What's your alignment in real life?
I'd have to go lawful good for myself.
What's your alignment in real life?
I'd have to go lawful good for myself.
Alignment doesn't capture the complexities of real people.
Faggot detected.
>muh morality
>muh goodness
>muh top right square
Chaotic Good is the only alignment for a real man
Real life: True Neutral
Tabletop games: True Neutral / Chaotic Neutral
Internet: Chaotic Evil
Chaos brings decay to structure and communities that bring peace and unity. Chaotic good is an oxymoron. It's a child's choice.
Have a little fun, my man
Chaos is not just decay, it is also a harbinger of change. Stagnancy is the death of all civilizations, and Chaos allows your society to adapt and overcome all challenges.
True Neutral.
Got True Neutral in the online alignment test. I was expecting Chaotic Neutral though since most of my answers were selfish. I think was only 2 points shy of CN.
TN is supposedly the rarest alignment, but that's what most anons come up with.
What you're doing here is pretending to be retarded. A thread died for this.
True Neutral is the average everyday Joe Bloggs on the street. They're not committed to any extreme of the moral or ethical spectrum. While they prefer good to evil, they aren't motivated to get out and perform good deeds. Most are primarily concerned with the immediate needs of themselves and their loved ones.
>TN is supposedly the rarest alignment, but that's what most anons come up with.
They have unhealthy internet obsessions so inevitably their motivations will be primarily metaphysical to some extent. Some will lack physical motivations entirely excluding survival and basic comfort. This leaves them satisfied, and a satisfied person can't really be anything but TN.
Guess what fuckboi you juat made fun of Benjamin motherfucking Franklin
Mostly lawful good/lawful neutral by my actions in the world, edgy thoughts mean nothing if you never act on them. though like other anons have said, alignment will never capture the true complexities of real life.
If you apply D&D alignment to real life, you'll find that Lawful and Good each represent about .01% of the population. 50% of people are neutral evil, 30% are chaotic neutral and the rest are neutral or chaotic evil.
Certainly change can be good, but this can be done through the law and in an orderly way.
Without order any good change brought about by chaos will fall to evil. It takes constant vigilance and protection of good ideals and virtues for any society to survive. Chaos breeds injustice.
He created a society whose laws support and encourage its citizens to be chaotic, thus he is lawful good.
Chaotic Neutral
Unemployed NEET, lives with parents, OCD and depression
True (Neutral) Good.
Wow kid, how's high school?
Got a job, is now neutral evil.
In terms of social behavior and reponsibility, I'm Neutral Good. Laws that are not for the good of the people are not fit to follow and one can conscientiously object to them. I also believe that there are occasions when mercy is needed even if the law or personal grievance demands harsher retribution.
However in terms of personal morals, I'm a Lawful Good moralfag all the way. You need a metric to judge whether human laws are just in the first place, after all.
Basically I accept that laws in human society are not always going to be perfect, and sometimes you need to fudge them to benefit people the best. But there is also a higher moral law that tells us that we need to provide that benefit to others in the first place.
I'm 33, faggot. You think you're "good" because you're fucking autistic, you worthless subhuman internet troll scumbag. Put a shotgun in your mouth and splatter your brains all over the wall of your mommy's basement. That will be the only "good" deed you've ever done. You are a waste of life.
Why bother living in a world you hate so much?
Sounds about the same as me.
Self-preservation can still be a powerful instinct even if one has little regard for the value of individual human life otherwise. Our baser nature drives us to live, even if our higher nature and conscience cannot tell us why that life is important.
True Neutral through and through.
ITT, autistic children call themselves "lawful" and "good" even though they're self-absorbed, self-serving little twats who have never done anything useful for society or contributed anything to the human race. If you don't go out of your way and make sacrifices to help others and enrich your community, you are not good. You are evil. You are a taker. Shut the fuck up and kill yourself.
Chaotic Pathetic
These threads are just like the "stat yourself" threads where fat, illiterate, ugly neckbeards give themselves 16 Str and Con, 17 Int and 18 Cha.
