Horus Heresy General /hhg/

Hungry Hungry Iron Warriors Edition
Opening Day aftermath Sub-Edition
Oi, you gitz, did we cover every aspect of the Opening Day? In the last thread we discussed FW's policies and how they keep the world afloat by shafting IWfags, the new date for Inferno and what the Imperial Pillar Men are getting was discussed, we explained why you can't make a Jetbike using Land Speeder parts, we explained a few things and there was also some EC fluff arguments plus much more in the last thread Red Book Links:
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww2.zippyshare.com%2Fv%2Fs15Jqk1t%2Ffile.html
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmega.nz%2F%23!Jx1UGCTI!vMJN89z7p8tiEC7YOAj477g6RxDtJ7culVLF3q3godg
HH Book 6 - Retribution PDF:
mediafire.com/download/8aqx9j3a8erqv8d/The_Horus_Heresy_Book_6_-_Retribution.pdf or
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fkat.cr%2Fthe-horus-heresy-book-6-retribution-pdf-t12199249.html
HHG FAQ - pastebin.com/iUqNrrA8
Official HH 7th Edition Errata (Updated January 2016) - forgeworld.co.uk/resources/fw_site/fw_pdfs/Horus_Heresy/Horus_Heresy_7th_Edition.pdf
Other official downloads: forgeworld.co.uk/Downloads#horusheresy
HH Rules:
Crusade Army List: mediafire.com/download/1lprm5vd99yafa3/
Mechanicum Taghmata Army List: mega.nz/#!LFwTjQ7B!mF0eVOY8P1MPT0a-QSXypXo_ZfskhYynD41PrkaTbD8
30k/40k Rules: mega.nz/#F!pFgm0RKR!J06C1gVYcjzNGsF8YNLsjQ!EVh0GZZS
30k/40k Rules and more (torrents): kat.cr/usearch/"Forge World" heresy user:epistolary/
30k Black Library: mega.nz/#F!0RlxDZQC!qAu9BaubWa3KeihJRmOcsg
Strawpoll links: strawpoll.me/10558764

Other urls found in this thread:

mediafire.com/listen/qgxrgx845sxje56/Steal the Steel.wav


Good than I wasn't arguing with you.

First post, AWE YEAH.

Fielding fortifications and heavy Artillery, Iron Within! Iron Without~


First for the EMPRAH, beloved by all.

user is once again begging for a link to the updated crusade army list. Help an user out?

Fuck my shit.

Bugger mine own faeces.

Building Iron Warriors, no hazard stripes and with different helmets.

How would you feel if someone tried to field four Castellum Strongholds using the alternate FOC?

If those helmets didn't have the breathholes and mowhawkesthey'd be great helmets for a lot of legions

Torsos here.

Both pics related. Am using only the helmets and am filing down the spiky ones.

Do you accept ePubs?

My plan is to greenstuff the holes.

...is that a stolen power spear?

I'd rather the pdf if you have it, but if you can reccomend an epub reader I can handle it.

Field a single one man, why field four?

Why would you use the WE ones? Why not the Iron Masks?

Nope. An edit of this. The Space Marine Voice Actor tripfag edited this GK to look like his Chapter Master chapter.

>How would you feel if someone tried to field four Castellum Strongholds using the alternate FOC?
Challenged, and compelled to destroy them.

The generic design of the helm looks nicer to me, after filing down the horns and green stuffing the holes they have a nice generic sleek look, sort of Greek/Roman.

Someone posted a pdf of it, but apparently OP didn't add it to the links, and no one reposts it. You'll have to look back a few threads and find it.

Because I thought it'd be hilarious. I don't own any, just saying.

They have hella good rules, 3+ cover on the battlements goes to 2+ when you go to ground, one of the Iron Warrior IC lets to rerroll failed cover saves of one.

>four Castellum Strongholds

Arent those a quarter of a table each? Besides they are a LoW choice now.

> they are a LoW choice now.

Nooooo, I was going to field one in my IW's.

>Besides they are a LoW choice now.
It was my mistake to think we were done with the shafting, honestly.
>The Space Marine Voice Actor tripfag
...come again?

No they aren't, they're under 500 points and aren't armed with D weapons.

