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By being less of an asshole memegoblin.

Didn't this channel used to have something to do with Pathfinder instead of touhou fagging and bestiality?




What bestiality?

Alright, /pfg/, you lovely people, how about you tell me how your weekend went?

It's been so long I can't remember.

What's the best psion archetype?

My PTU game went well, and I'm reading about some other unlucky person reading the Sword of Truth series, so that's amusing too.

Okay, take two.

I've thrown together an Armorist archetype that draws from Henshin Hero.

Any thoughts? With Armorists being a little unimpressive, I don't mind giving them at least a little.

But really, when will we have Akashic Mysteries? I want to see just how much I have to min-max a vizier to make one good.

Does it MATTER? We all know you'll mixmax it to the farthest possible extent.

Shitty Saturday turned into a great Sunday filled with drow slightly lewd political RP in the morning, went to the gym with my brother in the afternoon, and then had homemade grilled burgers with all my favorite trimmings.


In my opinion, the dual disciple is the most powerful and flexible of the psion archetypes. It grants a psion the ability to cherry-pick from two lists of discipline-specific powers at no cost, thanks to the Practiced Manifester trait. The only downside here is an anemic class skill list; being a dual disciple eliminates discipline class skills, and Practiced Manifester takes up a trait slot that could have been used to gain a new class skill.

Speaking of disciplines, you should have a look at Psionics Augmented: Psion Focused Disciplines. While many of the new discipline abilities there are rubbish, just as many are so poorly-written that they allow for ludicrous RAW scenarios.

Take Telepathy (Mystique), for instance.

>Recall Another’s (Su): Starting at 2nd level, you can grab ahold of other people’s memories. As a standard action while you’re psionically focused, you may make a Sense Motive check. One intelligent creature within 30 feet of your choice must then make a Will save. If they succeed, they may not be affected by this ability for the next 24 hours. If they fail, you gain all of their memories from the past 5 hours, plus one hour for every point by which they fail the Will save. This is a mind-affecting effect.

>Implant Memory (Su): Starting at 8th level, you can lie to your foes through their very minds. As a standard action while you’re psionically focused, one intelligence creature within 30 feet of your choice must then make a Will save with a DC of 10 + half your psion level + your Intelligence modifier. If they succeed, they may not be affected by this ability for the next 24 hours. If they fail, you convince them that they experienced something that they didn’t actually experience. They may use your Bluff modifier instead of their own when convincing people of this. This is a mind-affecting effect.

(Su) abilities are not spells, and these are instantaneous effects. They are undetectable. Also, why the Sense Motive check?

My Saturday WotR campaign involved my PC finding the mangled and dismembered corpse of her eldest son being played with by a couple of demons as if it was a puppet. After what felt like a small demon-centered holocaust, we had a much more violent demon-centered holocaust after destroying a once powerful relic, insulting a bitch ass cowardly demon that showed up and going nuclear with weird holy buffs.

After that I made a homemade curry and stuffed myself with a pig while watching the newest season of The Americans.

It was a vengeance filled day. No demon or grain of rice were spared.

How much experience should be rewarded for a group that uses Diplomacy to convince the guards dragging them beyond a great wall into a frozen wasteland to give them extra gear beyond a bronze knife? Equal to defeating the guards in combat? Half that? An arbitrary number like 1000 (to be divided 4 ways)?

Depends on how much gear they're able to convince and what level they are.

No. It used to have something to do with Dreamscarred Press, Spherecasting. And shitting on Paizo.

So what is up with this Starfinder?

So anyone got a game with open spots? I'm desperate.

is that game with 2hu still recruiting? kek

Paizo decided they hadn't ripped off enough yet and are going for Spelljammer.

Touhou, please take a vacation.

>taking a vacation

He's autistic, not retarded. There's been enough drama lately that the last thing we need is more of him and the tripfags.

Speak for yourself, I want Forrest x QANON back!

Fuck off.

Dual disciple is good. You shouldn't bother with Focused Disciplines, the book is useless nonsense.

Nope, the GM followed a first come first served policy.
I was the third one to apply.
Closest I was to a game this month.

I do too, but we need a break from them. Too much shit has happened lately.

I was second. Such is life.

>they need a break from us

They are the ones at fault by a wide margin. The entire debacle has lowered by already poor opinion of DSP as a company.

>already poor opinion
Then why should they give a shit? You're not buying their books.

What happened? All I heard was that 2hu was being an asshole toward Forrest.

I have purchased some of their books. However I likely will stop if their quality continues to drop, both in content and general professionalism.

