Malifaux General: Whats wong with you edition

What's your faction or what's your reason for not playing

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Have the beginnings of Arcanists; Ramos and Ironsides boxes, metal gamins, and the mech rider.

A friend and I just got our Malifaux stuff in there, going to be som'er teeth vs lady justice. Got to crack down and get my stuff built & painted, it's just such a daunting task though.

Also, thoughts on white jacketed som'er similar to this guys?

might be tougher on t he default somer model, but could work if you went with a light blue shirt and a darker blue pants. I have a nasty habit of painting my stuff mostly the default colors

That's an idea, I was going to go full Boss Hogg after someone made the comparison, but it could probably do with a complementary colour so as to avoid looking bland.

I've been trying to figure out a fun theme for my gremlins for ages now, I was going to go more west country/Wurzels style but sculpting a load of wellington boots would be way past my skill level.

I honestly found it hard to even gap fill with how small some of the gremlin joints are, let alone actually sculpting boots xD

the default somer model just has such large areas of clothing thats all the same color. I have a nasty habit of trying to do the default schemes but I might go back and give him a dark brown jacket because he looks so damn boring in grey

Yeah..I always get a bit too adventurous with projects, it's partly why I seldom finish any!

A brown jacket really does suit him more than the standard grey for sure, only issue would be it blending in with the base, but yours are fairly bright and vibrant anyway. Would you mind telling me how you did them?

base waaagh! flesh, warboss green all but the deepest recesses, skarsnik green up from that, nurgling green as highlight on knees/cheeks etc and a little nurgling green mixed with kislev flesh for ears/noses/ cheeks. although the smaller gremlins don't really have much in the way of muscle texture. I wanted to do some greenskins bright for once since all other game systems ive done them in they have been grimdark.

maybe something lighter brown?

Oh oops, I meant the actual bases they're on, sorry for the confusion! I really like the duckweed and pond scum floating on the water effect. It's just I've seen a lot of gremlins with brown muddy bases, and alongside a brown jacket it might be overwhelming.

I do like how you did the skin, though I've got other ideas for it that may turn out even brighter than yours. Something like this guy.

I play neverborn, I'm thinking about getting some gremlins since I have a blast playing Zoraida so I might give the faction a go

ahh, the mud was dryad bark > castellan green drybrush > rakarth flesh drybrush. the swamp was painted dryad brown and i mixed green & brown ink into some gloss geland spread it on very heavily where i wanted the swamp to be. crumpled bay leaves for the foilage and woodland scenics earth blend. the tufts were made from their field grass

love the purple bases

Starting Arcanists, have Colette, want Mei and maybe Ironsides.
No particular interest in the more fantasy-ish end of the spectrum (Marcus/Rasputina) though, and nothing about Ramos excites me.

Hype for the Penny Farthing Miss Willie and for the new academic Master though.

Sky Pirate's Jabber (or whatever it is called) looks bullshit OP though.
Though a bunch of the new masters do really.

But I don't play, because the local scene seems to have taken a hiatus for X-Wing barely a week after I started painting my crew.

Great Collodi and Zoraida.

Not totally sold on pink gremlins, but looks a heck of a lot better than I would've expected.
Something about the face is reminding me of the Penguin though.

>I honestly found it hard to even gap fill
There are more than a few bits of the Smoke and Mirrors box that I just cannot get to fit even close to flush, leaving gaps that are just barely too big to paint in but not really big enough to putty.
Drives me up the wall.

have you tried painting on pva glue or using wood / wall filler?

I haven't, but the putty I use (can't remember brand, something pretty cheap) is nice and thin/malleable, so I don't think wall filler would be any easier to work with, and I don't like the thought of painting on PVA and having to scrape it off if it runs.

Did the sky pirate stuff get leaked?

>what's your reason for not playing
My FLGS closed. I'm suffering so much here.

shoulda bought more stuff senpai

Nah, Landlord was super-christian, so as soon as the lease ran out, he made us fuck off to make way for some religious knick-knacks shop or something that wanted in. Shop was doing pretty good.

Nice thanks, definitely going with that for the bases.

Yeah I'm not too into that guys skin tone either, it's done well but I've got to have my green gremlins.

what kind of idiot would close down a profitable business to put in a money hole?

