Have you ever had a good romance develop in one of your games? And I don't mean sex or lewd times...

Have you ever had a good romance develop in one of your games? And I don't mean sex or lewd times, I'm talkin' about love.

Doomed, innocent, one-sided, star-crossed, reciprocated, jaded, cynical, sweet.

Love, y'know, one of those concepts that binds human cultures together.

Here's hoping he croaks soon so we can move on to Keith in the black lion, Lance in red and Alura in blue. The way it's supposed to be.

What is it with Japan and making one out of every twenty-five characters literally midgets? It makes sense when they're a child or really old person, but it doesn't make sense when they peak at 9 and stay the same height forever.

Not really the point of the thread.

Knew I should have used a different pic.

I don't know if it was any good all said and done, but my PC's story in an apocalypse campaign ended this way.

He was lost somewhere between hope and grief for the bulk of the adventure, and didn't see what was right in front of him. One night, after a long journey she was separated and confronted by a powerful NPC, who'd been working against the party. She might've survived if she cooperated, submitted, but that wasn't her. Drawing her weapon was the last choice she ever made, and firing it was the last thing she ever did.

That went over about as well as you might imagine. Making sure the remaining party escaped, he went on a rampage against the NPC's forces. Now the critical thing here is that he was, pound for pound the weakest party member by far, and the NPC knew this. Really, he should've been no more successful than a dog versus a train. But the front line's ammo dump just exploded. The communication's gone dark. The supply line's been compromised and the water's been poisoned. There's shattered glass on the floor and so are the guards.

I want to say he won, that he did what no one thought he could do, but he succumbed to his wounds half way across the room. The NPC survived, everything they'd built crumbling around them. The remaining party did escape though, and ended up okay.

I actually killed my love interest for going against the order. The tough life of a paladin.

There once was a trooper from Drook
Who had never read one book.
He stumbled upon a wounded Kroot
Her body blistered, covered in soot
He promised her help at his base
If she swore not to eat his face
So a love was born,
and many cultists torn
So on the stars they sailed wide and far,
Thanking fuck there wasn't a commissar.

Shut up, I'm not a poet.

Not really. The characters got turned into NPCs before their relationship could be fleshed out any more.
Probably for the best, to be honest. I like them better as NPCs.
Basically, the fighter banged a barmaid and daughter of the guard captain, because why the fuck not. And she turned out to have class levels, because why the fuck not. So they got married, because why the fuck not.
So it turns out the barmaid was actually dangerously mentally unstable and the only person who could keep her in line was her husband, who she was extremely possessive of. Fighter got killed at one point, depressing her horribly, but he got revved as an NPC and they basically got their honeymoon before the Fighter had to help fight a war.
They were both later killed 'offscreen' and their children spirited away.

But how do they even...?

I assume they don't.

Shiro/death shippers need to fuck off

[Spoiler]What does Veeky Forums thing of the inevitable reveal of Keith as half spess-kitty[/spoiler]

This just in! I am a faggot who doesn't know how to properly use spoiler tags

I'd like to hear the full story if you've got time and are willing

Very carefully.

Dunno about Japan and the old Voltron, but current Pidge has a good reason to be short.

> Welcome to the Commisariat
> Here's your hat and duty to the emperor

My CG character fell in love with an evil npc who may have saved his life. The paladin identified her as evil, though while mysterious, never did anything overtly so in their company. They saw each other on and off for a while, before she vanished one day, leaving only a note.

Mordin helps them?

If your DM has her come back after a few years with an evil mini-you..... smack him for me, that's cliche as fuck.

I've seen a few, been part of some of those.

Most of them are pretty implied. My PC goes into town with his love interest, we'd think it would be cute if they passed by a shop and saw something she liked or something like that, and so they get back later than expected while she's got some dress in the local style or some trinket she thought was pretty.

Add in various little things like that. Sharing an inn room/tent, sticking close to one another on the reg, nothing particularly bawdy (ie: making the tent sharing thing a loud or clearly sexual affair) or too slapped on and annoying (like them literally never splitting up or loudly announcing their feelings for one another).

Makes situations where a little bit of obvious love hit a bit harder. One time I had a group where we had to split up and the situation was pretty bad. I stayed back while the others regrouped (as I was the least injured at the time and if we just booked it we'd be overrun) and when they found my character, his love interest PC immediately ran up and threw her arms around him crying. Meant more than it would've if we'd been more blatant with our characters' behavior I think.



