What if superman as a baby was sucked onto a agriworld in the Imperium of Man? Would he be viewed as a missing primarch?
Superman in 40k
no, he's not human and would most likely be some kind of c'tan or other superpowered impossible creature like a million others.
Cannonically superman is weak against magic and the warp would love thier new plaything
Superman is much stronger than a Primarch. If he arrived in M31 it could be possible, but in M41 "missing Primarchs" isn't really a thing.
No. He's distinctly different from the Primarchs, and would probably be viewed as a xenos or mutant to be purged.
Chaos would fuck him into oblivion. He's explicitly vulnerable to magic.
That being said, him and nurgle or khorne could probably be close friends.
He wouldn't be confused for those weak ass niggas. He'd pick his teeth with the Emperor.
>He's explicitly vulnerable to magic.
Guess how I know you never read Supes comics? Not being invulnerable to something doesn't mean Zatanna is gonna be taking him down. He regularly defeats magical, metaphysical and multidimensional threats.
Nobody would take him for a Primarch, but if memory serves his insides LOOK human, so if he can fool medical scans the Imperium would probably think his powers came from the Emprah and call him a living saint.
He's no more vulnerable to magic than a normal man, so if he was raised in a good, God-Emperor-fearing home, he'd have an average chance of coming out okay.
>implying Emprah spawned a Xeno
He's "weak" to magic in the sense that a sword magically enchanted to cut anything will cut him (but won't cut somebody like Black Adam). If the sword glows blue when orcs are around it isn't doing shit to Superman, but it'll glow when orcs are around.
It depends on the magic, essentially. Superman got himself blasted to the moon by Etrigan's hellfire once and was fine afterwards.
>vulnerable to magic
nah, he's just less invulnerable to magic
People thinking psychic powers are magic
People thinking superman is weak to magic
40k has psychic powers AND magic, user.
Just imagine the Galaxy's faces when they see a guy that can literally juggle planets
Superman doesn't have much magic res, not weakness to magic. If a spell turns the average joe into a toad for a minute, it'll do the same to Superman. It's just that Superman has a fairly large endurance stat.
are his cousin and dog there too?
>Cannonically superman is weak against magic and the warp would love thier new plaything
Daily reminder that THE WARP IS STILL NOT MAGIC!
Superman is the embodiment of a hero with no limits, a person to whom "nothing is impossible". Provided that none of his "hard counter" weaknesses gets exploited he would easily be at the level of the Emperor/Chaos gods. Heck there is one Superman continuity where superman is essentially god.
More like the reincarnation of the Emperor.
Why would they assume he's a xeno?
Would the toad have superhuman powers?
Additionally, Supes has great mental strength.
40k is one of the universes that can put up with Supes Bullshit-Level of power.
Chaos Gods might try to corrupt him. Especially Khorne.
When Supes optimism breaks he tends to get super- (no pun intended) frustrated. And Angry.
The Imperium could claim he is a missing Primarch. Using him as a Propaganda Tool. But then again, the Inquisition knows he isnt. And they wouldn't trust him. Not just because he is a Xenos. His appearance is just TOO convenient. They will probably think its a trick by the Chaos gods and try to murder him with warp-magic.
Would Superman even WANT to help Humanity? After all the Imperium is everything superman does not stand for.
>Would Superman even WANT to help Humanity? After all the Imperium is everything superman does not stand for.
Superman would still want to help humanity, even if means he has to dethrone the Imperium. Inevitably it would probably end in a civil war but then again if Horus had enough influence to do it Superman would surely be able to do it. The only difference is that he wouldn't need the help of Chaos. In fact Superman would probably go and hunt down all traitor legions and weaken/puch back most Xenos just to prove his point.
His biggest problem would probably be the orks and Necrons as orks are not centralized they just keep regrowing and Necrons just awaken from their unknown tombs and teleport away. He would probably get the Eldar to fuck off to the Webway, he would make some peace agreements with the Tau, he would destroy the major hive fleet tendrils of the Nids to push them back. He would hunt and kill down the traitor legions and probably find some bullshit comic book way to close/destabilize the Eye of Terror like flying around it so fast that reality breaks downs or something.
Once that is done the Imperium probably already got the hint that Supes can fuck major shit up if he wants and using brute force against him is unwise and probably even unnecessary. By then the population either started to worship him or blaspheme him already.
I'm a 40k fan, and I can't believe how fucking retarded everybody in this thread is. Chaos would in no way corrupt Superman for the same reason Chaos was unable to corrupt Sanguinius, the Lion, or Dorn. Superman's mental strength is off the charts and he is the virtual incarnation of true good. It's only in silly alternate universe nonsense that he goes insane and starts creating totalitarian states. Main canon Superman would fuck up whatever he wanted, anytime he wanted in 40k because even the psykers that could possible pose a threat to him aren't capable of reacting fast enough. Kal can move faster than they can THINK. On top of that he's typically a planetbuster unless DC nerfed him temporarily again.
