You bought your bitcoin from someone who was selling. Daily remind that every single person who has ever sold their bitcoin now regrets it
You bought your bitcoin from someone who was selling...
regretful pleb checking in
and they just dont learn
>Sold at 10k
On the fast track to suicide
Nocoiners still have it worse
I was thinking to sell a little at 15k.
But then I remembered I sold 0.5 btc (I only have 1.1 left) at 7500 and 9000 because it seemed too high
I bought alot of alts with my btc... should I be on suicide watch too?
bought a few btc at 2600, sold at 4400 to put into bcc at 300, sold that at 700. was feeling pretty great at the time. every day that goes by now i just feel worse and worse about my life. waking up every morning this past week to my stock portfolio down thousands of dollars, thinking i could have made it all back in a single day today in btc just makes me want to die.
how do u prove that they was selling? i just click buy and i get the bitcoin. everyone is buying and holding cause they no it going to go up. nobody is selling an ur trying to make peopleretard fuck.
I've been taper selling. Not sure what the technical term is, but basically selling at set amounts as it goes up. For sure its a bummer to miss out on gains, but you are also ensuring that if things do go to shit - you still made money.
I sold my bitcoin to put money into alts that went up more than bitcoin. Not everyone regrets it.
Yes because you most likely are down in the Satoshi value of those alts.
I used to have 4.5 bitcoins and I lost 2.5 of them on alts
make people afraid. cause you a retard fuck who is trying to make me selling. not gonna happen.
Stocks have been rough lately. You can still put a small amount back in to BTC for short sprints.
I'm down 25 BTC since September. Never fucking holding alts again. They're only for day trading
Just bought 1k of bitcoins for 15k at localbitcoins. Am I braindead or should be feeling good?
tfw 11 year olds on runescape have a better understanding of finance than Veeky Forums
there is a 5 day waiting period for robinhood withdrawals and for kraken deposits, so im looking at minimum 2 weeks before i can rebalance my portfolio back into crypto. i keep thinking that this dip in the stock market is the worst time to sell my stocks as theyre posed to shoot back up at some point in the next month, and the second i buy into btc itll crash because thats just my stupid luck lately. every decision ive made since selling my bcc a few months ago has been a trainwreck and im not sure how much more of it i can take.
I know the feeling. I think part of it is we are just new to investing in stocks, so, we aren't very good at it. Crypto really doesn't take much effort to make money in it right now, provided you stick to the easy stuff rather than the esoteric crapshoots.
Tech stocks have really taken a hit this month, I've barely broken even also. Yeah they might shoot up but really I think all the tax stuff and trump is all priced in, and now tech companies are kinda getting a hard time between tax evasion, monopolies, government-election related bad news, and so forth. I don't think 2018 is going to be easy on tech.
But I don't know what else to invest in other than some ETFs. I've done decent with some Brazilian ETFs like EWZ, but, I don't really know what I'm doing. I think what I've really learned is I don't know anything and crypto was mostly luck and just a great market, and that I need to do a lot of education on investing. So, I'm starting to think about collecting some books.
This is temporary, normies should be shilled into alts any time, even they learn.
you say this now, till they go to the moon. But yes bitcoin was the easy money the last weeks.
You're like the opposite of me user.
>Bought 5000 shares AMD @ 2USD in Jan 2016
>Sold in Feb 2017 @14USD (70k USD total)
>Bought 72 bitcoins in the dip down to 900 USD
>Sold all my BCASH when it hit 0.33 for an extra 23 bitcoins
>Sitting on exactly 95 bitcoins from a 10k USD investment
Not gonna lie, feels bretty good. Even though my life is exactly the same, I literally haven't spent a dime. Just sort of leave it sitting there. Don't even want to cash out desu.
I sold at $4000 and don't regret it. my returns would have been better, but I have no faith in the fundamentals of bitcoin.
This is a dangerous speculative bubble and the crashening... will be huge.
cool well then you can just suck my fucking dick you nigger piece of shit.
Why aren't you letting your wealth trickle down by creating new jobs?
>Bought more at $7K, sure it would drop
lol wtf, thanks bull traders
Shit my man, good instincts
The key is to literally purge yourself of cognitive biases and just forget about the past.
