>U/R spellslinger deck
I didn't hear that many cases of that. Even went pretty well for me, but my packs pretty much forced me to play it.
Goddamn people always play so slowly at these events. You're holding two cards in hand and I'm completely tapped out mate, no need to drag the turn on for five minutes.
I was playing RW Aggro and was consistently the first person to hand in the win slip each round. Comparatively, there was a game I saw between W/B and B/G that went to time on game 2.
I finished my last match in 14 minutes straight, dude basically couldn't do anything while I rolled.
Then I walked around to watch others. One pair finished their first game after 40 minutes.
I like to go fast too, but sometimes I have to think a bit about other options and that takes some time, since I'm not sure about the value of each card.
>mfw the fag I'm going up against takes longer than 3 minutes to finish their turn
>tfw someone Choking Restraints your bomb, but you have mainboard enchantment removal because of Collective Effort
It's amazing, nobody expects to lose their enchantments game 1.
Our midnight event only had four rounds, which was good for me as my deck was garbage. I managed to squeeze out a 3-1 and got 6 packs though.
I had like 5 on color rares, so. I should've gone undefeated, but I am a moron. And fuck Lone Rider.
There are some really goddamned grindy games in this format when they want to be.
What's a good deck to play tamiyo in? And how about Nahiri?
Well I had just eaten an entire pound of bacon for reasons that I'm sure made sense at the time and definitely had nothing to do with alcohol. So maybe that was it.
>people still think nahiri is good
Alcohol would explain why you thought it was worth responding to a tripfag who was blatantly trying to start shit.
It's obvious why it doesn't, but it's kind of funny that Brisela's frame doesn't have the little authenticity seal.
>Be me, casual magic player with a slightly better than average understanding of the game and its meta
>go to prerelease for the fun of it
>Pull Nahiri, White Red it is! I always play white but that confirmed it.
>Get a lot of great white and red removal
>Not expecting to do better than 2-3 but hoping for 3-2
>Win 1st one!
>Win 2nd one!
>Alright just one more.... Its against one of the best prerelease players
>Win 3rd one, omg.jpeg
>Win 4th one
>This seriously cant be happening
>Final opponent is store owner
>He drops out
>How did this even happen?!
>Heres your 13 packs sir
>I don't understand!!!
Me and the store owner did a friendly with our prerelease decks and I won. Ironically he used white/red as well. He didnt want to claim any prize so just let me take it earlier.
Congrats, user. Sounds like a more extreme version of my prerelease.
>Round three, 1-1, sort of losing, being pecked to death by some vigilance Spirits and an angry Gryff that will stall and/or kill my Cathars if I attack
>Sitting on a Smite the Monstrous against a board of 3-power creatures and losing life
>Top into Extricator of Sin. Sac a land to delirium because eh, another creature is good, right?
>Crash my Faithbearer Paladin into hers for boring, repeated lifegain that's keeping me alive against the fliers
>We continue this for several turns, her life total creeping back up to near 20 after an early-game lead while I drop 1 life at a time, providing clues through Ongoing Investigation
>Opponent begins turn and grins, saying they finally have lethal. Slap a Faith Unbroken on the Gryff and pop my Extricator
>Swing with the team
>With a sigh I finally cast Dead Card
>Take minor damage, get another Horror
>Opponent has accidentally their Faithbearer too
>Grin like the head of the Lunarch Inquisition as hordes of Eldrazi and warped Humans tear her down 21 life in a single turn
opened green white humans proceeded to not lose a single game lone rider is a backbreaking monster when flipped and bruna to top out my curve was all i needed
Thanks user. Still working off the hype! Got some decent pulls from my prize too.
>Smite the Monstrous
>SOI-EMN sealed
I think he means humble the brute.
What'd you manage, user? I managed to pull a few cards that are neat, but I didn't get 13 of the things.
It's for beginners user, chill. I even let them take one or two rewinds.
i opened tamiyo, promo gisela, niblis, docent, eldritch evolution
tried to bant
couldn't fix mana, 0-3
Jund Tempo guy from yesterday.
I ended up trading the grimflayer and a Jayce from Shadows for a GR fetchland. I think that was for the best as Flayer seems alright but I doubt he will do anything unless the next set has a lot of playable eggs for standard.