Kal El kills the shit out of Chaos and everything else so evil it wouldn't violate his belief in no killing. He becomes Humanity's greatest champion and ushers in a new age of prosperity and peace as he puts down the threats to all the good races of 40k for GOOD, then forces peace between Humanity, Eldar, Tau, possibly the Necrons, and every other minor xenos that isn't pants on head retarded evil like Orks.
The big question if there would be a civil war between his worshipers and Imperium loyalists, however Superman would probably not want a civil war if he can prevent it. So he would either just disappear from the public and hide somewhere where he can watch over humanity or somehow convince both sides that he should not be worshiped. Then he would probably visit the Golden throne and the Emperor to which he would probably be admitted and he would either devise a way to repair the golden throne (remember he also has super intelligence) or go into the warp gate inside the golden throne and either close it or take the emperor's place keeping the throne functional temporarily. Then whatever happens when the Emperor either dies or self rezzes.
In short Supes would basically do THE SAME THING the Emperor would be doing. Big fucking surprise!
if he gets called out as mutant/xenos will people actually support him?
remember we are talking about a dystopic Imperium. Superman would have to show up on every colony and proof himself.
While everyone else works against him. He would have more luck getting the Tau on his side.
Emperor help the Imperium if he landed on the Tau homeworld...
An apparent Gue'la crashlands on Tau as a baby, raised to the ideals of the Greater Good, it's discovered he has meta-normal traits, gets assigned to an elite Fire Warrior cadre.
Who needs a Riptide?
Kal El would probably recognize the Emperor is necessary so everybody doesn't fucking die from mass Chaos invasion via warp portal, and the Emperor would likewise recognize he's necessary to help humanity out in the materium. It's not like the GEOM is some blind and deaf God, he's more or less aware of everything going on.
Kal bitchslaps everybody who doesn't support him into supporting him. There isn't anything the Imperium or anybody can do to stop him given his reaction speeds and movement speed, and he can just disarm everybody if he absolutely needs to.
>if he gets called out as mutant/xenos will people actually support him?
Remember that the Imperium can change their views/propaganda on things. They could oficcialy clear his name to prevent bad shit happening and say that he is not a Xeno, after all he look more human than many other non Xenos/mutants. I mean if Goge Vandire alone was capable of pulling so much shit he did then this would also be possible.
In fact it would also be ironic that a the Imperium gets saved by a Xeno
>Supes is the hero that the Imperium needs, not the one it desreves
A Xeno raised by hard-working Agriworlders,with glorious Human ideals.
He might be good enough to fix BIG-E or give him a break.
Thing is, I can see easily see Supes getting fed up with the stupidity and pettiness of humanity in 40k and becoming a wandering hero.
Look at how disgusted he was with the Marvel Universe, which admittedly has racist lynch mobs in 21st-century upstate New York and an active Nazi insurgency 70 years after WWII but still isn't a patch on 40k.
The people of the Imperium are actually pretty gullible, just cause some call Supes a xeno does not mean everyone would believe it.
>Superman would have to show up on every colony and proof himself.
Knowing supes, he is fully capable of doing that and he probably would even actually do that just to prove a point.
>bitchslap some common sense into everyone
>give the Chaosgods a good spanking
>bring Big E back while shutting the eye of terra tight
>in the noblebrigjt future of the 41st milennium, there is only peace and the happy laughter of everyone
Then sales plummet due to EXTREME BACKLASH and GW finally goes into liquidation.
Truly, the happiest of endings.
It's mentioned that he was acting a bit off in that crossover, as was Steve Rogers, because those two are so tightly linked with their world/universe that the interaction happening between the two at the time was messing with his head because it "wasn't supposed to be possible".
One of the interesting things about Superman is that he's so fast he has literal interstellar FTL travel without the Warp. He wouldn't be beholden to technology to get around.
Imperium would find kryptonite and he would be assraped so hard back into the 20th century that the emperor would await him with lube, candles, and barry white records.
Now let's leave OP's bait to rot, and consider pic related.
Would he not make a fine guardsmen?
>It's only in silly alternate universe nonsense that he goes insane and starts creating totalitarian states
Well, user, are you sure you understand the premise of the thread? Because I don't think it'll get much sillier than Superman crossing over with WH40K.
And let's not forget Captain Miller,
Would he not make a fine guardsmen too?