I suppose I should rephrase
>Landlord was super-christian
have you ever heard of the people who hit their midlife crisis, convert to whatever, and end up as the most cult-tastic person you'll ever meet? That's pretty much what happened. Naturally, the 3 most profitable things at a game shop are not cult-approved. Is he an idiot? Yep. But when you feel like you have to make up for... 50~ years of perceived "sin" you probably feel justified.

breh, that sucks

what faction(s) you got?

>hat's your reason for not playing
My gamegroup stopped playing Malifaux and went on to play some really dumb other game that I fucking hate.

Haven't been back to the gamestore for a long time because of this.

I really wish I could find more dedicated players...


err laziness since the shop that hosts this game is an hour or so away but i'm gonna read up on the rules and play tomorrow. i have 80% of my models painted, cards for 4 crews, and i just bought guild riflemen so i kinda have to play

...also i'm getting stomped in 40k lately so it's time for a change

10T. I bought Lynch because his box looked coolest, then Nythera started. I ended up not so interested in Neverborn so I picked Orange, and then the shop shut down shortly after Nythera ended. I had 3 whole masters too.

This is the coolest shit ever. Anyone know when their gencon stuff goes on sale?

Same time as gencon, maybe a few days before and a few days after.

Alright sweet. Looks back now that was a really dumb question.

>reason for not playing
My stuff is not painted.
Everyone else's is.
Because I'm the group's commission painter and don't have time for mine.
There's no painting requirement, I just don't want to spoil the pretty with silver and grey.


Which game are you referring to out of curiosity?

Pic related is the only stuff besides that Silurid-inna-cap art, I think.

Is it actually going to be available in sensible stock levels?
Also, is international postage/availability going to buttruin my wallet?

Borrow models?
Take a break from commissioning?

Reactivated fro

Nevermind, pic related, I'm out of date:
Disappointed with Sandeep's crew - Banasuva looks a bit silly, those Gamin are horrible. Kudra looks pretty good though.

Not sure about Zipp's either, the Skeets look a bit iffy. Silurid-inna-cap looks boss though.

Wonder if Nellie Cochrane's Phiona will be like the prototypical manufactured serial killer media frenzy. mite b cool

I'm not sure how I feel about the Resser crew.

Reva and the Corpse Candles look like they belong in faction, but the rest look more like Outcasts.

Agreed, Vince and the Shieldbearers are very generic-looking for the Malifaux line.

The totem looks great from Asami's box, but otherwise not convinced.
Titania's box looks fucking horrible to assemble.
Parker's box looks boring as all hell.

I had a whole thing typed out and Veeky Forums ate it. Fuck.

I'm surprised the fat fairy thngs we saw weren't in Titania's crew.

>fat fairy thngs

There were these weird bloated cherub looking faeries on the Monday Preview maybe like two months back.

Since they came in a set of three and were fae themed it was a reasonable assumption they were going to be Titania's box minion trio.

>Disappointed with Sandeep's crew - Banasuva looks a bit silly, those Gamin are horrible. Kudra looks pretty good though.

Personally i think it looks awesome. The gamin do look silly, but the Banasuva looks awesome to me. Reminds me of lord chompy bits. I might have to get back into the game for this. Do we have any of the cards for the models?

We had playtest versions of Reva and Titania floating around somewhere along with the Outcast henchman, but other than that the only info we have is the front of the card for each master Wyrd officially spoiled.

Well thats a bit disappointing. Are they close to releasing these? I know they've been teasing them for awhile.

Probably next month at Gencon.

At the very least the book is dropping then.

Sweet, thanks man.

I just got the Misaki and Lucas + Yamizuko boxes in the mail. PLanning on getting some guild hounds for Lucas, Oirans for Misaki, and then level it off with some TT archers and brothers.

Out of curiosity, should I assemble on foot Lucas with the saber or the gun?

My favorite has to easily be the new Neverborn crew. I hope to see more models with the fairy characteristic coming out soon.

I'm tempted to get it despite only having Lucius and a Doppleganger for Neverborn models.

Aeslin is probably going to give me a stroke during assembly though.