Several individuals wanted to be the specialist of snowflakes, spoilers they made threats to the community and handed power over to shitposters.

> user being autistic salt nuggets
> Somehow not our fault

Sure buddy

What'd they even do?

All I recall is one of them talking casually about things they thought ought to be toned down, and user went on about it like the end of fucking days.

What drop in professionalism? Are you still on about TG not being better than full attacks? They can't fix the base system, you fuck.

Yes because when an anonymous community is annoying the professional thing to do is throw tantrums. While DSP are merely unprofessional (especially Gareth), Q threw a tantrum. That's why I want her gone separate from my dislike from DSP's lack of professionalism.

And as I said they have begun releasing blatant cash grabs and seem to not care about their slip in quality.

Qanon took away the trove because shitposters wouldn't stop harassing 2hu

When we told her to go fuck herself, she gave it back and ran away crying like a little girl

I'm not around often enough to see a lot of this, but I believe at one point Gareth told Buildposter to fuck off.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

Yes and they handled it extremely poorly.

Gareth went into a frothing rage over a time build poster's math checked out. DSP uses their trips to talk about non-DSP content because they know the community is at their backs. It's obvious power tripping.

> Blatant cash grabs

Like fucking what? Examples.

Does talking like that make you feel like a big man, user?

>a big man
For (You).

The monster classes. The books were poorly edited, poorly thought out, had terrible formatting, and weren't even internally balanced. Some people will say "oh but the book says they're not SUPPOSED to be balanced". I have extreme doubts that wasn't added later.

Not only that, but they took away layout time that could have been given to a mountain of other projects DSP had backburned and wasted.

There's a bunch of things DSP put on hold indefinitely

like the Ethumions and Eiremians

To be fair, those races are pandering as FUCK and pretty much 100% waifubait.

All of these skill checks in place of attack rolls of Path of War confuses me. Can you use Power Attack with Rising Zenith Strike?


Well shit, back to dealing no damage for me.

Last I heard was that you can, but not sure if you can crit with them.

I know that stuff like Scarlet Eyes perception do not benefit from Power Attck since they are touch attacks.

I also remember Chris telling me once that the Zenith Strike Line doesn't multiply power attack, but I can't remember why.

>punishes player for giving a character a family member by killing said family member for cheap drama
That GM detected.

It's still a year away, and considering the current state of Paizo there's no way it won't be Full Retard

Bets on it being nonbinary aliens and adventurers fighting against the white man's colonial imperialism?

Is a sufficiently powerful villain knows you have family, and takes you seriously. There is no reason he shouldn't target them. That's why you keep your family in a safe place. Spend some of that wbl on that instead of a new +3 dildo.

I mean no binary aliens would make sense. 3+ sexes would be interesting, or concepts related to gender that are different to how humans function for it.

>You see, the V chromosomed parent injects their eggs into the Z chromosomed parent, and then the W chromosomed parent fertilizes them. There's also some fuck with no chromosomes at all. He gets off on watching. We don't really know why we evolved him.

Well, the character is a mother with four kids, including the recently deceased eldest son. She came to the city the campaign starts in looking for her kid that ran off with his father's old shitty armor and warped sword to do what he thought was right and get away from his mother who had become increasingly overprotective and overbearing after the death of her youngest.

So, it's not like it was unexpected. The character knew that her son was in danger from the moment she left for the city; after shit went down and the city was in ruins every corpse they pulled out of the rubble could have been him. I'm actually quite glad we found him in a room with a comrade surrounded by lesser demon corpses.

Even if he was a mangled meat puppet, he went out fighting, and she still has a kids back home she needs to protect. We're going full Murmley Sans Frontiers in this campaign, and this was just the kick the character needed to start rallying people to stuff their swords down disgusting redskin necks.

>To be fair, those races are pandering as FUCK and pretty much 100% waifubait.

When you look Blinklings, Alicorns and playable Succubi, its pretty much waifu-bait all around.
Then again, what fucking race ISN'T Pandering Waifu-Bait?

>what fucking race ISN'T Pandering Waifu-Bait?
anyone who waifus a human is a dirty degenerate who probably likes handholding and missionary sex with the lights off

What about eldritch abominations that pretend to be humans?

This is why almost everyone plays childless, only-child orphans.

Purest Waifu

>What about eldritch abominations that pretend to be humans?

Best Girls

We don't need any more races of "I'm a special snowflake because my ancestor fucked an Outsider".

I thought most Ethus and Eires were born the same way as Fetchlings?
"I was exposed to weird planar energies while I was in the womb"

Are you going to take over the trove? I know I'm sure as hell not. Maybe don't chase away the person pouring time and money into giving us books for literally no reward.

