It's been a while, so here's a summary:
You're Rachel Li, an 18-yeard old college freshman who's gotten mixed up with some paranormal affairs. You've been recruited to the Paranormal Investigation Bureau, where you actually don't really do much except watch out for anything weird happening on-campus and otherwise stay on call for anything big that happens.
Personally, you were infected by some kind of fae disease when someone sent you to a brothel to subdue and capture a fae. Of course, being the risk-taking, paranormal-loving, kind of dumb you, you dyed your hair and did as they asked of you, because you really wanted to find out if the paranormal was real.
And it was, and you kind of messed up badly, but you managed to get out of your situation with a slight favor owed to the fae who infected you. You currently have the ability to force your body to modify itself by thinking really hard, along with a "reservoir" of power of sorts that powers that ability that you can kind of keep track of by a vague sense in your mind. So far, it seems the reservoir gets filled little by little whenever you managed to convince people, trick people, or inflict violence upon them. Summer, the fae who infected you, hinted that anything that would give you large amounts of pleasure would also fill your reservoir by large amounts, hint hint, but you aren't willing and currently don't need to take that road anytime soon.
The reservoir currently feels almost full enough to make a medium-sized "glamour", by which you mean you might be able to grow another limb or a tail or something. Unfortunately, glamour has upkeep costs, and the bigger the glamour, the more it costs. However, the bigger the glamour, the harder it is to break, which means that another limb might be able to take a few more hits than a glamour that just hardens your skin or something of the like.