What's your favorite non-human race?
What's your favorite non-human race?
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Reptile people or winged people.
I've had dreams about having a big pair of fluffy wings. They were great.
>Oh, no...
Reasonable reaction to realizing you're an ambulatory talking scaled abomination AND a tsundere.
My favorite non-human race is any that can be pulled off believably. They don't necessarily need all-the-things-humans-have-except-different.
Any race that is not structured based on how it is different from humanity.
Plant people, rock people, or a mix of the two
Call 'em dryads, treants, golemns, or whatever, I can't get enough
Kitsune because fluffy tail.
Centaurs, then harpies, then minotaurs.
That's not what the word means. The lizardguy basically goes "Hey lady, you wanna marry me?" after this exchange. There's no tsun in it.
It's dere to the max.
I'd say Bird people.
Bird and vermin people are great when they are barely anthro, birds can be 0% anthro and instead just be big birds with unbirdly proportions
Lizardfolk vary, I like them to be more bestial like OP's pic. Argonians are the worst of lizardfolk although I'll cut some slack because it's probably for animation-related purposes that they are just humans with lizard heads
Some aspects of Drow civilization and aesthetic are interesting, the matriarchy aspect is just a bit weird since they typically appear as reskinned humans where the females are visibly much weaker than the males. If I were to handle Drow I would make major physical changes to them and probably adjust their society to something antlike where two members of the same gender (like a worker and a queen) look vastly different
Mixed feelings on dwarves, I won't ever use them in a setting but I don't necessarily have a problem with them, their stereotypical culture is a lot more developed and accommodating to more roles than orcs and elves
Elves have been so bastardized that people should just make a pointy-eared ethnicity of humans and stop calling them elves
Not a fan of elementals, angels, demons, fairies, or any other magic/divine races or things that have a bunch of lights and particles floating around them. Plant/wood people get the pass, they can be pretty cool
Orcs are probably my least favorite of all, no matter what TWEEST you throw on them they will always be boring
I feel like I'm going to regret this, but source?
That's about a skeleton guy and his harem army isn't it? It has a manga now?
What manga is this from? It looks cute.
Do the lizards fuck? Is the fucking cute?
It gets pretty "MAGICAL REALM" the further you get in. The lizardman arc is a bit better because it's not about him and his magical GODSUE POWERS
It was about normal lizardman having to deal with one of those GODSUE's coming in and ruining everything.
That'd actually be a decent story. An Isekai told from the perspective of the regular people whose world gets invaded by overpowered NEETS living out their wish fulfillment fancies.
Lizardfolk, though more animalistic just as this user said.
Gnolls. Gnolls are best.
Then its Ratfolk, Kitsune, and Lupin
Better question: what are some good non-beastfolk, non-human races? What are some good demi-human races beyond the standard Tolkien orc-dwarf-elf-halfling? It seems when people try to add or create races it's nothing but [animal]-folk.
Rabbitfolk or ratfolk.
Because they're adorable, that's why.
They do in the novel. It is.
>Gnolls in Eberron are bog standard Chaotic Evil servants of Yeenoghu
>until a fragment of them say "fuck that," sever ties to demons
>fast foeard generations, they've become the best mercenary scouts and guides in the land
Well, rockfolk have been ruined by Steven novel so they're out.
I personally like Festum. Silicon based lifeforms that operate as "appendages" for a hive mind called Mir. They begin the series completely unable to comprehend human concepts such as time, individuality or even pain. They simply detect lifeforms that give off sentient thought and "eat" them to take their data into themselves to help them. They're able to read minds but they don't understand what they're reading. It takes about 25-30 years for them to even be able to communicate with humans in a manner humans can understand and once they do they suddenly start adapting far more human characteristics because they're finally able to process all the data they've been eating. Which sucks for the humans because Festum in the past were awful because they could read minds and coutnerattack against basic things such as "That one is trying to attack me from the left. I will move" and they actually learn, scare tactics, wars of attrition, laying traps, and manipulating humans to fight battles for them.
It's great, watching a completely alien lifeform actually change only because of a long period of interaction and ingestion of humans.
Thats one of the reasons I love Eberron, and it helped inspire me to make my gnolls for my world an actual functioning society with the demon worshipping assholes as the backwoods hillbillies of the gnoll race. So if you're traveling outside the Silk Road that travels through the heart of the gnoll kingdom and some bandits appear, they could be demon worshippers and out to eat your faces, or just some robbers wanting your precious loots.
My nigga
Unforgotten Realms style.
