A shadow is cast over the orbital structures and construction yards as they drift through space, bathing them in darkness as the wall of ship hull blocks out the dim light of the nearest few stars. The ship moves over the assembly of deep space construction yards, drifting out of the orbit of the slag-covered sunless world beneath the waystation ruins, its wings spanning across the entire field of assembly yards.
The massive drive wings, spanning nearly as far as the ship is long, begin to slowly sweep forward, arcing with energy as the ship's drive spools up. The craft seethes with fighters and clouds of swarm drones, flowing around its six kilometer spine like a flowing whirlpool, diving into its outstretched hangars as it flexes its missile racks with an aching groan, the launch tubes emerging like a forest across the hull before retracting again as the drive wings sweep forward, energy discharges arcing between them and the spine of the ship, and in a sudden burst of light that bakes the skin of the construction platforms and casts harsh shadows along the frozen crags of slag along the planet bellow, it is gone. Departed to regroup with the rest of the fleet.
On the surface of Leeland, thunder rolls across the horizon as the clouds above become momentarily illuminated, the shadows of low flying corvettes cast harshly in the mists above, and the sun becomes dimmer.
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