Be fearful when others are greedy.
Be fearful when others are greedy
You fucking babies have been saying this shit since 2k.
Neck yourself.
Get rekt boomers, the flippening hasnt even begun yet.
you sound like a scared little bitch so I think I'll buy
amazes me how this fat fuck hasn't died yet due to his arteries
im almost positive they have some special medication for super rich people
Comment checks out.
- Steve Jobs
They're just able to have a better quality of life.
Better food, medical treatment, etc.
that's funny because BTab hasn't had any organic growth since about $2500, it's all tethers and speculation
but he's not that fat?
fat doesn't have to be large
I don't listen to most of this guy's bullshit on bitcoin but this is something I do believe in
There's way too much hysteria right now, retards insisting it'll go to 100k(Because they only just bought at 10k and want to 10x like all the cool kids)
Leaking into all the other boards too, reminds me of the first bubble to 1k
most indians have diabetes and they are super skinny
was just thinking about this.
Back then there was still hope for bitcoin. There was still a chance the mining oligarchy would come to a consensus to upgrade it. That never happened. It's not decentralized. It's not a currency.
I waited two years for bitcoin to get its shit together, and it chose to do nothing except open the door to more centralization with the lightning network.
The bitcoin of today is nothing like the bitcoin at 2k. Sorry to burst your bubble.
There's plenty of competing mining groups. The issue is the pseudo-democratic format itself. That's why you'll never see agreement on things that affect profits. That's the price of incentivising mining this heavily.
Fair point. Mining pools have distributed power.
That said, I would think Veeky Forums would be fiscally conservative enough to not like the fact that using Bitcoin is very costly compared to using most anything else.
I don't like paying taxes to my corrupt government, and I don't like paying excessive transaction fees to a greedy mining community.
Buy litecoin lads Koreans trading at 118dollars +normie WAVE after bitcoin news hits
>thinking he AFTUALLY drink it on a regular basis and eat mcshit every friday...
he own shares of KO and mcdo hes doing it to show people you can be healthy and consume that kind of shit.
junk food, more profitable than GE during 2008/2009. wonder why...
We forked off, Bitcoin Cash.
probably has a blood boy or three
>drinks half a coke a day
>can't even finish a small fries, but buys the regular (medium)
>he fell for the "sugar is bad" meme
oh my lord
>Coca Cola Cherry
he truly is the king of kings.
burger cola is made with corn syrup.
>"...and greedy when others are fearful"
technically everyone's scared there's a crash coming soon, so according to this logic BUYBUYBUYBUY