I prefer Ribbitfolk
Always specializing in gaorte and chocking as a race and worshiping a breeder god.
Doesnt matter the setting or game
I make them like they're straight off the ferry from Staten Island
Now get outta here ya mook, 'for I start up a nice conversation with ya sister, take her out to lunch at this great little deli I know, show her a wonderful afternoon, and then never call her again.
Ainz occupies the same design space as Alucard. He's a plot device. His massive overpowered wizardboner is a plot device.
You watch Overlord for the minion/side characer banter and interplay, which is top notch, and occasionally to laugh at how much of a loser Momonga is when he isn't acting in character as Ainz.
Yo, you know of the sylvari from Guild Wars 2?
At least until it gets further in, and then hes just a straight up villainous monster with the most tenuous of excuses for the atrocities he commits.
Hmm, I don't know what my favorite is. I do like things like gnolls, lizardfolk, dragon kobolds... I'm probably pretty high on the furry scale. Mostly because I find elves, dwarves, orc and the like to be so... BORING.
Though I am suddenly reminded of the Etherals from WoW: Burning Crusade. Energy being are always somewhat neat, especially when they still have clothes to define their form.
And yet, still a fucking loser.
I can't say I do, actually
Did Unforgotten Realms ever pick back up again?
I actually kind of miss it
I like Fey types, though they aren't usually playable.
I swear I have the taste of a 14 year old nerd girl. I can't give a fuck about romance in most circumstances but make the characters lizards or AIs or vampies and I'm immediately invested to a ridiculous degree.
I also like kemonomimi.
Lizardfolk and boar people for the most part, it kind of varies and wavers.
it's called URealms Live now.
They are in Shadow of the Demon Lord.
Is it any good?
>What's your favorite non-human race?
I think so.
I haven't seen every episode but they're all pretty funny.
Haven't seen it in a while so I was wondering.
Also nice quads.
Kobolds and bird people.
Crystal aliens!
None of that humanoid shite, proper crystal aliens, ones that thrive in 200°C+ and speak by rubbing crystal glasses together with sandpaper between
Elves. All varieties of them, however, I'm currently on a fey-variety kick.
So, Eladrin of all kinds, fairy/folk lore elves, and Alfheim are what's in right now.
Are cybernetic enhancements ok?
I like your taste, friend.
Oddworld has some cool stuff.
Magical realm means "imposing fetishes and sexual desires onto a setting, it's players or viewers" its not about super powerful individuals shit stomping the world.
You don't need to. They're just bisexual mary sue elves with leaves stuck on.
Have you played Endless Space/Endless Legend?
Any beastfolk other than the played out catfolk, lizardfolk, dogfolk (or lycanthropes).
Yeah. Like that other user said, it's done as URealms Live now. The usual crew is Roamin, HCJustin, Coestar, and Deadbones with Rob DMing. On rare occasions, Nisovin, PauseUnpause, and Milbee have been known to sub in for players, while Deadbones has been allowed to DM "Side-Quests" done between Seasons.
The crew isn't the best at playing to abuse the mechanics, but it's a lot of fun to watch. If you want to watch a bunch of min-maxers, you're going to be really disappointed most weeks.
Onscreen, the character roleplay is handled via a Puppet Pals program.
Each time they play, it's a different adventure with different characters. They do character creation at the beginning of a game week, then play live on the Saturday. It's handled through Tabletop Simulator with the intention of the game's cards being available to the viewers for their own gameplay.
The show's funding comes via Live Events, in which the viewers can donate money towards triggering events during the current scene. The story is generally put together in such a way that the events are not necessary to move things along, but make the game a great deal more interesting, humorous, or causes some big twists. Sometimes an event paid for by the audience can carry through the entire adventure. Rob often says that if there's an event during the last encounter, one of those will typically cause some form of bad ending... at least for someone.
Turtle people are so unappreciated
Frog people are pretty bro, too
An insectoid race that dominated their biosphere and hijacked the breeding cycles of all mammalian, avian, other insect/arthropod and even piscean(?) life forms to further their own race.
Shame the rest of the story is meh.
What setting has the largest number of different races on the same globe?
Where would you put spiderbro?
Drow males in general are supposed to be smaller and weaker than drow females. Blame artists for never following through. At least according to an old ass sourcebook.
Helck certainly comes to mind.
Beastfolk of any kind, mostly mammals though.
I can understand , I myself however enjoy cat and dogfolk the most.
A good case against them however are Worgen. My god those suck.
Depends on the setting.
Rabbitfolk and pangolins.