Story time:
Shop has 4 rounds and I'm at 1/1 and curb stomp this RW deck with Bruna very easily. I ended up smashing his face in with my gameday Garrison with a few swings getting too much value from tokens. After the game I try to help him build a new deck and make some strange bant emerge nonsense. It is splashing white for just Bruna, Thalia's Lancer, and the Executioner. He had 2 it that swarms and 2 wretched gryfs. Apparently it went so well he won his next game so that was fun.
>What did you draft
G/B Delirium. Had a Decimator of Provinces, some Gnarlwoods, Noosegraf and Lilliana's X spell I can't remember the name of.
>How well did you do
17th place out of about forty overall. got an intro pack and an OGW booster.
>How many events did you go to
Just the one.
>Sick pulls
Decimator of Provinces was the big one, really.
>Crazy combo
Noosegraf Mob + Soul Separator. Never actually got to pull it off, but I so very much wanted to.
playing the last game against children - no older than 10. Two headed dragon, pal is looking at me as we approach the table we've been assigned like 'not this for the last game ffs'
Had won one and lost one, thought at least we'd win and get an extra booster.
Turns out the kids were related to a judge, whole family was there, all playing magic. Mum and dad too. These kids would have won with a three colour deck if we hadn't of run of time.
Worst thing was me and pal had pretty good fast deck, got em down to 2 while we were at 27. One turn away from winning, hadn't had a chance to get rid of their tamiyo before they deloyed that fucking all cards are free to play bullshit. Devestating
Night one got a bank error in my favor that netted me double foils- a Cryptbreaker and a motherfucking Emrakul. Built GB delirium around that shit and went 3-1, beating everyone but one insane WUB deck with Nebelgast Herald, Spell Queller, Noosegraf Mob (with ways to bounce it when it hit 1 counter) and Dark Salvation among other things. Simply could not break through even with Emmy's help (he tapped her down at instant speed with Nebelgast and flashing in Spell Queller and had lethal on the board besides). Aside from that pulled an Eldritch Evolution, Always Watching, Niblis of Frost, Hanweir Garrison (it'll be money), Gisa and Geralf, and a foil Geier Reach Bandit (some prize packs included there but I'm not quite sure atm which are which).
The second day my promo was Noosegraf Mob but I built a ridiculous RU deck with 2 Thermo-Alchemists, 3 Drag Unders, a Bedlam Reveler (played that monster for 3 with an empty hand one game, gg), Pyre Hound, Weaver of Lightning... I could go on about how real the spell synergy was. Threw in some werewolves like pic related who is an absolute BEAST and splashed in white because I opened a Nahiri and like hell am I not gonna play her. Handily went undefeated with that monstrosity of a deck and got an Ishkanah in my prize packs. Very satisfied with the weekend!
nice my dude
Got to play in a two headed giant tournament at my LGS. I played gw humans and my buddy played br madness vampires, we stomped face.
I kind of felt this card was a lot weaker than it should have been, since there's too many creatures with 2-3 toughness during prerelease. Rarely ever did I see a 1 toughness creature, cept for tokens maybe.
It was my first prerelease. Ran a R/w deck. Got 10th out of 30ish so not too bad bit I didn't manage to snag the prize pool. Did manage to pull a promo burna and a regular gisela. Didn't have the chance to pop the combo tho.
Well I had a few opponents who tried to drop stuff like Fiend Binder against him which was almost sad and even when he wasn't zapping shit dead for free the 2 damage to face plus a 6/4 swinging in every turn is a lot of very serious pressure. Also, gibbed a Rancid Rats and Shrill Howler with his ETB in the last game of the last round to secure my undefeated run so he's got a warm place by my heart forever (this was after I Dragged Under the Howler 3 turns in a row and he finally decided to leave the rat up as defense in case I had another bounce. If you're out there, Duncan, kudos to you for not flipping the table right then.). Ran the 4/4 flipped into 5/7 trample dog too but he didn't quite feel as broken. The Drag Unders felt really strong too (but of course they will when you have Mercurial Geists and Prowess out the ass).
On a side note, a few cards surprised me in the first deck too. Crop Sigil is an amazing Delirium activator and the Delirium ability ain't half bad at all. Kindly Stranger is great but I'm probably the last person to realize this. Deck was strong and fun but could've been a little trickier and bursty I guess.