Found it 3rd thread in archives or 4th

A guy who wanted to do some voice acting for spess marheens. Stopped using his name after maybe five chapter master threads when he started posting in those threads.

>Besides they are a LoW choice now.

Im stupid and made a mistake.

Did he posted some voice clips or something?
...I downloaded LORD Commissar Bern's voice, and I wish he had at least a cutscene.

Do you have any idea where I could get the Dawn of War II space marine voice clips? I've looked all over for a download and I'm too dumb to figure out how to tamper with the game files. I've tried and it involved a lot of shit that didn't work. I make batreps sometimes for fun and I like to put the voice clips over the models.

So what's everyone's favorite armor mark?

Well from youtube, I think it's a damn good compilation
In two parts, and you'll need to chop some of the vids, as they contain marine death screams for about a full minute.
Unless that's what makes you hard, because Emperor's children.

MkIII is the only armor for me. A shame the IW upgrade set isn't MkIII though.


MkII, easily.


Dern. I remember Alfabusa making a compliation of the tactical marine without any music but it's since disappeared. And I cant find any non musical ones for things like Land Raiders or Preds

Well, lucky for me Dungeon Siege does fit Bern. And I do have gud memories from both those games.

>tfw I only just realised a squad of 10 seekers is actually more expensive in the new book

We got breacher'd lads


Best armour coming through fags, keep your shitty MkII & II out of the way

Gotta pay for that S5 AP2, I guess.
Says the man with the armour made out of literal garbage.

>have ap2 rounds
worth it

im still trying to figure out if 10 vets with combi plasma is better than 10 seekers with combi plasma though, running drop pods. i, starting to think the vets are better

That's meant to say MkII & III

I was so revolted I couldn't even type them properly

Really like MkIII, though not FW's MkIII. Lately I've found myself finding new aspects of the MkVI I like. I already got 5 bikers with MkVI, 10 seekers with MkVI, my moritat has MkVI and been thinking of making 20 strong assault squad in MkVI.

MkV and MkII

By like 5 fucking points, seekers are awesome, Ive always loved them and Im glad they get to shine a bit.

Ten BS5 24" S5 AP2 Precision Shots.

Here's one clip of his work. mediafire.com/listen/qgxrgx845sxje56/Steal the Steel.wav

Garbage you can find on any battlefield and repair/rebuild with incredible ease

Good luck moving in that MkIII when the backpack gets hit, MkV you can probably get going again with some chewing gum and good thoughts

At least with MkIII you won't have to worry about surviving getting hit. MkV means that the guy who takes your armor will get it going again with some chewing gum and good thoughts.

Something about seekers having heavy shots doesn't sit right with me, their fluff describes them as fast moving, close range marksmen who don't have the advantage of being able to stay still and line up shots like a sniper does.

And yet one of their ammo types means they have to stand still and line up shots

Not complaining about ranged AP2 though

I don't see anything about them being some fast moving run and gun types. Their entry says they identify enemy personnel and take them down with precision shots in the middle of a battle, though they lack the luxury of range like recce squad snipers.


Scrubs: Mk II
Hardened Armour: Mk III
Veterans and Officers: Mk IV
Savages (Rampagers, Blackshields, etc.): Mk V

The part that gave me that impression was where it said they only had "the briefest window of opportunity", makes it seem like they move quick and take out goons speedy style

Veterans: MkII
Hardened Armour: Mk III
Noobs: MkIV
Operators: MkV

Scorpius ammo must be hand loaded, that's why it's a Heavy weapon – can't do that on the move.

It's usually harder to shoot someone in the middle of a fight than a sniper sneaking up on the enemy at their base or something.

>Veterans: MkII
>Hardened Armour: Mk III
>Noobs: MkIV
>Operators: MkVI
>Shitty poor people (in game) : MkV
>Shitty poor people (irl) : mk7

Considering their rarity, would it make sense for them to be One Use Only?

What the fuck, you guys have been making it sound like they where ap2 all the time, rending isn't that big of a deal. Every sixth shot is ap2 with shred?

THATS what all the QQing has been about?

MkV master race

thats the old book

That's the old rules, new rules have them st5 AP2 all the time

That's a pic of the old version.

Chinacast is cheaper than GW plastic. Hell, even real FW is the same as what GW charges for plastic marines these days.