Weird but friendly stuff. like flumphs.
I like reptile races a lot. Lizard people, snake people, chameleon people, you name it, I'm cool with it.
Always been a fan of kobolds, but I like mutating them into various sub breeds. Some more reptilian, or mammalian, or colorful feathered jungle lizards.
Elves or Dwarves.
>Still not playable in WoW
I was thinking of a changed premise for World of Warcraft just yesterday.
If Stormwind got wrecked by the legion before they went to Kalimdor.
Then the Human capitol would've been somewhere else.
If that somewhere else would've been Theramore, you'd have a non symmetrical setup of Horde+Alliance races on the continents and would need to adjust it.
One could argue that TFT wouldn't build up the Forsaken to be playable, but it's easier to assume they are.
So you have 2vs3 in Kalimdor and 1vs2 in EK.
Adding another for Alliance in Kalimdor and another for Horde in EK would balance it out a bit.
Furbolgs could've been it in Kalimdor. Alternative is basically Theramore High Elves.
Or ashenvale dark trolls.
Aztec dinosaur people, GW's greatest race idea imho
still primitive in a way, but also advanced in others, not the usual "swamp lizard swinging wooden clubs adorned with hides and teeth necklaces" you usualy see.
different 'castes', lots of bling, obsidian weapons, even bigger dinosaur mounts, fat jabba the hut magic frogs as the mystical rulers.
Pure anti-chaos, alien, ancient and wierd to the other races, a 'good' lizard race for once.
Anything clockwork or mechanical, love me some magic robots. Bonus points if its a mechanical bard with a gramophone.
lol space demons
Reptile / amphibian folk of all kinds are my first and foremost favorite monstruous types. Then Dullahan and then your constructs.
wait there are female wood spirits, what kind of heresy is this? All wood spirits are male, or is it an asian anime thing.
>what is huldra
Stop baiting, senpai.
Why would a tree spirit need breasts?
Or are those projectile sap canons?
I always though that wood spirits are male. In my country everything that is "magical" wood spirits, devils, bobolaks, characoal fiends are male. Female spirits are water spirits and field spirits. So this is an asian thing, you want to tell me there were countries in europe where there were females runing around woods?
Same, but with a caveat. I prefer my avians more avian than humanoid. Winged arms instead of human hands plus back wings, and texterous and powerful talons instead of feet. I have a race fluffed out although I havn't had the chance to use it.
Obviously, this.
Yeah, vol 10 sure made the bumbling skeletonman look like a monster.
Because it's fae magic. I don't need to explain shit.
I literally named you at least one creature. If you weren't a dumb nigga, you would've googled "huldra" and went from there.
Counterexample: greek dryads. Wood spirits seem to vary from place to place, unlike the sun and moon which seem to be respectively male and female everywhere.
(You could almost say the same of the earth and sky, but those wacky Egyptians had a male earth and a female sky.)
>but those wacky Egyptians had a male earth and a female sky.
Nut is best girl
Fuck off, poland
>unlike the sun and moon which seem to be respectively male and female everywhere
Unlike in the german language, where it's the other way around.
In scandinavian languages the sun is female. And the moon is male.
I don't think the egyptians were as wacky as you think.
I mean, think about it. Where they were, most of the earth, except the bits right near the river (and therefore associated with water) were super super dry and nothing grew there. Meanwhile, the sky gave occasional rain, and was therefore by definition a hell of a lot more caring and nurturing than the earth. "Caring" and "Nurturing" are typically traits associated with females, therefore the sky is female rather than male.
I had a ton of fun with Maul, a humanoid crocodile. Big size, huge hammer, natural armor, barbarian, and a very friendly behavior because he wants to belong to a tribe once again. So friendly he was willing to eat only the things his paladin dorf buddy allowed him to, like kobolds.
He also became an honorary dwarf after defending a citadel by throwing lots of duergars off a stone bridge.
Anubites. Ripped right from Age of Mythology and Mummy, jumpers, religious inclination, and fast. Then it's a tie between Gnolls and Lizardfolk, especially when they're characterized deeper than "loldemunz" or Hillbillies.
Minotaurs. Half the reason I went Horde back in my Warcraft days was because of the Tauren. I've only been in one game where they were available as a player race, but the character idea I had worked much better as a human.
>Science Fiction
yeah, but who counts greeks as man. Sure they are ortodox which is a big plus, but one has to be slav and ortodox to be a full man, and better yet Russian.
And fuck you back troll. Anus burning since 1740.
You people have corrupted me and now I want to know tge source of this image