The party must disguise as women using magic to complete their quest

>the party must disguise as women using magic to complete their quest

this is an old cliche, but can it be done without it becoming Magical Realm?

for example, the characters must infiltrate an amazon tribe or a matriarchy

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>can it be done without it becoming Magical Realm?

Can be done.
Will it be done?
The GM wants to feed his transformation/trap fetish in all likelyhood.

Of course it's magical realm

>using magic

>not being magical realm

We are not indulging your sick conjoinment fantasies about fusing the party into a single amazon girl, OP. We already discussed that particular part of fetishfaggotry

It can be done.

I wouldn't mind if the GM did that to us. Then again, I play with people who know how to communicate when something makes them uncomfortable, so I know when to stop.

This actually happened in a game I was in. We infiltrated a cult that kidnapped young girls and sacrificed them to their unspeakable horror god by having ourselves transformed into lolis and joining an oprhanage undercover.

It was a helluva campaign

Stop this shit. Jerk off first, then post.

>the characters must infiltrate an amazon tribe or a matriarchy
that's making it even more of a fetish, you dip

Convents are the cliche, but since players and GMs can't be trusted with anything female, and because nuns are another enormous fetish, everyone just uses priests instead.


Slightly off-topic but I always hated when people include nuns or monk orders in their random fantasy world with random fantasy religions. they're so specific to Christian thinking that it gets incredibly weird to have "nun devoted to the great god Axpltohoc" for me.

I want the magical realm memery to die.

It can be done.

BBEG is now the patriarchy

it always was

die, CIS scum etc

>for example, the characters must infiltrate an amazon tribe or a matriarchy
So it's not magical realm if it is already magical realm?
like a double negative

The simple way to rectify this is to make one person disguise as a woman and spin it as a joke instead of some weird ass fetish. God forbid we have fun with the game and not masturbate under the table.

but I roleplay for escapism user

Or have women disguise as men.

Played for laughs, obviously.

Could the situation be construed in such a way that anyone on the planet could in even the slightest way feel somewhat aroused by even the smallest implications of that scenario? Then it's magical realm.

Stop trying to have fun user, you're not living your life correctly.

>Without becoming a magical realm
but user
this IS my magical realm

That sounds like a pretty fun campaign.

Slayers have a crossdressing episode every season.
It's pure comedy.

"Female focused portion of devotees" isn't something so specific. They are calling them nuns because that's the word in English language which is being used to converse.

>not knowing what magical realm means
>knowing what it means but thinking your post was worthwhile or funny

Seeing the Puritanical zeal with which Veeky Forums's moral arbiters scream about perversion, moral degeneracy and similar makes me glad I don't game with Americans, who are clearly so oppressed by the church as to really believe women have "dirty pillows" and sexual desire is sin.

It is quite depressing to think a major first world power's people are still so in thrall to superstition they have a stunted and repressed sexuality.

Cross dressing used to be a staple of comedy. Watch some old movies or some Benny Hill.

Your not clever

If your goal isn't to get off on it, why does it have to be women? There are so many other ways to disguise as the enemy. Disguise them as orcs or zombies or in uniforms from the enemy army. All of the tension and none of the cringe factor.

>the party must sneak into the barbarian encampment by disguising themselves using fur-covered slabs of beef

>the party must sneak into the necromancer's dungeon by wearing black morphsuits with skeleton prints on them

Presumably because the other half of the coin is the party being forced to do something embarrassing to further their goal. Something they wouldn't want to do under other circumstances.

Dressing up as an orc or zombie doesn't accomplish that. It probably doesn't have to be women, but unless there is something else you can think of that adventurers would likewise be averse to disguising themselves as, you are losing some of the roleplay value of the situation.

What about "priestess"?


Of course it can be done. I would recommend making all the players talk like crossdressed Monty Python people while in disguise

Someone steals one of the party members magic hammer and demands some chick in return for it. Dude must dress up as chick to infiltrate wedding and steal hammer back. Hilarity insues.