Magic: The Gathering Modern General (competitive discussion)
>In roughly one hour, the banlist update will be released. When it's out, answer this: what are your thoughts? >Guillaume Wafo-Tapa is having some success with Esper Control on MTGO. Granted, it's a professional pro player, but what are your thoughts on the deck? >Is Spirits a meme?
• Ancient Den • Birthing Pod • Blazing Shoal • Bloodbraid Elf • Chrome Mox • Cloudpost • Dark Depths • Deathrite Shaman • Dig Through Time • Dread Return • Eye of Ugin • Glimpse of Nature • Great Furnace • Green Sun's Zenith • Hypergenesis • Jace, the Mind Sculptor • Mental Misstep • Ponder • Preordain • Punishing Fire • Rite of Flame • Seat of the Synod • Second Sunrise • Seething Song • Sensei's Divining Top • Skullclamp • Splinter Twin • Stoneforge Mystic • Summer Bloom • Treasure Cruise • Tree of Tales • Umezawa's Jitte • Vault of Whispers
You can unban up to three. Which do you choose?
Jayden Mitchell
Right now? I don't think the format needs anything to change. In the future, maybe BBE.
Alexander Smith
Stoneforge Mystic and maybe BBE.
Aiden Wood
I would unban
>Splinter Twin
It wasn't broken and all the reasons wotc listed as reasons to ban it were completely pulled out of their ass
>Stoneforge Mystic
Control should be able to exist and SfM would help
>rite of flame
Storm is shit and I don't think it'll push it into tier 1
Noah Morales
Obviously nothing will be banned right now. I doubt anything will be unbanned either, but I hope Stoneforge Mystic gets unbanned just my AEther Vials spike to FoW-level ridiculousness.
I'm also considering Bygone Bishop since all creatures are cmc 3 or less and the deck's severely lacking card draw. Plus, using vials means you don't have to worry much about leaving the mana open to cast the creature after crackin the clue.
You could say its too slow, but cantriping off every creature to keep your hand fueled is very important for a tempo deck that wants to have cards in hand as answers or bluffs. Its solid card advantage turn after turn in a deck that is played during your opponents' turn, so its great to be able to draw a card or two if you don't have any answers or nothing in particular to answer to.