And this man clearly has the necessities of a guardsmen
Why look at this perfect example of a future guardsmen. This is what guardsmen should aspire too, is it not?
This might be the man the imperium needs, does not the emperor will it?
Why even in death, he too shall serve the emperor, do you not agree?
You might see just but a man, but the emperor sees an unmarked grave in his honor, another number to scratch off the list, does he not?
Guilliman is basically what Kal-El would have become if he'd been found by Roman nobles instead of American farmers. So he'd basically be a Primarch, yes.
Now tell how much you would like to see a Live Action wh40k movie with Tom Hanks in the lead working for the imperium of man?
>implying Toads don't have superhuman powers
I thought about Superman in 40k as well, in his civilian, Clark Kent form. He would definitely be considered abhuman, probably under scrutiny, though there would be no attempts of him being purged, since anatomically and aesthetically he doesn't look tainted.
There is no chance of him being considered a primarch however, since he's genes can't be tested by normal means, and if they could they would confirm his as an alien.
In a normal situation, he'd be conscripted as a guardsman and used as moral incentive for other soldiers to fight better, courtesy of a comissar and his bolter. After all, all guardsmen look the same under the helmet and who can be sure that the one bullet proof guy won the lottery?
Sure, I actually planned to write a comedy between a raging, foaming commissar and his bullet proof guardsman.
You really have a massive boner for superman. You sound like a child with your whole "nu uh no one can beat superman hes the strongest ever"
>write a comedy
...Really? I should like to hear what jokes you have accomplished to write so far.
Isn't he kind of fucked if he ends up in a system without a yellow sun?
Can a primarch do this?
It takes him a while to run low on his sunlight reserves. As long as he avoids systems with red suns, he should be fine.
Worst comes to worst he can get a suit that provides him with yellow sunlight.
Just dress him up as a girl, put him in Sororitas Armour and you've got yourself a great living saint doing shit for the Emperor.
Eh. His big "weakness" is non-physical attacks ie magic attacks or psychic attacks.
Magic hurts him like it does any other and he's been stopped dead by a psionic shriek that didn't stop a civilian let alone any other hero.
Warp would take him or rather someone using warp.
So can be super optimistic and have his will never break but if you went straight for a mind control attack he'd stop dead. Canonically other than kryptonite that is the ONLY way to stop him dead and has been done several times.
He has much more showings of just shrugging off planetary psychics. Such as Despero, twice.
Psychic powers are not one of his weaknesses,
Looking back i see they retconned that explaining it as a weakness to high frequency noises.
Well shit. Apparently heat and nukes hurt as well. Apparently suns don't count cause radiation rather than convection or some pseudo bullshit.
The sun is a red or blue, supes gets run ova by an Ork Speed Kult
He'd look good on display.
wanna know how I know your a fucking autist?
Everyone in the context of superman knows what "vulnerable to magic means" It means he's not fucking invulnerable to it.
Nice hero there, I think I'll take it
There's a difference between 0 damage and 1 damage.
Well magic fucks him up as much as it does any other. shit that would kill batman would kill superman when using it.
>he'd have an average chance of coming out okay.
Yeah, that isn't a really good chance.
Don't argue with a brick
Yet no one said there has to be a difference. You just assumed it a have been wrong all these years
>Would the toad have superhuman powers?
I don't think silver age supes counts, considering he's always at pic related's power level
I don't see how it's possible to reasonably believe that.
Didn't Mxyzptlk influence that sneeze?
The same way folks believe anything that flies in the face of all reason;
Willful ignorance.
Incidentally this is an ideal trait for an upstanding citizen of the Imperium.
I think the very fact that his genes can't be tested by normal means would confirm him as an alien; a human mutant would still have identifiable human DNA structures to analyze, even radically altered ones would likely retain coherent snippets of known human DNA.
Superman is several orders of magnitude more powerful than anyone to ever live on 40k. The setting he's written for is completely different. What is actually ridiculous is that people are going "nuh uh he would go crazy beause 40k is the grittiest setting ever"
Ok assuming he gets taken in and no one works out what he is straight away then the question becomes "how long till he needs to be Superman?"
As most versions of him are obedient to his parents wishes regarding keeping his powers hidden I shall assume this to be the case for this version too. The most likely attack his world is likely to face would be an Ork attack, normal Superman would resolve this by finding their boss and getting him to order them back onto their ship (a 2++ save and S/T of 5 for Superboy should help with the diplomacy) and sending them back in to space. A good Imperial citizens would slay the xeno threat with heat vision. At this point it is likely that the ordo xenos would send someone to find out what happened.