Too many lesbians in RPGs.

I make it a point to only ever play heterosexual women in games because of it.

Unfortunately, the only people ever interested in PC-PC romance are yurifaggots.

Preach it, last time I made a straight woman love interest for my PC the DM assumed she was also bisexual.

Couple times. Generally it's pretty low key. No real starcrossed lovers or doomed drama or anything of that sort. Just sometimes two characters like each other and end up dating.

There's a fairly cute ongoing romance in my campaign between two PCs.

One's the half-oni Tiefling son of a city's overlord and oni clan-leader. The other was the child of far-fallen nobility scrabbling as servants to the city's university. The two met in classes where they learned the academic magecraft needed to become Maguses. Magi. Whatever.

It started with bullying and turned into good-natured friendship that persisted in a "totally not gay" way until graduation, at which point they left the city to Magnimar to enroll in the Pathfinder Society. The harrowing adventures that ensued only led them to realize how important they were to one another, and with some coaxing from a magical artifact that eroded the oni-spawn's inhibitions, ended up professing love.

Of course, an Oni's idea of a wedding party is probably going to be pretty exciting.

In my best campaign, the "Ends justify the Means" Paladin, who was in a moral conflict with the "No Compromise" Paladin and eventually lost in their climatic fight did all he did essentially because he lost both faith and motivation and only wanted to go back to his lost love, who lived as a ghost alongside him.

> the only people ever interested in PC-PC romance are yurifaggots.

They're almost always into really obvious reverse traps or they're like disturbingly into the really lacey/frilly princess/lolita shit.

Would be nice to see a lesbian relationship between like a half-orc bard and a human sorceress but fuckit fetish is gonna fetish.

In my case, it's always musclegirls and tomboys romancing someone really short.


>Love, y'know, one of those concepts that binds human cultures together.
Romantic love as you know it is a modern invention of the Romanticist era, and the damsel in distress trope that came from it entirely Victorian.

It's not "one of those concepts that binds human culture together". In fact, that's so off the mark that I'd argue "true love conquers all" plotlines are entirely anachronistic in the average fantasy setting.

But hey, whatever helps you sleep at night.

Aren't you taking too narrow a view?
Love in more general terms can mean affection and bonds between human beings, and to my knowledge that does exist in all human cultures.
full disclosure: I'm drunk.

Yes; he's a cuckolded leftist who has been brushed off so many times due to white knighting that he's trying to convince himself that love doesn't really exist to make himself feel better.

Yeah, that's why he specified 'romantic love', even though the other user didn't.

Mari, you're worthless and nobody likes you. Go back to being 5 minutes late all the time or be more like Pidge.

Two pcs in my current game wound up together after a campaign of being at each other's throats in parallel leadership positions. They're trying to make it work now but have very different personalities and ways of handling stress.

While it's sweet, battle couples are awesome, and their banter is amusing, I don't think it's going to last.

The best is when the reverse trap is actually into the manly PC and can't really reveal it due to trap-ness.

Oh you're right. But his little tirade misses the fact that relationships combining sexual attraction and emotional attachment exist outside the framing of romanticism. They exist in pretty much every culture, in different configurations. OP is right that love binds human cultures together.

>Too many lesbians in RPGs.





"Honey, is this oil...bbq sauce?"

"Good meat" [aggressive Kroot sounds]

No because none of my players cared about things that aren't killing or intrigue

No. Never a decent romance has ever popped up in my games, sadly. It was a minor plot point in a game from a few years back, but it was between two NPCs, and one confessed his feeling by just manifesting a psionic power to enpathically share them with the other. So pretty boring.

My current game I'm playing a plane-hopping 19-year-old tiefling bard girl. She's stuck on the plane the campaign is set in, and the party gnome continually makes lewd remarks to her, but that's the extent of anything resembling romance. The party half-orc monk has some of the same sensibilities as her father, and has a cute, muscular butt, but she's far too shy in the romance department to ever say anything to him about that subject. Whenever they both say the same nugget of wisdom, she gets a bit bashful.

They want the pedo demographic.

I knew it!
No-one ever married or reproduced until recently!
We survived because we are secretly immortal, despite the fact that we all hated each other!

I heard about a local group who's game of 5e revolves around that the fact that the paladin mary sue RP-raped another player's rogue elf.

It was easily the worst story I've ever heard in my life.