I got a Tamiyo, a foil Sigardas Aid, and a grim flayer
I went 2-2 at my midnight one
>one mythic
>totally unplayable
>planeswalker CoCo
I went 3-1 my next one with my only round loss from being land flooded game 3, pulled nothing of value but had a sick RW aggro deck with always watching.
she is one of the best planeswalkers in recent memory hands down
also my best pull was from a free pack of MM 2015 where I got a Fulminator Mage.
>2 gnarlwood dryads
>4 fight spells, 2 prey upon 2 rabid bite
>2 of that GB 3/2 haste guy
>2 dragoons
Needless to say, whether I was shitting out zombies and answering a particular threat, showing their bombs a rabid lethal bite, or just ignoring their walls with dragoons, I had a fantastic time with my aggressive deck.
Went 5-0 with UR evasion aggro. Maybe my meta is terrible.
Didn't pull anything nice, but I had fun getting lots of free cards. I'm going to try to use the commons for pauper and trade away stuff for formats I actually play (not standard).
Pic related. Not pictured 9 islands and 8 mountains for my 17 lands.
wharf infiltrator is so good
>Attack with desperate sentry
>opponent declared no blockers to keep it from being a 3/2 and theres no delirium so hes only hitting for 1
>use Otherwordly Outburst. This procs Delirium, so he goes from a 1/2 to a 5/2
>Pios Evangel Sac my Desperate Sentry
>Aftermath they're down 1/4 life and Im up a creature
I went 4-0 with a mediocre UR spirit and vampire deck with identity thief, that bug guy from OG innistrad, cryptolith fragment, assembled alphas and a bunch of janky commons. I actually had good pulls, I got a foil tree of perdition, a decree in stone, gissa and geralf, and a thalia but I couldn't make any other combo work. Nelbghast herald is amazing.
>Black White, something between aggro and control
>One midnight prerelease
>Lili, Gisela and Cryptbreaker
As for sick combos:
>Fiend Binder, Crpytbreaker and Murderous Compulsion
>Lone Rider + Borrowed Grace blows shit up
I ran a similar deck and managed a 4-1. 3 Brazen wolves were the mvps but the nut was dealing 22 damage with the mercurial geists with borrowed hostility and uncaged fury
>Vessel of Volatility
>Contingency Plan
>Structural Distortion
Not him, but I ran 2 contingency plan and it was really nice to get only what I wanted and in the right order
To answer:
Vessel was probably a bad choice looking back, but I did use it to dump out several dudes at once a few times.
Structural Distortion did two damage and set people back a land. It wasn't perfect, but casting Instants and sorceries buffed some of my creatures.
Contingency plan set my draws and buffed some of my creatures. Draw setting is really good.
How the fuck did you 5-0 running Vessel of Volatility and Structural Distortion in your deck? Not being an asshole, the rest of your deck is pretty above average. Those two cards are just horrible though....
Went to all 5 prerelease events at my lgs with a friend. We go for the hopes of foils for our commander decks.
1st one: pull foil gisa and geralf from pack, but rest of pulls were trash so went 1-3.
2nd one: promo splendid reclamation, decent deck. Go 2-2, pull foil deploy the gatewatch from one of my 4 prize packs. Friend pulled gisela as his promo and gave it to me because i literally pulled nothing but stuff for him at the SOI prerelease.
3rd one: promo 6/1 devil, literally unplayable sealed pool. Decided to drop and get some sleep.
4th: 2hg one. Pull thalias lancers as promo, build a sweet B/G delirium deck with ishkanah and 2 distended mindbenders. Friend goes B/W kill spells with nahiris wrath. Everygame blow up field then blow up hands, force enemies into topdeck mode around turn 4. Went 3-1, misplayed hard one game. Store was out of prize packs so we get them next week.
5th one: promo bruna, normal bruna, thalias lancers, and nahiri in my sealed pool. But my commoms and uncommons blew. Have to go U/W/R, get mana screwed alot. Dropped at 1/2 to go draft.
Didnt pull any normal money rares or mythics though, still super satisified with my prerelease. Foil brisela looks sick
>Structural Distortion
Its not uncommon to run into opponents who try to run three colors or only get one of the appropriate lands of their two color decks to work with, this not only potentially screws the opponent for a short while but also deals damage.