The second way this could go is for the Necrons to learn that they missed one of the Old Ones toys and set out to finish the job, this raise the question of how fast Superman gains his powers and how fast he would learn how to take out a C'tan shard.
>how to take out a c'tan shard
With his fist, obviously. He punched his way out of an entirely seperate reality and back into ours and his will is strong that he literally willed himself back to life once. This isn't even silver age superman we're talking here either. The only chance i could see of him getting taken is if he's in any system without a yellow sun since any other sun radiation actively drains him or he gets winged with anything chaos related.
To be honest, he'd probably be vulnerable to being straight up soul-killed.
You forget that direct physical threats to the body are only one of the dangers of the 41st millennium.
How does Superman fight the Chaos Gods?
They feed on all emotion; even his.
And Superman is a very emotional guy.
I don't think Supes is capable of expressing the sheer apathy towards death and suffering that would be needed to make it out the other side of 40k alive and entirely sane.
Because he's a legitimate good guy in a setting that has no room or use for them.
And 40k as a setting is full of problems that you can't simply punch away.
Yes but I don't know of many interpretations that could do that from birth, there is an element of leaned skill to those feats and the Necrons have the technology to create the situation you described. I know our comic book Superman would walk it but this is his first time with something like this.
This all assumes the Chaos Gods know about him and go out of their way to destroy him specifically. Superman is, physically and possibly even mentally if we're talking Silver Age, to the Emperor as the Emperor is to a normal person. His survival prospects would be good to say the least. Remember this also isn't about transplanting the whole adult character, this is about the BABY being raised in 40k
Well assuming his parents don't make him actively fearful of it like his country parents did, they'd probably say it's a gift from emps so he'd just love it that he's making them proud, he wouldn't throttle back his powers like he does 24/7. If you aren't getting that the times like punching apart an entire reality were times he was actively AND subconciously holding himself back. Beyond that he gets his powers at age 15 around the time of puberty for his kind.
He'd probably fly around fucking non-warp entities up assuming he survives his first encounter with warp entities and learns it's his only in setting weakness.
Well, keeping a low profile to avoid detection he probably isn't going to be changing the setting much.
If he wants to stay under the radar he'd probably end up accomplishing far less than your average Sensei, Alpha-plus class Psyker or Norn Queen.
Are we allowing for the Fortress of Solitude to exist? If he learns what he is he might still hold back.
Thing is; learning something is your weakness, and being able to counteract that weakness aren't the same thing.
Like I know my weakness is bullets, but I'll be damned if that makes me more resilient to being killed unawares one unlucky day.
Eh. He'd probably be so wracked with guilt for being a xenos he'd try harder. If there's anything supes hates more than killing its dissapointing his parents. He'd probably destroy the fortress just to wipe the evidence away.
I never said it made him immune just that he can actively try and avoid it. And since he's faster than the flash and the flash can outrun the expansion of the universe and thus all concepts in it including death i'd assume he'd merely have to realize once that he needs to avoid the warp wave that's moving at below the speed of light.
When people say supes is vulnerable to magic, they don't mean a spell will do more damage to him than a regular person, they mean it will affect him just like a regular person
Monsters in dnd are often "vulnerable" to cold iron, silver, adamantium, etc. They don't take more damage, it just bypasses their damage reduction and hurts them as much as somebody without it.
Thats basically the situation supes is in. He has dr/100000 to most shit but kryptonite and magic and sometimes mind control but he has really high will save.
Tzeentch or slaanesh may mind control him, but since he's not immune to being forcibly teleported they may just shove his ass into a galaxy populated entirely by red suns and leave him to rot
But corruption dwells wherever there be mortal souls.
Unless Superman wants to retreat to the furthest edges of the universe and live as a profoundly lonely and ineffectual hermit then he'll be constantly exposed to potential Chaos taint; it is even within him, for the very emotions he carries also feed the dark gods.
Well yes and no. Super man IS pure good. He didn't even feel lust until he met wonder woman and she taught him.
Phones being an ass and posted before i even clicked...
That being said he can feel sadness and regret so if that leads to corruption there ya go but i'm not sure what would actively tempt him beyond maybe pure ressurection of anyone and everyone he desired.
Then his sympathy will be his downfall; creatures of Chaos are not without guile, and his ability to feel pity for those damned without a choice would utterly undo him.
Could Superman bring himself to kill a tainted child?
Or genocide an entire populace happily worshipping Tzeentch under the guise of an innocuous charitable society?
The answer is no.
Depends. Is he being raised by the country bumpkins or an imperial family? If it's the former than yes, you'd be right. If it's the latter his pure devotion to the emps and making his family proud would mean he'd wipe away the entire planet or kill that unpure child without hesitation as thats what he believes is good and right.