>When I was buying bitcoin @ 900 USD people told me not too, it was too late, I'd missed the boat
>When I was selling bcash for bitcoin they told me bcash would be better, that I could have 300 bcash instead of 90 bitcoins, that btc would never hit 10k and bcash was my only chance at millions.
sold feels good
can buy 3 next week
enjoy having not cashed out when the panic selling starts and nobody can get their cash.
>sell half my bitcoins
>buy more when it dips
yeah I fucking regreat it so much
Yes, I know the feeling.
I sold 1/4th of my bitcoin today at 12500.
Oh well.
juat buy more when it dips to 8k.
I bought my first BTC back in May when it was at around $1980, and then some more back when China banned BTC and it dropped down to $3.5k. I owed my brother $32 as well and bought BTC at $3500 for him as well... he initally wasn't too keen about it, but now he's a bit happy that it's worth over $100.
So I guess sucks to be anyone who sold at $1980... but all the $3500 BTC I bought clearly came from a Chinese dude who didn't want to break the law.
I've noticed that at certain key moments, there is a massive sell off. Lately it was at $5000, $7500, and then $10k (well, $11k).
I suspect the next massive sell off will be at $15k and $20k, so I'm totally prepared for that... sell at $15k, buy back in at the dip (probably from panic sellers, lol STBY)
>dips to 8k
Has this become a meme now?
How easy is it to buy stocks? Is it like using Bittrex or Coinbase?
I remember back in 1997 when Apple stocks were at like $12, and I begged my parents to buy some back then, but we simply didn't have the cash. I wished *I* could've bought some, but I had no clue how to do it.
I suspect it's easy to buy stocks today, but is it as easy as cryptocurrency in your guys' opinion?
Robinhood made getting into stocks piss easy
I dunno, I wouldn't be buying any bitcoins right now, just cuz I feel like the bubble will pop and it'll bottom out and stay at like $5k for the better part of 2018. I thus feel it'll be better to wait for the dip, THEN buy.
But I'm just an amateur in this, so I could be very wrong. Just my instincts tell me to wait, that's all.
Huh, I guess that's what that robinhood thread is all about... I just assumed that it was about people literally acting like robinhood, albeit they figured out some way to personally gain from it.
OK so... in that case, is robinhood's "$0 trading" exactly what I think it is? That is, in order to buy or sell stocks, you USED to have to pay a fee, but now you don't? In the same way I can buy/sell crypto without (much of) a fee?
and they say us LINKies are delusional. You normalfags can enjoy your panic sell, perhaps I might send you some Link if you beg.
Robinhood is a exchange. While many exchanges apply a fee on each trade, there are none on robinhood because it uses your money similar to a bank.
Interesting. I guess I'll look into it some more. Thanks user
so what's the catch? I bet there's some risk or some shit right?
One google search
>With Robinhood Gold, you get up to 2x your buying power and access to after hours trading for as little as $6 per month. This is the only product Robinhood charges you for, and is completely optional. Trading is still commission free.
>Additionally, Robinhood earns revenue by collecting interest on the cash and securities in Robinhood accounts, much like a bank collects interest on cash deposits.
If bitcoin crashes, all crypto is fucked, what don't you retards get about this? There will be 0 confidence in your shitcoins if BTC suffers a massive crash for the second time.
If crypto cant survive without BTC being its head runner, it doesn't deserve to.
If bitcoin crashes, it'll have another 3 year nuclear winter, by which time normies will be accustomed to it, they'll remember it, all the current 16 and 17 year old will be 20 and old enough to have some money to buy it, more normies will get on board this time, and then we will truly go to pluto next time crypto starts moving again. Fractals and cycles.
I'm putting my money on Bitcoin as being here to stay. It can crash in the same way the Dow crashed in 1929, but the Dow (and the stocks it represents, assuming they're still around as of 2017) still exist, and so I'm sure BTC will as well.
Frankly I'm hoping it crashes because not only do I want to cash in on the crash, but I'd like to buy BTC after the crash. Sell for $15k, buy later for $1k? Sure!
I expect BTC to be the frontrunner in the same way USD lead other currencies. Euro can be #2, as could Ether, Yen and Lite #3, etc. It's just the way of things, and I'm OK with it.
Exactly. It'll be fucked for a couple years, but because BTC is here to stay, it'll only be a matter of time before it goes back up. Several examples in financial history show this... BTC is too big to fail.
>BTC is too big to fail.
wew boy.
Nice just sold 100k
When are you going to sell then? The bubble is going to pop eventually.
seemed too high compared to what, faggot