You are right that many people claim to be angels when in reality they're just complacently sleepwalking through life.
But hypocrisy is the homage that vice pays to virtue. In some ways, I find it enough for people to recognize the importance of that self-sacrifice in the first place. Profess it long enough, and maybe it will be internalized when it really counts.
ITT autistic children call themselves "chaotic" and "evil" even though they're unmotivated, laissez-faire little twats who have never stirred up anything major in a society or permanently harmed any human being. If you don't go out of your way and make sacrifices to hinder others and destroy your community, you are not evil. You are neutral. You are a taker. Shut the fuck up and kill yourself.
Man, the scars run deep.
Like, it already seemed like it wasn't going anywhere good, and then I saw 'Awakening' and was like, 'oh, New WoD, never fucking mind.'
>tfw lawful and good alignments are alien concepts to you and you have no understanding of how those people think or function
>disgusted by evil and uncomfortable roleplaying it
>can only write/play schizotypal TN and CN characters
You're so angry and bitter, it's almost sad. Calm down a little, and realise that while you may see the world and everyone around you as a cruel and even "evil" person, you are certainly in the minority.
There is no objective good or bad in this world, only what you find to be desirable and undesirable. Aspire to seek as much pleasure for yourself and for others as possible and your life will be pleasant, if still ultimate meaningless.
True Neutral. I don't bother nobody, and nobody bothers me.
I'd like to say Neutral Good. I tend to get pretty fanatical about duty but I can also be more than a little bit of a pragmatist. And I'm uuuuuuusually pretty good about not being TOO selfish, anyway. I'd be lying if I said I'd never pawned off an unpleasant coworker on someone else, but as a matter of policy I help anyone who asks to the best of my ability.
Neutral Evil on a good day. I'm a practical sort of bloke. And kind of a dick. I blame the job, really.
Even though alignment doesn't express the complexity of a real person, for fun I would probably say lawful neutral.
The rationalization is thatI think I'm a fairly decent person, but I wouldn't call myself 'good', especially not in dnd terms, and I definitely not evil. You know, probably. And I do my best to follow laws, rules, and my personal code of honor adapted from bushido and chivalry I actually just like to make rules for myself otherwise I will be really lazy, never get anything done, and would have no social life. I find that being an adult is easier for my when I force myself to follow extra rules.
So... you're an edge lord and a pussy? Makes sense.
>my personal code of honor adapted from bushido and chivalry
God, that might be the neckbeardest thing ever put to text. Thank god for the spoiler text.More like thank the non-existent sky wizard that dumb people believe in because they're dumb people, amirite?
I'm a self-absorbed, petty, socially maladjusted neckbeard. So Chaotic Evil I guess.
>Duke Nukem
Hold on a second.
Fucking fundies.
I mean, I don't believe. But I don't shame people for believing.
You sound like you own one or more pitchforks.
In D&D a good character is someone who gets beaten, stabbed, burned and shot in order to save the day for a bunch of weak, timid peasants and is rewarded with trinkets that serve no purpose but to facilitate more heroic, self-sacrificing quests. What "good" have you done lately, user? Did you give blood? Mr. Ranger gave a quart of blood to fend off a kobold horde. Did you donate to charity? Mr. Paladin donated sixty pounds of solid gold to charity last week after having his hair singed off by a dragon. Mr. Cleric was able to cure the third degree burns, but there is no cure for heroic baldness.
I'm a different guy than the one you originally responded to. I don't agree with his stance, just trying to suss out his reasoning.
True Neutral.
>Did you give blood?
I have type O. If I don't donate every couple months the Red Cross won't stop pestering me.
I'm not making it up; my parents are both type A, and they never got calls when it was just them.
I'm a Third Way racist, so by most D&D standards LE, though obviously I consider myself LG.
Probably White/Blue. I'd consider myself lawful as hell, but only when it comes from a logical place.
le fedora chaotic good reporting