Hey, /pfg/, I've got a session tomorrow where we're facing a whole bunch of lava construct undead things. We only really got the teaser shot, so to speak, so I'm not sure what they are mechanically.

I'm playing a Sphere Arcanist who has already used Alteration go gain full immunity to fire. So, that being said, what sort of talents would be best to deal with this situation? Destruction with Cold Type and lengthened cone? Any other suggestions?

Actually, my last two characters have had families. It's been really interesting.

Paladin character in Ptolus had a rogue sister. As you can imagine, things were rather heated. Utlimately, that player had to drop because of schedule conflicts and we had her die from OD, but it was certainly great fun.

As for the other character, she's a noblewoman with a king for a brother that were estranged until he pardoned her for their parents murder last session. (Long story short; BBEG possessed her to get to daddy.) And her niece turns out to be her sister by her father raping some servant girl. So there's been a lot of family drama revolving around the throne and how much of a bastard dad turned out to be.

walking bags of xp

>anyone who waifus a human is a dirty degenerate who probably likes handholding and missionary sex with the lights off

Anyone who likes Monstergirls is a furry. checkmate, faggot.

>variant ifrit born when the mother burns to death, leaving the baby somehow alive

jokes on you, my waifu doesn't have fur

>Then again, what fucking race ISN'T Pandering Waifu-Bait?
Drow. Who the fuck wants a psychotic woman as a wife?
They're husbando bait for women who want battered husbands.

And then let's be real. Most people who want Drow waifus really just mean they want generic chocolate brown elf waifus.

inb4 somebody posts THAT drow image again

Look if you don't like Chocolate Elves, just say so. We also serve Vanilla and Blueberry. We have some Orange and Lime Elves somewhere at the back too.

Didn't say I didn't enjoy them, it's just we should be honest when discussing this stuff.

Vanilla is a plain elf
Chocolate is a drow
Lime, I guess is the wood elf

Where did orange and blue elves come from anyway? Night Elves and High Elves from Warcraft?

>Not wanting to marry a proper drow

>Who the fuck wants a psychotic woman as a wife?

user, come on where you think you are m8?

>Where did orange and blue elves come from anyway?

Orange would actually be the Sun Elf from the D&D Forgotten Realms lore.

I always just put the brown elves in the tropics, gave them green, photosynthetic hair, and a vague shark fetish.

A buddy stole them for a setting where a type of magicians gathered power from their surroundings to cast, and wearing as little as possible lets you take in more sunlight.

Sounds like Sea-Elves, which as per some renditions of their lore, were the result of elves and mermaids boning each other. They wore loose clothing because they've got gills that need adequate space so they can breath freely.

>which as per some renditions of their lore, were the result of elves and mermaids boning each other
>Elves and Humans
>Elves and Mermaids
>Elves and Unicorns
>Elves and Drows
>Elves and Orcs

Forget about humans, its the elves that are fantasy's biggest slut race.

>tfw we are going to adventure into underdark soon
>probably gonna meet some drows in the way
>probably gonna have to kill then because our DM rarely let us use Diplomacy to get the fuck out
No drow waifus allowed for us

>not secretly assigning 'Lolth' as your deity
>not hanging out with the party in order to sacrifice them for a spider waifu

I really like my current party mates, maybe if I get in a shitter group, not a bad idea to get rid of then.

Also as a Inquisitor not willing to step into Heretic grounds.

>not capturing and mindraping one into being your loving waifu using psychological torture
>Let's face it, that's probably 99% of how drow romance works anyway, so it's not like she won't be used to it

Drows being forcefully changed into Driders is SUPPOSED to be Lolth's punishment. Its not a reward! Fucking Normies! RRREEEEEEE!

Drow is already a plural, normie. One drow, two drow, dead drow, one drow.

Was it 3e that changed drider-ing into a reward?

4E to make for big monstrous mixed encounters so it wasn't party versus party like the old days.

I think the xen'drik drow had blessed drorpion people, though, so I could be wrong.

Would it be too crazy to make Orcs large creatures, as to make them horrifying, and having half-orcs be medium so that they can be the token playable savage monster-esque race? Or should there be a subspecies of large orcs? Pic related made me start thinking about it.

Speaking of which what items are a must in a underdark adventure? Besides motherfucking darkvision of course.

It would be hilarious if some PC Drow worshipped Lolth just to spite her and become Drider'd

I mean, have you seen a Drider's stats and racial abilities? Its a step up better than Drow