Oh ok, What the fuck, thats hella op... Yeah fuck those bolt shells... Stupid.... Str5.... Ap2......... Shed................

I want to argue, but I can't facing down a paint job like that.
Good job, user.

MkIV was invented to replace MkII, which was breaking down due to old age, and was difficult to repair. Vets were probably offered prefferential access to MkIV
As such, vets either wear their trusty MkII or switched to MkIV

BS5 (6 for IF and SoH) with prefered enemy on one target.

Seekers are love and they will find you and kill you.

That's the Old version, I don't have the new pic. Also, new Scorpius is S5 as well. But fluff stays the same?

Damn, different coloured faceplates on models are just the best thing going, you did a real good job user.


6. Knights in space forever.


>Hey since you are a veteran we decided to give you first dibs on this new armour, its easier to maintain and better than your current mk II armour
>Nah I'll keep my piece of shit Mk II

You better play RG or AL or the autists are going to start coming out of the woodwork

MkII was top quality armor, it was just slow to make.

Mate, you'd be surprised at how often this happens in real life.

Listening to Pharos. I've got some opinions about it but when Sanguinius tried to offer Night Haunter a chance at redemption and for one second it looked like he would take it. The feels...


Good, and I swear if anyone posts that old fluff picture of that MkVI Iron Warrior I swear to god I'll phosphex this whole place to the ground

>>If it aint broken, don't fix it
>But it IS broken, brother Command squad Chosen.
>>Then fix it, frater astrotechnicus
>It'll just break down again!
>>Back in my day we would fix our broken gear, not buy a new one
>Then YOU fix it!
>>...meh, it's artificer Mk3. It'll last longer than me anyway.

More like
>As an officer of the Legion, if my 200 year old armor so much as clanks in the wrong way, I can have a hundred Techmarines fix this shit by tomorrow. It might be shitty armor, but it's MY shitty armor, and it got me THIS FAR. Let the scrubs have the new and efficient armor since they're in the field more than me.

Fair point. Granted I imagine some legions might take the Mk IV simply because its better looking.
>Gaius Lucius Cornelius Augustus Sulla my son it is time for you to choose an armour mark
>Will you choose artificer Mk III lighter than Mk IV, with sensory systems superior to Mk VI, and better protection than cataphractii terminator armour?
>Or will you choose regular Mk IV armour?
>Cut to EC standing in generic Mk IV armour

>they're in the field more than me.
Which would make sense if all space marine officers weren't field officers.

>>Cut to EC standing in generic Mk IV armour

You're right, that wasn't worded in the best way, but I think you're also missing the point here

The only thing top quality about Mk II was the armor plates, which weren't even good enough as Mk III's existence proves. The cabling was far too massive and the power plant was far too primitive. This is why Mk IV improved all of those things, and added better sensors to boot. The only thing Mk IV couldn't replicate was the complicated armor rings.

I get what you mean, but officers and vets would still have first access to the new gear. Sure some might not take it, but some would, especially in legions like the EC that care too much about aesthetics. Since I play EC I use them as the base for most of my comparisons. Sure Iron Warrior and Fist vets might have Mk II or III but EC with their love of art and aesthetics might take the Mk IV because "this armour is totally fabulous."


>Sure Iron Warrior and Fist vets might have Mk II or III
On the IWs side, that's because they probably wouldn't even recieve a resupply. But DG, IW, IF and probably Sallies wouldn't care much about MkIV, considering MkIII lasts enough and their battle tactics need heavier armour over mobility

I've always reserved Mk III for dudes with hardened armour, which with the changes to breachers is nobody now.

>On the IWs side, that's because they probably wouldn't even recieve a resupply.
Even in-universe, we are shafted. Like when that one painter made a painting depicting an apothecary retrieving gene-seed from fallen IW with an IF flag raised in the background.

>Even in-universe, we are shafted
Hey, you knew that before joining.
Perty bought that painting, only to be able to destroy it himself. Could someone post the Bitterness intensifies version?

Posting pictures from the other thread.


>Perty bought that painting, only to be able to destroy it himself.
Honestly one of the best parts of the book right there. I loved that he told the artist that if his sons cannot be glorified like the rest, then they shall not be humiliated either, or something along those lines.