>Romantic love as you know it is a modern invention of the Romanticist era

>the damsel in distress trope that came from it entirely Victorian.

>It's not "one of those concepts that binds human culture together"
Yes it is. It's a feeling.

>In fact, that's so off the mark that I'd argue "true love conquers all" plotlines are entirely anachronistic in the average fantasy setting.
No, you don't understand what anachronism is. Anachronism would be people in the fantasy setting consciously acknowledging the trope. Having love conquer all is fine, it's just a turn of events.
Love was certainly seen differently in previous times, and romantic love emerged as a dominant concept from the Victorian era, but as a concept...
I feel weird telling you that it predates the Victorian era, it's like telling someone that people drank water before we had water filters. I feel fucking dumber just saying it and I don't want to. Maybe I'll dig up some romantic indigenous myths to do the job, what do you say?

>But hey, whatever helps you sleep at night.
You're a stupid person and I'm baffled as to what it was that could have ever made you believe otherwise.

Two of my party members decided their characters should hook up after a long period of interaction. Their roleplay was excellent, they played off eachother well, and they were brilliant crutches to eachother when they hurt.

A pity it was an Adeptus Evangelion game.

Just because you can't find it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

>a pity?

Why? Because it ended in tears?

Highlight the Text and press CTRL+S

>it's like telling someone that people drank water before we had water filters
Fucking BTFO

Well, it was terribly good roleplay, but love for somebody can be a powerful avenue for psychological attack. One Angel they fought created an all-isolating field of darkness that cut them off from eachother mid-sentence and numbed any ability they had to sense eachother. They were both convinced the other was dead while in soundless, tasteless, textureless darkness. Freajouts ensued in-character.

>it's like telling someone that people drank water before we had water filters
To be fair, most people preferred wines and alcohol because it was usually cleaner than regular water. Also tastier.

Sounds awesome and terrifying. How did the attack play out at the end?

The guy managed to crawl out of the darkness field and ended up exploring the base the Angel had begun to grow into itself, fighting off members of the staff who had become part of the organism alongside the other.

The girl crawled deeper into the darkness using the awareness the angel slowly shredding her from the inside had inadvertedly granted her for AT Field strength. She found the heart of it, which effectively boiled down to an unfathomably gigantic mouth. She killed it in awesome fashion by pretty much ripping her angel cancer out and using it as a hadoken against it, causing the two to shred themselves.

My astropath ended up in love with the navigator, and it was mutual. She was ugly af but he was blind. He was the only one not repulsed by her and who talked to her normally, and she was the only one that could start to understand the voices he could hear scream in the void. A match made in... warp.

They both got executed when it turned out she was pregnant.

That's top tier romance, user.

Pidge looks like a girl this time around how is the new voltron?

user, you don't know the half of it.

I had a game I ran that was supposed to be mostly my excuse to tour some friends through my world; it was an american dust bowl steam/dieselpunky wild west highfantasy thing. I had a crazy gadgeteer, I had a scruffy outlaw, and I had a native bobcatwoman all of whom prettymuch stuck to their archetypes. But then two of my players really surprised me. One was playing a cross between an american civil war vet and a samurai, a naive aristocrat on the run after a peasant/slave uprising deposed his family and he had a lot of fun with it and really embraced the sense of adventure I needed to keep my world building exposition rolling. he's a good friend and just kinda picked up on my intentions narratively all on his own. great guy. But then the guy playing the outlaw asked if his girlfriend could play with us. I think she wasn't super into my rambling briefing of the setting, understandably, so between not knowing the setting well from my short and dense explanation, and not wanting to deal with stats and equipment, she just asked me to make something for her. I made an automaton, a 7ft tall can of whoopass in a poncho to keep sand out of gears, and left the character entirely to her. She made the robot think it was a princess somehow trapped in the machine body and spent her character moments trying to figure out who she was, where she came from, and how to get her body back. It was never made clear what the truth was. As I sent them running around the desert, dodging sandstorms and gunning down bandits staying in different popup towns and way stations, taking cover in ruins, and making use of a commandeered steamboat, the samurai and robot began bonding over their shared pining for life as nobility. He helped her feel like a princess again when she was ashamed of her body and she helped him find a sense of home he'd thought he'd lost forever. I was genuinely touched by the way they handled it.

How did the guy react?


I'm going to need details.

i would give all the peanut butter in the world..