I am planning on using it with the 2 player starter set models. While Nephilim aren't the greatest synergy, I am sure that it can give me a good star.

x wing, of course

Okay, that gremlin box is the coolest thing. Robo skeeters is such an obvious go to yet I would never have guessed that's what the other sky pirates would be.

Think this box will finally make sparks useful for gremlins?

awesome, when can i preorder?

Every time. My store just straight up stopped carrying new Malifaux stuff due to X-Wing, and now except for some M1E models exclusively sells X-Wing and 40K miniatures.

I wish her crew war more monk-like.

Judging by the current fluff, which faction do you think is going to win?

Hint: It won't the Guild

The big gremlins slowly coming over the mountain.

Phiona is almost certainly based after the real life Phineas Gage, who survived a rail spike through the frontal lobe.

Just got into guild ball, might start malifaux if it ends up being a bigger hit within my friend group. I would definitely be playing Gremlins.

I think with models like this they are trying to add more living models to ressur to make them a "legit" faction, since right now its essentially necromancers and their minions, so they want to show more "mooks" that are on the necromancers team without being undead themselves.
That might have been cool.
I've never played much against Gremlins, but supposedly Brewmaster is a scary lockdown guy, Ophelia is very powerful and Som'er is pretty jack of all trades.

But i say screw all that grab Gracie, Burt Jebsen and Wong's Explosive Solutions box, find someone playing Yan Lo and recreate big trouble in little china!

Quick tip for people planning to pick up the Asami box and Jorugumo. Jorugumo can as a (0) push 2", so keep them at 3" from their opponent and start their activation by pushing back out of range, taking charge as a (1) action thanks to asami, then use the second AP to get a third attack!
Unless they have armor i guess, then you want to venomous bite. Hmm...

I like Bad Juju and Waldigiests miniatures. And I'd like to make a plant-themed crew. But it seems only that two modes falls into this category.
Also I heard some (a lot of) negative comments on Juju playability. I.e. - he is too weak in comparison to other available models. Even for Zoraida doll-crew considered to be far better than swamp-crew.

So my questions are:
1) Can I build viable plant-themed crew? If yes - how? And what master should I use?
2) Are there other "plants" in malifaux? Or models stylistically appropriate to mentioned Juju\Geists.

Maybe there are also models that can be easily converted into "forest theme"?

Gremlin porkmaster represent.

With the Mysterious Emissary and this crew you have plenty of plant themed Neverborn coming up. That said there us no hard synergy for Swamp Beasts, but Zoraida should be fine especially as her crew includes lots of them.

The guild one I find boring as all hell.
Ressers, interesting Master and corpse candles, the rest, bleh.
Arcanist, holy shit that's awesome!
Neverborn, bah, looks a nightmare to assemble, plus the whole thing is 6edgy8me.
Outcast, bland in a good way, if that makes any sense.
Gremlins, again, awesome, but the Iron Skeeters look like a fucking nightmare too.
TT looks good, not particulary impressive but good nonetheless.

Well, time to start Arcanists I guess.

There' s something... Wong with a Ooh Glowy'd Gracie carting around Burt Jebsen in a Wong crew. Then again, if that's Wong I don't want to be right.

What exactly is awesome about the Arcanist box? Seriously asking, I play Arcanists and I'm pissed off we got this shit. Maybe I'm looking at it wrong or something.

Banasuva and Kudra look good, but I agree with the poison gamin, they are fucking terrible.

Well, it's more academic models for our Oxfordian Mages at least. The Gamin are probably crap, but the other models don't look super bad.

I like it cause the Master looks cool, the girl with the snake looks cool, the giant genie-djinni-whatever it is looks awesome and the gamin are cute.
All in all, I really like it.
As for the rules, it may be soon to judge, not having seen the back of the card of the Master, but what I've seen makes me think it won't be a weakling.

>J-j-jam it in!!!

I believe McTavish has an upgrade that benefits other Swampfiends.

I'm playing Ressers currently. Just got Nicodem to finish the faction off. Molly, Seamus, McMourning, and Kirai are the ones I play.

Once Mad Max McCabe and Nellie's crew come out I'm going back to my first faction, Guild.

Reva also had a stronger Norse theme in the playtest spoilers, so the shieldbearers might be leftovers from that.

The one that gives them not!From the shadows?

I play ressers, guild, and arcanist while dabbling in outcasts and ten thunders(because who doesn't?)

I've heard a lot good said about Zoraida and Bad Juju, but that is in the context of the full Silurids and gang, which is maybe not sufficiently plant-based?

And .

>more academic models for our Oxfordians
Thank god.
Three mages is a bit much, and having to go out of faction otherwise is silly.

Not that guy but I think the box looks good. Aside from the gamin everything looks great on an aesthetic level. I like the Indian Sikh look of the master, the girl also looks pretty good, and the big guy looks amazing.

As far as abilities go we've only seen the front of the masters card, but since he lets people cast spells off of him he sounds really interesting. Can't wait to see what the back of his card looks like. As well as the big guys card.

The only thing I'm worried about is that they confirmed that the girl isn't the totem. And since the totem is generally the model on the side of the box it's looking like gamin. I really hope it's the banasuva.

Has anyone here any tips on painting the sow?

Lilith creates forests with her magic. You could do her as a dryad. Check out the old metal avatar for her.

Juju isn't great but if you want a theme you can chuck him in. And I believe waldgeists synergise with Lilith fairly well.

Just starting Malifaux. Went with Neverborn initially, now trying to branch out into Guild I think.

I'm looking at C. Hoffman and Lady Justice....any Guild players in here with advice? Pic non related to Guild but my Neverborn.

Hoffman is a support dude. He takes lots of constructs, lets them share stats, and lets them take additional actions/push/generate AP.

Lady J is a pretty straightforward beat stick. A little slow and not much defense beyond high HP, but when she catches things they die. She likes models that are self sufficient and can help her do her job.

the Lady Jay box is great, I the Judge is boss as fuck.

I started off as Guild and bleed over into Neverborn myself -- had ambitions to run this ellegant bastard, but ended up falling in love with Captain Dashel and his guard posse.

I just hope the big monster in the new box is an henchman, just to put Warding Runes on it and see how it fares.

I assume you meant to post Lucius. But yeah, being the Neverborn-Guild master with the option to take mimics or guardsmen across with him is pretty fun.

>Warding Runes
Hadn't looked at that before.
Definitely looks worth a stone.

If on the other hand the big guy is a totem, well, I'll figure something out.

Rules question by a noob: if a paralyzed model is targeted by Obey or similar effects, and it's in base to base with an enemy model, can the paralyzed model make a (1) melee attack?

if the model is still paralyzed its melee range is considered 0 which means something even in base to base with it would be out of range since the enemy base is further than the models base.

remember paralyze is removed at the end of a models activation

Wonderful, the FAQ about paralysis and disengaging strikes threw me a bit off, but I was right. Thank you kind sir.

does that mean you can use Obey to get rid of paralyze?

what can we do to combat such faggotry?

I mean for fuck's sake, you can't even base the minis, let alone achieve jack shit by painting them.

>muh red guard
>muh lighter effect burn marks

X-wing was a mistake.

it was fun back within the first few release waves when it played more like a game of xwing vs tiefighter. its just cancer now

if a model activates and has an end to its activation, paralyzed is ended


game actually was pretty rad when things were simpler.

Are they ever going to make more Avatar models?

They are coming out with new models but no rules for them

I thought you were talking about M2E for a moment there.
And I think that that has some truth to it.

This is completely incorrect

Pulled directly from the FAQ:
The Paralyzed Condition reduces the range of a model’s Close Attacks to 0. If an enemy model is in base contact, is it within range of the model’s Attacks? Is it considered engaged?

A: Yes, a Paralyzed model with an enemy in base contact would be within range to make Close Attacks against the enemy and therefore be engaging that enemy, and it would be able to make disengaging strikes. In this instance the rules contain reminder text about not being engaged if a model is not in range, but models in base contact would be in range.

I want to get fully immersed in the lore. I'm currently reaching the core 2e book and the shifting loyalties book. I guess I need to pick up crossroads? It seems like there's a lot of stuff missing, more than what I feel like what will be in the crossroads book, but idk.

Also, how would you guys recommend drumming up interest in the local area for the game? I want to do a dark carnival league, just really an excuse to make cool terrain and show off the models and hook people with the setting.